10 research outputs found

    Effect of daptomycin and vancomycin on Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms: An in vitro assessment using fluorescence in situ hybridization

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    Colonization of in-dwelling catheters by microbial biofilms is a major concern in patient health eventually leading to catheter-related blood stream infections. Biofilms are less susceptible to standard antibiotic therapies that are effective against planktonic bacteria. Standard procedure for the detection of microorganisms on the catheter tip is culture. However, viable but non-culturable cells (VBNCs) may be missed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) as an indicator to visualize and quantify the effect of the antibiotics daptomycin and vancomycin on biofilms in situ. We established an in vitro catheter biofilm model of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms on polyurethane catheters. Biofilm activity was measured by FISH and correlated to colony forming units (CFU) data. Digital image analysis was used for quantification of total biofilm mass and the area of the FISH positive biofilm cells. FISH showed a pronounced effect of both antibiotics on the biofilms, with daptomycin having a significantly stronger effect in terms of both reduction of biofilm mass and number of FISH-positive cells. This supports the anti-biofilm capacity of daptomycin. Interestingly, neither antibiotic was able to eradicate all of the FISH-positive cells. In summary, FISH succeeded in visualization, quantification, and localization of antibiotic activity on biofilms. This technique adds a new tool to the arsenal of test systems for anti-biofilm compounds. FISH is a valuable complementary technique to CFU since it can be highly standardized and provides information on biofilm architecture and quantity and localization of survivor cells

    Effect of Quorum Sensing Molecule Farnesol on Mixed Biofilms of Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Microbial Biofilms, Antimicrobials, and Virulence Determinants.The natural bioactive molecule farnesol (FAR) is widely studied mainly for its antibiofilm and antimicrobial properties. In addition, it increases the effectiveness of some antimicrobial substances, which makes it interesting for the development of combined therapy. In the present work, the effect of FAR either alone or in combination with oxacillin (OXA) on mixed biofilms formed by clinically relevant pathogens, Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus, was studied. S. aureus isolates used for biofilm formation originated from blood cultures and central venous catheters (CVC) were characterized in terms of antimicrobial resistance. The minimal biofilm inhibitory concentration (MBIC50) for FAR of 48 h mixed biofilms formed by the C. albicans and methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) was determined to be 125 M, and for the mixed biofilms with methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) was determined to be 250 M. Treatment of mixed biofilms with OXA (2 mg/mL) showed 4% inhibition; however, the combination of OXA (2 mg/mL) and FAR (300 M) resulted in 80% inhibition of biofilms. In addition, planktonic cells of S. aureus exhibited an increased susceptibility to OXA, cefoxitin and kanamycin in the presence of FAR (150 and 300 M). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs confirmed patchy biofilm and lack of candidal hyphae in the samples treated with FAR and FAR/OXA in comparison to control and mixed biofilms treated only with OXA. Intriguingly, in a pilot experiment using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), considerable differences in activity (as indicated by ribosome content) of staphylococcal cells were detected. While the activity rate of the staphylococci in mixed biofilms treated with FAR was high, no FISH-positive signal for staphylococcal cells was found in the biofilm treated with FAR/OXA.This research was funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under contracts of SK-PT-18-0006 as part of the Bilateral Cooperation Program (2019–2022), APVV-21-0302 and APVV-18-0075. This work was also supported by the EU Grant number 952398—CEMBO, Call: H2020-WIDESPREAD-05-2020—Twinning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Limiting Factors in Treatment Success of Biofilm-Forming Streptococci in the Case of Canine Infective Endocarditis Caused by Streptococcus canis

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    An 8-year-old male Rhodesian Ridgeback was presented with fever and severe thrombocytopenia. Clinical and laboratory examination, echocardiography, blood culture, and pathohistology revealed evidence of infective endocarditis, ischemic renal infarcts, and septic encephalitis. Treatment was started immediately but the dog’s condition worsened, and the dog had to be euthanized. The causative Streptococcus canis strain was detected by blood culture and MALDI-TOF MS and analyzed using whole-genome sequencing and multilocus sequence typing. Antibiotic susceptibility testing did not detect any resistance. The affected heart valve was analyzed using FISH imaging, which showed a streptococcal biofilm on the heart valve. Bacteria in biofilms are recalcitrant to antibiotic treatment. Early diagnosis could be beneficial to treatment outcome. Treatment of endocarditis could be improved by researching the optimal dosage of antibiotics in conjunction with the use of biofilm-active drugs

    Genetic regulatory signatures underlying islet gene expression and type 2 diabetes

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    The majority of genetic variants associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) are located outside of genes in noncoding regions that may regulate gene expression in disease-relevant tissues, like pancreatic islets. Here, we present the largest integrated analysis to date of high-resolution, high-throughput human islet molecular profiling data to characterize the genome (DNA), epigenome (DNA packaging), and transcriptome (gene expression). We find that T2D genetic variants are enriched in regions of the genome where transcription Regulatory Factor X (RFX) is predicted to bind in an islet-specific manner. Genetic variants that increase T2D risk are predicted to disrupt RFX binding, providing a molecular mechanism to explain how the genome can influence the epigenome, modulating gene expression and ultimately T2D risk

    Bacterial biofilms in infective endocarditis: an in vitro model to investigate emerging technologies of antimicrobial cardiovascular device coatings

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    Objective: In spite of the progress in antimicrobial and surgical therapy, infective endocarditis (IE) is still associated with a high morbidity and mortality. IE is characterized by bacterial biofilms of the endocardium, especially of the aortic and mitral valve leading to their destruction. About one quarter of patients with formal surgery indication cannot undergo surgery. This group of patients needs further options of therapy, but due to a lack of models for IE prospects of research are low. Therefore, the purpose of this project was to establish an in vitro model of infective endocarditis to allow growth of bacterial biofilms on porcine aortic valves, serving as baseline for further research. Methods and results: A pulsatile two-chamber circulation model was constructed that kept native porcine aortic valves under sterile, physiologic hemodynamic and temperature conditions. To create biofilms on porcine aortic valves the system was inoculated with Staphylococcus epidermidis PIA 8400. Aortic roots were incubated in the model for increasing periods of time (24 h and 40 h) and bacterial titration (1.5 × 104 CFU/mL and 1.5 × 105 CFU/mL) with 5 L cardiac output per minute. After incubation, tissue sections were analysed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for direct visualization of the biofilms. Pilot tests for biofilm growth showed monospecies colonization consisting of cocci with time- and inocula-dependent increase after 24 h and 40 h (n = 4). In n = 3 experiments for 24 h, with the same inocula, FISH visualized biofilms with ribosome-containing, and thus metabolic active cocci, tissue infiltration and similar colonization pattern as observed by the FISH in human IE heart valves infected by S. epidermidis. Conclusion: These results demonstrate the establishment of a novel in vitro model for bacterial biofilm growth on porcine aortic roots mimicking IE. The model will allow to identify predilection sites of valves for bacterial adhesion and biofilm growth and it may serve as baseline for further research on IE therapy and prevention, e.g. the development of antimicrobial transcatheter approaches to IE

    Cutibacterium avidum resists surgical skin antisepsis in the groin-a potential risk factor for periprosthetic joint infection: a quality control study

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    BACKGROUND The skin commensal Cutibacterium avidum has been recognized as an emerging pathogen for periprosthetic joint infections (PJI). One currently assumes that the early occurring PJIs are a consequence of skin commensals contaminating the peri-implant tissue during surgery. We addressed whether standard skin antisepsis with povidone-iodine/alcohol before total hip arthroplasty (THA) is effective to eliminate colonizing bacteria with focus on C. avidum. METHODS In a single-center, prospective study, we screened all patients for skin colonizing C. avidum in the groin before THA. Only in the patients positive for C. avidum, we preoperatively repeated skin swabs after the first and third skin antisepsis and antibiotic prophylaxis. We also obtained dermis biopsies for microbiology and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). RESULTS Fifty-one out of 60 patients (85%) were colonized on the skin with various bacteria, in particular with C. avidum in 12 out of 60. Skin antisepsis eliminated C. avidum in eight of ten (20%) colonized patients undergoing THA. Deeper skin (dermis) biopsies were all culture negative, but FISH detected single positive ribosome-rich C. avidum in one case near sweat glands. CONCLUSION Standard skin antisepsis was not effective to completely eliminate colonizing C. avidum on the skin in the groin of patients undergoing THA. Colonizing with C. avidum might pose an increased risk for PJI when considering a THA. Novel more effective antisepsis strategies are needed. Trial registration No clinical trial

    Rothia aeria and Rothia dentocariosa as biofilm builders in infective endocarditis

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    Background Rothia sp. are Gram-positive bacteria in the class of Actinobacteria that are part of the physiological oral flora. In rare cases, Rothia aeria and Rothia dentocariosa can cause infective endocarditis (IE). The biofilm potential of Rothia in endocarditis is unknown. Methods Specimen from two cases of Rothia endocarditis were obtained during cardiac surgery. One of the patients suffered mitral valve IE from Rothia aeria. In the other case, IE of a prosthetic pulmonary valve was caused by Rothia dentocariosa. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used for visualization of microorganisms within heart valve tissues in combination with PCR and sequencing (FISHseq). Results The two heart valve specimens featured mature biofilms of bacteria that were identified by FISHseq as Rothia aeria and Rothia dentocariosa, respectively. FISH showed in situ biofilms of both microorganisms that feature distinct phenotypes for the first time ex vivo. Both of our reported cases were treated successfully by heart valve surgery and antibiotic therapy using beta-lactam antibiotics. Conclusion The biofilm potential of Rothia sp. must be taken into account. The awareness of Rothia aeria and Rothia dentocariosa as rare but relevant pathogens for infective endocarditis must be raised. Use of biofilm-effective antibiotics in Rothia IE should be discussed.ISSN:1438-4221ISSN:1618-0607ISSN:1433-112

    A Type 2 Diabetes-Associated Functional Regulatory Variant in a Pancreatic Islet Enhancer at the ADCY5 Locus.

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    Molecular mechanisms remain unknown for most type 2 diabetes genome-wide association study identified loci. Variants associated with type 2 diabetes and fasting glucose levels reside in introns of ADCY5, a gene that encodes adenylate cyclase 5. Adenylate cyclase 5 catalyzes the production of cyclic AMP, which is a second messenger molecule involved in cell signaling and pancreatic β-cell insulin secretion. We demonstrated that type 2 diabetes risk alleles are associated with decreased ADCY5 expression in human islets and examined candidate variants for regulatory function. rs11708067 overlaps a predicted enhancer region in pancreatic islets. The type 2 diabetes risk rs11708067-A allele showed fewer H3K27ac ChIP-seq reads in human islets, lower transcriptional activity in reporter assays in rodent β-cells (rat 832/13 and mouse MIN6), and increased nuclear protein binding compared with the rs11708067-G allele. Homozygous deletion of the orthologous enhancer region in 832/13 cells resulted in a 64% reduction in expression level of Adcy5, but not adjacent gene Sec22a, and a 39% reduction in insulin secretion. Together, these data suggest that rs11708067-A risk allele contributes to type 2 diabetes by disrupting an islet enhancer, which results in reduced ADCY5 expression and impaired insulin secretion. Diabetes 2017 Sep; 66(9):2521-2530

    Genetic regulatory signatures underlying islet gene expression and type 2 diabetes.

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified \u3e100 independent SNPs that modulate the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and related traits. However, the pathogenic mechanisms of most of these SNPs remain elusive. Here, we examined genomic, epigenomic, and transcriptomic profiles in human pancreatic islets to understand the links between genetic variation, chromatin landscape, and gene expression in the context of T2D. We first integrated genome and transcriptome variation across 112 islet samples to produce dense cis-expression quantitative trait loci (cis-eQTL) maps. Additional integration with chromatin-state maps for islets and other diverse tissue types revealed that cis-eQTLs for islet-specific genes are specifically and significantly enriched in islet stretch enhancers. High-resolution chromatin accessibility profiling using assay for transposase-accessible chromatin sequencing (ATAC-seq) in two islet samples enabled us to identify specific transcription factor (TF) footprints embedded in active regulatory elements, which are highly enriched for islet cis-eQTL. Aggregate allelic bias signatures in TF footprints enabled us de novo to reconstruct TF binding affinities genetically, which support the high-quality nature of the TF footprint predictions. Interestingly, we found that T2D GWAS loci were strikingly and specifically enriched in islet Regulatory Factor X (RFX) footprints. Remarkably, within and across independent loci, T2D risk alleles that overlap with RFX footprints uniformly disrupt the RFX motifs at high-information content positions. Together, these results suggest that common regulatory variations have shaped islet TF footprints and the transcriptome and that a confluent RFX regulatory grammar plays a significant role in the genetic component of T2D predisposition. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Feb 28; 114(9):2301-2306