75 research outputs found

    Rapid but narrow:Evolutionary adaptation and transcriptional response of <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> to toxic mould

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    Insects have adapted to a multitude of environmental conditions, including the presence of xenobiotic noxious substances. Environmental microorganisms, particularly rich on ephemeral resources, employ these noxious chemicals in a chemical warfare against predators and competitors, driving co-evolutionary adaptations. In order to analyse how environmental microbes may be driving such evolutionary adaptations, we experimentally evolved Drosophila melanogaster populations by exposing larvae to the toxin-producing mould Aspergillus nidulans that infests the flies' breeding substrate. To disentangle the effects of the mycotoxin Sterigmatocystin from other substrate modifications inflicted by the mould, we used the following four selection regimes: (i) control without fungus, (ii) A. nidulans wild type, (iii) a mutant of A. nidulans ΔlaeA with impaired toxin production, (iv) synthetic Sterigmatocystin. Experimental evolution was carried out in five independent D. melanogaster populations each, for a total of 11 generations. We further combined our evolution experiment with transcriptome analysis to identify evolutionary shifts in gene expression due to the selection regimes and mould confrontation. Populations that evolved in presence of the toxin-producing mould or the pure mycotoxin rapidly adapted to the respective conditions and showed higher viability in subsequent confrontations. Yet, mycotoxin-selected populations had no advantage in A. nidulans wild type confrontation. Moreover, distinctive changes in gene expression related to the selection-regime contrast were only associated with the toxin-producing-fungus regime and comprised a narrow set of genes. Thus, it needs the specific conditions of the selection agent to enable adaptation to the fungus.</p

    Begrüßung durch die Universitätspräsidentin

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    Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert Reden, die anlässlich der Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Hamburg an Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr. h. c. Manfred Lahnstein gehalten wurden.This volume documents speeches given on the occasion of the award of an honorary doctorate by the University of Hamburg to Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr. h. c. Manfred Lahnstein

    Können wir dem Schicksal der Dinosaurier entgehen? : ein Beitrag der Raumfahrttechnik zu unserem Überleben

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    Erst seit wenigen Jahren ist bekannt, welches Ereignis zum Aussterben der Dinosaurier geführt hat. Aufnahmen aus dem Weltall haben zur Klärung dieser Frage wesentlich beigetragen. Zunehmend wird man sich der Bedrohung durch andere Himmelskörper bewusst, nicht nur unter Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Auch die politisch Verantwortlichen in den USA und Europa reagieren, und die Wirtschaft horcht auf Die Überwachung unserer Umgebung, die Erforschung erdnaher Objekte und die Entwicklung effizienter Abwehrstrategien sollten in naher Zukunft zu wichtigen Gemeinschaftsaufgaben aller Menschen werden. Die Raumfahrttechnik wird hierfür eine Schlüsseltechnologie sein

    Grußwort zur Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve

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    Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Reden, die während der akademischen Feier anlässlich der Verleihung der Würde eines Dr. theol. honoris causa an Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve am 19. November 2007 in der Universität Hamburg gehalten wurden.This volume documents the speeches that were given during the academic celebration on the occasion of the award of the dignity of Dr. theol. honoris causa to Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve at the University of Hamburg on November 19, 2007


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    Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert Reden, die zur Amtseinführung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Monika Auweter-Kurtz als Präsidentin der Universität Hamburg am 1. Februar 2007 gehalten wurden.This volume documents speeches given at the inauguration of Prof. Dr. -Ing. habil. Monika Auweter-Kurtz as President of the University of Hamburg on 1 February 200

    Development of an Applied Field Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster Design Supported by Numerical Simulations at IRS

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    In this paper an overview is given on a numerical simulation program for applied field magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters which is currently under development at the Institute of Space Systems (IRS). The simulation code for argon plasma flows in thermal and chemical non-equilibrium uses an axisymmetric finite volume scheme on unstructured, adaptive meshes. The external magnetic field is taken into account employing the vector potential formulation. Azimuthal velocity and magnetic field are handled by a quasi-three dimensional approach with vanishing azimuthal derivatives. Besides the numerical analysis, a radiation-cooled laboratory model of an applied field magnetoplasmadynamic thruster is under development at IRS. The modular design allows adjustments of the thruster to find an optimized thruster geometry based on numerical and experimental results

    ICS Bulletin, Number 4, 2015

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    Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Reden, die während der akademischen Feier anlässlich der Verleihung der Würde eines Dr. theol. honoris causa an Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve am 19. November 2007 in der Universität Hamburg gehalten wurden.This volume documents the speeches that were given during the academic celebration on the occasion of the award of the dignity of Dr. theol. honoris causa to Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve at the University of Hamburg on November 19, 2007


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    Проблема и ее связь с научными и практическими задачами. Все подре-шетные воды гравитационного отделения аккумулируются в зумпфах большой емкости и далее перекачиваются на операцию предварительной регенерации в гидроциклоны, классификаторы или сгустители. При этом необходимо обеспе-чить подачу на самую верхнюю отметку для дальнейшего распределения шла-мовых потоков самотеком. Как правило, такие потоки характеризуются высо-кими транспортными задержками. Магистрали для шламовых потоков перед узлами вывода имеют меньшие геометрические размеры, переносят незначи-тельное количество пульпы по сравнению с вводными коммуникациями

    Multi-Photon Spectroscopy on Xenon for Application on Ion Thruster Plasma Parameter Investigations: Experiment and Theory

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    Three excitation schemes for two-photon laser-induced fluorescence (TALIF) on neutral xenon involving 6p and 7p states are presented. An overview on possible transitions is given. In addition to the well-known transition at λ = 2 × 225.5 nm, two alternative candidates for neutral xenon ground state diagnostics are experimentally investigated in a xenon-filled cold gas cell. It was found that alternative excitation schemes showed remarkable signal intensities and can be used for future TALIF measurements in neutral xenon additionally. Some theoretical aspects of three-photon spectroscopy with respect to singly ionized xenon ground state diagnostics are discussed. Three-photon transition rates are expected to have transition rates about ten orders of magnitude lower than those of two-photon processes