Multi-Photon Spectroscopy on Xenon for Application on Ion Thruster Plasma Parameter Investigations: Experiment and Theory


Three excitation schemes for two-photon laser-induced fluorescence (TALIF) on neutral xenon involving 6p and 7p states are presented. An overview on possible transitions is given. In addition to the well-known transition at λ = 2 × 225.5 nm, two alternative candidates for neutral xenon ground state diagnostics are experimentally investigated in a xenon-filled cold gas cell. It was found that alternative excitation schemes showed remarkable signal intensities and can be used for future TALIF measurements in neutral xenon additionally. Some theoretical aspects of three-photon spectroscopy with respect to singly ionized xenon ground state diagnostics are discussed. Three-photon transition rates are expected to have transition rates about ten orders of magnitude lower than those of two-photon processes

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