42 research outputs found

    Випадок операції герніопластики, ускладненої некротизуючим фасціїтом

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    В основі статті – випадок герніопластики пахвинної грижі, що ускладнилася виникненням некротизуючого фасціїту.Пацієнт Б. був госпіталізований у клініку в плановому порядку. Після відповідної підготовки та дообстежень його булопрооперовано. Внаслідок пластики грижі за способом Бассіні (задньої стінки пахвинного каналу) у пацієнта виниксильний біль у ділянці післяопераційної рани, який не вдалося купірувати введенням знеболювальних, спазмолітиків,нестероїдних протизапальних засобів, навіть наркотичних анальгетиків. На наступний день після операції констатова-но зміну кольору країв шкіри (блідо-ціанотичні зливні плями) та виділення геморагічного ексудату з післяопераційноїрани. У зв’язку з швидким прогресуванням змін у ділянці рани та калитки виконано повторне операційне втручання –некректомію та дренування в межах здорових тканин, оскільки було стверджено наявність анаеробної неклостридіальноїфлегмони ураженої ділянки тіла. Пацієнт перебував у реанімаційному відділі. Впродовж 12 днів утримувалася стійкагіпотонія інтоксикаційного генезу, постійно вводили вазопресори (дофамін – 5 діб). У зв’язку з проявами дихальноїнедостатності його було переведено на штучну вентиляцію легень. Щоденно хворому виконували перев’язки з етап-ними некректоміями. Двічі хірургічні санації проводили в умовах операційної під загальним знеболюванням. Післястабілізації загального стану пацієнт отримав 10 сеансів гіпербаричної оксигенації (ГБО). На 21-шу післяопераційнудобу хворого було переведено у спеціалізований відділ для аутодермопластики ділянок пахвини та промежини

    Detecting nitrogen oxide emissions in Qatar and quantifying emission factors of gas-fired power plants : a 4-year study

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    Nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2), produced in urban areas and industrial facilities (particularly in fossil-fuel-fired power plants), are major sources of air pollutants, with implications for human health, leading local and national authorities to estimate their emissions using inventories. In Qatar, these inventories are not regularly updated, while the country is experiencing fast economic growth. Here, we use spaceborne retrievals of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) columns at high spatial resolution from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) to estimate NOx emissions in Qatar from 2019 to 2022 with a flux-divergence scheme, according to which emissions are calculated as the sum of a transport term and a sink term representing the three-body reaction comprising NO2 and hydroxyl radical (OH). Our results highlight emissions from gas power plants in the northeast of the country and from the urban area of the capital, Doha. The emissions from cement plants in the west and different industrial facilities in the southeast are underestimated due to frequent low-quality measurements of NO2 columns in these areas. Our top-down model estimates a weekly cycle, with lower emissions on Fridays compared to the rest of the week, which is consistent with social norms in the country, and an annual cycle, with mean emissions of 9.56 kt per month for the 4-year period. These monthly emissions differ from the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service global anthropogenic emissions (CAMS-GLOB-ANT_v5.3) and the Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGARv6.1) global inventories, for which the annual cycle is less marked and the average emissions are respectively 1.67 and 1.68 times higher. Our emission estimates are correlated with local electricity generation and allow us to infer a mean NOx emission factor of 0.557 t NOx GWh−1 for the three gas power plants in the Ras Laffan area

    Density currents as a desert dust mobilization mechanism

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    The formation and propagation of density currents are well studied processes in fluid dynamics with many applications in other science fields. In the atmosphere, density currents are usually meso-I2/I3 phenomena and are often associated with storm downdrafts. These storms are responsible for the formation of severe dust episodes (haboobs) over desert areas. In the present study, the formation of a convective cool pool and the associated dust mobilization are examined for a representative event over the western part of Sahara desert. The physical processes involved in the mobilization of dust are described with the use of the integrated atmospheric-air quality RAMS/ICLAMS model. Dust is effectively produced due to the development of near surface vortices and increased turbulent mixing along the frontal line. Increased dust emissions and recirculation of the elevated particles inside the head of the density current result in the formation of a moving "dust wall". Transport of the dust particles in higher layers - outside of the density current - occurs mainly in three ways: (1) Uplifting of preexisting dust over the frontal line with the aid of the strong updraft (2) Entrainment at the upper part of the density current head due to turbulent mixing (3) Vertical mixing after the dilution of the system. The role of the dust in the associated convective cloud system was found to be limited. Proper representation of convective processes and dust mobilization requires the use of high resolution (cloud resolving) model configuration and online parameterization of dust production. Haboob-type dust storms are effective dust sources and should be treated accordingly in dust modeling applications

    An Online Coupled Two Way Interactive Modelling Study of Air Pollution Over Europe and Mediterranean

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    During the last decade, the efforts in the field of atmospheric modeling have been directed towards a joint 'online' approach of the meteorological and chemical processes in order to treat, in an integrated way, their complex and interactive links. This approach allows for the use of all meteorological fields as input in the chemical submodel, at each model time step, as well as takes into consideration the concentration of the pollutants on the meteorological processes (radiation and cloud microphysics). In this work, the air pollution over East Mediterranean is assessed with the use of the fully coupled, two-way interactive modeling system ICLAMS. Simulations have been performed for several test cases enhancing on the feedback mechanisms that occur. The summer case (July 2005) is used as base evaluation case due the increased insolation and high photolytic activity. The ozone model results are compared with measurements from stations from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP). The correlation coefficient over all model domain reaches 0.7 with a root mean square error 22.78 μg/m3 and mean bias 0.74 μg/m3. The spring case (April 2004) highlights on the impact of mineral dust and sea salt on the photolysis rates that in turn determine the concentration of ozone in the area. The presence of dust over Finokalia station (Crete, Greece) leads to a decrease in the photolysis rates of NO2 and O3. Another winter case has also been discussed regarding the role of anthropogenic aerosols on clouds and precipitation. © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

    An integrated modeling study on the effects of mineral dust and sea salt particles on clouds and precipitation

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    This report addresses the effects of pollution on the development of precipitation in clean ("pristine") and polluted ("hazy") environments in the Eastern Mediterranean by using the Integrated Community Limited Area Modeling System (ICLAMS) (an extended version of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System, RAMS). The use of this model allows one to investigate the interactions of the aerosols with cloud development. The simulations show that the onset of precipitation in hazy clouds is delayed compared to pristine conditions. Adding small concentrations of GCCN to polluted clouds promotes early-stage rain. The addition of GCCN to pristine clouds has no effect on precipitation amounts. Topography was found to be more important for the distribution of precipitation than aerosol properties. Increasing by 15% the concentration of hygroscopic dust particles for a case study over the Eastern Mediterranean resulted in more vigorous convection and more intense updrafts. The clouds that were formed extended about three kilometers higher, delaying the initiation of precipitation by one hour. Prognostic treatment of the aerosol concentrations in the explicit cloud droplet nucleation scheme of the model, improved the model performance for the twenty-four hour accumulated precipitation. The spatial distribution and the amounts of precipitation were found to vary greatly between the different aerosol scenarios. These results indicate the large uncertainty that remains and the need for more accurate description of aerosol feedbacks in atmospheric models and climate change predictions. © 2011 Author(s)

    The Role of Aerosol Properties on Cloud Nucleation Processes

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    The clouds that develop in maritime or polluted environments have significant differences in their properties. A number of modeling sensitivity tests have been performed to describe the physical processes related to aerosol - cloud interactions at various stages of cloud development. Precipitation amounts and cloud structure were found to be very sensitive to changes in the size distribution and number concentrations of the aerosols. Certain combinations of CCN/IN properties and atmospheric properties may lead to significant enhancement of convection and precipitation. These interactions are not linear and it is the synergetic effects between meteorology and atmospheric chemistry that are responsible for the variation of precipitation. © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014