
Kajian Bentuk Peranserta Masyarakat dalam Menjaga Kelestarian Lingkungan Kawasan Waduk Mrica Kecamatan Bawang, Kabupaten Banjarnegara


Based on the existing phenomenon, has become a public discourse that the existence of environmental problems such as sedimentation in Mrica\u27s reservoir, deforestation and environmental degradation garbage shows in Mrica\u27s reservoir so encouraging some local people who are tied either directly or indirectly have a direct attempt to save the attachment Mrica\u27s reservoir tour that continuity is maintained. So the research question arises " How does the form and performance of community participation in preserving the environment around the Mrica\u27s reservoir?". This study aimed to identify the forms of community participation and improved performance of the local community participated to preserve the environment Mrica\u27s reservoir oriented in three villages nearest Bawang Village, Bandingan Village, and Blambangan Village. In research is using the descriptive approach quantitative analysis by the use of a frequency distribution in order on spss and analysis skoring to know the performance of society. The conclusion of this research is the overall environmental problem Mrica\u27s reservoir contained in Bandingan Village and Blambangan Village criteria being - bad scores, while still part of a Bawang village both criteria. Based on the results of scoring in performing the participation form included in either category . But for the Blambangan villagers have higher category than the Bandingan villagers and Bawang village. Recommendation forms of community participation around the Mrica\u27s reservoir is necessary enhancement of knowledge and skills , as well as the need for a companion role to awaken society to protecting the environment

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