13,009 research outputs found

    Sialons as high temperature insulators

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    Sialons were evaluated for application as high temperature electrical insulators in contact with molybdenum and tungsten components in hard vacuum applications. Both D.C. and variable frequency A.C. resistivity data indicate the sialons to have electrical resistivity similar to common oxide in the 1000 C or higher range. Metallographic evaluations indicate good bonding of the type 15R ALN polytype to molybdenum and tungsten. The beta prime or modified silicon nitride phase was unacceptable in terms of vacuum stability. Additives effect on electrical resistivity. Similar resistivity decreases were produced by additions of molybdenum or tungsten to form cermets. The use of hot pressing at 1800 C with ALN, Al2 O3 and Si3N4 starting powders produced a better product than did a combination of SiO2 and AIN staring powders. It was indicated that sialons will be suitable insulators in the 1600K range in contact with molybdenum or tungsten if they are produced as a pure ceramic and subsequently bonded to the metal components at temperatures in the 1600K range

    Quantitative resistance can lead to evolutionary changes in traits not targeted by the resistance QTLs.

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    This paper addresses the general concern in plant pathology that the introduction of quantitative resistance in the landscape can lead to increased pathogenicity. Hereto, we study the hypothetical case of a quantitative trait loci (QTL) acting on pathogen spore production per unit lesion area. To regain its original fitness, the pathogen can break the QTL, restoring its spore production capacity leading to an increased spore production per lesion. Or alternatively, it can increase its lesion size, also leading to an increased spore production per lesion. A data analysis shows that spore production per lesion (affected by the resistance QTL) and lesion size (not targeted by the QTL) are positively correlated traits, suggesting that a change in magnitude of a trait not targeted by the QTL (lesion size) might indirectly affect the targeted trait (spore production per lesion). Secondly, we model the effect of pathogen adaptation towards increased lesion size and analyse its consequences for spore production per lesion. The model calculations show that when the pathogen is unable to overcome the resistance associated QTL, it may compensate for its reduced fitness by indirect selection for increased pathogenicity on both the resistant and susceptible cultivar, but whereby the QTLs remain effective.Rothamsted Research receives support from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) of the United Kingdom. F v d Berg was funded by an INRA-BBSRC funded project entitled ‘Epidemiological and evolutionary models for invasion and persistence of disease’. CAG gratefully acknowledges support of a BBSRC Professional Fellowship

    The Megamaser Cosmology Project. X. High Resolution Maps and Mass Constraint for SMBHs

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    We present high resolution (sub-mas) VLBI maps of nuclear H2O megamasers for seven galaxies. In UGC6093, the well-aligned systemic masers and high-velocity masers originate in an edge-on, flat disk and we determine the mass of the central SMBH to be M_SMBH = 2.58*10^7Msun(+-7%). For J1346+5228, the distribution of masers is consistent with a disk, but the faint high-velocity masers are only marginally detected, and we constrain the mass of the SMBH to be in the range 1.5-2.0*10^7Msun. The origin of the masers in Mrk1210 is less clear, as the systemic and high-velocity masers are misaligned and show a disorganized velocity structure. We present one possible model in which the masers originate in a tilted, warped disk, but we do not rule out the possibility of other explanations including outflow masers. In NGC6926, we detect a set of redshifted masers, clustered within a pc of each other, and a single blueshifted maser about 4.4pc away, an offset that would be unusually large for a maser disk system. Nevertheless, if it is a disk system, we estimate the enclosed mass to be M_SMBH<4.8*10^7 Msun . For NGC5793, we detect redshifted masers spaced about 1.4pc from a clustered set of blueshifted features. The orientation of the structure supports a disk scenario as suggested by Hagiwara et al.(2001). We estimate the enclosed mass to be M SMBH<1.3*10^7 Msun. For NGC2824 and J0350-0127, the masers may be associated with pc or sub-pc scale jets or outflows.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Incommensurate spin correlations in highly oxidized cobaltates La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CoO4_{4}

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    We observe quasi-static incommensurate magnetic peaks in neutron scattering experiments on layered cobalt oxides La2-xSrxCoO4 with high Co oxidation states that have been reported to be paramagnetic. This enables us to measure the magnetic excitations in this highly hole-doped incommensurate regime and compare our results with those found in the low-doped incommensurate regime that exhibit hourglass magnetic spectra. The hourglass shape of magnetic excitations completely disappears given a high Sr doping. Moreover, broad low-energy excitations are found, which are not centered at the incommensurate magnetic peak positions but around the quarter-integer values that are typically exhibited by excitations in the checkerboard charge ordered phase. Our findings suggest that the strong inter-site exchange interactions in the undoped islands are critical for the emergence of hourglass spectra in the incommensurate magnetic phases of La2-xSrxCoO4.Comment: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep25117

    The Minimal Length and Large Extra Dimensions

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    Planck scale physics represents a future challenge, located between particle physics and general relativity. The Planck scale marks a threshold beyond which the old description of spacetime breaks down and conceptually new phenomena must appear. Little is known about the fundamental theory valid at Planckian energies, except that it necessarily seems to imply the occurrence of a minimal length scale, providing a natural ultraviolet cutoff and a limit to the possible resolution of spacetime. Motivated by String Theory, the models of large extra dimensions lower the Planck scale to values soon accessible. These models predict a vast number of quantum gravity effects at the lowered Planck scale, among them the production of TeV-mass black holes and gravitons. Within the extra dimensional scenario, also the minimal length comes into the reach of experiment and sets a fundamental limit to short distance physics. We review the status of Planck scale physics in these effective models.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, brief review to appear in Mod. Phys. Let.

    Analysis of GPS radio occultation data from the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and Metop/GRAS missions at CDAAC

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    This study investigates the noise level and mission-to-mission stability of Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation (RO) neutral atmospheric bending angle data at the UCAR COSMIC Data Analysis and Archive Center (CDAAC). Data are used from two independently developed RO instruments currently flying in orbit on the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC (F3C) and Metop/GRAS (GNSS Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding) missions. The F3C 50 Hz RO data are post-processed with a single-difference excess atmospheric phase algorithm, and the Metop/GRAS 50 Hz closed loop and raw sampling (down-sampled from 1000 Hz to 50 Hz) data are processed with a zero-difference algorithm. The standard deviations of the F3C and Metop/GRAS bending angles from climatology between 60 and 80 km altitude from June–December 2009 are approximately 1.78 and 1.13 μrad, respectively. The F3C standard deviation reduces significantly to 1.44 μrad when single-difference processing uses GPS satellites on the same side of the spacecraft. The higher noise level for F3C bending angles can be explained by additional noise from the reference link phase data that are required with single-difference processing. The F3C and Metop/GRAS mean bending angles differences relative to climatology during the same six month period are statistically significant and have values of &amp;minus;0.05 and &amp;minus;0.02 μrad, respectively. A comparison of ~13 500 collocated F3C and Metop/GRAS bending angle profiles over this six month period shows a similar mean difference of ~0.02 &amp;plusmn; 0.02 μrad between 30 and 60 km impact heights that is marginally significant. The observed mean difference between the F3C and Metop/GRAS bending angles of ~0.02–0.03 μrad is quite small and illustrates the high degree of re-produceability and mission independence of the GPS RO data at high altitudes. Collocated bending angles between two F3C satellites from early in the mission differ on average by up to 0.5% near the surface due to systematically lower signal-to-noise ratio for one of the satellites. Results from F3C and Metop/GRAS differences in the lower troposphere suggest the Metop/GRAS bending angles are negatively biased compared to F3C with a maximum of several percents near the surface in tropical regions. This bias is related to different tracking depths (deeper in F3C) and data gaps in Metop/GRAS which make it impossible to process the data from both missions in exactly the same way
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