148 research outputs found

    What Can Genre Tell Us? Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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    Genre is known to be one of media to communicate between the game designer and game players. Genre could give powerful impact to the game players because it makes the game players familiar with the game with the similar genre to play. Through genre, the game designer and maker could use it to gain the players’ heart so that they can spread their ideas imbued in their games. Metal Gear Solid Game series which was firstly played in 1987 has been promoting the anti-nuclear possession since its release. This paper has a purpose to reveal what makes this last series of Metal Gear Solid game, MGSV: The Phantom Pain, can be accepted widely by game players by observing its genre and this paper also aims to discover how the game designers, through the game, promoted the anti-nuclear war, which becomes a hot issue again nowadays, by using multimodal genre analysis.   Keywords: discourse analysis, genre analysis, MGA, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Anti-nuclear war ideolog

    Analyzing Genre of Character-Describing Cards in ‘Clash Royale’ Android Game

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    Playing games is the most enjoyable activity for some teenagers. However, playing games nowadays can be considered both a wasting time activity because by playing games some of teenagers spend much time playing it and an addicting activity making the players anti-social persons because they tend to isolate them from their surroundings while playing. However, some android games can offer the good example as the learning materials for Discourse Analysis course. One of those is the game from Supercell ‘Clash Royale’ which is considered the famous games which game players mostly have ever played. The unique way of describing the game characters through the cards is the object of this analysis. The method of collecting the data of these games is by capturing the pictures of the Clash Royale games and other similar games using the screenshot feature which is available in smartphone. After capturing the pictures, they are transcribed into text and analyze them by comparing the way in describing the characters in the cards. The pictures are used to compare the structure of cards which are used to describe the game characters. The use of bending and blending genre which appear in describing the characters is used to arouse the humorous feeling among the game players without breaking the conventional structure of the genre


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    Bahasa merupakan media untuk berkomunikasi antar sesama manusia dan hal tersebut sering juga disebut sebagai fungsi bahasa sebagai fungsi ekspresif dan sosial yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Kedua fungsi tersebut itulah lalu muncul keberagaman penggunaan bahasa yang salah satunya adalah penggunaan peribahasa untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu dalam percakapan sehari-hari yang terkait dengan fungsi sosial bahasa. Peribahasa yang merupakan salah satu artefak bahasa menunjukkan ciri budaya masyarakat pengguna peribahasa tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penilitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan dua peribahasa dari bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia untuk menganalisis unsur-unsur yang dipakai dalam kedua bahasa tersebut sehingga dapat diketahui ciri-ciri budaya dari bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indoesia. Data yang diambil dari penelitian ini adalah data yang terdapat di kamus Oxford dan buku peribahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan model prisma yang dikembangkan oleh Geeraerts yang kemudian disederhanakan untuk mengenalisis metafora yang digunakan dalam peribahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Hasil dari penilitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peribahasa mencerminkan budaya dari pengguna peribahasa tersebut

    Analyzing Genre of Character-Describing Cards in ‘Clash Royale’ Android Game

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    Playing games is the most enjoyable activity for some teenagers. However, playing games nowadays can be considered both a wasting time activity because by playing games some of teenagers spend much time playing it and an addicting activity making the players anti-social persons because they tend to isolate them from their surroundings while playing. However, some android games can offer the good example as the learning materials for Discourse Analysis course. One of those is the game from Supercell ‘Clash Royale’ which is considered the famous games which game players mostly have ever played. The unique way of describing the game characters through the cards is the object of this analysis. The method of collecting the data of these games is by capturing the pictures of the Clash Royale games and other similar games using the screenshot feature which is available in smartphone. After capturing the pictures, they are transcribed into text and analyze them by comparing the way in describing the characters in the cards. The pictures are used to compare the structure of cards which are used to describe the game characters. The use of bending and blending genre which appear in describing the characters is used to arouse the humorous feeling among the game players without breaking the conventional structure of the genre

    Isolasi dan Optimasi Ekstrinsik Bakteri Termo-proteolitik Isolat Sumber Air Panas Semurup, Kab. Kerinci, Jambi

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    Bakteri termo-proteolitik telah diisolasi dari sumber air panas semurup kerinci, Jambi. Bakteri yangdiisolasi berjumlah 120 isolat dan 50 isolat diantaranya mampu memproduksi enzim proteasetermostabil. Isolat dengan kode TPT-20 menunjukkan nilai indeks proteolitik yang paling tinggi yaitusebesar 13. Hasil identifikasi dan karakterisasi makroskopis, mikroskopis dan biokimia menunjukkanbahwa ciri-ciri isolate TPT-20 mengarah kepada genus Bacillus. Rekayasa kondisi ekstrinsik dilakukandengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan kondisi optimal Bacillus sp. TPT-20 dalam memproduksi enzimprotease. Optimasi dilakukan dengan merekayasa kondisi suhu dan pH pertumbuhan, sumberglukosa, sumber nitrogen, rasio C/N, Konsentrasi inoculum, jenis medium, dan waktu inkubasi. Hasiloptimasi menunjukkan bahwa dengan suhu inkubasi 55 0C, pH medium 8, penambahan maltose 1,5%, penambahan KNO3 dengan rasio C/N = 10, konsentrasi inoculum 7,5 % pada medium el-refai danwaktu inkubasi 12 jam dapat meningkatkan produksi enzim protease termostabil dengan nilai aktivitassebesar 5,009 U/m

    How Close Are Western Cham Language and Bahasa Indonesia in their Structure? A Contrastive Study

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    Western Cham spoken in Cambodia is categorized as Malay-Polynesian under the West Malay Polynesian with the largest speakers compared to its sister, Eastern Cham spoken in Vietnam. The fallen kingdom of Champa in 1442 brought pervasive and massive change to this language both spoken and writing system. The language contact between these languages to the neighboring language makes these languages survive by adopting the phonotactics of neighboring languages. However, this change can be traced back to its family and this research aims to find and to describe the difference and similarity between Bahasa Indonesia and Cham language using contrastive analysis. This analysis is used to elaborate the phrase structure, and simple clause structure with different voices, negation, and the use of adverb already which has its unique application. This research, which was fully funded by PPSDK (Pusat Pengembangan Stategi Diplomasi dan Kebahasaan) under the Ministry of Education of Republic Indonesia and also supported by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and Musa Asiah Foundation (YASMA), was conducted in four months in a Muslim private School in Krouch Chmar, Cambodia and has secondary aim to support the development of this language and to preserve it from language endangerment status, because of its limited use in social settings

    Analisis Fast Moving Consumer Goods untuk Memprakirakan Penjualan Barang Menggunakan Metode Triple Exponential Smoothing

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    Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) refers to a business sector generating economy particularly in Indonesia. The movement of goods runs quickly as they belong to staple food and have relatively short shelf life. They are sometimes unpredictable and even out of stock specifically to goods in fast moving category. Consequently, business doers can lose opportunities. Therefore, sale prediction is necessary to reduce opportunity loss and stock piling upon the goods that should not be ordered excessively. This research conducted prediction through Triple Exponential Smoothing method in the period of January 2018 to June 2020 by taking 5 item samples that were then tried out using alpha 0.1 – 0.9. As a result, alpha 0.1 became the best alpha in this research compared to alpha 0.2 – 0.9. Out of 5 trials, alpha 0.1 (MAPE 22%, 19%, and 34%) occurred three times and alpha 0.2 (MAPE 34% and 11%) happened twice. However, this research has not obtained the best result yet as it has not satisfied the indicator of more than 10% whole MAPEs. Thus, Triple Exponential Smoothing Brown was less appropriate to the data being used. The calculation of estimation did not consider the data fluctuation such as Ramadhan event greatly affecting the data training and forecasting resul


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    Indonesia is known to have countless varieties of cultures because Indonesia consists of many tribes and languages. Bahasa Indonesia as the national language faces the new threat from the code mixing slang such as kids jaman now, mantap soul, unfaedah, and curigation which is so popular among the teenagers. This research aims to know the perspective of culture among the teenagers by using a semantic prototype which has a focus to know the grade of goodness. This semantic prototype in this research uses two methods in collecting the data, first is using free listing and the second is judging the examples of categorizations to evaluate which of the categories included as culture was positioned among others prototypically. The respondents of this research are 47 respondents for the first method and 52 respondents for the second method and their age range from 18-20 years old. The other questions are also asked to the respondents related to their knowledge about culture. The result of this research is that culture is seen to be something performable on stage such as traditional dance and costume, rites, and music and ironically language in this case is only in 6th position in the first method and 4th position in the second method. Although the position of language changes the acknowledgment of language as an integral part of culture is still low in number


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    Hoax news related to Covid 19 pandemic was spread in the US. In some cases, it is rather difficult to differentiate between real and fake news. Therefore, this study has an aim to analyse the evaluative features of online news using appraisal theory on the attitude subsystem. The appraising items focused on attitude division in the Huzlers about Corona Virus published in 2020 as the fake news and NBC news in 2012 as the real news regarding to the use of Meth to deal with Flu virus. Both news are American Media and were published online. This main purpose of this research is to explain the realization of fake and real news with the similar topics. The data used in this study was taken from Huzlers and NBC news and was collected in three steps: comparing, intensive reading, and transcribing. Moreover, the data were analysed into three steps: classifying, categorizing and analysing using Attitude theory which is one of appraisal theory aspects in SFL discourse semantics (Martin, J. R., & Rose 2007, Martin & White 2005, Martin 2019). The results of this study found that both news, real and fake news are dominated by appreciation. However, in fake news there is a tendency that the positive polarity is used to favour meth drugs, meanwhile in real news, it shows the polarity in balance. In addition, in fake news, there is also a tendency to use judgment to appraise the people involved in the meth drugs research.
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