97 research outputs found

    First mock-up of the CBM STS module based on a new assembly concept

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    A molecular dynamics model has been developed to investigate the effect of the crystallographic orientation on the material deformation behaviors in nano- indentation/scratching of BCC iron. Two cases with different substrate orientations have been simulated. The orientations along x, y and z direction are [001], [100] and [010] for Case I and [111], [-1-12] and [1-10] for Case II, respectively. Case I and Case II exhibit different deformation patterns in the substrate. During indentation, the pile-up can be observed in Case I, but not in Case II. During scratching the pile-up ahead of the movement of the indenter has been enlarged in Case I, while a chip with the disordered atoms is generated in Case II. It has been found that Case I has both higher hardness and larger coefficient of friction. The ratios of the hardness and the coefficient of friction between cases I and II are nearly 2. The reason is attributed to the different crystallographic orientations used in both cases

    Usability evaluation of a clinical decision support tool for osteoporosis disease management

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoporosis affects over 200 million people worldwide at a high cost to healthcare systems. Although guidelines are available, patients are not receiving appropriate diagnostic testing or treatment. Findings from a systematic review of osteoporosis interventions and a series of focus groups were used to develop a functional multifaceted tool that can support clinical decision-making in osteoporosis disease management at the point of care. The objective of our study was to assess how well the prototype met functional goals and usability needs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a usability study for each component of the tool--the Best Practice Recommendation Prompt (BestPROMPT), the Risk Assessment Questionnaire (RAQ), and the Customised Osteoporosis Education (COPE) sheet--using the framework described by Kushniruk and Patel. All studies consisted of one-on-one sessions with a moderator using a standardised worksheet. Sessions were audio- and video-taped and transcribed verbatim. Data analysis consisted of a combination of qualitative and quantitative analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In study 1, physicians liked that the BestPROMPT can provide customised recommendations based on risk factors identified from the RAQ. Barriers included lack of time to use the tool, the need to alter clinic workflow to enable point-of-care use, and that the tool may disrupt the real reason for the visit. In study 2, patients completed the RAQ in a mean of 6 minutes, 35 seconds. Of the 42 critical incidents, 60% were navigational and most occurred when the first nine participants were using the stylus pen; no critical incidents were observed with the last six participants that used the touch screen. Patients thought that the RAQ questions were easy to read and understand, but they found it difficult to initiate the questionnaire. Suggestions for improvement included improving aspects of the interface and navigation. The results of study 3 showed that most patients were able to understand and describe sections of the COPE sheet, and all considered discussing the information with their physicians. Suggestions for improvement included simplifying the language and improving the layout.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Findings from the three studies informed changes to the tool and confirmed the importance of usability testing on all end users to reduce errors, and as an important step in the development process of knowledge translation interventions.</p

    Контроль якості вершкового масла

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    The most common problem among ready-made foods is the adulteration of butter, which is replaced by margarine or vegetable spreads. Milk and other dairy products made from raw milk are not left out. The production and sale of low-quality, counterfeit products poses a direct threat to human health and affects the competitive environment among producers. As a result of research, it should be noted that the raw milk market is not fully saturated, so improving the quality of cream production and processing of milk products, namely butter, competition for suppliers, microbiological improvements, as well as improvements to plants and systems – remains relevant. During the analysis, some physicochemical parameters of butter were studied, namely: acidity of the fat phase, mass fraction of moisture and fat. The acidity index was within the norm, although it differed in all samples: the lowest was found in sample № 1 (1.1 °K), and the highest was in sample № 2 (1.6 °K). As for such an indicator as the content of table salt and the content of fat and pH of plasma, the oils Sweet cream “Selyanske”, 72,6 % TM “Svoya Liniya”, Sweet cream, 73.0 % LLC “Eney”, “Poltavske”, 62.5 % LLC “Techmolprom” do not meet the requirements of DSTU 4399:2005. The mass fraction of fat in butter brands PJSC “Dubnomoloko” and “Pryvat-Fud” – was lower than indicated on the package, by 1.4 % and 2.6 %, respectively, and brands “Svoya Liniya”, LLC “Eney” and Techmolprom LLC on the contrary – by 18.0 %, 18.4 % and 12.5 % more. According to the results of microbiological studies, it was found that the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultatively anaerobic microorganisms, yeasts, fungi and bacteria of the Escherichia coli group in the studied samples of butter of all brands does not exceed the permissible norms. This fact testifies to the relative “purity” of the raw material from which the butter was made, as well as to the observance of veterinary and sanitary and hygienic norms during the production and storage of butter. Summing up the research, it should be noted that, despite the identified physical and chemical shortcomings of all samples of butter, preference should be given to sour cream butter “Selyanske”, 73.0 % of PJSC “Dubnomoloko” and “Selyanske” sweet cream, 73.0 % “Privat- Fud”, as none of them exceeded such indicators as fat content and plasma pH of oil, which may indicate the absence of impurities in vegetable fats in this product.Найпоширенішою проблемою серед готових продуктів харчування є фальсифікація вершкового масла, яке замінюють на маргарин або рослинні спреди. Не залишають осторонь молоко та інші молокопродукти, які виробляють із молочної сировини. Виробництво та реалізація неякісної, фальсифікованої продукції несе пряму загрозу здоров’ю людини та впливає на конкурентне середовище серед виробників. В результаті проведених досліджень варто зазначити, що молочний сировинний ринок насичений не повною мірою, тому вдосконалення якісних показників виробництва вершків і переробки продуктів молока, а саме вершкового масла, конкуренція за постачальників, мікробіологічні вдосконалення, а також вдосконалення установок і систем залишається актуальним. В ході аналізу досліджено деякі фізико-хімічні показники масла вершкового, а саме: кислотність жирової фази, масова частка вологи та жиру. Показник кислотності був у межах норми, хоча й відрізнявся у всіх зразків: найменший виявили у зразка № 1 (1,1 °К), а найвищим він був у зразка № 2 (1,6 °К). Що стосується такого показника, як вміст кухонної солі та вміст жиру й рН плазми, то масло солодковершкове “Селянське”, 72,6 % ТМ “Своя лінія”, солодковершкове, 73,0 % ТОВ “Еней”, “Полтавське”, 62,5 % ТОВ “Техмолпром” – не відповідають вимогам ДСТУ 4399:2005. Масова частка жиру вершкового масла торгівельних марок ПАТ “Дубномолоко” та “Приват-Фуд” – була меншою за зазначену на упаковці на 1,4 % та 2,6 % відповідно, а торговельних марок “Своя лінія”, ТОВ “Еней” і ТОВ “Техмолпром”, навпаки – на 18,0 %, 18,4 % та 12,5 % більшою. За результатами мікробіологічних досліджень встановлено, що кількість мезофільних аеробних та факультативно анаеробних мікроорганізмів, дріжджів, грибів і бактерій групи кишкової палички у досліджуваних зразках масла вершкового всіх торгівельних марок не перевищує допустимих норм. Цей факт свідчить про відносну “чистоту” сировини, з якої було виготовлене вершкове масло, а також про дотримання ветеринарних і санітарно-гігієнічних норм під час виробництва та зберігання вершкового масла. Підбиваючи підсумок проведених досліджень, необхідно зазначити, що незважаючи на виявлені фізико-хімічні недоліки всіх зразків вершкового масла, перевагу необхідно віддати кисловершковому маслу “Селянське”, 73,0 % ПАТ “Дубномолоко” та “Селянському” солодковершковому, 73,0 % компанії “Приват-Фуд”, оскільки в жодному із них не виявлено перевищення таких показників, як вміст жиру та рН плазми масла, що може свідчити про відсутність домішок рослинних жирів у даному продукті

    Capturing and testing perceptual-cognitive expertise: A comparison of stationary and movement response methods

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    Numerous methods have been used to study expertise and performance. In the present article, we compare the cognitive thought processes of skilled soccer players when responding to film-based simulations of defensive situations involving two different experimental conditions. Participants either remained stationary in a seated position (n = 10) or were allowed to move (n = 10) in response to life-size film sequences of 11 versus 11 open-play soccer situations viewed from a player’s perspective. Response accuracy and retrospective verbal reports of thinking were collected across the two task conditions. In the movement-based response group, participants generated a greater number of verbal report statements, including a higher proportion of evaluation, prediction, and action planning statements, than did participants in the stationary group. Findings suggest that the processing strategies employed during performance differ depending on the nature of the response required of participants. Implications for behavioral methods and experimental design are discussed

    Development of a prototype clinical decision support tool for osteoporosis disease management: a qualitative study of focus groups

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoporosis affects over 200 million people worldwide, and represents a significant cost burden. Although guidelines are available for best practice in osteoporosis, evidence indicates that patients are not receiving appropriate diagnostic testing or treatment according to guidelines. The use of clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) may be one solution because they can facilitate knowledge translation by providing high-quality evidence at the point of care. Findings from a systematic review of osteoporosis interventions and consultation with clinical and human factors engineering experts were used to develop a conceptual model of an osteoporosis tool. We conducted a qualitative study of focus groups to better understand physicians' perceptions of CDSSs and to transform the conceptual osteoporosis tool into a functional prototype that can support clinical decision making in osteoporosis disease management at the point of care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The conceptual design of the osteoporosis tool was tested in 4 progressive focus groups with family physicians and general internists. An iterative strategy was used to qualitatively explore the experiences of physicians with CDSSs; and to find out what features, functions, and evidence should be included in a working prototype. Focus groups were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide using an iterative process where results of the first focus group informed changes to the questions for subsequent focus groups and to the conceptual tool design. Transcripts were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using grounded theory methodology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 3 broad categories of themes that were identified, major barriers related to the accuracy and feasibility of extracting bone mineral density test results and medications from the risk assessment questionnaire; using an electronic input device such as a Tablet PC in the waiting room; and the importance of including well-balanced information in the patient education component of the osteoporosis tool. Suggestions for modifying the tool included the addition of a percentile graph showing patients' 10-year risk for osteoporosis or fractures, and ensuring that the tool takes no more than 5 minutes to complete.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Focus group data revealed the facilitators and barriers to using the osteoporosis tool at the point of care so that it can be optimized to aid physicians in their clinical decision making.</p

    Beyond adoption: A new framework for theorising and evaluating Non-adoption, Abandonment and challenges to Scale-up, Spread and Sustainability (NASSS) of health and care technologies

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    © 2017 The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on http://www.jmir.org/, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.Background: Many promising technological innovations in health and social care are characterized by nonadoption or abandonment by individuals or by failed attempts to scale up locally, spread distantly, or sustain the innovation long term at the organization or system level. Objective: Our objective was to produce an evidence-based, theory-informed, and pragmatic framework to help predict and evaluate the success of a technology-supported health or social care program. Methods: The study had 2 parallel components: (1) secondary research (hermeneutic systematic review) to identify key domains, and (2) empirical case studies of technology implementation to explore, test, and refine these domains. We studied 6 technology-supported programs—video outpatient consultations, global positioning system tracking for cognitive impairment, pendant alarm services, remote biomarker monitoring for heart failure, care organizing software, and integrated case management via data sharing—using longitudinal ethnography and action research for up to 3 years across more than 20 organizations. Data were collected at micro level (individual technology users), meso level (organizational processes and systems), and macro level (national policy and wider context). Analysis and synthesis was aided by sociotechnically informed theories of individual, organizational, and system change. The draft framework was shared with colleagues who were introducing or evaluating other technology-supported health or care programs and refined in response to feedback. Results: The literature review identified 28 previous technology implementation frameworks, of which 14 had taken a dynamic systems approach (including 2 integrative reviews of previous work). Our empirical dataset consisted of over 400 hours of ethnographic observation, 165 semistructured interviews, and 200 documents. The final nonadoption, abandonment, scale-up, spread, and sustainability (NASSS) framework included questions in 7 domains: the condition or illness, the technology, the value proposition, the adopter system (comprising professional staff, patient, and lay caregivers), the organization(s), the wider (institutional and societal) context, and the interaction and mutual adaptation between all these domains over time. Our empirical case studies raised a variety of challenges across all 7 domains, each classified as simple (straightforward, predictable, few components), complicated (multiple interacting components or issues), or complex (dynamic, unpredictable, not easily disaggregated into constituent components). Programs characterized by complicatedness proved difficult but not impossible to implement. Those characterized by complexity in multiple NASSS domains rarely, if ever, became mainstreamed. The framework showed promise when applied (both prospectively and retrospectively) to other programs.Peer reviewe