6 research outputs found

    Some information related to the art histrory of the hephthalite time (4th-6th centuries ad) in Central Asia niegbouring countries

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    The paper deals with the artefacts which might be related to the Hephthalites, who lived in territory of Central Asia and neighbouring countries in 4th – 6th centuries AD. In the 5th - 6th centuries AD, the Hephthalites could establish a great empire. It is noted that the materials are very limited, and even the dating is often approximate and inexact. Nevertheless author has here tried to interpret the available data from various sources on the Hephthalites, even if several major questions continue to be open for discussion and will probably remain so for some time in the futureEste artículo trata de los objetos que podrían estar en relación con los heftalitas, quienes vivieron en el territorio de Asia Central y sus regiones vecinas en los ss. IV y VI d. C. En los ss. V-VI d. C., los heftalitas pudieron crear un gran imperio. Es sabido que sus materiales son muy escasos e incluso que su datación es a menudo aproximada e inexacta. Sin embargo el autor intenta interpretar, en esta ocasión, los datos disponibles provenientes de varias fuentes sobre los heftalitas, a pesar de que algunas cuestiones de gran importancia continúan estando abiertas a la discusión y que probablemente permanezcan así por algún tiempo todaví

    Définir les transitions en Asie centrale : les Fouilles de Dashly-depe (Turkmenistan)

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    Le site de Dashly-depe (fig. 1) se trouve au centre du village d'Yzgant dans la province d'Ahal au Turkménistan. La localité est située dans la plaine irriguée au nord des monts Kopetdagh, à environ 35 km au nord-ouest d'Achgabat, la capitale moderne du Turkménistan. Le depe (ou tell) visible aujourd'hui a une hauteur préservée d'environ 3 m et mesure environ 100 x 150 m. Les couches supérieures ont été endommagées dans les dernières décennies par divers travaux agricoles et certaines parties..

    archäologische und historische Analyse

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    C O N T E N T S 1\. Introduction 2\. Research history and methodic problems 2.1. Research history 2.2. Methodic problems 3\. Archaeological sites and materials 4\. Numismatics 5\. Written sources 6\. A history of the Hephthalites 6.1. Origins 6.2. Military history & wars 6.3. Socio-political structure and state 6.4. Linguistics 6.5. Religion 6.6. Change of ethnic identity Literature IllustrationsThe territory of Central Asia has a very old and rich past. One of the poorly- studied and intricate periods of the history of this region is the early medieval one (AD 4th – 6th Centuries), in which Old World history saw the widespread events generally referred to by historians as “The Great Migration of Peoples” - the movement of nomadic peoples (Huns) from Asia to Europe. In South and Central Asia great empires existed, such as Sasanian Iran, the Gupta and some smaller states. New mysterious peoples appeared on the territory of Central Asia: Hephthalites, Kidarites and Chionites. The biggest impact on Central Asian history was made by the Hephthalites (also known as White Huns in Byzantine sources - the name they used themselves is unknown). They are a unique part of Central Asian history important in the development of the Turkic and later Islamic character of Central Asia – though little known due to the lack of primary sources. In the 5th - 6th Centuries the Hephthalites founded a great empire on the later territory of many modern states (Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and China). During two Centuries the Hephthalites dominated this region and changed the political history. Sasanian Iran, the most powerful empire of that period, was defeated many times by the Hephthalites. Besides this, they overthrew the Gupta Empire in the Indian subcontinent and conquered a large part of that area. A true study of the Hephthalites must include both historical analyses of written sources and of archaeological data. Such a study, integrating modern data on the archaeology of Hephthalite sites from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and the Central Asian republics with the historical data, has not been done. This could prove to be a major contribution in the understanding of the unique character of modern Central Asia and would be of interest both to local and western scholars.Das Gebiet Zentralasien hat zwar eine sehr alte und reiche Vergangenheit, eine der wenig erforschten Perioden ist jedoch das frühe Mittelalter (4. bis 6. Jahrhundert n. Chr.), in dem die die ganze Alten Welt von der großen Völkerwanderung betroffen war - die Bewegung der nomadischen Völker (Hunnen) von Asien nach Europa. In Süd-und Zentralasien bestanden große Reiche, wie der Sasanidische Iran, das Gupta Reich in Indien und einige kleinere Staaten. Neue Völker erschien auf dem Gebiet der Zentralasien: Hephthaliten, Kidariten und Chioniten. Die größten Auswirkungen auf die zentralasiatische Geschichte ging von den Hephthaliten aus (auch als Weißen Hunnen in byzantinischen Quellen bekannt ist - der Name, den sie selbst verwendeten ist unbekannt). Sie sind wichtiger Teil der zentralasiatischen Geschichte für die Entwicklung des türkischen und später islamischen Charakters - aber Primärquellen fehlen. Im 5. bis 6. Jahrhundert gründeten die Hephthaliten ein großes Reich auf den späteren Gebieten der modernen Staaten Turkmenistan, Tadschikistan, Usbekistan, Kasachstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indien und China. Für zwei Jahrhunderte beherrschten sie diese Region und die politische Geschichte. Der sasanidische Iran, mächtigstes Reich der Zeit, wurde wiederholt von den Hephthaliten geschlagen. Außerdem besiegten sie die Guptas in Indien und eroberten einen großen Teil dieses Gebiets. Ein wahres Studium der Hephthalites muss sowohl archäologische Daten und Analysen von historischen schriftlichen Quellen berücksichtigen. Eine solche Studie mit Integration moderner Daten der Archäologie der Hephthaliten aus Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indien und den zentralasiatischen Republiken, die mit den historischen Daten kombiniert ist, besteht noch nicht. Dies wird als ein wichtiger Beitrag zum Verständnis des besonderen Charakters des modernen Zentralasien bestimmt und wäre von Interesse sowohl für die lokalen, als auch die westlichen Wissenschaftler werden

    The hephthalite numismatics

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    This article explores numismatic materials relating to the Hephtalits, who lived on the territory of Central Asia and neighboring territories in the 4th-6th centuries AD. This nation managed in the 5th-6th centuries AD to establish its dominance on a fairly wide area. At the peak of its power, the boundaries of the Hephtalite state stretched from east to west, from Khotan (East Turkestan) to the borders of Iran, and from north to south, from the steppes of present-day Kazakhstan to the north-western India. The empire stretched on a large area in Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, parts of India and China (a number of oases of Eastern Turkestan). The period of the 4th-6th centuries BC in the history of Central Asia is poorly known. This is explained by the very scarce and fragmentary data of written sources about this period. This analysis does not give us a full picture. Archaeological materials are also very limited, and their dating is often inaccurate. Numismatic finds in some way reveal some unknown moments in history, especially in regard to the circulation of money. However, the totality of the facts makes it possible to more or less recreate the picture of the political and social-economic life of the region

    The Hephthalites: iconographical materials / Eftaliții. Materiale iconografi ce

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    The article focuses on iconographic materials that may be relevant to the Hephthalites who lived on the territory of Central Asia and neighboring countries in the 4th-6th centuries AD. In the 5th-6th centuries the Hephthalites created a great empire. It should be noted that these materials are very scarce, even the dating is approximate and often inaccurate. However, the author tried to interpret data available from various sources related to the Hephthalites, despite the fact that some major questions still remain open to debate and will likely remain so