14 research outputs found

    Peran Pemerintah Indonesia bersama IOM Dalam Mengatasi Masalah Perdagangan Perempuan Indonesia ke Timur Tengah Periode 2016-2019

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menganalisis tentang peran pemerintah Indonesia dalam menangani masalah perdagangaan  perempuan Indonesia ke Timur Tengah pada tahun 2016-2019. Namun di tengah upaya-upaya yang dilakukan, nyatanya pemerintah Indonesia juga memerlukan adanya sebuah elemen kerjasama dari sebuah lembaga ataupun organisasi, yang diharapkan mampu membantu upaya pemerintah untuk mengatasi masalah perdagangan perempuan yang terjadi di Indonesia, salah satu upaya pemerintah yaitu dengan menjalin kerjasama bersama Internastional Organization for Migration (IOM). Karena mengingat kasus tersebut merupakan kejahatan lintas negara yang terorganisasi yang tidak hanya terjadi didalam negara tetapi telah melintasi batas negara. IOM tidak hanya memenuhi kebutuhan bantuan yang berkaitan dengan fisik, namun juga menjamin dan memelihara lingkungan tempat tinggal yang terjamin kebersihan, keamanan hingga kenyamanan nya. Pemerintah Indonesia dan IOM sudah sama-sama melakukan upaya dalam menangani masalah perdagangan perempuan yang terjadi di Indonesia ke Timur Tengah tersebut, namun bukan berarti upaya tersebut menjamin akan berkurangnya masalah perdagangan orang yang terjadi di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Indonesia, Perdagangan Orang, Internastional Organization for Migration (IOM), Timur Tengah.  ABSTRACTThis research analyzes the role of the Indonesian government in dealing with the problem of trafficking of Indonesian women to the Middle East in 2016-2019. However, in the midst of the efforts made, in fact, the Indonesian government also needs an element of cooperation from an institution or organization, which is expected to be able to assist the government's efforts to overcome the problem of trafficking in women that occurs in Indonesia, one of the government's efforts is to collaborate with international partners. Organization for Migration (IOM). Because considering that the case is an organized transnational crime that does not only occur within the state but has crossed national bordersIOM not only meets physical assistance needs, but also guarantees and maintains a living environment that is guaranteed cleanliness, safety and comfort. The Indonesian government and IOM have both made efforts to address the problem of trafficking in women that occurred in Indonesia to the Middle East, but this does not mean that these efforts will reduce the problem of trafficking in persons that occurs in Indonesia. Keywords: Indonesia, Human Trafficking, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Middle Eas


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    Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas tentang alasan Australia yang telah memberikan dukungan terhadap perjuangan kemerdekaan Timor Leste dari Indonesia. Tulisan ini bersifat diskriptif analitis, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data, menggunakan teknik “librarian research” dimana data-data untuk mendukung argumen diperoleh dengan cara mengumpulkan data tersebut dari berbagai sumber seperti buku-buku atau literatur, jurnal, surat kabar, majalah, maupun data-data yang bersumber dari internet. Adapun hasil dari pembahasan dalam tulisan ini menunjukkan adanya fakta bahwa Australia telah mengalami pergeseran kepentingan terhadap Timor Leste. Di era tahun 1970-an, Australia memiliki kepentingan keamanan nasional terhadap Timor Leste. Karena ketika itu dianggap komunis sudah masuk Timor Leste, sehingga Australia mendukung Indonesia untuk melakukan invasi terhadap Timor Leste dengan alasan keamanan. Kemudian di tahun 1980-an kepentingan nasional Australia terhadap Timor Leste berubah menjadi kepentingan ekonomi. Hal ini ditandai dengan pemberian dukungan terhadap kemerdekaan Timor leste dari Indonesia. Perunahan tersebut dilandasi karena Australia menginginkan legalitas pengolahan sumber daya alam di wilayah Celah Timor tetap terjaga. Karena ketika itu dunia internasional mempermasalahkan keabsahan pendudukan Indoensia atas Timor Leste. Artinya ada kepentingan ekonomi bagi Australia berupa peluang pengolahan minyak dan gas di Celah Timor.   Kata Kunci: Australia, Timor Leste, Keamanan Nasional, Kepentingan Ekonomi, Celah Timor

    Pengaruh Norma HAM Terhadap Proses Kemerdekaan Timor Leste dari Indonesia

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    This paper discusses about the reasons of Indonesia which provides a referendum to East Timor which resulted in East Timor being independent from Indonesia. This paper is analytical descriptive, using qualitative methods, with the data collection techniques, using "librarian research" where data to support arguments are obtained by collecting such data from various sources such as books or literature, journals, newspapers, Magazines, as well as data sourced from the internet. The results of the discussion in this paper indicate the fact that the process of independence of Timor Leste from Indonesia because of the influence of human rights norms that at that time developed and became the international world agenda. So that, with using the human rights norms, Timor Leste and the international community succeeded in intervening in Indonesia to provide a referendum to Timor Lesete as the embodiment of human rights enforcement in Indonesia. Tulisan ini membahas tentang alasan Indonesia yang memberikan referendum kepada Timor Leste yang mengakibatkan Timor Leste merdeka dari Indonesia. Tulisan ini bersifat diskriptif analitis, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data, menggunakan teknik librarian researchdimana data-data untuk mendukung argumen diperoleh dengan cara mengumpulkan data tersebut dari berbagai sumber seperti buku-buku atau literatur, jurnal, surat kabar, majalah, maupun data-data yang bersumber dari internet. Adapun hasil dari pembahasan dalam tulisan ini menunjukkan adanya fakta bahwa proses kemerdekaan Timor Leste dari Indonesia karena adanya pengaruh dari norma HAM yang saat itu berkembang dan menjadi agenda dunia internasinal. Sehingga dengan menggunakan norma HAM tersebut, Timor Leste bersama masyarakat internasional berhasil mengintervensi Indonesia untuk memberikan referendum kepada Timor Lesete sebagai perwujudan penegakan HAM di Indonesia.


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    ABSTRACTThe Existance of Indonesian Workers in the Middle East, is very beneficial in terms of foreign exchange earnings. Despite the high rate of remittances generated, the Indonesian government must also implement a moratorium on migrant workers sending policies to the Middle East in 2015, which is feared that this could cause a reduction in the amount of remittances, secifically for the Middle East region. Here, the writer will discuss in dept why the government should carry out the moratorium policy of migrant workers to the Middle East in 2015, while the gorvernment  also know that the existance of the overseas migrant workers woud benefit economically. The writer see that, as the main actor, the state is obliged to provide protection for all its citizens whwrever they are.Keywords: Indonesia Workers, Moratorium, National Interest, Protecting Citizens. ABSTRAKKeberadaan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Timur Tengah, sangatlah menguntungkan dalam hal pendapatan devisa. Dibalik tingginya angka remitansi yang dihasilkan, namun pemerintah Indonesia juga harus menerapkan kebijakan moratorium pengiriman TKI ke Timur Tengah Tahun 2015, yang mana kebijakan tersebut dikhawatirkan dapat menyebabkan penurunan jumlah remitansi, secara khusus untuk kawasan Timur Tengah. Di sini, penulis akan membahas secara mendalam mengapa pemerintah harus melakukan kebijakan moratorius TKI ke Timur tengah Tahun 2015, sedangkan pemerintah juga tahu bahwa keberadaan TKI luar negeri tentu memberi keuntungan secara ekonomi. Penulis menggunakan sudut pandang realisme, dengan memakai teori kepentingan nasional, sehingga akan dibahas secara  mendalam terkait permasalahan yang ada. Dalam penelitian tersebut, penulis melihat bahwa, sebagai aktor utama, negara wajib memberikan perlindungan bagi seluruh warga negaranya di mana pun berada.Kata Kunci: Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, Moratorium, Kepentingan Nasional, Melindungi Warga Negara


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    ABSTRACT Prolonged military conflict between the government of Myanmar and Rohingya ethnicity has affected to the neighboring countries, particularly Southeast Asia. Indonesia is one of those affected by exodus of Rohingya ethnicity refugees to Southeast Asia in May 2015. Boats of the refugee exodus tottering in the middle of the sea after left by people smuggler were finally stranded in the Strait of Malacca. The coming of the refugees was rejected by three countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The Army increased their surveillance and dispelled the boats from entering to sovereignty territory of the Republic of Indonesia, however, the community of Aceh who uphold the Human Right values, felt a pity with condition of the refugees and immediately gave a help and bought them to the land. After were criticized by local and international people due to their refusal to the refugees from Myanmar, finally the three countries made a consultation meeting. Indonesia and Malaysia stated to welcome the refugees of Rohingya ethnicity for one year. This research was aimed at analyzing change of Indonesian stance toward the coming of Rohingya ethnicity refugees from Myanmar in the middle of May 2015. The change of Indonesian stance from rejecting the coming of Rohingya ethnicity with many reasons to accept them for a year was the main problem of study in this research. The problem was analyzed by using qualitative descriptive method with constructivism paradigm as the argument basis and was strengthen by concept of refugees and Human Right values (HAM). Based on the finding of this research, it is concluded that the change of Indonesian stance from refusing to be accepting the Rohingya ethnicity refugees was due to insistence of local and international people as well as Indonesian identity as a country upholding Human Right values. Keyword: Indonesia, refugees, Rohingya ethnicity, Human Right values.     ABSTRAK Kehadiran gelombang pengungsi etnis Rohingya yang mencari suaka ke wilayah Asia Tenggara, menimbulkan polemik. Kapal-kapal eksodus para pengungsi etnis Rohingya yang terombang-ambing di tengah laut setelah ditinggalkan oleh para penyelundup manusia, terdampar di perairan dekat Selat Malaka. Kehadiran para pengungsi tersebut ditolak oleh tiga negara : Indonesia, Malaysia dan Thailand. TNI meningkatkan pengawasan dan menghalau kapal-kapal para pengungsi yang memasuki wilayah kedaulatan RI, namun masyarakat Aceh merasa iba melihat kondisi para pengungsi dan segera membawa para pengungsi ke darat. Setelah mendapat kecaman dari lokal dan internasional karena menolak para pengungsi asal Myanmar tersebut, akhirnya Indonesia dan Malaysia menyatakan bersedia menampung para pengungsi asal Rohingya selama satu tahun. Penelitian ini menelaah perubahan sikap Indonesia yang semula menolak dengan berbagai alasan, akhirnya bersedia menampung para pengungsi etnis Rohingya selama satu tahun. Permasalahan tersebut dianalisis menggunakan metode deskripsi kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivisme sebagai dasar argumen dan diperkuat dengan konsep pengungsi (refugees). Berdasarkan  temuan hasil penelitian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa perubahan sikap Indonesia yang akhirnya bersedia menerima para pengungsi etnis Rohingya dikarenakan identitas Indonesia sebagai negara yang menjunjung tinggi norma HAM. Kata Kunci : Indonesia, pengungsi, etnis Rohingya, identitas, norma HAM


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    In dealing with the conflict in Papua, the Indonesian government has made various efforts, one of which is changing the status of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) which was originally defined as an armed criminal group, then changed to a terrorist group. The focus of this research is the change in the status of the OPM to the terrorist organization. This research is analytical with an explanatory approach that explains the reasons behind the policy taken by the Indonesian government to change the status of OPM to a terrorist organization. In collecting data to build arguments in this study using a literature study approach, where data is obtained from various literature sources such as books, journals, documents or reports, and also from internet sources that are considered relevant. The findings of this study can be illustrated that the Indonesian government's policy to change the status of the OPM to a terrorist organization has been motivated by several reasons, including: OPM has met the definitive requirements as a terrorist; expanding the space for the Indonesian government to deal with the OPM, including facilitating the tracking and blocking of funding for the OPM movement; To gain legitimacy from any efforts or steps taken to confront OPM; Using the "war on terror" norm to reduce the perception of human rights violations committed by the Indonesian government

    COVID-19: A Nontraditional Threat

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    The development of security studies in international relations since its origin has usually been related to safeguarding a country’s sovereignty from military and traditional threats from others. However, in this information and technological era, the essence of security has shifted from its distinctive meaning. The threats the world is facing today are subtle in form, difficult to predict, and intangible in most cases. Military might is no longer a threat. The COVID-19 pandemic is an excellent example that shows that future security threats can not only come as a large-scale military invasion but could be as tiny as an airborne virus. Battling these threats does not require conventional weapons but an obedient public attitude toward the government policies. For this reason, state security must be built not just by the state but also by the people. This article discusses COVID-19 as a nontraditional threat that has a profound impact on state and human security. Keywords: security, nontraditional threats, COVID-1

    Strategi Diplomasi Kemanusiaan Pemerintah Indonesia Dalam Kasus Krisis Kemanusiaan Yang Dialami Etnis Rohingya Di Myanmar Tahun 2017

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    This research wants to look at the humanitarian diplomacy strategy by the Indonesian government to provide humanitarian assistance to the Rohingya ethnic groups (especially those still in Myanmar in 2017). Myanmar's military and also the majority of people in Rakhine who are Buddhists have committed acts of violence and seized the human rights of the Rohingya ethnic group which is an ethnic minority in Rakhine who are Muslim. The issue attracted the attention of the international community, including Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method, with a descriptive analytic approach, where data are collected by literature study. The findings of this study are: the Indonesian government has used several humanitarian diplomacy strategies, including: conducting a diplomatic approach between the Indonesian government and the Myanmar government (with due regard to the ASEAN Way), collaborating with the United Nations (offering formula 4+1 as a form of implementation of the recommendations from Advisory Commission Report for Rakhine), involved civilians to channel aid to the Rohingya ethnic group in Myanmar (forming AKIM consisting of 11 humanitarian agencies). The strategy succeeded in breaking through the blockade carried out by the Myanmar government as an effort to block humanitarian assistance provided by the international community.


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    Pasca peristiwa 9/11, isu terorisme di dunia internasional menjadi isu penting. Bahkan di Indonesia pasca peristiwa serangan terhadap gedung WTC tersebut direspon dengan membuat instrumen kontra treorisme dalam konteks nasional yang kemudian dalam proses pelaksanaannya dianggap melanggar HAM. Padahal fenomena terorisme di Indonesia sebenarnya sudah ada jauh sebelum Indonesia membuat kebijakan-kebijakan kontra terorisme seperti: pembuatan UU anti terorisme, pembentukan BNPT, serta pembentukan pasukan khusus Densus 88. Tulisan ini ingin menjelaskan adanya pengaruh dari dimensi ide yang mempengaruhi persepsi pemerintah Indonesia dalam memaknai ancaman terorisme yang dibangun dalam konteks konstruksi sosial dalam pergaulan internasional, yang kemudian memberikan pengaruh bagi pemerintah Indonesia untuk membuat kebijakan represif dan cenderung melanggar HAM dalam kontra terorisme karena terorisme dipersepsikan sebagai ancaman nasional yang luar biasa.

    The Construction of the Indonesian Government's Repressive Counter-Terrorism Policy

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    The Indonesian government has made a counter-terrorism legal instrument starting in 2001. And the making of counter-terrorism policies in Indonesia was carried out after the 9/11 event. Even though the phenomenon of terrorism that occurred in Indonesia existed before 2001. Even since Indonesia became an independent state, there have been many events that can be classified into the phenomenon of terrorism. But the Indonesian government responded by making legal instruments after 2001. In overcoming terrorism, the Indonesian government prefers a repressive approach. Detachment 88 as a special anti-terrorist force, allegedly has committed many human rights violations. Even in the last 10 years, at least 120 suspected terrorists were killed in the arrest process and 40 people were victims of wrongful arrests. In addition, more than 80% of them were subjected to torture. However, the repressive approach has not been able to reduce the number of terrorist attacks in Indonesia. Therefore, this research seeks to find what factors that influencing the Indonesian government to make repressive counter-terrorism policies in Indonesia. The findings revealed the existence of several factors including the persuasion of the international community, the influence of international norms, and the perception of the Indonesian government in understanding the threat of terrorism which is influenced by past experience