45 research outputs found

    Work into family conflict as a mediator between work hours and psychophysical health of working parents

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između broja radnih sati i psihofizičkog (psiholoÅ”kog i muskuloskeletalnog) zdravlja zaposlenih roditelja te provjeriti moderatorski efekt spola i medijatorske efekte dvije dimenzije konflikta rad ā€“ obitelj (vremenski i konflikt opterećenja) na ovaj odnos. Provelo se korelacijsko istraživanje on-line metodom na uzorku od 377 sudionika zaposlenih minimalno 6 mjeseci te s minimalno jednim djetetom mlađim od 18 godina. Sudionici su ispunili Skalu muskuloskeletalnih simptoma (Barton i sur., 1995), Upitnik općeg zdravlja-12 (Goldberg, 1988) te dvije subskale Skale konflikta radne i obiteljske uloge (Subskala vremenski konflikt i Subskala konflikt opterećenja smjer rad ā€“ obitelj) (Carlson, Kacmar i Williams, 2000). Rezultati su pokazali da su radni sati samostalan prediktor obje dimenzije konflikta rad ā€“ obitelj, te da je konflikt opterećenja, ali ne i vremenski konflikt, samostalan prediktor psiholoÅ”kih i muskuloskeletalnih simptoma zaposlenih roditelja. Nadalje, potvrđen je moderatorski efekt spola na odnos između broja radnih sati i zdravlja sudionika, a potpuni medijacijski efekt konflikta opterećenja na isti odnos potvrđen je samo kod žena. Suprotno očekivanjima, vremenski konflikt nije posredovao odnosu broja radnih sati i zdravlja zaposlenih majki.The goal of this study was to examine the relationship between work hours and psychophysical (psychological and musculoskeletal) health of working parents and to examine whether sex moderates this relationship. Also, we wanted to know if two dimensions of work into life conflict (Time-based and Strain-based) mediate this relationship. On-line correlatin research was conducted on a sample of 377 participants who were at least 6 months employed and had at least one child under the age of 18. Participants completed Musculoskeletal symptoms scale (Barton et al., 1995), GHQ-12 (Goldberg, 1988) and two subscales of the Work-family conflict scale (Time-based and Strain-based work into family) (Carlson, Kacmar and Williams, 2000). The results showed that work hours have a significant independent contribution in predicting both subscales of work into family conflict. Also, Strain-based, but not Time-based conflict, has a significant independent contribution in predicting psychological and musculoskeletal symptoms of working parents. Furthermore, sex moderated the relationship between work hours and health. Also, Strain-based conflict fully mediated the same relationship, but only in women. Contrary to our expectations, Time-based conflict did not explain the relationship between work hours and health of working mothers


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    U radu se donose neka prozodijska obilježja kopnenih čakavskih govora područja između OmiÅ”a i Trogira. Određuje se njihov odnos prema ostalim obalnim kopnenim govorima ikavskočakavskoga dijalekta, kao i prema obližnjim ikavskoÅ”tokavskim govorima.This work gives a number examples of the stress systam of land south Chakavian speeches in the Split area which show how this prosody moved away from the basic Chakavian accentuation, thus influenced by the neighbouring Ikavian-Å tokavian speeches.Alcune caratteristiche prosodiche delle parlate ciacaviche nella zona della terraferma di Spalato Lo studio mostra alcune caratteristiche dei sistemi accentuativi delle parlate ciacave del sud nella zona costiera della terraferma di Spalato, quanto tale prosodia sia allontanata dallā€™ accentuazioneelementare ciacava, e tutto in contatto e sotto lā€™ influenza delle vicine parlate icavo-stocave

    Differences in personality traits based on birth order and sex configuration of siblings

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    ā€žMože li naÅ” redoslijed rođenja na bilo koji način biti povezan s naÅ”om ličnoŔću?ā€œ pitanje je koje se provlači znanstvenim krugovima već dugi niz godina. Brojni istraživači koji su se temeljito bavili ovom temom doÅ”li su do zanimljivih, ali i izrazito nekonzistentnih rezultata. PokuÅ”avajući otkriti razlog nejednoznačnih rezultata, cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je otići korak dalje i postaviti pitanje, je li naÅ”a ličnost povezana ne samo s redom rođenja već i sa spolom i spolom brata/sestre. Konkretno, ispitali su se efekti redoslijeda rođenja i spolne strukture parova braće i sestara na Å”est osobina ličnosti (skromnost/poÅ”tenje, emocionalnost, ekstraverzija, ugodnost, savjesnost i otvorenost iskustvu). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 45 parova braće i sestara, a važno je naglasiti da je svaki član para ispunjavao upitnik ličnosti sam za sebe, Å”to je manje koriÅ”ten pristup u dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima koji su se bavili ovim problemom. Rezultati su pokazali da ne postoje razlike između ispitanika na dimenzijama: iskrenost-skromnost, ekstraverzija, savjesnost i otvorenost. Razlike su dobivene na dimenzijama emocionalnosti i ugodnosti. Å to se tiče emocionalnosti, utvrđena je razlika između prvorođenog i kasnije rođenog djeteta jedino u slučaju kada se par sastojao od starije sestre i mlađeg brata, s tim da su sestre u prosjeku bile emocionalnije. Nadalje, razlika u ugodnosti s obzirom na redoslijed rođenja utvrđena je samo kada je spolna struktura para bila istospolna. Odnosno, u slučaju muÅ”ke ā€ždijadeā€œ (stariji i mlađi brat), mlađe dijete je u prosjeku bilo ugodnije, a u slučaju ženske ā€ždijadeā€œ (starija i mlađa sestra), vrijedi obrnuto ā€“ ugodnije je bilo starije dijete.ā€žCan our birth order be, in any way, linked to our personality?ā€œ is a question that persists many years in the scientific community. A number of researchers, who have studied this issue, came up with interesting, but also extremely inconsistent results. Trying to discover the reason for this inconsistency, the aim of this study was to go one step further and ask ourselves if our personality is associated not only with our birth order, but also with our sex and sex of our brother/sister. In particular, we examined the effects of birth order and sex configuration of siblings in six personality traits (honesty/humility, emotionality, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experiences). The study included 45 pairs of brothers and sisters, and it is important to point out that each member of the pair completed the questionnaire independently, which is less common approach in previous studies. The results shown that there were no differences between respondents on the dimensions: honesty-humility, extraversion, conscientiousness and openness to experience. However, differences were obtained on the dimension of emotionality and agreeableness. As for the emotionality, there were differences between first-born and later-born child only when the pair consisted of an older sister and a younger brother (sisters were more emotional). Furthermore, differences were obtained on the dimension of agreeableness only when the sex configuration of siblings was same-sex. In the case of male ā€œdyadā€ (older and younger brother), the younger brother was, on average, more agreeable, and in the case of female ā€œdyadā€ (older and younger sister), the older sister was more agreeable

    Etnici i ktetici u kajkavskom narječju

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    Opisuje se i analizira tvorba etnika i ktetika u kajkavskom narječju. RaŔčlamba se temelji na podatcima prikupljenima terenskim istraživanjima posljednjih gotovo pedeset godina u Upitnicima za Hrvatski jezični atlas (HJA), koji se izrađuje u Institutu za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, te na podatcima iz dijalektnih rječnika.Since a very small amount of research has been dedicated to the study of word formation in the kajkavian dialect and none whatsoever to the formation of names of peoples and place name adjectives, this work describes and analyses the formation of names of peoples and place name adjectives in said dialect. The analysis is based upon data gathered from the nearly fifty years of field research in Questionnaires for the Croatian Linguistic Atlas which is being compiled at the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics, as well as upon data from dialectal dictionaries