1,899 research outputs found

    The 5C 6 and 5C 7 surveys of radio sources

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    5C 6 and 5C 7 continue the series of deep surveys made at 408 and 1407 MHz with the One-Mile telescope at Cambridge. They were intended (1) to provide a sample of faint radio sources suitable for further study; (2) to improve the statistics of source counts N(S) and spectral-index distributions at low flux densities; (3) to study the isotropy of the distribution of faint sources. Each observed field is about 4° in diameter at 408 MHz and 1° in diameter at 1407 MHz, and the field-centres are a α = 02ʰ14ᵐ, δ = 32° (5C 6) and α = 08ᵏ17ᵐ, δ = 27° (5C 7). The synthesized beamwidths (FWHM) are 80 arcsec (408 MHz) and 23 arcsec (1407 MHz). The techniques of observation and data-analysis followed closely those used for 5C 5 (Pearson, T. J., 1975. Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 171, 475), with some minor variations which are noted in Section 2

    The 5C 6 and 5C 7 surveys of radio sources

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    5C 6 and 5C 7 continue the series of deep surveys made at 408 and 1407 MHz with the One-Mile telescope at Cambridge. They were intended (1) to provide a sample of faint radio sources suitable for further study; (2) to improve the statistics of source counts N(S) and spectral-index distributions at low flux densities; (3) to study the isotropy of the distribution of faint sources. Each observed field is about 4° in diameter at 408 MHz and 1° in diameter at 1407 MHz, and the field-centres are a α = 02ʰ14ᵐ, δ = 32° (5C 6) and α = 08ᵏ17ᵐ, δ = 27° (5C 7). The synthesized beamwidths (FWHM) are 80 arcsec (408 MHz) and 23 arcsec (1407 MHz). The techniques of observation and data-analysis followed closely those used for 5C 5 (Pearson, T. J., 1975. Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 171, 475), with some minor variations which are noted in Section 2

    Ground state potential energy surfaces and bound states of M-He dimers (M=Cu,Ag,Au): A theoretical investigation

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    We present an ab initio investigation on the ground state interaction potentials [potential energy surface (PES)] between helium and the group 11 metal atoms: copper, silver, and gold. To the best of our knowledge, there are no previous theoretical PESs proposed for Cu-He and Au-He, and a single one for Ag-He [Z. J. Jakubek and M. Takami, Chem. Phys. Lett. 265, 653 (1997)], computed about 10 years ago at MP2 level and significantly improved by our study. To reach a high degree of accuracy in the determination of the three M-He potentials (M=Cu,Ag,Au), we performed extensive series of test computations to establish the appropriate basis set, the theoretical method, and the computational scheme for these systems. For each M-He dimer we computed the PES at the CCSD(T) level of theory, starting from the reference unrestricted Hartree-Fock wave function. We described the inner shells with relativistic small core pseudopotentials, and we adopted high quality basis sets for the valence electrons. We also performed CCSDT computations in a limited set of M-He internuclear distances, adopting a medium-sized basis set, such as to define for each dimer a CCSD(T) to CCSDT correction term and to improve further the quality of the CCSD(T) interaction potentials. The Cu-He complex has minimum interaction energy (E(min)) of -28.4 mu hartree at the internuclear distance of 4.59 A (R(min)), and the short-range repulsive wall starts at 4.04 A (R(E=0)). Quite interestingly, the PES of Ag-He is more attractive (E(min)=-33.8 mu hartree) but presents nearly the same R(min) and R(E=0) values, 4.60 and 4.04 A, respectively. The interaction potential for Au-He is markedly deeper and shifted at shorter distances as compared to the lighter complexes, with E(min)=-69.6 mu hartree, R(min)=4.09 A and R(E=0)=3.60 A. As a first insight in the structure of M-He(n) aggregates, we determined the rovibrational structure of the three M-He dimers. The Cu-He and Ag-He potentials support just few rotational excitations, while the Au-He PES admits also a bound vibrational excitation

    Pola Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Cabai Merah Keriting (Capsicum Annuum L.) Akibat Aplikasi Kalium Nitrat Pada Daerah Dataran Rendah

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    Cabai (Capsicum annuum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas hortikultura yang memiliki nilai ekonomi penting di Indonesia, sehingga budidaya cabai sangat menarik bagi petani. Permintaan produk cabai cenderung meningkat terus sehingga dapat diandalkan sebagai komoditas nonmigas. Seiring dengan permintaan yang meningkat sehingga kurangnya pasokan yang tersedia maka peningkatan luas tanam diarahkan untuk mencapai keseimbangan pasokan dan permintaan. Salah satu USAha yang dapat dilakukan adalah melakukan teknik budidaya yang baik dan benar sehingga hasil yang diperoleh optimal. Salah satu aspek yang penting dalam budidaya tanaman adalah pemupukan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pola pertumbuhan tanaman cabai merah terhadap aplikasi Kalium Nitrat dan untuk mengetahui respon komponen hasil cabai terhadap pemberian Kalium Nitrat dengan konsentrasi berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sukabanjar Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Kabupaten Pesawaran dari Oktober 2011 sampai April 2012. Penelitian disusun menggunakan Rancangan acak kelompok dengan perlakuan tunggal yaitu konsentrasi KNO3 yang terdiri atas : 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 g l-1, dengan 3 kali ulangan. Seluruh data yang diperoleh dianalisis ragam. Homogenitas ragam diuji dengan uji Bartlett sedangkan aditivitas diuji dengan uji Tukey. Analisis data dilanjutkan dengan uji polinomial ortogonal pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada pola pertumbuhan vegetatif untuk variabel tinggi tanaman dan tingkat percabangan aplikasi kalium nitrat pada berbagai taraf konsentrasi yaitu : 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 g l-1 tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata dan pada pemberian kalium nitrat dengan konsentrasi 4, 6, 8 g l-1 meningkatkan jumlah bunga di tanaman cabai. Peningkatan jumlah buah tertinggi terdapat pada aplikasi kalium nitrat dengan konsentrasi 8 g l-1, sedangkan pada bobot buah total tertinggi terjadi pada konsentrasi 6 g l-1

    The nuclear jets in 3C309.1 & 3C380

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    8 station VLBI maps of the nuclear jets in 3C309.1 and 3C380 reveal complex, bent, structures which seem hard to reconcile with the concept of ballistic outflow. Together with the observation of “flaring” in the MERLIN/EVN map of the 3C309.1 jet the maps point strongly to the jets being confined fluid flows