9 research outputs found

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation Dan Probing-prompting Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Pada Materi Operasi Aljabar Ditinjau Dari Kecemasan Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri Di Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of learning model toward learning achievement in mathematics viewed from the mathematics anxiety. The learning models of this research were cooperative learning model of the GI with Scientific Approach, the cooperative learning model of the Probing-Prompting with Scientific Approach, and classical learning model with Scientific Approach. This was a quasi-experimental study with 3×3 factorical design. The study population was all eighth grade students of state junior high school in Karanganyar District. The sample was taken by using stratified cluster random sampling method. The sample consisted of 280 students with 95 students in the first experimental class, 93 students in the second experimental class, and 92 students in the control class. Instruments used to colled data were mathematics achievement test and the student's mathematics anxiety questionnaire. The proposed hypotheses of the research were tested by using the two-way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of the research were as follows: 1) GI cooperative learning model with scientific approach gave better achievement than probing-prompting with scientific approach and classical learning model with scientific approach while probing-prompting and classical learning model with scientific approach gave same achievement, 2) the students with low mathematics anxiety had better achievement than the students with moderate and high mathematics anxiety, and the students with moderate mathematics anxiety had better achievement than the students with high mathematics anxiety, 3) in all categories of student's mathematics anxiety, GI cooperative learning model with scientific approach, Probing-Prompting cooperative learning model with scientific approach, and classical learning model with scientific approach gave the same learning achievement in mathematics, 4) in the GI cooperative learning model with scientific approach and Probing-Prompting cooperative learning model with scientific approach, the students with low mathematics anxiety had better achievement than the students with moderate and high mathematics anxiety, and the students with moderate mathematics anxiety had better achievement than the students with high mathematics anxiety. In the classical learning model with scientific approach, the students with low mathematics anxiety had better achievement than the students with moderate and high mathematics anxiety, while the students with moderate and high mathematics anxiety had the same achievement

    Karakterisasi Kemasan Kertas Aktif dengan Penambahan Oleoresin Ampas Destilasi Sereh Dapur (Cymbopogon Citratus)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi oleoresin ampas destilasi sereh dapur (0 %, 2 %, 4 %, dan 6 % b/b) terhadap karakteristik kemasan kertas aktif (analisis sensoris, kadar air, ketebalan, ketahanan tarik, ketahanan lipat, dan aktifitas antimikroba), mengetahui gugus fungsi kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dan konsentrasi oleoresin ampas destilasi sereh dapur terpilih, mengetahui pengaruh waktu penyimpanan (0, 5, 10, 15, dan 20 hari) terhadap karakteristik kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dan konsentrasi oleoresin ampas destilasi sereh dapur terpilih (uji ketahanan lipat dan ketahanan tarik), dan mengetahui aktivitas antimikroba kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dan konsentrasi oleoresin ampas destilasi sereh dapur terpilih sebelum dan setelah penyimpanan selama 20 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi oleoresin berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, overall (penerimaan keseluruhan), ketahanan tarik, ketahanan lipat, dan aktivitas antimikroba tetapi berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap aroma, tekstur, kadar air, dan ketebalan kemasan kertas aktif. Penambahan oleoresin ampas destilasi sereh dapur meningkatkan kadar air, ketebalan, dan aktivitas antimikroba serta menurunkan ketahanan tarik, ketahanan lipat, dan penerimaan panelis. Kemasan kertas aktif mengandung gugus fungsi selulosa, kitosan, dan tween 80 serta pada kemasan kertas aktif penambahan oleoresin konsentrasi 2 % terdapat gugus fungsi oleoresin sereh dapur. Waktu penyimpanan tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap ketahanan tarik dan ketahanan lipat kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dan konsentrasi terpilih. Kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dengan kemasan kertas aktif penambahan oleoresin konsentrasi 2 % berbeda nyata di setiap 5 hari penyimpanan. Namun, penyimpanan selama 20 hari tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap aktivitas antimikroba kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dan konsentrasi terpilih

    Phenology, Climate, and Adaptation: How Does Dipterocarps Respond to Climate?

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    Temperature, rainfall and extreme weather have been indicated to affect the phenological patterns and forest productivity by shifting flowering and fruiting seasons and patterns, as well as crop production. Dipterocarpaceae are high value trees for both timber and non-timber forest products. This study aims to determine the response of phenological patterns of flowering and fruiting of Dipterocarps to climate variables. The study was conducted at Way Canguk Research Station of the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP), Lampung during May-November 2012 by analyzing 14 years (1998-2012) of phenological data of Dipterocarps. The phenology surveys were carried out on monthly basis by estimating the percentage of flowering, fruiting (divided into 0-4 scoring) and the crop production. The results indicated that the phenological patterns of Dipterocarps in the area depicted major and minor patterns without mass-flowering time, different from what have been reported for Kalimantan or North Sumatra. Minor peak flowering season showed regular flowering, particularly during March to July every year. However, there were major flowering seasons in November 2002 (20.2%), September 2006 (21%), and October-November 2011 (20.3%). Average monthly fruit production showed a peak at the end of the dry season. Major flowering season seemed to coincide with the period of major El Nino events in November 2002 and September 2006, while others associated with La Nina. This study suggest that phenology and climate change may have implications in designing strategies for collection of seed materials to support the conservation and plantation programs of the Dipterocarps

    Kejadian Kaki Diabetik Pasien Diabetes Melitus Berdasarkan Faktor Yang Berkontribusi

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    Foot problems in diabetes is one the most frightening complications for diabetic patients because of the possibility of amputation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors which contribute to foot problems. This research was an analytic descriptive research with cross sectional method design. The sample used for this study was 136 diabetic patients who suffered from foot problems or deformities. The result from bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between foot exercise, foot care, compliance in preventing foot injury, control of blood glucose level, patient's knowledge, and diet with the incidence of foot problems. Whilst the multivariate analysis showed there were only 3 variables which contributed to this incidence. They were foot exercise, compliance in preventing foot injury and patient's knowledge. This study recommended to have a routine counseling and diabetic exercise regulary

    Institutional Form and the Impact of Community Empowerment Through Wild Honey Harvesting (Apis Dorsata) in Ujung Kulon National Park

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    National Park Management is faced with conflicts of interest in conservation and community economics. A partnership is one of the answers to this problem. The study was conducted in the buffer area of Ujung Kulon National Park involving 17 respondents who were selected by purposive sampling. The results showed that the communities involved in the partnership gained legal access to harvest wild honey in forest areas, as well as ease of market access and decent prices. The partnership pattern builds awareness of farmer groups to maintain forest sustainability. They realize that if the forest is maintained, it will increase the wild honey harvest and their income

    Social Capital in Managing Community Plantation Forest: A Case Study at KPH Boalemo, Gorontalo Province

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    Community Plantation Forest (HTR) is one among alternatives expected to fulfill the needs of timber. Limited capital, which is simply known as financial capital, is considered as the main problem in HTR development. However, there is also other capital but less known and understood namely social capital. This study aims to determine the social capital that can be utilized in HTR management. The study was conducted in Rumbia Village, Boalemo District, Gorontalo Province. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive qualitative method in three steps: data reduction, data display and verification. In this study, the social capital is discussed in its dimensions of trust, norm and network. Results of the study show that strengthening social capital in its dimension of trust, norm, and network would encourage independence of both the farmers and forest farmer groups in HTR management. If the social capital does not work properly, gap among farmers could occur and even becomes a barrier or limits in involvement of members of the farmer group in the management of HTR. The farmers had high trust to forestry extension officer. It became a dimension of social capital that should be developed further in HTR management to reach optimally benefits from HTR land. In addition, the farmers also had a high compliance to social norms of traditions, religion and customary rules. The social capital hold by the farmers should be addressed in proper way by local and central government in order to develop successful HTR management

    Study of Replacement Cost of Investment for Forest Land Use in the Context of Sustainable Waste Management: Nambo Case Study

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    The high dependence of the community on forest resources led the state forest areas in Java managed by Perhutani to apply Community Based Forest Management approach (Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat)programme. In this programme, forest farmers become the member of Forest Village Community Institution (Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan) to carry out upland rice and maize intercropping. Production forest area inthe village of Nambo and Lulut are categorized as the class of pine bussines that produce gondorukem, turpentine, and timber, as well as upland rice and maize from intercropping. Utilization of 40 ha forest area for the processing and final waste area (TPPAS) in Nambo area for 35 years must be required to pay replacement cost of investment due to the opportunity loss to invest in pine plantations and intercropping businesses. The replacement cost is calculated by using the loss opportunity of interest (LOI) method. The resuts are shown that the replacement cost for pine plant investment of Perhutani amounted to Rp5,492,318,000 and the replacement cost for upland rice and corn crops investment of LMDH members amounted to Rp798,947,520

    A comprehensive health effects assessment of the use of sanitizers and disinfectants during COVID-19 pandemic: a global survey

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    COVID-19 has affected all aspects of human life so far. From the outset of the pandemic, preventing the spread of COVID-19 through the observance of health protocols, especially the use of sanitizers and disinfectants was given more attention. Despite the effectiveness of disinfection chemicals in controlling and preventing COVID-19, there are critical concerns about their adverse effects on human health. This study aims to assess the health effects of sanitizers and disinfectants on a global scale. A total of 91,056 participants from 154 countries participated in this cross-sectional study. Information on the use of sanitizers and disinfectants and health was collected using an electronic questionnaire, which was translated into 26 languages via web-based platforms. The findings of this study suggest that detergents, alcohol-based substances, and chlorinated compounds emerged as the most prevalent chemical agents compared to other sanitizers and disinfectants examined. Most frequently reported health issues include skin effects and respiratory effects. The Chi-square test showed a significant association between chlorinated compounds (sodium hypochlorite and per-chlorine) with all possible health effects under investigation (p-value <0.001). Examination of risk factors based on multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that alcohols and alcohols-based materials were associated with skin effects (OR, 1.98; 95%CI, 1.87-2.09), per-chlorine was associated with eye effects (OR, 1.83; 95%CI, 1.74-1.93), and highly likely with itching and throat irritation (OR, 2.00; 95%CI, 1.90-2.11). Furthermore, formaldehyde was associated with a higher prevalence of neurological effects (OR, 2.17; 95%CI, 1.92-2.44). Furthermore, formaldehyde was associated with a higher prevalence of neurological effects (OR, 2.17; 95%CI, 1.92-2.44). The use of sodium hypochlorite and per-chlorine also had a high chance of having respiratory effects. The findings of the current study suggest that health authorities need to implement more awareness programs about the side effects of using sanitizers and disinfectants during viral epidemics especially when they are used or overused