1,264 research outputs found

    A Study of effect of CRT gamma and white point on softcopy and hardcopy agreement

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    DTP (Desk Top Publishing) professionals rely on CRT displays to provide visual feedback to adjust or to proof color prior to hardcopy. Solutions are now appearing in the market to meet this need. But the proper CRT calibration is still not clear to the end users. The objective of this work is to study the CRT setting in terms of gamma and white point; and to explore gamma and white point\u27s effects on softcopy (CRT displayed image) and hardcopy (CMYK printed image) agreement. A number of CRT calibration experiments were performed. Two SCID (Standard Color Image Data) images were used in this study to test the agreement between a softcopy and a hardcopy image. A number of color measurement devices and color management software packages were used in this study. Specifically, ColorTron was used in this study as the tool to calibrate the CRT. Adobe Photoshop, with the ColorSync 2.0 plug-in module was used in this study to implement the printer CMYK to CRT RGB transformation. ColorBlind was used in this study to generate printer and monitor profiles. CA-100 was used in this study as a colorimetric measurement device for data collection and image gamma analysis. By means of observer experiment conducted under dark ambient light, it was found that the different CRT profiles do influence the color transformation between printer CMYK and CRT RGB; the system\u27s default CRT profile (gamma=1.8, whit point=D50, out of 6 CRT profiles tested) cannot achieve the best match between CRT and hardcopy. The optimum CRT profile for the best match was not to be found because of the influence of the keyness of the image itself

    Tympanostomy Tube Placement for Otitis Media with Effusion in Children with Cleft Lip and Palate

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    The condition of cleft lip/palate (CLP) in children is psychologically stressful for family members and debilitating for the patients themselves. These children must undergo a series of major invasive surgeries following birth, including cleft lip repair surgery, cleft palate repair surgery, bone grafting surgery, and dental implant surgery. Unfortunately, the clinical significance of otitis media with effusion (OME), a complication associated with CLP, is often overlooked, and very few studies have explored this condition in depth. This chapter reviews pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, consequences, examination, and diagnosis related to OME in children with CLP. Controversies surrounding the treatment of OME in CLP children are also discussed. We also provide a flowchart for management guidance in OME in children with CLP

    Transarterial Embolization for the Control of Postpartum Hemorrhage

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    Network partitioning into tree hierarchies

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    This paper addresses the problem of partitioning a circuit into a tree hierarchy with an objective of minimizing a glo-bal interconnection cost. An efficient and effective algo-rithm is necessary when the circuit is huge and the tree has many levels of hierarchy. We propose a heuristic algorithm for improving a partition with respect to a given tree struc-ture. The algorithm utilizes the tree hierarchy as an efficient mechanism for iterative improvement. We also extend the tree hierarchy to apply a multi-phase partitioning approach. Experimental results show that the algorithm significantly improves the initial partitions produced by multiway parti-tioning and by recursive partitioning. 1

    Knowledge-Linking Perceptions of Late-Elementary Students

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    This study describes student perceptions of potential elaborative or generative learning strategies called student knowledge links. This construct was assessed using the Student Knowledge Linking Instrument-Perceptions (SKLIP), a new learning inventory to measure late-elementary student perceptions of the creation of student knowledge links. After conducting two pilot studies, a total of 469 fifth- and sixth-grade students participated in the field study. With an internal reliability of α = .80, this 13-item instrument included three subscales: Seeking Relationships, School Learning across Time and Content, and Contextual Remindings. Post hoc analysis indicated that for some out- of-school links such as connections to people they know or places they have been, students try to determine if the link would be helpful in their learning. However, students who indicated making connections to TV shows or movies were also more likely to say they would then stop paying attention in class

    Mesozoic-Cenozoic mafic magmatism in Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Zagros Orogen (Western Iran): geochemical and isotopic inferences from Middle Jurassic and Late Eocene gabbros

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    One of the consequences of Neo-Tethys ocean subduction beneath the Central Iranian Micro-continent (CIMC) is the development of rare gabbroic intrusions in the Malayer-Boroujerd Plutonic Complex (MBPC) located in the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SaSZ) of the Zagros Orogenic belt. The MBPC is a suite of extensive felsic and lesser mafic magmatic products in the northern SaSZ with geochemical signatures of arc-like magmatism during the Middle Jurassic (Ghorveh-Aligudarz arc) and intraplate type in the Late Eocene. Middle Jurassic gabbros (non-cumulate and cumulate) have low-Ti concentrations (< 1 wt. %) and quite uniform isotopic compositions (initial 87Sr/86Sr: 0.7035‒0.70593 and ΔNd(t): - 6.18‒-0.7), enriched LILE relative to HFSE, variable fractionation between the LREE and HREE ((La/Yb)cn: 2.27‒7.45) and both negative to positive Eu anomalies. These distinctive features of arc-type magmatism are consistent with a subduction-modified mantle source for these rocks. Trace element and REE models indicate ~ 15% melting of a metasomatized amphibole-bearing garnet-spinel lherzolite (garnet:spinel ~ 7:3) in the sub-arc mantle wedge. The cumulate gabbros and non-cumulates belong to common liquid line of descent, with complementary trace element patterns. Much of the variation between samples can be modeled by fractional crystallization (FC) of a common parent; only one cumulate gabbro from this suite exhibits isotopic evidence of contamination, probably by Rb-depleted crustal materials. The Late Eocene gabbros have relatively high Ti (>1 wt. %) and display isotopically depleted Sr-Nd values (initial 87Sr/86Sr: 0.7044-0.7087, ΔNd(t): 1.9-+3.2, barring one crustally contaminated sample). OIB-like trace element characteristics such as enriched HFSE, and only minor enrichment of LILE and LREE, reflect a within-plate character and asthenospheric source. Trace element modeling indicates small degree melting (fmelting: 0.05) of upper mantle lherzolite (garnet:spinel ~ 3:1) followed by higher degree melting (fmelting: 0.15) at shallower depths (garnet:spinel ~4.5:2). The Eocene parental magma underwent FC of olivine and clinopyroxene. We propose that Eocene asthenospheric upwelling was triggered by slab tearing in response to slab-rollback, which is elsewhere reported to have triggered a 'flareup' of extension-related magmatism across Iran. Three stages of tectonomagmatic evolution in the Ghorveh-Aligudarz arc segment of the N-SaSZ are represented by: 1) arc-like magmatism during active subduction of the Neo-Tethys seaway at Middle Jurassic, 2) magmatic quiescence during an interval of shallow-angle or highly oblique subduction during the Cretaceous‒Paleocene, and 3) asthenosphere melting during slab tearing shortly before the onset of the Arabia-Eurasia collision

    Gabbroic-dioritic dykes from the Sanadaj-Sirjan Zone: windows on Jurassic and Eocene geodynamic processes in the Zagros Orogen, western Iran

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    The Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SaSiZ) is a magmatic terrane within the Zagros Orogen, western Iran, marking the Tethyan suture zone between the Afro-Arabian Plate and the Central Iran Micro-Continent. Mafic-intermediate dyke swarms with Middle Jurassic (Group-1: hornblende gabbro and diorite) and Late Eocene (Group-2: hornblende-pyroxene gabbro) ages are recognized in the Malayer-Boroujerd Plutonic Complex of the northern SaSiZ. Group-1 dykes have elemental and isotopic signatures consistent with melting of a mantle source modified during Neo-Tethyan subduction. Some Group-1 magmas evolved to intermediate compositions through assimilation and fractional crystallization. Group-2 dykes have within-plate trace element geochemical signatures, modelled as deriving from low-degree melting of asthenospheric mantle without a subduction influence. Published models postulate either a Cretaceous-Eocene Neo-Tethyan flat-slab scenario, or a Latest Cretaceous-Palaeogene Neo-Tethyan break-off event beneath the SaSiZ. Such models do not reconcile with the Late Eocene presence of within-plate magmatism in westernmost Iran, very close to the Zagros Suture. We argue that a period of flat-slab subduction concluded with sub-parallel subduction of a Neo-Tethyan ridge to the trench. The resulting slab break-off event in the Late Eocene is responsible for generation of the distinct Mesopotamia and Zagros slabs in mantle tomography models. Break-off was followed by small volume within-plate type magmatism before short-lived re-establishment of Tethyan subduction prior to the final Arabia-Eurasia collision

    Voltage Regulation of Boost Converter using Observer based Sliding Mode Controller

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    This study dealt with output voltage regulation of boost converter using observer based sliding mode controller comprises of adaptive PI sliding surface. Observer was designed to estimate the inductor current value, such that no sensor was required as a feedback. Adaptive PI sliding surface was constructed from the difference between estimated inductor current and its reference value. The stability of proposed method was ensured by using Lyapunov direct method. To test the system performance, numerical simulation was conducted. The result indicated that the integral absolute error value of proposed method was 0.19, which was 7 times less than sliding mode with PI sliding surface. Consequently, the proposed method was able to estimate accurately the inductor value, track the reference voltage perfectly, and show its robustness against parameter variations
