13 research outputs found

    A Market Scheduling for New Normal Logistics in the Wake of Corona Virus Diseases-19 in Bandung City

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    Recent developments on the worldwide spread of Corona Virus Diseases-19 (COVID-19) show the vulnerability of human beings to pandemic risks in terms of biological, social, and economic factors. While human lives are the most important factor, a proposed solution dealing with pandemics should be sustainable which also includes other factors. Quarantines and physical distancing have been seen as effective ways to slow down the spread of COVID-19.  We therefore propose a market scheduling model with multi-objectives to support physical distancing minimizing the number of people in a certain area in a given time (crowds) and minimizing the virus spread rates. An analytical model is proposed and solved for Bandung City. The results show some promising ideas on how to slow down the virus spread without compromising both health and economic objectives. The future potential research of the model is also presented

    Optimizing Inventory for Chicken Egg Livestock Industry

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    This study is to give an alternative of an optimum inventory model for chicken egg livestock industry. The characteristic of the egg livestock industry is very unique; since the chicken breeding performance varies. In a particular span of time, the industry might have ameliorating and deteriorating characteristics. Some farmers nourish several generations at the same time. This study generates a mathematical model to optimize the length time between purchases of a chicken generation to get optimum cost by considering demand seasonality. This study is also generating the algorithm to find the optimum solution in a simple way. Future potential researches are also stated.Keywords: Optimization, inventory, egg, chicken, amelioratin

    Penentuan Sistem Pengadaan Bahan Baku Utama Berbasis Kontrak pada Perusahaan Roti dan Kue-Kue ANDALAS

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    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) are striving to maximize profits through cost’s reduction while maintaining their product qualities and their customer’s satisfaction. ANDALAS is an MSME producing cakes and breads that intuitively purchase its raw material which results in a relatively high purchase cost.  We propose a contract-based system using a linear programming approach to manage the purchasing activities of main ingredients. A mathematical model is proposed supporting the purchasing decisions which includes constraints such as: minimum purchase, safety stock, warehouse capacity, and demand’s requirements. The resulting model provides an improvement of 6,30% reduction in purchase costs. The improvement for each ingredient ranges from 4% to 16% where Eggs, Flour, Maizena, Margarine, Butter and Sugar are contractually ordered from one main supplier.

    Studi Eksplorasi Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberlanjutan Pemakaian Layanan Mobile Payment

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    This research explores some potential factors that affect the continuance intention of a mobile payment service. The trend of mobile payment services has been increasing since the last few years. The advancing technology of the internet and smartphone has been a supporting environment for the growth of this method. Many similar mobile payment services are offered in the community which results in a highly competitive business condition. The business owner who has put a high investment in this business will surely want to keep it running and even grow their product. Therefore, some knowledge of factors that can significantly promote the sustained use of their product to customers will be imperative. In this research, some existing models on the general repurchase intention concept and users’ continuance intention will be combined and tested to figure out some influential aspects to continuance intention concept. Seven factors are hypothesized to have direct and indirect effects. Data from 193 respondents are gathered and the results of the tested model shows perceived quality, perceived value, and brand preference subsequently influence the continuance intention. Further analysis is also conducted in this research to explain the relationship between factors as well as analysis of current mobile payment providers


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    Pentingnya aspek keselamatan (safety) dipertimbangkan di setiap industri menjadi dasar kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan.  Fokus Industri Kecil (UKM) yang lebih banyak untuk memenuhi target produksi membuat perhaian pada kegiatan keselamatan kerja saat produksi menjadi prioritas kesekian. Salah satu UKM di Bandung adalah Sentra Rajut Binong Jati. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat untuk tujuan UKM sadar safety ini dilaksanakan di Sentra ini, dengan pertimbangan adanya observasi awal yang menunjukkan metode dan lingkungan kerja di beberapa tempat produksi di sentra ini belum tertata dengan baik. Makalah ini menyajikan evaluasi tentang lingkungan dan metode kerja serta upaya perbaikan dari sisi penataan kerja dengan prinsip-prinsip 5S

    Penentuan Sistem Pengadaan Bahan Baku Utama Berbasis Kontrak pada Perusahaan Roti dan Kue-Kue ANDALAS

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    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) are striving to maximize profits through cost’s reduction while maintaining their product qualities and their customer’s satisfaction. ANDALAS is an MSME producing cakes and breads that intuitively purchase its raw material which results in a relatively high purchase cost.  We propose a contract-based system using a linear programming approach to manage the purchasing activities of main ingredients. A mathematical model is proposed supporting the purchasing decisions which includes constraints such as: minimum purchase, safety stock, warehouse capacity, and demand’s requirements. The resulting model provides an improvement of 6,30% reduction in purchase costs. The improvement for each ingredient ranges from 4% to 16% where Eggs, Flour, Maizena, Margarine, Butter and Sugar are contractually ordered from one main supplier

    Optimizing Inventory for Chicken Egg Livestock Industry

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    This study is to give an alternative of an optimum inventory model for chicken egg livestock industry. The characteristic of the egg livestock industry is very unique; since the chicken breeding performance varies. In a particular span of time, the industry might have ameliorating and deteriorating characteristics. Some farmers nourish several generations at the same time. This study generates a mathematical model to optimize the length time between purchases of a chicken generation to get optimum cost by considering demand seasonality. This study is also generating the algorithm to find the optimum solution in a simple way. Future potential researches are also stated. Keywords: Optimization, inventory, egg, chicken, amelioratin


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    Jumlah pengguna internet yang semakin besar dan tingkat pertumbuhan omzet maupun jumlah start up bisnis electronic commerce (e-commerce) yang tinggi. Sementara itu, pembelian impulsif merupakan satu transaksi yang mendominasi bisnis retail dan menjadi salah satu keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan. Di lain pihak, studi mengenai tingkat efektivitas tampilan website e-commerce yang mendorong pembelian impulsif belum menyentuh aspek atribut tampilan website yang mendorong pembelian impulsif. Maka dari itu, perlu dilakukan studi eksploratori dengan objek penelitian yang diusulkan yaitu tiga situs e-commerce besar di Indonesia yaitu Zalora.co.id, Groupon.co.id, dan Bhinneka.com.Luaran penelitian ini adalah implikasi manajerial yaitu penyusunan strategi dasar dalam perancangan website e-commerce untuk meningkatkan pembelian impulsif pada website tersebut. Luaran ini didapatkan dari studi eksploratori dengan atribut tampilan website e-commerce yang berpengaruh terhadap pembelian impulsif menggunakan metode analisis faktor, lalu atribut tersebut dimodelkan matematis menggunakan statistik multivariat untuk mengetahui besar pengaruh atribut tersebut pada pembelian impulsif. Luaran ini juga dapat dijadikan dasar dalam pengembangan strategi lanjutan dalam perancangan website e-commerce.Didapatkan model matematis dari pengaruh faktor tampilan website terhadap pembelian impulsif. Selain itu, juga didapatkan informasi bahwa faktor tampilan website yang mendorong pembelian impulsif pada produk fashion adalah faktor penunjang (0,89) dan faktor service yang diberikan(0,41). Sedangkan pada website yang menjual makanan dan jasa kuliner didapatkan faktor promosi (0,07) dan kemudahan pembelian (0,53) menjadi faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan

    Increasing Purchase Intention for Social Enterprise Product Through Re-Designing Product Packaging with Neuromarketing Approach (Case study: Cireundeu Indigenous Community)

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    Abstract. The primary purpose of this paper is to explore how redesigning product packaging can increase customer purchase intention. The uniqueness of this research is the use of neuromarketing principles in redesigning product packaging, and the context that will be discussed is a social enterprise product. The methods used are mixed methods consisting of qualitative methods, experimental design, and quantitative methods. The principle of neuromarketing discussed in this study is eye-tracking. The quantitative research will then test the relationship between product packaging and purchase intention. A new packaging design was created for RASI product. For a long time, RASI (Beras Singkong or Cassava Rice) has been an iconic product for Cireundeu due to its heritage and unique culture. The eye-tracking experiments strongly correlate the new packaging design and product purchase intention. This article resulted in a new packaging design by applying the neuromarketing principle in a social setting.Keywords: Design, product packaging, neuromarketing, purchase intention, social enterpriseAbstrak. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana mendesain ulang kemasan produk dapat meningkatkan niat beli dari pelanggan. Keunikan penelitian ini adalah penggunaan prinsip neuromarketing dalam mendesain ulang kemasan produk, dan konteks yang akan dibahas adalah produk kewirausahaan sosial. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode campuran yang terdiri dari metode kualitatif, desain eksperimen, dan metode kuantitatif. Prinsip neuromarketing yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah eye-tracking. Penelitian kuantitatif kemudian akan menguji hubungan antara kemasan produk dengan niat beli. Desain kemasan baru diciptakan untuk produk RASI. Untuk waktu yang lama, RASI (Beras Singkong) telah menjadi produk ikonik dari Kampung Adat Cireundeu. Eksperimen pelacakan mata sangat berkorelasi dengan desain kemasan baru dan niat pembelian produk. Artikel ini menghasilkan desain kemasan baru dengan menerapkan prinsip neuromarketing dalam lingkungan sosial.Kata kunci: Desain, kemasan produk, intensi membeli, kewirausahaan sosial, eye-trackin