98 research outputs found

    Symbolic Model Checking of Concurrent Programs Using Partial Orders and On-the-Fly Transactions

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    Abstract. The state explosion problem is one of the core bottlenecks in the model checking of concurrent software. We show how to ameliorate the problem by combining the ability of partial order techniques to reduce the state space of the concurrent program with the power of symbolic model checking to explore large state spaces. Our new verification methodology involves translating the given concurrent program into a circuit-based model which gives us the flexibility to then employ any model checking technique of choice – either SAT or BDD-based – for verifying a broad range of linear time properties, not just safety. The reduction in the explored state-space is obtained by statically augmenting the symbolic encoding of the program by additional constraints. These constraints restrict the scheduler to choose from a minimal conditional stubborn set of transitions at each state. Another key contribution of the paper, is a new method for detecting transactions on-the-fly which takes into account patterns of lock acquisition and yields better reductions than existing methods which rely on a lockset based analysis. Moreover unlike existing techniques, identifying on-the-fly transactions does not require the program to follow a lock discipline in accessing shared variables. We have applied our techniques to the Daisy test bench and shown the existence of several bugs.

    Promptness and Bounded Fairness in Concurrent and Parameterized Systems

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    We investigate the satisfaction of specifications in Prompt Linear Temporal Logic (Prompt-LTL) by concurrent systems. Prompt-LTL is an extension of LTL that allows to specify parametric bounds onthe satisfaction of eventualities, thus adding a quantitative aspect to the specification language. We establish a connection between bounded fairness, bounded stutter equivalence, and the satisfaction of Prompt-LTL\X formulas. Based on this connection, we prove the first cutoff results for different classes of systems with a parametric number of components and quantitative specifications, thereby identifying previously unknown decidable fragments of the parameterized model checking problem

    Parameterized Verification of Systems with Global Synchronization and Guards

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    Inspired by distributed applications that use consensus or other agreement protocols for global coordination, we define a new computational model for parameterized systems that is based on a general global synchronization primitive and allows for global transition guards. Our model generalizes many existing models in the literature, including broadcast protocols and guarded protocols. We show that reachability properties are decidable for systems without guards, and give sufficient conditions under which they remain decidable in the presence of guards. Furthermore, we investigate cutoffs for reachability properties and provide sufficient conditions for small cutoffs in a number of cases that are inspired by our target applications.Comment: Accepted at CAV 202

    Tight Cutoffs for Guarded Protocols with Fairness

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    Guarded protocols were introduced in a seminal paper by Emerson and Kahlon (2000), and describe systems of processes whose transitions are enabled or disabled depending on the existence of other processes in certain local states. We study parameterized model checking and synthesis of guarded protocols, both aiming at formal correctness arguments for systems with any number of processes. Cutoff results reduce reasoning about systems with an arbitrary number of processes to systems of a determined, fixed size. Our work stems from the observation that existing cutoff results for guarded protocols i) are restricted to closed systems, and ii) are of limited use for liveness properties because reductions do not preserve fairness. We close these gaps and obtain new cutoff results for open systems with liveness properties under fairness assumptions. Furthermore, we obtain cutoffs for the detection of global and local deadlocks, which are of paramount importance in synthesis. Finally, we prove tightness or asymptotic tightness for the new cutoffs.Comment: Accepted for publication at VMCAI 2016. Extended version, revised after conference review

    Analysis of Adhesion Molecules and Basement Membrane Contributions to Synaptic Adhesion at the Drosophila Embryonic NMJ

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    Synapse formation and maintenance crucially underlie brain function in health and disease. Both processes are believed to depend on cell adhesion molecules (CAMs). Many different classes of CAMs localise to synapses, including cadherins, protocadherins, neuroligins, neurexins, integrins, and immunoglobulin adhesion proteins, and further contributions come from the extracellular matrix and its receptors. Most of these factors have been scrutinised by loss-of-function analyses in animal models. However, which adhesion factors establish the essential physical links across synaptic clefts and allow the assembly of synaptic machineries at the contact site in vivo is still unclear. To investigate these key questions, we have used the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of Drosophila embryos as a genetically amenable model synapse. Our ultrastructural analyses of NMJs lacking different classes of CAMs revealed that loss of all neurexins, all classical cadherins or all glutamate receptors, as well as combinations between these or with a Laminin deficiency, failed to reveal structural phenotypes. These results are compatible with a view that these CAMs might have no structural role at this model synapse. However, we consider it far more likely that they operate in a redundant or well buffered context. We propose a model based on a multi-adaptor principle to explain this phenomenon. Furthermore, we report a new CAM-independent adhesion mechanism that involves the basement membranes (BM) covering neuromuscular terminals. Thus, motorneuronal terminals show strong partial detachment of the junction when BM-to-cell surface attachment is impaired by removing Laminin A, or when BMs lose their structural integrity upon loss of type IV collagens. We conclude that BMs are essential to tie embryonic motorneuronal terminals to the muscle surface, lending CAM-independent structural support to their adhesion. Therefore, future developmental studies of these synaptic junctions in Drosophila need to consider the important contribution made by BM-dependent mechanisms, in addition to CAM-dependent adhesion

    Queen mandibular pheromone: questions that remain to be resolved

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    The discovery of ‘queen substance’, and the subsequent identification and synthesis of keycomponents of queen mandibular pheromone, has been of significant importance to beekeepers and to thebeekeeping industry. Fifty years on, there is greater appreciation of the importance and complexity of queenpheromones, but many mysteries remain about the mechanisms through which pheromones operate. Thediscovery of sex pheromone communication in moths occurred within the same time period, but in this case,intense pressure to find better means of pest management resulted in a remarkable focusing of research activityon understanding pheromone detection mechanisms and the central processing of pheromone signals in themoth. We can benefit from this work and here, studies on moths are used to highlight some of the gaps in ourknowledge of pheromone communication in bees. A better understanding of pheromone communication inhoney bees promises improved strategies for the successful management of these extraordinary animals

    Embedding an arbitrary function into a Tchebycheff space

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    AbstractIn this paper it is determined precisely when a given function belongs to some Tchebycheff system

    Power of Randomization in Automata on Infinite Strings

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    Probabilistic B\"{u}chi Automata (\PBA) are randomized, finite state automata that process input strings of infinite length. Based on the threshold chosen for the acceptance probability, different classes of languages can be defined. In this paper, we present a number of results that clarify the power of such machines and properties of the languages they define. The broad themes we focus on are as follows. We precisely characterize the complexity of the emptiness, universality, and language containment problems for such machines,answering canonical questions central to the use of these models in formal verification. Next, we characterize the languages recognized by {\PBA}s topologically, demonstrating that though general {\PBA}s can recognize languages that are not regular, topologically the languages are as simple as ω\omega-regular languages. Finally, we introduce Hierarchical {\PBA}s, which are syntactically restricted forms of {\PBA}s that are tractable and capture exactly the class of ω\omega-regular languages.unpublishe
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