85 research outputs found

    The Economic Crisis and Labour Migration Policy in European Countries

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    Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages werden KursĂ€nderungen in der Migrationspolitik infolge der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise 2008 sowie Aspekte des Migrationsmanagements untersucht. EuropĂ€ische LĂ€nder entschlossen sich dazu, Neuzuwanderungen zu erschweren, ihre ArbeitsmĂ€rkte fĂŒr einheimische ArbeitskrĂ€fte zu schĂŒtzen, die RĂŒckkehr von Arbeitsmigranten zu fördern und die irregulĂ€re Migration verstĂ€rkt zu bekĂ€mpfen. Klare Muster oder GrĂŒnde fĂŒr unterschiedliche politische Reaktionen sind nicht auszumachen, man kann aber mit Sicherheit sagen, dass nur LĂ€nder, die in der jĂŒngeren Vergangenheit signifikante Migrationszuströme verzeichneten, ĂŒberhaupt Maßnahmen mit hoher öffentlicher Wahrnehmung ergriffen haben. Die Krise hat zu einem Perspektivwechsel gefĂŒhrt, was den Staat und seine Rolle in Bezug auf die Wirtschaft betrifft, die nun als nĂŒtzlich statt unerwĂŒnscht betrachtet wird. Die bisher vorherrschende neo-liberale Sicht billigte staatliches Handeln lediglich im Bereich der „Hohen Politik“ von SouverĂ€nitĂ€ts- bis Sicherheitsfragen. Die Krise hat Arbeitsmarktfragen in den Vordergrund gerĂŒckt; Migranten werden nun zunehmend als ökonomische Akteure anstatt als Sicherheitsrisiken betrachtet. Dies lĂ€sst dem Staat Spielraum, seine Schutzfunktion gegenĂŒber auslĂ€ndischen Arbeitnehmern wahrzunehmen – eine begrĂŒĂŸenswerte Entwicklung. Die Analyse wurde aus dem Blickwinkel internationaler Beziehungen bzw. aus volkswirtschaftlicher Perspektive durchgefĂŒhrt und beruft sich grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils auf (offizielle) Pressemitteilungen und SekundĂ€rquellen.This paper reviews changes in migration policies as a response to the 2008 financial and economic crisis and examines issues of migration governance. Countries in Europe opted to make new immigration more difficult, protected their labour markets for native born workers, encouraged the return of migrant workers and intensified efforts to curb irregular migration. Clear patterns or reasons for variation in policy responses are not discernible, but it is safe to say that only countries with a significant recent influx of migrants have taken high profile measures at all. The crisis has led to a shift in perspective of the State and its role in economics which is now seen as useful instead of undesired. Previously prevailing neo-liberal thought relegated the State to the “high politics” of sovereignty and security issues. The crisis has highlighted labour market issues, and migrants are now increasingly portrayed as economic agents instead of security threats. This offers room for the State to assert its protective role vis-Ă -vis migrant workers – a welcome development. The analysis has an International Relations/Political Economy perspective and is largely based on (official) news releases and secondary sources

    Migration, Scientific Diasporas and Development. Impact of Skilled Return Migration on Development in India

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    Skilled migration has gained significance over the past number of years, with increasing studies addressing the flows of scientists, skilled professionals and students within the migration and development nexus, from the perspective of their potential contributions to the countries of origin either through diaspora interventions or by their eventual return. India represents a good example because of the high quality of its human resources and the fact that it is a significant source of skilled personnel for many countries around the world. While a number of European countries have upsurged as new destinations in the search for Indian talent, little is known about Indian skilled professionals and students there, their commitment to home country development and return intentions. Also, skilled return migration to India has not been fully understood. The objective of this research project was to explore the development impact of skilled return migration in India and to examine the perceptions of Indian skilled professionals and students in Europe with regard to their potential role in home country development. Drawing on first-hand data collected simultaneously in India and Europe, and using the framework of diaspora contributions and the return channels, the study illustrates the influence overseas exposure has on the professional and social position of skilled migrants upon their return to India, and the problems they face when transferring the specialized knowledge and technical skills they have gained abroad. While skilled Indian migrants consider physical return as a necessary condition for knowledge transfer, linking their development aspirations to their return plans, they face a number of obstacles within the local system that hinder the transfer of knowledge once they return to India. This report is an outcome of the international research project entitled “Migration, Scientific Diasporas and Development: Impact of Skilled Return Migration on Development in India”. It provides an overview of the main data, methods, research findings and their policy implications

    Transformations in network governance: the case of migration intermediaries

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    types: Article"This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies on 3 February 2015 available online: http://wwww.tandfonline.com/10.1080/1369183X.2014.1003803Market liberalisation has fundamentally changed state interventions in the supply of services and supportive infrastructure across a range of public services. While this trend has been relatively well documented, there has been a dearth of research into the changing nature of state interventions in migration and mobility. Indeed the increasing presence of migration intermediaries to service the many and varied needs of migrant workers, particularly skilled migrants, remains significantly under-researched both theoretically and empirically. In providing an analysis of the location, role and changing nature of migration intermediaries, we highlight the implications of commercially-driven governance structures. In particular we suggest that the shift from government to network governance has important implications for skilled migration including: inequities in access to information regarding the process of migration and labour market integration; and, greater dependence on (largely unregulated) private intermediaries. Accordingly, we present empirical examples of migration intermediaries to illustrate their role and the relationship with and implications of their exchange with migrants

    Migrant workers' role in building systemic resilience : opportunities and risks from an ILO perspective

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the important role migrant workers play in the provision of essential goods and services around the world. The new MigResHub encourages us to think about how labour migration policies and the employment of migrants can shape systemic resilience to external shocks (Anderson et al, 2020). In this commentary, I briefly reflect on potential opportunities and risks associated with linking migrants to systemic resilience as a way of rethinking labour migration and the effects of migrant workers. I write from the perspective of the International Labour Organization (ILO) whose activities on migration aim to protect the rights of migrant workers and promote fair and effective labour migration policies around the world.With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Unio

    Die Wirtschaftskrise und Arbeitsmigrationspolitik in Europa

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    Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages werden KursĂ€nderungen in der Migrationspolitik infolge der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise 2008 sowie Aspekte des Migrationsmanagements untersucht. EuropĂ€ische LĂ€nder entschlossen sich dazu, Neuzuwanderungen zu erschweren, ihre ArbeitsmĂ€rkte fĂŒr einheimische ArbeitskrĂ€fte zu schĂŒtzen, die RĂŒckkehr von Arbeitsmigranten zu fördern und die irregulĂ€re Migration verstĂ€rkt zu bekĂ€mpfen. Klare Muster oder GrĂŒnde fĂŒr unterschiedliche politische Reaktionen sind nicht auszumachen, man kann aber mit Sicherheit sagen, dass nur LĂ€nder, die in der jĂŒngeren Vergangenheit signifikante Migrationszuströme verzeichneten, ĂŒberhaupt Maßnahmen mit hoher öffentlicher Wahrnehmung ergriffen haben. Die Krise hat zu einem Perspektivwechsel gefĂŒhrt, was den Staat und seine Rolle in Bezug auf die Wirtschaft betrifft, die nun als nĂŒtzlich statt unerwĂŒnscht betrachtet wird. Die bisher vorherrschende neo-liberale Sicht billigte staatliches Handeln lediglich im Bereich der "Hohen Politik" von SouverĂ€nitĂ€ts- bis Sicherheitsfragen. Die Krise hat Arbeitsmarktfragen in den Vordergrund gerĂŒckt; Migranten werden nun zunehmend als ökonomische Akteure anstatt als Sicherheitsrisiken betrachtet. Dies lĂ€sst dem Staat Spielraum, seine Schutzfunktion gegenĂŒber auslĂ€ndischen Arbeitnehmern wahrzunehmen - eine begrĂŒĂŸenswerte Entwicklung. Die Analyse wurde aus dem Blickwinkel internationaler Beziehungen bzw. aus volkswirtschaftlicher Perspektive durchgefĂŒhrt und beruft sich grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils auf (offizielle) Pressemitteilungen und SekundĂ€rquellen.This paper reviews changes in migration policies as a response to the 2008 financial and economic crisis and examines issues of migration governance. Countries in Europe opted to make new immigration more difficult, protected their labour markets for native born workers, encouraged the return of migrant workers and intensified efforts to curb irregular migration. Clear patterns or reasons for variation in policy responses are not discernible, but it is safe to say that only countries with a significant recent influx of migrants have taken high profile measures at all. The crisis has led to a shift in perspective of the State and its role in economics which is now seen as useful instead of undesired. Previously prevailing neo-liberal thought relegated the State to the “high politics” of sovereignty and security issues. The crisis has highlighted labour market issues, and migrants are now increasingly portrayed as economic agents instead of security threats. This offers room for the State to assert its protective role vis-Ă -vis migrant workers - a welcome development. The analysis has an International Relations/Political Economy perspective and is largely based on (official) news releases and secondary sources

    The economic crisis and labour migration policy in European countries

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    This paper reviews changes in migration policies as a response to the 2008 financial and economic crisis and examines issues of migration governance. Countries in Europe opted to make new immigration more difficult, protected their labour markets for native born workers, encouraged the return of migrant workers and intensified efforts to curb irregular migration. Clear patterns or reasons for variation in policy responses are not discernible, but it is safe to say that only countries with a significant recent influx of migrants have taken high profile measures at all. The crisis has led to a shift in perspective of the State and its role in economics which is now seen as useful instead of undesired. Previously prevailing neo-liberal thought relegated the State to the “high politics” of sovereignty and security issues. The crisis has highlighted labour market issues, and migrants are now increasingly portrayed as economic agents instead of security threats. This offers room for the State to assert its protective role vis-Ă -vis migrant workers – a welcome development. The analysis has an International Relations/Political Economy perspective and is largely based on (official) news releases and secondary sources.Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages werden KursĂ€nderungen in der Migrationspolitik infolge der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise 2008 sowie Aspekte des Migrationsmanagements untersucht. EuropĂ€ische LĂ€nder entschlossen sich dazu, Neuzuwanderungen zu erschweren, ihre ArbeitsmĂ€rkte fĂŒr einheimische ArbeitskrĂ€fte zu schĂŒtzen, die RĂŒckkehr von Arbeitsmigranten zu fördern und die irregulĂ€re Migration verstĂ€rkt zu bekĂ€mpfen. Klare Muster oder GrĂŒnde fĂŒr unterschiedliche politische Reaktionen sind nicht auszumachen, man kann aber mit Sicherheit sagen, dass nur LĂ€nder, die in der jĂŒngeren Vergangenheit signifikante Migrationszuströme verzeichneten, ĂŒberhaupt Maßnahmen mit hoher öffentlicher Wahrnehmung ergriffen haben. Die Krise hat zu einem Perspektivwechsel gefĂŒhrt, was den Staat und seine Rolle in Bezug auf die Wirtschaft betrifft, die nun als nĂŒtzlich statt unerwĂŒnscht betrachtet wird. Die bisher vorherrschende neo-liberale Sicht billigte staatliches Handeln lediglich im Bereich der „Hohen Politik“ von SouverĂ€nitĂ€ts- bis Sicherheitsfragen. Die Krise hat Arbeitsmarktfragen in den Vordergrund gerĂŒckt; Migranten werden nun zunehmend als ökonomische Akteure anstatt als Sicherheitsrisiken betrachtet. Dies lĂ€sst dem Staat Spielraum, seine Schutzfunktion gegenĂŒber auslĂ€ndischen Arbeitnehmern wahrzunehmen – eine begrĂŒĂŸenswerte Entwicklung. Die Analyse wurde aus dem Blickwinkel internationaler Beziehungen bzw. aus volkswirtschaftlicher Perspektive durchgefĂŒhrt und beruft sich grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils auf (offizielle) Pressemitteilungen und SekundĂ€rquellen
