7 research outputs found

    Bentuk Ketahanan Iklim Kawasan Bersejarah di Kampung Melayu Semarang

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    Climate change is one of the most significant global challenges faced by today's society and the environment. Climate change has implications for the nature, social life, and also the area of cultural heritage. Climate change and the vulnerability becomes a hazard to other conservation areas. We must prepare for the worst alternative of climate change in order to protect the cultural heritage sites of damage. Currently, the area of cultural heritage preservation in Semarang have many problems, such as flooding problems, rob, and unhealthy living conditions. Many historic buildings were damaged condition and rob and drowned because of flooding. So, we need to know what area mapping and how the impacts of climate change on the region, and then solve the problem. While this issue is resolved, we can maintain the characteristics of the heritage area, and will enhance the character of the whole city as well as help provide a good image for Semarang.Based on the above , this study aims to: 1 ) analyze the phenomenon of climate change in Kampung Melayu Semarang; 2 ) Identify the characteristics of vulnerability in Malay Kampung Semarang, 3 ) Investigate the impact of climate change on the vulnerability of the region, and then 4 ) Formulate form of resistance region to climate change is happening.This study tries to combine quantitative and qualitative methods. And approaches used to support research activities are spatial approach. Based on the results of the above study it can be concluded that the shape of the climate resilience of the historical district in Kampung Melayu Semarang form of adaptation the transformation of the building and no action. Thus the future of Semarang recommended to the Government to be able to cope with the flood problem of local historic buildings that were there can still be maintained and Kampung Melayu can last from existing climate change

    Kajian Bentuk Peranserta Masyarakat dalam Menjaga Kelestarian Lingkungan Kawasan Waduk Mrica Kecamatan Bawang, Kabupaten Banjarnegara

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    Based on the existing phenomenon, has become a public discourse that the existence of environmental problems such as sedimentation in Mrica\u27s reservoir, deforestation and environmental degradation garbage shows in Mrica\u27s reservoir so encouraging some local people who are tied either directly or indirectly have a direct attempt to save the attachment Mrica\u27s reservoir tour that continuity is maintained. So the research question arises " How does the form and performance of community participation in preserving the environment around the Mrica\u27s reservoir?". This study aimed to identify the forms of community participation and improved performance of the local community participated to preserve the environment Mrica\u27s reservoir oriented in three villages nearest Bawang Village, Bandingan Village, and Blambangan Village. In research is using the descriptive approach quantitative analysis by the use of a frequency distribution in order on spss and analysis skoring to know the performance of society. The conclusion of this research is the overall environmental problem Mrica\u27s reservoir contained in Bandingan Village and Blambangan Village criteria being - bad scores, while still part of a Bawang village both criteria. Based on the results of scoring in performing the participation form included in either category . But for the Blambangan villagers have higher category than the Bandingan villagers and Bawang village. Recommendation forms of community participation around the Mrica\u27s reservoir is necessary enhancement of knowledge and skills , as well as the need for a companion role to awaken society to protecting the environment

    Kajian Bentuk Peranserta Masyarakat dalam Menjaga Kelestarian Lingkungan Kawasan Waduk Mrica Kecamatan Bawang, Kabupaten Banjarnegara

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    Based on the existing phenomenon, has become a public discourse that the existence of environmental problems such as sedimentation in Mrica's reservoir, deforestation and environmental degradation garbage shows in Mrica's reservoir so encouraging some local people who are tied either directly or indirectly have a direct attempt to save the attachment Mrica's reservoir tour that continuity is maintained. So the research question arises " How does the form and performance of community participation in preserving the environment around the Mrica's reservoir?". This study aimed to identify the forms of community participation and improved performance of the local community participated to preserve the environment Mrica's reservoir oriented in three villages nearest Bawang Village, Bandingan Village, and Blambangan Village. In research is using the descriptive approach quantitative analysis by the use of a frequency distribution in order on spss and analysis skoring to know the performance of society. The conclusion of this research is the overall environmental problem Mrica's reservoir contained in Bandingan Village and Blambangan Village criteria being - bad scores, while still part of a Bawang village both criteria. Based on the results of scoring in performing the participation form included in either category . But for the Blambangan villagers have higher category than the Bandingan villagers and Bawang village. Recommendation forms of community participation around the Mrica's reservoir is necessary enhancement of knowledge and skills , as well as the need for a companion role to awaken society to protecting the environment

    Kajian Desain Kawasan Berbasis Konsep Wsud (Water Sesitive Urban Design) di Daerah Langka Air (Studi Kasus: Desa Gambirmanis, Kec. Pracimantoro, Kab. Wonogiri)

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    Wonogiri is one area that is located in the headwaters of the Solo River where the region has a role as a water catchment area in order to maintain the water balance in the area below it . Judging from land use Wonogiri , almost 90 % is an area of green open space consisting of forest , mixed farms , fields and moors (RTRW Kabupaten Wonogiri Tahun 2011-2031) . Wonogiri has catchment area is large enough to allow water to save up for those areas that are in it . But in reality , there are still areas in Wonogiri experiencing water scarcity . The problem of water scarcity in the Wonogiri district is primarily located on Pracimantoro . Pracimantoro is the largest districts in the Wonogiri . However, because of the type of soil in this area is mostly composed of karst soil , where it has the characteristics of karst soil absorb water quickly so that it becomes a dry area on one side of the ground , but in this store are fairly large water reserves beneath it . This causes the area around Pracimantoro frequent droughts . The most severe in the area of water resource scarcity in Pracimantoro is located in the village of Gambirmanis . Gambirmanis Village often not affordable by supporting infrastructure including water supply network infrastructure . In addition to the village by the inaccessibility of clean water infrastructure , this village also landed karst river so that there is almost dried up due to water absorbed by the soil , in addition to the absence of water sources making it even harder to clean water can be obtained by the public . These conditions led to the design area that can store water up to be very important for the village Gambirmanis