21 research outputs found

    Autosolvation: Architecture and Selection of Chiral Conformers in Alkylcobalt Carbonyl Molecular Clocks

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    Autosolvation is an important factor in stabilizing the architecture of medium complicated molecules. It is a kind of "supramolecular force" acting in intramolecular manner, consisting of orbital-orbital interactions between polar groups, separated by more than one covalent bonds within the same molecule. This effect facilitates also the development of chiral conformations. Two typical alkylcobalt carbonyl type molecules are discussed here as examples of autosolvating intramolecular interactions, leading to dramatic selection of chiral conformers and indicating also to the limits of the effect. The conformers stabilized by autosolvation and their interconversion are excellent examples of a "molecular clockwork". Operation mode of these molecular clockworks gives some insight into the intramolecular transfer of chiral information

    Municipal waste liquor treatment via bioelectrochemical and fermentation (H2 + CH4) processes: Assessment of various technological sequences

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    In this paper, the anaerobic treatment of a high organic-strength wastewater-type feedstoc®k, referred as the liquid fraction of pressed municipal solid waste (LPW) was studied for energy recovery and organic matter removal. The processes investigated were (i) dark fermentation to produce biohydrogen, (ii) anaerobic digestion for biogas formation and (iii) microbial fuel cells for electrical energy generation. To find a feasible alternative for LPW treatment (meeting the two-fold aims given above), various one- as well as multi-stage processes were tested. The applications were evaluated based on their (i) COD removal efficiencies and (ii) specific energy gain. As a result, considering the former aspect, the single-stage processes could be ranked as: microbial fuel cell (92.4 %)> anaerobic digestion (50.2 %)> hydrogen fermentation (8.8 %). From the latter standpoint, an order of hydrogen fermentation (2277 J g-1 CODremoved d-1)> anaerobic digestion (205 J g-1 CODremoved d-1)> microbial fuel cell (0.43 J g-1 CODremoved d-1) was attained. The assessment showed that combined, multi-step treatment was necessary to simultaneously achieve efficient organic matter removal and energy recovery from LPW. Therefore, a three-stage system (hydrogen fermentation-biomethanation-bioelectrochemical cell in sequence) was suggested. The different approaches were characterized via the estimation of COD balance, as well

    Lézerek az optikában, spektroszkópiában és az anyagtudományokban = Lasers in optics, spectroscopy and material sciences

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    Ezen pályázat eredményei az SzTE Fizika Doktori Iskola négy tudományos részterületén (femtoszekundumos optika, lézerek anyagtudományi alkalmazása, valamint csillagászati- és fotoakusztikus spektroszkópia) dolgozó kollektíva egymással összefüggő, azt kiegészítő tudományos munkája révén jöttek létre, melyek főbb eredményei a következőek: Egy új, csak lineáris optikai eljárást fejlesztettünk ki lézerimpulzusok hordozó-burkoló fázis csúszásának mérésére, mely független a hullámhossztól és a sávszélességtől. Immerziós, két-nyalábos interferenciás lézerindukált hátsóoldali nedves maratási eljárást alkalmazva 104 nm periódusú kvarc rácsot készítettünk. A lézerrel generált fém-dielektrikum rácsok periódikus adhézió- és plazmon-mező modulációján alapuló új SPR bio-szenzorizációs eljárást dolgoztunk ki. Folyadékok ultrarövid impulzusokkal történő ablálásával kontrollált méreteloszlású és összetételű nanorészecskék előállításának új módszerét dolgozták ki. AFM fejlesztés során egy új amplitúdó és fázismérési algoritmust dolgoztunk ki, amely egyetlen rezgésből is képes az amplitúdó és fázis meghatározására. Kifejlesztettünk egy lézeres ammóniamérő műszert, amely alkalmas koncentráció és fluxus nagyérzékenységű, automatikus mérésére, terepi körülmények között. Nagyfelbontású spektroszkópiával kimutattuk, hogy két módusban rezgő csillagokban a nagyobb fémtartalmúaknál a rezgési periódusok aránya kisebb. | The results of this project have been achieved by the co-operative work of colleagues from four scientific fields of the Physics PhD Program of the University of Szeged, as femtosecond optics, laser-matter (surface) interactions, photoacoustical and astronomical spectroscopy. The major findings of these basic researches are as follows: A new linear optical method was developed for the measurement of the carrier envelope phase drift of laser pulses, which is independent of the wavelength and bandwidth. Immersion two-beam interferometric laser induced backside wet etching method was applied to prepare fused silica gratings with a 104 nm period. Novel SPR bio-sensing method was developed based on the periodic adhesion and plasmon-field enhancement on the laser-induced metal-dielectric gratings. It has been demonstrated that ultrashort pulse ablation of liquids is a novel approach to the production of nanoparticles of controlled composition and size distribution. A new amplitude and phase measurement algorithm for AFM was developed, which allows the determination of phase and amplitude from one vibration of the tip. We have developed a laser based instrument for accurate and automatic ammonia concentration and flux monitoring under field conditions. From high-resolution spectroscopy we pointed out that in double-mode pulsating stars the ones with higher metallicities have lower period ratios

    Investigation of Regional Differences in the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste in Hungary

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    Municipal solid waste management is crucial in terms of the environment, sustainability and the circular economy. The directly landfilled organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) offers a lot of potential with regard to energy recovery or as a soil substrate. In this study, the regional differences in Hungary according to various living structures and conditions (villages and urban areas) were demonstrated to provide a foundation for further usage or treatment. The fact that the biological fraction (leaves, kitchen waste and fine soil-like material) of OFMSW from typically urban areas like the examined city of Pécs is larger than in a rural area, e.g. Marcali District, was highlighted. On the other hand, the OFMSW from rural areas contains more hazardous materials such as medicinal ampoules due to the lack of possibilities to dispose of them suitably. After evaluating the composition of the OFMSW, the directly landfilled quantity of MSW could be further reduced. In conclusion, according to the high proportions of plastic and paper as well as its promising heating value, the largest particle size fraction (>4 cm) could be utilized as refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and the finer, organic material-rich fraction as a soil substitute following further purification

    Vármegyeszékhelyeink (szelektív) hulladékmennyiségének idősorai (2017-2021) = Time series (2017–2021) on the volume of (selective) waste generated in Hungarian county seats

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    Magyarország hulladékgazdálkodása 2023-tól több jelentős változáson megy át. A tanulmány hazánk és a vármegyeszékhelyek települési hulladékának mennyiségét vizsgálja, ezen belül kiemelten kezelve a szelektív hulladékot. A kutatás a Központi Statisztikai Hivatal 2017–2021 időszakra vonatkozó adatait elemzi. E szekunder statisztikák alapján megállapítható, hogy az átalakuló hulladékgazdálkodási rendszer számára Nyíregyháza, Veszprém és Zalaegerszeg városa tekinthető követendő példának. | Waste management in Hungary is facing several major changes from 2023. The study examines the volume of municipal waste in Hungary and its counties, with a special focus on selective waste. The research analyses data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office for the period 2017–2021. Based on these secondary statistics, the cities of Nyíregyháza, Veszprém and Zalaegerszeg can be considered as models for the changing waste management system

    A környezetmérnök képzés fejlesztési lehetőségei – SWOT analízis

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    Nowadays we are struggling with many environmental issues that require up-to-date environmental specialists. Amongst the causes of environmental problems, long-standing industrial companies are dominant, for which, on the one hand, the assessment and elimination of existing environmental damage and prevention can be the goal. Universities would be able to provide the necessary knowledge and skills with appropriate educational and research programs. In the research we carried out a comprehensive study of environmental engineering education programs of Hungarian higher education institutions. We analysed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the various educational programs. In addition, on the basis of the analysis we made suggestions on the possible directions of the development of the environmental engineering training.Napjainkban számos olyan környezetvédelmi problémával küzdünk, amelyek megoldásához naprakész ismeretekkel rendelkező környezetvédelmi szakemberekre van szükség. A környezetvédelmi problémák okozói között meghatározóak a már hosszú ideje működő iparvállalatok, melyek esetében egyrészt a meglevő környezeti károk felmérése és felszámolása, másrészt a megelőzés lehet a cél. Az egyetemek megfelelő oktatási és kutatási programokkal képesek lennének biztosítani a szükséges tudást és készségeket. A kutatásban a hazai felsőoktatási intézmények környezetmérnöki oktatási programjainak átfogó vizsgálatát végeztük el. A különböző oktatási programok erősségeit, gyengeségeit, lehetőségeit és fenyegetéseit elemeztük, melyek alapján végül javaslatokat tettünk a környezetmérnöki képzés fejlesztésének lehetséges irányaira

    Natural Abundance Isotopic Chirality in the Reagents of the Soai Reaction

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    Isotopic chirality influences sensitively the enantiomeric outcome of the Soai asymmetric autocatalysis. Therefore magnitude and eventual effects of isotopic chirality caused by natural abundance isotopic substitution (H, C, O, Zn) in the reagents of the Soai reaction were analyzed by combinatorics and probability calculations. Expectable enantiomeric excesses were calculated by the Pars–Mills equation. It has been found that the chiral isotopic species formed by substitution in the otherwise achiral reagents provide enantiomeric excess (e.e.) levels that are higher than the sensitivity threshold of the Soai autocatalysis towards chiral induction. Consequently, possible chiral induction exerted by these e.e. values should be taken into account in considerations regarding the molecular events and the mechanism of the chiral induction in the Soai reaction

    University of Pannonia Sustainability index (UPSi) for corporate sustainability

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    This paper explores the concept of corporate sustainability and the role of sustainability indi-cators in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It emphasizes the need for companies to integrate sustainability principles into their strategies and operations while minimizing negative impacts on the environment, society, and economy. The study highlights the importance of using relevant sustainability indicators to measure and assess corporate sustainability performance. In this context, we developed the University of Pannonia Sustainability index (UPSi), a comprehensive indicator that monitors sustainability performance and supports decision-making in sustainability developments. A case study was conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of UPSi in assessing corporate sustainability practices. The findings showcase the practical application of UPSi in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in sustainability efforts. The examined public institution could improve its performance primarily in management indicators and in relation to greening and transportation, namely the use of renewable energy sources, zero-emission vehicles and sustainability-related expenses solutions can be proposed. This paper contributes to the field of corporate sustainability by offering a framework and tool to evaluate and enhance sustainability performance, thereby fostering a more sustainable future

    RDF — Refuse Derived Fuel, possibilities in the North-Balaton Regional Waste Management System

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    Diverting household waste from landfill had become a must for EU member states. The mechanical and biological treatment of household wastes is one of the key method to reach this goal. The object of the mechanical handling is to separate the recyclable fraction and transform the non-recyclable part into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) for energetic use and produce fraction for biological treatment. Our challenge to identify the ideal technology for RDF production for the North-Balaton Regional Waste Management System, by studying the existing technologies, and emerging needs from the growing market especially for Cement Industry and pyrolitic technologies