5 research outputs found

    Semiotic Analysis of Tantri Namirah Self-Presentation on Instagram

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    The development and growth of the internet brought new ways to communicate in social life, one of the changes that occurred was the presence of new media. With the presence of new media, the communication paradigm in society has experienced a significant shift. This happens because of the characteristics of the new media which contains convergent properties. These characteristics can change the character of society in media life which has direct implications for modern human life. Social media is one of the means of communication produced by new media. Through social media, a person can express or present himself freely through social media. The purpose of this research is to understand semiotic signs in photos uploaded through Tantri Namirah's social media as a form of Self Presentation. The method used in this research is qualitative with descriptive type. The results are to describe the data through Roland Barthes' semiotics methodology approach to understand Self Presentation signs displayed in the form of photos and then analyzed using denotative and connotative signs. From this study found a unique self-presentation in the clothes of Tantri Namirah

    The Ability of Secondary Metabolites from Actinomadura sp. as COVID-19 Protease Inhibitor: In Silico Method

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    The pandemic of COVID-19 disease in the late of 2019 resulted in the massive screening for drug discovery purpose. However, there is still no reports about the ability of natural products from bacterial group of class Actinobacteria as COVID-19 inhibitor. The aim of this research is to identify the potential ability of natural compounds from Actinomadura sp., the member of class Actinobacteria, against two receptors of COVID-19 protease with PDB ID 6LU7 and 5R7Y. The eleven natural compounds were docked using AutoDock Vina and the interaction between receptor and ligands were analysed using LIGPLOT. The most potential compound was simulated for its interaction stability using Yet Another Scientific Artificial Reality Application (YASARA) dynamics. The result of molecular docking by AutoDock Vina showed that Sagamilactam become the most potential inhibitor for viral protease as it had lower binding affinity (6LU7:-12 and 5R7Y:-10.4) compared to the both of  native ligand (6LU7:-11.4 and 5R7Y:-4.6). Furthermore, the interaction of the most potential ligand showed the low number of Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) deviation in molecular dynamic simulations. This result validated the docking method that used and indicated that secondary metabolites produced from rare actinobacteria of Actinomadura sp. have promising possibility to inhibit COVID-19 protease

    Gandara: Antologi Artikel Mahasiswa MBKM Program Studi Musik 2022-2023

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    Buku ini merupakan kumpulan tulisan dari mahasiswa program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) dari Program Studi S-1 Musik Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta beserta beberapa tulisan dari peneliti dan Praktisi Mengajar pada program MBKM tahun 2022-2023. Para penulis, khususnya mahasiswa yang mengikuti program MBKM ini, menganalisis berbagai fenomena musik yang hadir di sekeliling mereka melalui keahlian teoritis dan praktis dalam rangka mengaktualisasikan diri sebagai sosok yang akan berkecimpung di dunia musikologi. Musikologi sebagai suatu bidang kajian khas, menginvestigasi fenomena musik melalui kekayaan perspektif yang tidak terbatas pada wacana teoritis yang anya menyoroti aspek sistematis, komparatif, dan historis saja, akan tetapi juga penting untuk melibatkan berbagai sudut pandang yang mampu memperkaya kajiannya. Untuk itu harapan dari diterbitkannya antologi artikel ini secara utama hendak melihat bahwa kajian tentang musik telah menjelajahi banyak hal dan berbagai kemungkinan yang terbuka dengan begitu luas