109 research outputs found

    Quantum Magnetism, Spin Waves, and Light

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    Both magnetic materials and light have always played a predominant role in information technologies, and continue to do so as we move into the realm of quantum technologies. In this course we review the basics of magnetism and quantum mechanics, before going into more advanced subjects. Magnetism is intrinsically quantum mechanical in nature, and magnetic ordering can only be explained by use of quantum theory. We will go over the interactions and the resulting Hamiltonian that governs magnetic phenomena, and discuss its elementary excitations, denominated magnons. After that we will study magneto-optical effects and derive the classical Faraday effect. We will then move on to the quantization of the electric field and the basics of optical cavities. This will allow us to understand a topic of current research denominated Cavity Optomagnonics. These notes were written as the accompanying material to the course I taught in the Summer Semester 2018 at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen. The course is intended for Master or advanced Bachelor students. Basic knowledge of quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and solid state at the Bachelor level is assumed. Each section is followed by a couple of simple exercises which should serve as to "fill in the blanks" of what has been derived, plus specific references to bibliography, and a couple of check-points for the main concepts developed. The figures are pictures of the blackboard taken during the lecture.Comment: Class notes, revised version, typos corrected, figures adde

    Cavity Optomagnonics

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    In the recent years a series of experimental and theoretical efforts have centered around a new topic: the coherent, cavity-enhanced interaction between optical photons and solid state magnons. The resulting emerging field of Cavity Optomagnonics is of interest both at a fundamental level, providing a new platform to study light-matter interaction in confined structures, as well as for its possible relevance for hybrid quantum technologies. In this chapter I introduce the basic concepts of Cavity Optomagnonics and review some theoretical developments

    Antiferromagnetic cavity optomagnonics

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    Currently there is a growing interest in studying the coherent interaction between magnetic systems and electromagnetic radiation in a cavity, prompted partly by possible applications in hybrid quantum systems. We propose a multimode cavity optomagnonic system based on antiferromagnetic insulators, where optical photons couple coherently to the two homogeneous magnon modes of the antiferromagnet. These have frequencies typically in the THz range, a regime so far mostly unexplored in the realm of coherent interactions, and which makes antiferromagnets attractive for quantum transduction from THz to optical frequencies. We derive the theoretical model for the coupled system, and show that it presents unique characteristics. In particular, if the antiferromagnet presents hard-axis magnetic anisotropy, the optomagnonic coupling can be tuned by a magnetic field applied along the easy axis. This allows us to bring a selected magnon mode into and out of a dark mode, providing an alternative for a quantum memory protocol. The dynamical features of the driven system present unusual behavior due to optically induced magnon-magnon interactions, including regions of magnon heating for a red-detuned driving laser. The multimode character of the system is evident in a substructure of the optomagnonically induced transparency window

    Magnon-Phonon Quantum Correlation Thermometry

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    A large fraction of quantum science and technology requires low-temperature environments such as those afforded by dilution refrigerators. In these cryogenic environments, accurate thermometry can be difficult to implement, expensive, and often requires calibration to an external reference. Here, we theoretically propose a primary thermometer based on measurement of a hybrid system consisting of phonons coupled via a magnetostrictive interaction to magnons. Thermometry is based on a cross-correlation measurement in which the spectrum of back-action driven motion is used to scale the thermomechanical motion, providing a direct measurement of the phonon temperature independent of experimental parameters. Combined with a simple low-temperature compatible microwave cavity readout, this primary thermometer is expected to become a promising alternative for thermometry below 1 K

    Cavity optomagnonics with magnetic textures: coupling a magnetic vortex to light

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    Optomagnonic systems, where light couples coherently to collective excitations in magnetically ordered solids, are currently of high interest due to their potential for quantum information processing platforms at the nanoscale. Efforts so far, both at the experimental and theoretical level, have focused on systems with a homogeneous magnetic background. A unique feature in optomagnonics is however the possibility of coupling light to spin excitations on top of magnetic textures. We propose a cavity-optomagnonic system with a non homogeneous magnetic ground state, namely a vortex in a magnetic microdisk. In particular we study the coupling between optical whispering gallery modes to magnon modes localized at the vortex. We show that the optomagnonic coupling has a rich spatial structure and that it can be tuned by an externally applied magnetic field. Our results predict cooperativities at maximum photon density of the order of C102\mathcal{C}\approx10^{-2} by proper engineering of these structures.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, published versio

    Coupled Spin-Light dynamics in Cavity Optomagnonics

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    Experiments during the past two years have shown strong resonant photon-magnon coupling in microwave cavities, while coupling in the optical regime was demonstrated very recently for the first time. Unlike with microwaves, the coupling in optical cavities is parametric, akin to optomechanical systems. This line of research promises to evolve into a new field of optomagnonics, aimed at the coherent manipulation of elementary magnetic excitations by optical means. In this work we derive the microscopic optomagnonic Hamiltonian. In the linear regime the system reduces to the well-known optomechanical case, with remarkably large coupling. Going beyond that, we study the optically induced nonlinear classical dynamics of a macrospin. In the fast cavity regime we obtain an effective equation of motion for the spin and show that the light field induces a dissipative term reminiscent of Gilbert damping. The induced dissipation coefficient however can change sign on the Bloch sphere, giving rise to self-sustained oscillations. When the full dynamics of the system is considered, the system can enter a chaotic regime by successive period doubling of the oscillations.Comment: Extended version, as publishe

    Magnon heralding in cavity optomagnonics

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    In the emerging field of cavity optomagnonics, photons are coupled coherently to magnons in solid-state systems. These new systems are promising for implementing hybrid quantum technologies. Being able to prepare Fock states in such platforms is an essential step towards the implementation of quantum information schemes. We propose a magnon-heralding protocol to generate a magnon Fock state by detecting an optical cavity photon. Due to the peculiarities of the optomagnonic coupling, the protocol involves two distinct cavity photon modes. Solving the quantum Langevin equations of the coupled system, we show that the temporal scale of the heralding is governed by the magnon-photon cooperativity and derive the requirements for generating high fidelity magnon Fock states. We show that the nonclassical character of the heralded state, which is imprinted in the autocorrelation of an optical "read" mode, is only limited by the magnon lifetime for small enough temperatures. We address the detrimental effects of nonvacuum initial states, showing that high fidelity Fock states can be achieved by actively cooling the system prior to the protocol.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures. Correction of typos, version as publishe

    Quantum thermodynamics of the driven resonant level model

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    We present a consistent thermodynamic theory for the resonant level model in the wide band limit, whose level energy is driven slowly by an external force. The problem of defining 'system' and 'bath' in the strong coupling regime is circumvented by considering as the 'system' everything that is influenced by the externally driven level. The thermodynamic functions that are obtained to first order beyond the quasistatic limit fulfill the first and second law with a positive entropy production, successfully connect to the forces experienced by the external driving, and reproduce the correct weak coupling limit of stochastic thermodynamics.Comment: Final version as publishe

    Scattering theory of adiabatic reaction forces due to out-of-equilibrium quantum environments

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    The Landauer-Buettiker theory of mesoscopic conductors was recently extended to nanoelectromechanical systems. In this extension, the adiabatic reaction forces exerted by the electronic degrees of freedom on the mechanical modes were expressed in terms of the electronic S-matrix and its first non-adiabatic correction, the A-matrix. Here, we provide a more natural and efficient derivation of these results within the setting and solely with the methods of scattering theory. Our derivation is based on a generic model of a slow classical degree of freedom coupled to a quantum-mechanical scattering system, extending previous work on adiabatic reaction forces for closed quantum systems.Comment: Minor typos fixed, published versio

    Scattering theory of current-induced forces in mesoscopic systems

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    We develop a scattering theory of current-induced forces exerted by the conduction electrons of a general mesoscopic conductor on slow "mechanical" degrees of freedom. Our theory describes the current-induced forces both in and out of equilibrium in terms of the scattering matrix of the phase-coherent conductor. Under general nonequilibrium conditions, the resulting mechanical Langevin dynamics is subject to both non-conservative and velocity-dependent Lorentz-like forces, in addition to (possibly negative) friction. We illustrate our results with a two-mode model inspired by hydrogen molecules in a break junction which exhibits limit-cycle dynamics of the mechanical modes.Comment: 4+ pages, 1 figure; v2: minor modification