134 research outputs found

    Informal support for the elderly in the context of their living arrangements in selected European countries

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    The main objective of this paper is to analyze the informal support for the elderly experiencing problems in everyday life connected with physical, mental or emotional fitness. The analysis covers groups of countries chosen from the participants of SHARE project. The multinomial logit model has been used in order to verify the hypothesis that such problems determine the living arrangements of the elderly. The binomial regression model has been used in order to answer a question if informal support from outside the household obtained by the people experiencing problems in everyday life is determined by the type of the household and by social and demographic characteristics of the individuals receiving the support. In conclusion we state that the occurrence of difficulties in everyday life does not affect the chance of living in a one-person household. For the other types of the households the aforementioned influence turns out to be significant only for selected countries. In all investigated countries, for people experiencing difficulties in everyday life, a significant influence of the type of the household on receiving help from outside the household has been observed. In future research, a closer attention should be paid to elderly people living alone and to incorporating various types of limitations in everyday life separately for men and women. For better explanation of the differences between post-transitional and the other European countries the formal and institutional supports should be introduced

    Technologia władzy a postrzeganie wspólnoty, pytanie o granice bezpieczeństwa

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    Community, its perception and understanding constitutes one of the elements, or one of the aspects, of society formation. The foundation of the constitution of community as such is the process of establishing broadly understood security at its base. The limits of security, its scope and semantic content determine the boundaries of the community. Michael Foucault will treat the process of establishing security as an element of the structure of power and the mechanisms of its functioning, emphasizing the process of separation of such understood security from disciplinary mechanisms. Transformations in this sphere are a kind of semantic revolution the consequence of which is a change of understanding community as such.Wspólnota, jej postrzeganie i rozumienie stanowi jeden z elementów czy też jedną z płaszczyzn kształtowanie się społeczeństwa. Podstawą konstytucji samej wspólnoty jest założenie u jej fundamentów szeroko pojętego bezpieczeństwa. Granice bezpieczeństwa, jego zakres i znaczeniową treść określają granice wspólnoty. Michael Foucault będzie traktował urządzanie bezpieczeństwa jako element struktury władzy i mechanizmów jej działania, podkreślając oddzielanie się tak pojętego bezpieczeństwa od mechanizmów dyscyplinarnych. Przekształcenia w tym obszarze to swoista znaczeniowa rewolucja, której konsekwencją staje się zmiana rozumienia wspólnoty jako takiej

    The Pyrolytic Profile of Lyophilized and Deep-Frozen Compact Part of the Human Bone

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    Background. Bone grafts are used in the treatment of nonunion of fractures, bone tumors and in arthroplasty. Tissues preserved by lyophilization or deep freezing are used as implants nowadays. Lyophilized grafts are utilized in the therapy of birth defects and bone benign tumors, while deep-frozen ones are applied in orthopedics. The aim of the study was to compare the pyrolytic pattern, as an indirect means of the analysis of organic composition of deep-frozen and lyophilized compact part of the human bone. Methods. Samples of preserved bone tissue were subjected to thermolysis and tetrahydroammonium-hydroxide- (TMAH-) associated thermochemolysis coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). Results. Derivatives of benzene, pyridine, pyrrole, phenol, sulfur compounds, nitriles, saturated and unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, and fatty acids (C12–C20) were identified in the pyrolytic pattern. The pyrolyzates were the most abundant in derivatives of pyrrole and nitriles originated from proteins. The predominant product in pyrolytic pattern of the investigated bone was pyrrolo[1,2-α]piperazine-3,6-dione derived from collagen. The content of this compound significantly differentiated the lyophilized graft from the deep-frozen one. Oleic and palmitic acid were predominant among fatty acids of the investigated samples. The deep-frozen implants were characterized by higher percentage of long-chain fatty acids than lyophilized grafts

    Second-order quadrupolar shifts as an NMR probe of fast molecular-scale dynamics in solids

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    Molecular-scale dynamics on the nanosecond timescale or faster can have a measurable influence on isotropic NMR frequencies of quadrupolar nuclei. Although previously studied in solution, where it is usually referred to as the ‘dynamic shift’, this effect is less well known in solids. Here we demonstrate that multiple-quantum NMR measurements of isotropic quadrupolar shifts are a simple way to probe nanosecond timescale motions in solids. We measure the <sup>11</sup>B (spin I = 3/2) shifts of the resolved boron sites in ortho-carborane as a function of temperature and interpret the results in terms of the known rapid tumbling dynamics

    The characteristics of organic matter from the Triassic clays of NW margin of the Holy Cross Mts ( Poland) - preliminary report

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    The molecular character of organic matter in Triassic clays on the NW border of the Holy Cross Mts was determined in apolar, aromatic and polar fractions of extractable organic matter (OM) using GC-MS analysis. The contribution of terrestrial higher plants to the kerogene is revealed by the dominant presence of odd long-chain n-alkanes and by the occurrence of retene. Benzophenone, fluorenone, cyclopenta(def)phenanthrenone, antracenone and benzanthrone were among the compounds identified in polar fractions of the soluble organic matter. These commonly originate during strong oxidation of sedimentary organic matter. The aromatic fraction is characterised by the presence of phenyl derivatives (PhPAC) such as phenylnaphthalenes, terphenyls, phenyldibenzofurans and phenylphenanthrenes that are also products of the abiotic oxidation of organic matter. The oxidation processes that occurred during sedimentation and during early diagenesis resulted in a very significant decrease in the organic matter content in the clays. This decrease considerably influences their technological properties

    New NMR methods for studying dynamics in solids

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    There is currently much interest in the investigation of dynamics in solids and the primary goal of this thesis is to present well-known and new NMR methods used for studying motion on Larmor and spectral timescale. The quadrupolar interaction usually dominates solid-state NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei. When the magnitude of quadrupolar interaction is large then the second-order correction to the dominant Zeeman Hamiltonian must be considered. Owing to this second-order quadrupolar effect, NMR peaks can be displaced from their chemical shift positions by a second-order shift. When considering motional averaging of the second-order shift, the critical frequency is the Larmor frequency, 0. In the case of motion that is faster than the Larmor precession, the isotropic quadrupolar shift is affected. This analogous phenomenon in solution-state NMR is known as the "dynamic shift". In Chapter 4, it will be shown that multiple-quantum NMR measurements of isotropic second-order quadrupolar shifts are a simple way to probe nanosecond timescale motions in solids. An analysis of one- and two-dimensional 11B MAS NMR spectra of three isomers of the closo-carboranes gives the results that provide the first evidence for the presence of solid-state dynamic shifts. There are several experiments that provide a sensitive test for the presence of dynamics on spectral timescale. One piece of evidence for dynamics on the spectral timescale is a motional broadening of quadrupolar satellite-transition spinning sidebands. Therefore, it is possible to investigate the influence of dynamic reorientation on satellite-transitions MAS spectra by recording variable-temperature one-dimensional spectra with wide spectral width or by comparing two-dimensional STMAS spectra with MQMAS spectra. These methods can be extended to 2H NMR spectroscopy as the sidebands observed in the magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectrum of a spin I = 1 2H nucleus may be very strongly broadened due to interference between the line-narrowing effects of MAS and the dynamics-driven reorientation of the 2H quadrupole tensor, if motion is present in the solid. In the last chapter, the 27Al, 31P and 2H NMR study of AlPO-34 type materials with the topology of chabazite are undertaken and the use of the full range of NMR methods to develop a structure and dynamic behaviour of these materials is presented. In addition, the NMR calculations are performed in order to combine DFT calculations with experimental data. Finally, GaPO-34 samples were investigated to extract information about the effects of Ga substitution in AlPO-34 on dynamical behaviour

    Hermit Treutler's Jerusalem Balsam

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    This paper describes research about a historical bottle found in the Polish town of Skarszewy in 2004. Upon discovery, the find was labeled "In Nazareth Aechter Jerusalemer Balsam im goldnen Engel", sealed and ⅓ filled with liquid. The Jerusalem Balsam mentioned on the label was a popular medicament in Europe in the 18th century. From 1719 it was produced by Father Antonio Menzani da Cuna in the Franciscan Pharmacy at the convent of Saint Savior in Jerusalem. In the 19th century, the Balsam became extremely popular in Silesia thanks to the hermit Johannes Treutler from Mariańska Hill near Kłodzko. It's fame spread north to Prussia and south to Bohemia (Czechia). After the hermit's death, the license for production was obtained by the owner of the Mohren-Apotheke pharmacy, but he had to deal with unfair competition from other pharmacies counterfeiting the Balsam. An attempt was made to determine where the found bottle came from. In the course of the research, it was found that the medicine certainly does not come from authorized production sources, as evidenced by accurate label comparisons

    Z matematyką za pan brat

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    Program nauczania matematyki w ramach III etapu edukacyjnego z uwzględnieniem wymagań reformy programowe