76 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Emergency Severity Index

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    The number of patients in Sido Waras Hospital Emergency Department declined since in 2013 until 2015 and the preliminary survey also showed there were complex complaints emergency department services. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the service and the satisfaction of patients in Sido Waras Hospital Emergency Department.The concept of ESI Sido Waras Hospital Emergency Department namely provided categories of patients based on the gravity and duration of patient management.Therefore in this study to analyze the relationship with the ESI level of patient satisfaction in the Sido Waras Hospital Emergency Department. This study was a survey


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    Background: Mangosteen peel contains a xanthone as strong antioxidant, which is useful as a prooxidant balancer (reduxing radicals, oxidizing radicals, carbondentered, UV light, metal, etc) that can be found in human environment. The activity of xathone can be found from the number of NK cell that will increase the production of IFN-γ cytokine. Methods: The human experimental research has been done by Randomized Control Group Pretest-Post Test Design, 20 patients sample for each group. Group 1: The HIV patients with ARV therapy were given mangosteen peel extract, 2: The HIV patients with ARV therapy were given placebo capsule. The treatment was done for 30 days, then NK cells number and IFN-γ level examination was done in pre – post treatment. The result was tested to find out the normality of data distribution by Saphiro Wilks test. If the data distribution is normal, the data analysis was continued by Paired Sample T Test to determine the difference between the pre test nad post test treatment. If the data distribution is abnormal, data analysis was continued by Wilcoxon Smith test. And Spearman’s Rho test was used to determine the correlation between the number of NK cells and IFN-γ level. Whereas the Mann Whitney test was used to determine the difference between the group 1 and group 2. Results: There are no significant differences between NK cell number (p:0.911) and IFN-γ level (p:0.588) to HIV patients with ARV therapy in the pre and post test examination after having been given mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) peel extract. There are no significant correlations between NK cell number and IFN-γ level in each group (p: 0.074). Conclusions: There are no effects of giving mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) peel extract on the number of NK cell and level of IFN-γ to HIV patients by antiretroviral therapy. Key Word: Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) Peel Extract, NK Cell Number, INF-γ Cytokin

    Stres akademis berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup pada remaja

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    LATAR BELAKANGMasa remaja adalah periode usia yang berkisar dari 10-19 tahun. Remaja merupakan salah satu penentu indeks pembangunan manusia. Pembangunan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Kualitas hidup remaja dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, terutama faktor fisik dan psikologis. Pada remaja terjadi perubahan yang signifikan pada kedua faktor tersebut. Hal ini menyebabkan remaja menjadi rentan terhadap stres. Salah satu stres yang dapat dialami remaja adalah stres akademis. Stres akan mengakibatkan perubahan biokimia, psikologis, dan perilaku, kondisi ini dapat menyebabkan penurunan kesehatan fisik, psikologis, dan hubungan sosial sehingga mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan antara stress akademik dan kualitas hidup pada remaja. METODEPenelitian ini merupakan studi cross sectional dengan responden berjumlah 233 siswa di SMAN 1 Cileungsi, Kab. Bogor. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner Educational Stres Scale for Adolescent (ESSA) dan kuesioner Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale-Adolescent (MSLSS). Analisis data dengan uji Chi-Square menggunakan program SPSS dengan tingkat kemaknaan sebesar 0,05. HASILDari 233 responden, 70% berjenis kelamin perempuan, 30% laki-laki, 15,5% tegolong stres ringan, 51,1% stres sedang, dan 33,5% stres berat, 50,2% memiliki kualitas hidup kurang dan 49,8% kualitas hidup baik. Uji Chi-Square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara stres akademis dan kualitas hidup pada remaja (p = 0,044). KESIMPULANStres akademis merupakan salah satu jenis stres yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pada remaja


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    A vertex-magic total labeling of graph , with the vertices and the edges is the bijection from to the set of integers , and for each vertex in satisfying , is the vertex that adjacent with , then named a magic constant in . The sum of the label of and the labels of all edges incident to the is the same for all vertices of and named vertex-magic total graph. Vertex-magic total labeling of cartesian products of cycles, with the type , with and is odd are the labeling to the and the concept used to label is -vertex antimagic total labeling and to label it is used vertex magic total labeling of cycles, with the cycle is odd

    Distribusi Kuantitas dan Kualitas Mataair untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Domestik di Kecamatan Jatinom dan Karanganom, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah

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    Air merupakan komponen penting di bumi, khusunya airtanah. Mataair merupakan airtanah yang keluar ke permukaan Bumi. Klaten merupakan wilayah terpengaruh geologi dan geomorfologi Gunungapi Merapi berupa zona tekuk lereng yang memiliki material penyusun berupa bahan vulkanik lepas bersifat porus sehingga memudahkan air meresap menjadi airtanah dan muncul ke permukaan sebagai mataair. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis distribusi mataair beserta kualitas dan kuantitasnya yang berada di Kecamatan Jatinom dan Karanganom, melakukan evaluasi kualitas mataair sebagai sumber air minum utama bagi masyarakat, menganalisis potensi mataair sebagai proyeksi ketersediaannya untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan penduduk di masa yang akan datang.Metode penelitiannya yaitu pengukuran langsung di lapangan berupa pengukuran debit, koordinat mataair, dan wawancara kebutuhan air domestik serta pengolahan data sekunder untuk memproyeksikan jumlah kebutuhan air domestik di masa yang akan datang.Enam mataair muncul akibat tenaga gravitasi dan umum digunakan penduduk, yaitu diantara kelimanya adalah mataair depresi dan lainnya adalah mataair artesis. Pola distribusi berdasarkan debitnya cenderung mengelompok dengan kelas debit menurut Meinzer termasuk pada kelas IV (10-100 liter/detik) dan kelas V (1- 10 liter/detik). Hasil evaluasi mutu mataair menunjukkan bahwa seluruh mataair layak digunakan untukmemenuhi kebutuhan air domestik dan kebutuhan air minum secara langsung, terkecuali Mataair Karanggeneng yang mengandung Nitrat melebihi golongan kelas mutu yang diperbolehkan. Ketersediaan air total mataair adalah 5.932.508.577 liter/tahun. Proyeksi ketersediaan air mataair menunjukkan kondisi yang kritis (diatas 100%) apabila seandainya digunakan sebagai satu-satunya penyuplai kebutuhan domestik seluruh masyarakat Kecamatan Jatinom dan Karanganom tanpa menggunakan sumber lainnya

    Perancangan Permainan Mengasah Daya Ingat “Memory Training” Menggunakan Greenfoot

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    Selama ini permainan anak-anak dilakukan secara tradisional, tetapi permainan tradisional ini memiliki kekurangan yaitu membutuhkan waktu khusus, membutuhkan tempat yang luas, dimainkan di luar rumah, serta dapat menyebabkan cidera dan kelelahan. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi yang pesat, permainan modern semakin diminati oleh anak-anak, terutama permainan yang berbasis komputer. Selain dapat menghilangkan kejenuhan, permainan juga merupakan salah satu cara efektif untuk mengasah daya ingat. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengembangkan permainan mengasah daya ingat “Memory Training” untuk anak-anak yang berusia 7 sampai 12 tahun. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk membuat permainan ini yaitu Greenfoot, yang berbasis bahasa pemrograman Java dengan konsep pemrograman berorientasi objek. Tahap perancangan dimulai dengan merancang konsep, isi, naskah, dan grafik permainan. Tahap implementasi dilakukan dengan membangun dan mengembangkan permainan sesuai dengan rancangan yang sudah dibuat, yaitu meliputi implementasi program dan grafik. Tahap pengujian dilakukan dengan metode black-box serta dilakukan uji coba secara langsung kepada 20 anak.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa permainan ini dapat berjalan dengan baik pada sistem operasi Windows XP dan Windows 7. Tombol-tombol dan fungsi-fungsi pada permainan juga dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan sesuai dengan fungsionalitasnya masing-masing. Berdasarkan penilaian yang diberikan oleh 20 anak, permainan “Memory Training” ini dinilai menarik, mudah dipahami dan dimainkan, mampu mengasah daya ingat, serta tampilan permainannya bagus, sehingga menarik perhatian anak-anak untuk memainkan permainan ini kembali. Hal ini terlihat pada semua aspek penilaian, yang mendapatkan persentase lebih dari 90%

    Kajian Ekstraksi Minyak Jahe Menggunakan Microwave Assisted Extraction (Mae)

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    Jahe merupakan salah satu hasil rempah-rempah yang cukup potensial di Indonesia. Salah satu pemanfaatan jahe yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi yaitu minyak jahe. Akan tetapi minyak jahe Indonesia sampai saat ini belum dapat memenuhi standar Internasional. Minyak jahe Indonesia memiliki kadar zingiberene rendah serta nilai putar optik + (positif), sementara minyak jahe standar Internasional memiliki kadar zingiberene tinggi dan nilai putar optik – (negatif). Rendahya kadar zingiberene minyak jahe Indonesia disebabkan oleh penguraian zingiberene pada proses destilasi konvensioanl dengan suhu tinggi. Zingiberene sendiri merupakan senyawa thermolabil yang mudah terurai pada suhu tinggi. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya upaya pencarian alternatif proses ekstraksi minyak jahe. Salah satu proses yang ditawarkan adalah ekstraksi minyak jahe dengan menggunakan Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE). Alat ini tidak menggunakan suhu tinggi serta mempunyai kontrol yang baik terhadap suhu, sehingga cocok digunakan untuk senyawa-senyawa thermolabil. Selain itu, dengan alat ini waktu ekstraksi juga relatif lebih cepat dengan yield yang tinggi serta penggunaan energi yang relatif kecil


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    Background: Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common inflammatory skin disorders with increasing prevalence. AD is a multifactorial disease influenced by a complex relationship between genetic and environmental factors. Genetic predisposition for atopic diseases may cause an expansion of Th2 cells activities, and IL-13 is an important mediator in Th2 immunity response. IL-13 has a role in the abnormal immune response against pathogens and decreased skin barrier function, two major predisposing factors for AD. The purpose of this study is to prove that there is a correlation between IL-13 serum levels and AD disease severity measured by the SCORAD index. Method: This is a cross-sectional analytic observational study. Research subjects are 37 patients with atopic dermatitis and 16 healthy controls. Serum samples were processed and analyzed at the GAKI Laboratory of Dr. Kariadi General Hospital Semarang. Results: There is a significant difference of IL-13 serum levels between patients with atopic dermatitis and healthy control (p=0.0001), and between the study group with mild, moderate and severe atopic dermatitis (p=0.0001). Analysis found a significant and very strong positive correlation (p=0.0001; r=0.911) between IL-13 serum levels and SCORAD index. Conclusion: There is a significant positive correlation between IL-13 serum levels and atopic dermatitis disease severity, which means that IL-13 serum level will increase with increasing disease severity of atopic dermatitis. Keywords: Atopic Dermatitis, Interleukin 13, Severity, SCORA

    Challenges That Hinder Parturients to Deliver in Health Facilities: a Qualitative Analysis in Two Districts of Indonesia

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    Background: There are many challenges women face to be able to give birth in health facilities in many parts of Indonesia. This study explores the roles and observations of close-to-community maternal health providers and other community members on potential barriers faced by women to deliver in health facilities in two districts within The Archipelago. Methods: Employing an explorative qualitative approach, 110 semi-structured interviews and 7 focus group discussions were conducted in 8 villages in Southwest Sumba, in the East Nusa Tenggara province, and in 8 villages in Cianjur, in the West Java province. The participants included village midwives, Posyandu volunteer (village health volunteers), traditional birth attendants (TBAs), mothers, men, village heads and district health officials. Results: The main findings were mostly similar in the two study areas. However, there were some key differences. Preference for TBA care, traditional beliefs, a lack of responsiveness of health providers to local traditions, distance, cost of travel and indirect costs of accompanying family members were all barriers to patients attending health facilities for the birth of their child. TBAs were the preferred health providers in most cases due to their close proximity at the time of childbirth and their adherence to traditional practices during pregnancy and delivery. Conclusions: Improving collaborations between midwives and TBAs, collaboration, and responsiveness to traditional practices within health facilities and effective health promotion campaigns about the benefits of giving birth in health facilities may increase the use of health facilities in both study areas.&nbsp

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation Dan Probing-prompting Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Pada Materi Operasi Aljabar Ditinjau Dari Kecemasan Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri Di Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of learning model toward learning achievement in mathematics viewed from the mathematics anxiety. The learning models of this research were cooperative learning model of the GI with Scientific Approach, the cooperative learning model of the Probing-Prompting with Scientific Approach, and classical learning model with Scientific Approach. This was a quasi-experimental study with 3Ă—3 factorical design. The study population was all eighth grade students of state junior high school in Karanganyar District. The sample was taken by using stratified cluster random sampling method. The sample consisted of 280 students with 95 students in the first experimental class, 93 students in the second experimental class, and 92 students in the control class. Instruments used to colled data were mathematics achievement test and the student's mathematics anxiety questionnaire. The proposed hypotheses of the research were tested by using the two-way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of the research were as follows: 1) GI cooperative learning model with scientific approach gave better achievement than probing-prompting with scientific approach and classical learning model with scientific approach while probing-prompting and classical learning model with scientific approach gave same achievement, 2) the students with low mathematics anxiety had better achievement than the students with moderate and high mathematics anxiety, and the students with moderate mathematics anxiety had better achievement than the students with high mathematics anxiety, 3) in all categories of student's mathematics anxiety, GI cooperative learning model with scientific approach, Probing-Prompting cooperative learning model with scientific approach, and classical learning model with scientific approach gave the same learning achievement in mathematics, 4) in the GI cooperative learning model with scientific approach and Probing-Prompting cooperative learning model with scientific approach, the students with low mathematics anxiety had better achievement than the students with moderate and high mathematics anxiety, and the students with moderate mathematics anxiety had better achievement than the students with high mathematics anxiety. In the classical learning model with scientific approach, the students with low mathematics anxiety had better achievement than the students with moderate and high mathematics anxiety, while the students with moderate and high mathematics anxiety had the same achievement
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