13 research outputs found

    Isolation and identification of motile Aeromonas spp. in ground beef

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    Sarimehmetoglu, Belgin/0000-0002-0007-235XWOS: 000088815700013In this study, a total of 100 ground beef samples purchased at different butchers' shops and supermarkets in Ankara including 50 samples obtained from butchers' shops and 50 samples obtained from supermarkets, were analysed for the presence of motile Aeromonas species. According to the analysis, motile Aeromonas spp. were found in 73 % (73/100) of ground beef samples. Aeromonas spp. were isolated from 33 samples (66 %) obtained from butchers' shops, and 40 samples (8D %) obtained From supermarkets. A. hydrophila was the most prevalent species, followed by A. sobria and A. caviae from all of the samples. In conclusion, it was determined that ground beef samples were contaminated with motile Aeromonas species and also A. hydrophila and A. caviae as, potential pathogens, were frequently identified species. Thus, it was suggested that hygienic precautions be applied and especially ground beef should be consumed after a short storage period in a refrigerator, in homes and markets

    Determination of Metal Contamination in Seafood from the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean Sea Metal Contamination in Seafood

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    WOS: 000432327500006Seafood is one of the most important components of a healthy diet due to its composition. With the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean Sea, Turkey has substantial sources of seafood. Seas are highly impacted by environmental pollution. Among these, heavy metal pollution has long been recognized as a serious problem for seafood. As heavy metals cannot be degraded, they are deposited, assimilated or incorporated in water, sediment and aquatic animals. By these properties, they can be transferred to humans through the food chain especially by the consumption of fish and shellfish. The aim of this study is to determine the concentrations of Cd, As, Pb and Hg levels in selected fish species and marine animals from all of the 4 seas of Turkey by using the ICP-MS technique, and to compare the results with the legislations safe limits. For this purpose, 13 different fish species, mussels and shrimps have been obtained from the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. According to the results, metal concentrations decrease in the order As>Pb>Hg>Cd. In all the seas, the same order was found. Statistically significant differences were observed in the metal levels between fish species and the shellfish in all regions. Except for the two samples, all the results was found compatible with the Turkish Food Codex and European Commission Regulation limits. Arsenic levels were detected between 0,076-4,230 mg/kg within the samples. Cadmium levels were detected as higher than the limits in two samples obtained from the Mediterranean Sea, Scophthalmus maximus and Mullus barbatus species as 0,076 mg/kg and 0,064 mg/kg, respectively. The highest and the lowest levels of mercury and lead were measured as 0,005-0,405 and 0,015-0,405 mg/kg, respectively. The results obtained from this study revealed that, except for a few cases, the selected heavy metal concentrations in most samples were below the limits. Also, besides the mussels and the shrimps, there was no single type of fish that was consistently high in all metals. The examined seas and the seafood were found to be safe for human consumption

    Evalution of the relationship between milk glutathione peroxidase activity, milk composition and various parameters of subclinical mastitis under seasonal variations

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    YAZLIK, Murat Onur/0000-0002-0039-5597WOS: 000411813300003The aims of this study were to evaluate the Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in milk, and various milk parameters [milk fat, milk protein, milk solids non-fat (SNF), somatic cell count (SCC), total bacteria count (TBC), electrical conductivity (EC)] in healthy dairy cows during lactation, and to demonstrate the significant correlations between GSH-Px activity, milk composition, SCC, TBC and EC under seasonal variations. The cows calving in January were assigned into the winter group (n = 30) while the other cows calving in August were assigned into the summer group (n = 30). Milk samples were collected weekly during lactation, and monthly average values of the parameters were determined. Although milk GSH-Px activity was variable during lactation, it was significantly higher in the winter group compared to the summer group of cows during the first five months of lactation (P<0.001). However, between the 6th and 10th months of lactation, GSH-Px activity was significantly higher in the summer group (P<0.001). In both groups of cows, GSH-Px activity was negatively correlated with SCC, TBC and EC during lactation. No correlation was found between GSH-activity and milk composition. In conclusion, the alteration of milk GSH-Px levels could be used as a diagnostic tool for monitoring udder health due to its relationship with the parameters of subclinical mastitis. Furthermore, cows calving in winter had higher GSH-Px activity than those calving in summer, especially during the first few months of lactation. These findings indicate that milk GSH-Px activity in cows during lactation could be influenced by seasonal variations

    Evaluation of the relationship between milk glutathione peroxidase activity, milk composition and various parameters of subclinical mastitis under seasonal variations

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    The aims of this study were to evaluate the Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in milk, and various milk parameters [milk fat, milk protein, milk solids non-fat (SNF), somatic cell count (SCC), total bacteria count (TBC), electrical conductivity (EC)] in healthy dairy cows during lactation, and to demonstrate the significant correlations between GSH-Px activity, milk composition, SCC, TBC and EC under seasonal variations. The cows calving in January were assigned into the winter group (n = 30) while the other cows calving in August were assigned into the summer group (n = 30). Milk samples were collected weekly during lactation, and monthly average values of the parameters were determined. Although milk GSH-Px activity was variable during lactation, it was significantly higher in the winter group compared to the summer group of cows during the first five months of lactation (P<0.001). However, between the 6th and 10th months of lactation, GSH-Px activity was significantly higher in the summer group (P<0.001). In both groups of cows, GSH-Px activity was negatively correlated with SCC, TBC and EC during lactation. No correlation was found between GSH-Px activity and milk composition. In conclusion, the alteration of milk GSH-Px levels could be used as a diagnostic tool for monitoring udder health due to its relationship with the parameters of subclinical mastitis. Furthermore, cows calving in winter had higher GSH-Px activity than those calving in summer, especially during the first few months of lactation. These findings indicate that milk GSH-Px activity in cows during lactation could be influenced by seasonal variations.Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su, tijekom laktacje zdravih krava, procijeniti aktivnost glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px) u mlijeku te odrediti različite druge sastojke (mliječnu masti, mliječne bjelančevine, bezmasnu suhu tvar, broj somatskih stanica (SCC), ukupan broj bakterija (TBC), električnu provodljivost (EC) i prikazati značajnost korelacija između aktivnosti GSH-Px, sastava mlijeka, SCC, TBC i EC u uvjetima različitih sezona. Krave oteljene u siječnju raspoređene su u zimsku skupinu (n = 30), dok su ostale krave oteljene u kolovozu dodijeljene ljetnoj skupini (n = 30). Tijekom laktacije, uzorci mlijeka su prikupljani jednom tjedno i na temelju toga za svaki pokazatelj utvrđene su prosječne mjesečne vrijednosti. Iako je aktivnost GSH-Px u mlijeku tijekom laktacije bila varijabilna, krave iz zimske skupine imale su u prvih pet mjesci značajno (P<0,001) višu aktivnost GSH-Px u odnosu na krave iz ljetne skupine. Međutim, između 6. i 10. mjeseca laktacije, aktivnost GSH-Px bila je znatno viša u ljetnoj skupini krava (P<0,001). U obje skupine krava aktivnost GSH-Px bila je negativno povezana sa SCC, TBC i EC tijekom laktacije. Nije pronađena korelacija između aktivnosti GSH-Px i sastava mlijeka. Zaključno, na temelju njezinog odnosa s pokazateljima supkliničkog mastitisa, promjenjivost razine GSH-Px u mlijeku mogla bi se koristiti kao dijagnostički alat u praćenju zdravlja vimena. Nadalje, krave oteljene zimi imale su veću aktivnost GSH-Px od onih oteljenih ljeti, posebno tijekom prvih nekoliko mjeseci laktacije. Ovi rezultati upućuju na to da bi aktivnost GSH-Px u mlijeku krava tijekom laktacije mogla biti pod utjecajem sezonskih promjena

    Rumination Time and Physical Activity Monitoring, Milk Yield Changes Around Estrus and First Service Pregnancy Rate in Dairy Cows Assigned to Voluntary Waiting Period

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    YAZLIK, Murat Onur/0000-0002-0039-5597WOS: 000444016700003In high milk-yielding dairy cows, the energy balance challenges in early lactation and impact reproductive performance often affects estrus intensity, duration and detection. This study determined the role of a voluntary waiting period on rumination time, physical activity and milk yield changes during the peri-estrus period in the first service and further fertility in high-yielding dairy cows. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate a relationship between voluntary waiting period and estrus-related parameters. This study was conducted on 145 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows aged 2 to 6 years of age. Cows were assigned a short voluntary waiting period, 45 to 70 day in milk (SVWP; n=73), and the long voluntary waiting period, 71 to 95 day in milk (LVWP; n=72). Rumination time, physical activity and milk yield changes around estrus in the first service were detected by an automated monitoring system. Artificial insemination procedures were performed between 45 to 70 days in milk for SVWP and 71 to 95 days in milk for LVWP. The barn's daily temperature and humidity index (THI) was recorded throughout the study period and was <72. Basal rumination time were significantly lower in SVWP (376.82 +/- 74.58 min/clay) than LVWP group at the day of estrus (352,07 +/- 68.90 min/day) (P<0.01). First service pregnancy rate was 23.72% and 38.46% in short and long voluntary waiting period, respectively (p<0.05). Physical activity intensity and milk yield changes were similar among groups during the peri-estrus period and on the day of estrus. The results indicated that the short voluntary waiting period was associated with the lower basal rumination time around estrus and lower first service pregnancy rate

    Associations between leptin, body condition score, and energy metabolites in Holstein primiparous and multiparous cows from 2 to 8 weeks postpartum

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    PEKCAN, MERT/0000-0003-3084-125X; YAZLIK, Murat Onur/0000-0002-0039-5597WOS: 000403793400004The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between serum leptin and body condition score (BCS) during the postpartum period in Holstein cows. We also explored the potential associations with other metabolic traits and fertility parameters. Primiparous and multiparous cows were subjected to leptin analysis on calving day. Starting at the second week postpartum, cows underwent seven weeks of weekly monitoring of serum concentrations of NEFA, BHB, leptin, cholesterol, AST, and bilirubin. During study, BCS changes were recorded, and the genital tract was assessed by ultrasonography and some fertility parameters were evaluated. During the study period, primiparous cows showed a lower mean BCS (P < 0.05). Leptin concentrations between calving and 8 weeks postpartum were higher in multiparous cows than primiparous cows (P < 0.001). Between postpartum weeks 2 and 8, primiparous cows showed higher concentrations of NEFA, BHB, and AST and lower cholesterol concentrations. Multiparous cows showed greater largest follicle diameters and ovulated earlier. Primiparous cows showed higher intervals of calving-to-first insemination and calving-to-conception, more insemination indices for the conception. Improved cow metabolic and reproductive performance was associated with lower concentrations of NEFA, BHB, and AST; higher concentrations of leptin and cholesterol; and greater BCS change during the early postpartum period. Delayed ovarian activity in primiparous cows might be caused by lower postpartum concentrations of leptin and cholesterol

    Characterization of transforming growth factor beta superfamily, growth factors, transcriptional factors, and lipopolysaccharide in bovine cystic ovarian follicles

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    The process of transformation of growing bovine follicles into cysts is still a mystery. Local expression of proteins or factors, including transforming growth factor 13, growth factors, and transcription factors, plays a central role in mammals. Therefore, in abattoir-derived cystic ovarian follicles and follicular fluid, the role of some transforming growth factor superfamily proteins, insulinlike growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and GATA-4 and GATA-6, were investigated. The relationship between intrafollicular lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and etiopathogenesis of ovarian cysts was also assessed. Data on the preovulatory follicle and the largest follicle (F1) were compared. The number of intrafollicular LPS-positive samples and LPS concentrations were higher in cysts. Immunohistochemical staining was mildly positive for IGF-1, inhibin alpha, and GATA-4 in thecal cells. Staining for anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), growth differentiation factor-9, bone morphogenetic protein-6 (BMP-6), and GATA-6 was insufficient for their quantitation, and oocytes could not be stained for any of the proteins tested in the cystic follicles. Expression of BMP-6, inhibin alpha, and IGF-1 was moderately higher in granulosa cells of F1 follicles, and all the proteins were moderately expressed in granulosa cells in preovulatory follicles. However, loss of GATA-6 staining was significant in F1 follicles. Intrafollicular progesterone, IGF-1, and AMH concentrations in cysts and F1 follicles were significantly higher than those in preovulatory follicles. Western blot analyses revealed that follicular fluid inhibin-a was strongly expressed, whereas expression of growth differentiation factor-9, BMP-6, GATA-4 and GATA-6 was lower in cysts than in preovulatory follicles. Also, high intrafollicular AMH concentration and low BMP-6 expression were closely associated with cystic degeneration and atresia. In conclusion, immunohistochemical loss of BMP-6 and GATA-6 in the granulosa cells together with high intrafollicular LPS levels may play important roles in disruption of the ovulatory mechanism and steroidogenic reactions in type 2 cyst. Also, high intrafollicular AMH concentration along with low BMP-6 expression may be used as indicators of the bovine degenarative ovarian follicles. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved