13 research outputs found

    Increasing Productivity Using Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC) at PT. XYZ (a Case in Indonesian Company)

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    The productivity level of PT. XYZ is still below the target, especially in the batch area. This condition is proved by the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) value is about 58% based on January and February data. Taking this into account, it is necessary to conduct further research to determine the causes. This study aims to increase productivity in the raw material warehouse and pre-batch areas. To solve this problem we use a six-sigma with DMAIC method because these methods can determine the root cause of the problem and provide appropriate recommendations for improvement systematically. The results show that the application of the kanban system in the pre-batch area and reuse of rack in the pre-batch area can increase the average OEE batch value from 58% to 64%. The increase in productivity tn the raw material warehouse and pre-batch area affects Adherence to Plan (ATP) value from 86% to 91,15%

    Determination of Warehouse Performance Measurement Indicators at PT Pos Logistik Indonesia with The Balanced Scorecard Method

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    PT Pos Logistik Indonesia is a subsidiary of PT Pos Indonesia. This research focuses on PT Pos Logistik Indonesia Unilever Cakung warehouse, which later researchers will determine warehouse performance indicators using the Balanced Scorecard method. In the current conditions, the company only measures performance on employees and internal business activities and only focuses on one financial indicator. Therefore, it is necessary to have indicators that cover all aspects in realizing the vision and mission of the company. This study aims to compile appropriate indicators and propose additional indicators that need to be applied by companies for each perspective on the Balanced Scorecard method and determine priority weights for each perspective. The thing to do is to solve it by determining a strategy that is in accordance with the company's vision and mission that is adjusted to the company's activities, then by being able to determine suitable performance indicators to be implemented in the company PT Pos Logistik Indonesia. Then you can weight the interests of each performance indicator from four perspectives to find out which indicators are the most important to implement and prioritize. After calculating using Super Decision software, it is found that the customer perspective has a priority weight value of 0.333, the finance perspective has a priority weight value of 0.298, the internal process perspective has a priority weight value of 0.257 and the learning and growth perspective has a priority weight value of 0.113. The highest weight is on the customer perspective so that this perspective is more important than other perspective

    Mix method analysis for analyzing user behavior on logistic company mobile pocket software

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    The present study emphasizes mixed-method analysis, integrating the partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) and customer journey for mobile pocket office improvement in logistic XYZ company. The extension of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT 2) model by incorporating perceived risk (PR), personal innovativeness (PI), and trust (TR) variables are used. The sample for this study consisted of 243 res­pondents. Based on the results of the PLS-SEM analysis, two of the eleven tested hypotheses were determined to be rejected. In application usage, the proposed model effectively explained 85.7 per cent of the influence on beha­vioral intention (BI) and 72.1 per cent on use behavior (UB). The customer journey mapping (CJM) investigation's findings show that fluctuations in the use of mobile pocket office technology in the field are generally brought on by a lot of data entry, sluggish internet connections, and overworked field operations. The XYZ company may acquire sugges­tions and knowledge for developing further applications due to this inquiry.Saat ini, perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan inovasi sangat penting bagi perekonomian. Selain itu, hal ini menyebabkan persaingan yang semakin ketat antara perusahaan. Aplikasi mobile pocket office berbasis mobile disediakan oleh perusahaan logistik PT. XYZ dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan khususnya di divisi operasional. Namun karena fluktuasi penggunaan, program mobile pocket office ini tidak dapat bekerja pada level puncaknya. Untuk menguji perilaku pengguna, penelitian ini menggunakan analisis metode campuran, mengintegrasikan PLS-SEM dan Perjalanan Pelanggan. Evaluasi PLS-SEM Penelitian ini menilai variabel yang mempengaruhi penerimaan pengguna terhadap penggunaan aplikasi mobile pocket office dengan membangun model UTAUT 2 yang ditingkatkan dengan menggabungkan variabel persepsi risiko (PR), inovasi pribadi (SINN), dan kepercayaan (TR). Sampel untuk penelitian ini terdiri dari 243 responden. Berdasarkan hasil analisis PLS-SEM, dua dari sebelas hipotesis yang diuji dinyatakan tidak benar. Efek terbesar pada niat perilaku dan perilaku penggunaan masing-masing disebabkan oleh variabel motivasi hedonis (HM) dan variabel kebiasaan (HB) (BI). Dalam konteks penggunaan aplikasi, model yang diusulkan menjelaskan secara efektif pengaruh sebesar 85,7 persen terhadap behavioral intention (BI) dan 72,1 persen terhadap use behavior (UB). Variabel persepsi risiko (PR) dan ekspektasi upaya (EE) diabaikan. Pengguna merasakan banyak usaha, dan tingginya risiko penyalahgunaan membuat mereka kurang tertarik menggunakan program, menurut hasil. Temuan investigasi Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) menunjukkan bahwa fluktuasi penggunaan teknologi mobile pocket office di lapangan umumnya disebabkan oleh banyak entri data, koneksi internet yang lamban, dan operasi lapangan yang terlalu banyak bekerja. PT. Perusahaan XYZ dapat memperoleh saran dan pengetahuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi lebih lanjut sebagai hasil dari penyelidikan ini.   &nbsp

    Determining Distribution Center Locations to Optimize Food Supply Chain Integration (A Case Study of an Agribusiness Company in Indonesia)

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    PT Asagri Selaras Asia is an agribusiness company in Jakarta, Indonesia that provides food supply for entrepreneurs in the tourism sector, such as hotels and restaurants. In running their business, the company has a supply chain network that effectively integrates suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores. Supply chain management optimization is deemed necessary to maximize efficiency in every process carried out at PT Asagri Selaras Asia. One of the processes that can be optimized is the determination of facility location. The right facility location can minimize distance, delivery time, and operational costs and optimize the company's profit. Currently, the contract period for the distribution center (DC) used by PT Asagri Selaras Asia is about to expire therefore a decision is needed regarding the determination of the DC location for the next period, either extending the current DC contract or moving to a new location. This study aims to maximize the company's profit by comparing the profit obtained under existing and alternative DC, and the proposed DC from the experimental results using the Green Field Analysis (GFA) method. This study also aims to determine the feasibility of the three DC locations using the Network Optimization (NO) method with Anylogistix software. Based on the data analysis, the new DC is recommended to be located in the West Pejaten area, South Jakarta with latitude -6.2729150574 and longitude 106.8230798418 which will give an increase in profit of 80.53% compared to the existing DC


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah kecacatan produk pada PT. XYZ yang bergerak dalam produksi frozen food hasil olahan perikanan dan udang. Masalah yang dihadapi adalah adanya cacat pada kulit dimsum dan ketidakseragaman bentuk dimsum dalam proses produksi dimsum. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan pendekatan Six Sigma dengan metode DMAIC. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa ada dua jenis cacat pada dimsum, yaitu kerusakan pada kulit dimsum mencapai 66% dan ketidakseragaman bentuk dimsum mencapai 34%. Dengan menggunakan peta kendali p-chart, diketahui bahwa ada satu kejadian di mana cacat produk berada di luar batas kendali, sementara yang lainnya berada dalam batas kendali. Meskipun demikian, jumlah cacat produk secara keseluruhan masih melebihi nilai rata-rata cacat. Dalam perhitungan Defect Per Million Opportunities (DPMO), ditemukan bahwa terdapat 23,506.90 produk cacat per satu juta produk yang diproduksi, dengan tingkat sigma sebesar 3.51. Untuk itu, dilakukan analisis sebab-akibat menggunakan fishbone diagram dengan faktor penyebab yang teridentifikasi, yaitu material, mesin, pekerja, dan metode. Setelah analisis sebab-akibat, dilakukan perbaikan dengan metode Kepner Tregoe Potential Problem Analysis (KTPPA) dan Action Plan. Dengan menerapkan pendekatan Six Sigma dan metode DMAIC, diharapkan PT. XYZ dapat mengurangi jumlah cacat produk, meningkatkan mutu dan kualitas dimsum, serta meningkatkan efisiensi dalam proses produksi. Semoga hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi perusahaan dan industri dalam menghadapi tantangan produksi frozen food


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    Model of Consumer Switching Behavior Analysis Using PLS-SEM during Covid-19

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    The ongoing covid-19 pandemic forces every individual to shift in almost every aspect of life, including the shopping behavior. Changes in consumer shopping behavior will greatly affect all members in the supply chain of goods consumed by consumers. Based on the concept of supply chain management, consumers are the main part of the supply chain as a source of revenue. This study aims to determine the key factors that influence changes in consumer shopping behavior from offline to online during the covid-19 pandemic. The Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS- SEM) shows that information on pandemic conditions such as changes in social distancing and lockdown policies, as well as the convenience of technology and the social environment affect the desire to switch channels from offline to online. The results support actions that retailers can take to better prepare their online channels if conditions such as lockdowns and social distancing policies are tightened as these encourage consumers to prefer buying products online


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    PT Gagas Energi Indonesia is a gas subholding company, including the distribution of CNG in the form of cylinders (C-cyl). C-cyl one of the CNG development projects is packaged in a pressurized cylinder of 200-250 pcs and the volume of CNG ranges from 20 - 25 m3 with 16 - 20 kg of LPG. The problem of this research is that the route determination by the company is still done manually so that it has risks in making decisions, assumptions, causing long distances per day and causing the use of a large fleet to be able to cover all customers per day. In solving this problem, the AnyLogistix software transportation optimization model features are used which are solved with the capacited TO experiment to determine distribution routes with the characteristics of the CVRP problem. The data used are 20 location points for potential customers who have the highest demand in the industrial sector, the products used as research objects are CNG C-cyl gaslink and 125 PS Head Truck capacity. The results of the route in the AnyLogistix software for the delivery movement path January 1 2022 – January 5 2022 obtained the total route, the total distance is the same for each day with the first route starting from Pertamina Jaya Hospital, Grand Paragon Mall, PT SINAR HARAPAN PLASTIK, PT DELIDENT, Blok M Plaza, Mercure Jakarta Gatot Subroto, Karimata Taman Mini, Bhayangkara Hospital TK.I R. Said Sukanto, ABUBA Steak – Matraman with a total distance of 106.80 KM, the second route to Richesee Kalimalang, Pondok Kelapa Town Square with a total distance of 14.94 KM and the third route to PT. PIONIRBETON INDUSTRY, Dr. Mintohardjo Naval Hospital, Plataran Menteng, Mercure Jakarta Cikini, Best Western Plus Kemayoran Hotel, Whiz Prime Hotel Kelapa Gading, SANTIKA KELAPA GADING, Jakarta Harbor Hospital, Boutique Café with a total distance of 53.85 KM. &nbsp