955 research outputs found
Analisis Pengaruh Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity, Dan Net Profit Margin Terhadap Harga Saham (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Bumi Resources Tbk.)
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari secara empiris pengaruh dari debt to equity ratio, return on equity, dan net profit margin terhadap harga saham. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena masih banyaknya perbedaan hasil dari penelitian terdahulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan laporan keuangan sebagai data sekunder, dengan periode penelitian 2002-2011. Dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda, hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah: variabel debt to equity ratio, return on equity periode sebelumnya, interaksi antara return on equity periode sebelumnya dan debt to equity ratio, dan harga saham periode sebelumnya memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham secara parsial. Sedangkan, variabel interaksi antara net profit margin dan debt to equity ratio tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa investor pada umumnya lebih berfokus kepada laba Perusahaan secara total dibandingkan dengan persentase laba yang dihasilkan terhadap penjualan. Selain itu investor memfokuskan analisisnya terhadap tingkat utang Perusahaan
Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Komunitas Peduli Lubang Jalanan di Kota Malang
Malang Raya with all the trimmings is a city with intense activity. As a result, the streets in most areas in Malang became commonly used. The volume density of vehicles per day resulted in a lot of potholes. However, the slow handling of city government and county government resulted in the holes in the road more and more common. Of course this led to frustration for road users. Many victims of accidents caused fall due pit road. Not the least of casualties caused by potholes is pushing a bunch of young for forming Social Community “Peduli Lubang”. The group is moved voluntarily. Social counciosness encouraging to form this community. In its action, they make a circular mark or ledges with pylox white against the hole in every street. The goal is sign that the road users see the white markings they have made. The sign is effective because Driver can seen from distance before the hole, finally the driver can reduce speed. A lot of appreciation given to this community. Remaining so many hole in streets, and the number of "Self founding" that they have to spend for the sake of this social action. Their action also received a response from the mayor. This research uses a case study approach and indepth interview methods to community members and resource persons also road users to recognize the existence of this grass-roots communities. Observations made to this community by following all the activities of this group. As a result, the public perception of these two groups divided into two: the pros and cons of their action. Part of the counter on the excuse that their sentences are inappropriate for display in public facilities. In conclusion the public perception of the pro-grassroots movement may be resistance to the government policy terksan slow in dealing with this issue. Evidenced by the more intense they carry out an action, response Malang city and county governments more quickly. Expected social consciousness is what will encourage Malang city and county governments to be more sensitive to sound that good netizens on social media and direct aspiration
The Impact of Burnout Towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in Premier Surabaya Hospital
This research is conducted to know the impact of Burnout towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), especially in Premier Surabaya Hospital. In addition, it also wants to compare the Burnout level between group of departments dealing directly with customers and group of departments do not dealing directly with customers. Oldenberg Burnout Inventory consisting of two Burnout dimensions is used to measure the Burnout level. The two dimensions are Exhaustion and Disengagement. Organ\u27s OCB instruments is used in measuring the OCB level. Non-probability, purposive judgement sampling method is used in this research. Samples are taken from 15 chosen departments in Premier Surabaya Hospital. In the end, 101 samples can be used for the analysis.Multiple Linear Regression is used to analyze the impact of Burnout towards OCB. The result shows that Burnout has a significant negative effect towards OCB. The author also compare the Burnout level between group of departments dealing directly with customers and group of departments do not dealing directly with customers using Independent Sample t-Test. The result shows that there is no significant difference between the Burnout level of the two groups of departments
Bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Kekayaan Minyak Dan Gas Bumi Sebagai Aset Negara Melalui Instrumen Kontrak
Negara mempunyai kekuasaan untuk mengelola sumber daya alam demi mewujudkan keadilan sosial, kesejahteraan umum dan untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Instrumen hukum kontrak menjadi payung hukum sebagai upaya perlindungan hukum terhadap aset negara yang berupa minyak dan gas bumi. Kontrak Bagi Hasil menjadi pilar dasar dalam upaya pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan kegiatan USAha minyak dan gas bumi. Kontrak Bagi Hasil merupakan kontrak publik yang tidak sepenuhnya tunduk pada hukum privat. Dalam melakukan hubungan kontraktualnya, negara tidak boleh dirugikan (imunitas negara) dan harus memperhatikan klausula-klausula yang menitikberatkan pada perlindungan aset negara.State has the power to manage natural resources for the sake of social justice, the general welfare and are used as much as possible the greatest benefit for the greatest welfare of people. Contract law is the main instrument used to protect the state assets including oil and gas. Production Sharing Contract as a legal safeguard for oil and gas, is a fundamental pillar in the effort and utilization management activities of oil and gas. In this Production Sharing Contract, which the contracts also involve the government and called government contract, has a unique characteristic which is not entirely subject to private law. In principle, the state should not be harmed, called as state immunity. This principle also applies universally in the interest of protecting the state assets
Kemitraan Pengelolaan Sektor Pariwisata (Studi Pada Tirta Wisata Kabupaten Jombang)
Tourism is the potential of each region, with the optimal management of the tourism sector to increase economic growth in the surrounding communities. In response to the problem of managing the tourism sector, not just the government alone is responsible, but the role of the private sector and the public is needed. This study aims to determine whether a partnership in the management of the tourism sector actually created in Jombang. The research method used is descriptive research approach with a qualitative research method of data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. Results from this research that the management of the tourism sector partnerships regarding land use Tirta Wisata is still only limited to promotional activities by the private sector. Advice from researchers, among others continue to increase cooperation between the government and the private sector to support the development of the tourism sector in Tirta Wisata, the socialization of tourism activities to be intensified and equitably to communities to express their aspirations that the partnership can work well and provide benefits to all parties
series E - practice 4b
Interaksi manusia dan komputer merupakan komunikasi dua arah antara pengguna dengan sistem komputer yang saling mendukung untuk mencapai suatu tujuan tertentu. Kinect menghadirkan pengalaman interaksi baru dalam dunia permainan karena pemain menggunakan anggota tubuh dalam mengoperasikan permainan. Permainan ‘The Zoo\u27 adalah permainan edukasi berbasis Kinect yang memperkenalkan beberapa kosakata hewan dalam Bahasa Inggris.Usabilitas suatu produk merupakan kunci agar produk tersebut selalu digunakan. Untuk memudahkan anak dalam menggunakan permainan ‘The Zoo\u27, digunakan perancangan antarmuka dengan metode ragam dialog manipulasi langsung.Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuesioner yang kemudian dari hasil kuesioner tersebut diolah menggunakan skala Likert sehingga dapat disimpulkan antarmuka permainan ‘The Zoo\u27 telah sesuai dengan Teori Jakob Nielsen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan hasil pengujian USAbilitas permainan ‘The Zoo\u27 yaitu aspek Learnability sebesar 78.7%, aspek Efficiency sebesar 77.3%, aspek Memorability sebesar 89.5%, aspek Errors sebesar 80.7% dan aspek Satisfaction sebesar 80%
Pengaruh Tumpahan Bahan Bakar Minyak dan Oli terhadap Kinerja Campuran Lataston-wc dengan Menggunakan Metode Marshall
Perkerasan jalan adalah bagian dari jalur lalu lintas yang merupakan penampang struktur dalam kedudukan yang paling sentral dalam suatu badan jalan. Keawetan suatu perkerasan jalan berhubungan dengan ketahanan permukaan perkerasan yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh ketidaksengajaan akibat tumpahan produk minyak bumi khususnya bensin, solar, dan oli yang diangkut oleh kendaraan, sehingga dapat mengurangi umur rencana dan masa pelayanan jalan. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini akan dibuat suatu cara untuk mendeteksi Kenyataan yang ada dengan menumpahkan produk minyak bumi khususnya bensin, solar, dan oli terhadap Lataston-WC. Dalam merencanakan pembuatan model perkerasan, harus dilakukan beberapa pengujian material dan campuran. Adapun jumlah benda uji yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 15 benda uji campuran normal dengan nilai KAR (Pb) untuk menentukan nilai KAO dan 24 benda uji campuran normal dengan nilai KAO untuk dilakukan perendaman bahan bakar minyak dan oli dengan variasi durasi rendaman, yaitu 1 menit, 3 menit, dan 5 menit. Kemudian dilakukan pendiaman selama 1 jam dan dilakukan marshall test. Setelah didapat hasil marshall test, kemudian dianalisa dan diambil kesimpulan. Dari hasil perhitungan dan pengujian laboratorium sebelumnya didapat kadar aspal optimum yaitu sebesar 6,7%, selanjutnya dibuat benda uji dan dilakukan perendaman ke dalam bahan bakar minyak dan oli. Untuk benda uji campuran normal, nilai stabilitasnya mencapai 1951,87 kg sedangkan untuk benda uji yang direndam terutama dengan durasi 5 menit terhadap oli baru nilai stabilitasnya menjadi 511,56 kg. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa lamanya durasi perendaman juga berpengaruh terhadap penurunan nilai stabilitas
Metode Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (Fmadm) Sistem Penilaian Calon Penerima Manfaat
Panti Sosial Bina Daksa Budi Perkasa Palembang, is one of the technical implementation unit of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic Indonesia, which handles issues for persons with disabilities, the principal task of carrying out physical development, mental, social, vocational training, and re-socialization and further training. Beneficiary assessment system (client) used still manual. Yet there is a computerized system that was built specifically to manage the value of potential beneficiaries. It required a special system that can calculate the results of an assessment of the potential beneficiaries FMADM method. FMADM chosen method because this method determines the weight values for each attribute, followed by a ranking process that will select the best alternative from a number of alternatives. With this system can help section of the rehabilitation staff in selecting beneficiaries and help section chief in determining who the beneficiaries will get service restored
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