13 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penulisan Laporan Akhir ini adalah membangun Aplikasi Pendaftaran Administrasi Pelatihan Kerja Berbasis Web pada Balai Latihan Kerja Kota Prabumulih. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang berupa wawancara dan observasi, serta data sekunder. Sedangkan metode pengembangan sistemnya berupa metode pengembangan sistem waterfall (air terjun). Pembangunan aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL sebagai database. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam laporan ini adalah aplikasi yang menampilkan beberapa informasi serta halaman untuk admin dan pendaftar


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    Persaingan bisnis kartu kredit di Indonesia cukup ketat namun juga berpeluang. Tidak kurang dari lima belas penerbit kartu kredit baik lembaga bank alau non bank beroperasi di tanah air. Salah sutunya adalah Bank BNI yang menjalin kerjasama dengan PT. JADI dalam memprospek pengajuan pemilikan kartu kredit Bank BNT oleh konsumen melalui cabang-cabangnya di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia. Dalam menghadapi persaingan yang semakin ketat tersebut, dan juga adanya tanggapan terhudap realitas pemasaran dekade ini bahwa biaya berkendara yang meningkat, lalu lintas bertambah padat, dan kesibukan konsumen maka alas perselujuan Bank BNl, PT. JADI menerapkan telemarketing untuk lebih kompetitif dalam menggaet konsumen baru muupun mempertahankan pelanggannya. Disamping konsumen dapat dijangkau secara instans, dalam strategi ini faktor manusia begitu berperan dalam mempengaruhi kelancaran transaksi penjualan. Dengan kata lain, performance teiemarketer dalam bernegoslasi dengan konsumen berpengaruh terhadap sukses tidaknya penjualan kartu kredit Bank BNI Oleh karena itu, penulis mengadakan penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah persepsi konsumen terhadap performance telemarketer telah sesuai dengan harapan konsumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode non random sampling atas responden yang pernah memanfaatkan jasa telemarketing PT. JADI Surabaya dalam mengajukan pemilikan kartu kredit Bank BNI Sedangkan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Tes Ranking Bertanda Wilcoxon untuk Data Berpasangan, yaitu dengan membandingkan antara performance telemarketer yang diharapkan konsumen (harapan konsumen) dengan performance telemarketer yang diterima alau dirasakan konsumen (persepsi konsumen). Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa secara keseluruhan performance telemarkeler telah sesuai dengan harapan konsumen. Namun demikian, masih terdapat atribut yang masih belum sesuai dcngan barapan konsumen yakni : pengetahuan produk pesaing, dan kemampuan mengatasi keberatan konsumen


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    The bamboo craft creative industry is one of creative industry which is located in Metro. That creative industry has not had online system in information spreading process and selling produced product process. The spreading of information just only reach certain area or location, even though some of the industry have already sell the product outside Metro. Therefore, to expand the product trading, it is made the e-commerce design as the shopping service media for bamboo craft creative industry in Metro. The website design is aimed to overcome the marketing and selling product problems in bamboo craft creative industry in Metro which is limited by the place and time. The software development method which is used is Waterfall method. The data collecting uses observation method. The implementation from this Waterfall method is explained by using running system analysis, proposed system analysis, diagram context system, data flow diagram (DFD), table relation, database structure table, and interface design system. This website design uses PHP program. This e-commerce website has three user based on the access right therefore it can be used by customer (end user), the owner (bamboo craft creative industry), and the administrator (website management)


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    This article examines the campaign strategy of the National Democrat Party (Nasdem) in Indonesia’s 2019 legislative election. Nasdem was selected as the research object because Nasdem as a new party succeeded in political campaigns in the 2019 election and was the party that experienced the highest increase in vote from previous elections compared to the other parties. Commonly, new parties cannot succeed in reaching the parliamentary threshold. However, it is not applied for Nasdem. While most surveys predicted that Nasdem would not succeed in passing the 4 percent of the parliamentary threshold, the party proved that they were being the big five-party in the 2019 election. Theoretically, the Nasdem campaign strategy is analyzed with four mix marketing indicators so-called as 4P, namely product, price, place, and promotion, This research is a qualitative research, using the case study approach. In data-gathering, it employs a documentary study by collecting news of online mass media. The research finding demonstrates that among four mix marketing indicators to assess the Nasdem campaign strategy, price is the most influential indicator which affects the triumph of Nasdem in the 2019 legislative election, primarily the image price symbolized by the robust personality of Surya Paloh. In addition to that, the Nasdem image as the Jokowi true believer also strengthens the high popular vote of Nasdem in the 2019 legislative election

    Sosialisasi Stunting dan Pencegahan Stunting Era New Normal di Kelurahan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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    Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem caused by inadequate nutritional intake for a long time due to feeding that is not in accordance with nutritional needs. The purpose of this activity is to add insight to parents in choosing nutritious foods to avoid stunting. The existence of stunting prevention socialization can help the community to change their lifestyle for the better. The implementation of this Stunting Prevention program is carried out using a participatory approach, meaning that the fostered partners will be actively involved in every stage and coaching activities carried out through introduction and education about stunting, behavior education clean and healthy living, followed by the provision of additional food for toddlers, pregnant women, and children affected by stunting. Some of the steps we take in preventing stunting in the Tampan Village are: 1. Survey and data search, 2. Socialization and education on stunting, 3. Education on clean and healthy living behavior, 4. Provision of additional food. Stunting is a dangerous disease condition and must be continuously considered by the community and the government. If it is not continued, it is feared that Indonesia will experience a Lost Generation crisis. The Kukerta Team of the University of Riau took the initiative and intensified this stunting prevention program, as a form of concern for the future of the Indonesian nation. There are several programs and stages that have been implemented. Such as education and outreach about stunting and how to prevent it, education about health and hygiene, and providing additional food