59 research outputs found

    N4BP1 functions as a dimerization-dependent linear ubiquitin reader which regulates TNF signalling

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    Signalling through TNFR1 modulates proinflammatory gene transcription and programmed cell death, and its impairment causes autoimmune diseases and cancer. NEDD4-binding protein 1 (N4BP1) is a critical suppressor of proinflammatory cytokine production that acts as a regulator of innate immune signalling and inflammation. However, our current understanding about the molecular properties that enable N4BP1 to exert its suppressive potential remain limited. Here, we show that N4BP1 is a novel linear ubiquitin reader that negatively regulates NFκB signalling by its unique dimerization-dependent ubiquitin-binding module that we named LUBIN. Dimeric N4BP1 strategically positions two non-selective ubiquitin-binding domains to ensure preferential recognition of linear ubiquitin. Under proinflammatory conditions, N4BP1 is recruited to the nascent TNFR1 signalling complex, where it regulates duration of proinflammatory signalling in LUBIN-dependent manner. N4BP1 deficiency accelerates TNFα-induced cell death by increasing complex II assembly. Under proapoptotic conditions, caspase-8 mediates proteolytic processing of N4BP1, resulting in rapid degradation of N4BP1 by the 26 S proteasome, and acceleration of apoptosis. In summary, our findings demonstrate that N4BP1 dimerization creates a novel type of ubiquitin reader that selectively recognises linear ubiquitin which enables the timely and coordinated regulation of TNFR1-mediated inflammation and cell death

    The voltage dependence of the TMEM16B/anoctamin2 calcium-activated chloride channel is modified by mutations in the first putative intracellular loop

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    Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channels (CaCCs) are involved in several physiological processes. Recently, TMEM16A/anoctamin1 and TMEM16B/anoctamin2 have been shown to function as CaCCs, but very little information is available on the structure-function relations of these channels. TMEM16B is expressed in the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons, in microvilli of vomeronasal sensory neurons, and in the synaptic terminals of retinal photoreceptors. Here, we have performed the first site-directed mutagenesis study on TMEM16B to understand the molecular mechanisms of voltage and Ca(2+) dependence. We have mutated amino acids in the first putative intracellular loop and measured the properties of the wild-type and mutant TMEM16B channels expressed in HEK 293T cells using the whole cell voltage-clamp technique in the presence of various intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations. We mutated E367 into glutamine or deleted the five consecutive glutamates (386)EEEEE(390) and (399)EYE(401). The EYE deletion did not significantly modify the apparent Ca(2+) dependence nor the voltage dependence of channel activation. E367Q and deletion of the five glutamates did not greatly affect the apparent Ca(2+) affinity but modified the voltage dependence, shifting the conductance-voltage relations toward more positive voltages. These findings indicate that glutamates E367 and (386)EEEEE(390) in the first intracellular putative loop play an important role in the voltage dependence of TMEM16B, thus providing an initial structure-function study for this channel. \ua9 2012 Cenedese et al

    Platform-directed allostery and quaternary structure dynamics of SAMHD1 catalysis

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    SAMHD1 regulates cellular nucleotide homeostasis, controlling dNTP levels by catalysing their hydrolysis into 2’-deoxynucleosides and triphosphate. In differentiated CD4+ macrophage and resting T-cells SAMHD1 activity results in the inhibition of HIV-1 infection through a dNTP blockade. In cancer, SAMHD1 desensitizes cells to nucleoside-analogue chemotherapies. Here we employ time-resolved cryogenic-EM imaging and single-particle analysis to visualise assembly, allostery and catalysis by this multi-subunit enzyme. Our observations reveal how dynamic conformational changes in the SAMHD1 quaternary structure drive the catalytic cycle. We capture five states at high-resolution in a live catalytic reaction, revealing how allosteric activators support assembly of a stable SAMHD1 tetrameric core and how catalysis is driven by the opening and closing of active sites through pairwise coupling of active sites and order-disorder transitions in regulatory domains. This direct visualisation of enzyme catalysis dynamics within an allostery-stabilised platform sets a precedent for mechanistic studies into the regulation of multi-subunit enzymes

    Activation loop phosphorylation and cGMP saturation of PKG regulate egress of malaria parasites.

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    The cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) is the sole cGMP sensor in malaria parasites, acting as an essential signalling hub to govern key developmental processes throughout the parasite life cycle. Despite the importance of PKG in the clinically relevant asexual blood stages, many aspects of malarial PKG regulation, including the importance of phosphorylation, remain poorly understood. Here we use genetic and biochemical approaches to show that reduced cGMP binding to cyclic nucleotide binding domain B does not affect in vitro kinase activity but prevents parasite egress. Similarly, we show that phosphorylation of a key threonine residue (T695) in the activation loop is dispensable for kinase activity in vitro but is essential for in vivo PKG function, with loss of T695 phosphorylation leading to aberrant phosphorylation events across the parasite proteome and changes to the substrate specificity of PKG. Our findings indicate that Plasmodium PKG is uniquely regulated to transduce signals crucial for malaria parasite development

    Ubiquitin activation is essential for schizont maturation in Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage development

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    Ubiquitylation is a common post translational modification of eukaryotic proteins and in the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) overall ubiquitylation increases in the transition from intracellular schizont to extracellular merozoite stages in the asexual blood stage cycle. Here, we identify specific ubiquitylation sites of protein substrates in three intraerythrocytic parasite stages and extracellular merozoites; a total of 1464 sites in 546 proteins were identified (data available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD014998). 469 ubiquitylated proteins were identified in merozoites compared with only 160 in the preceding intracellular schizont stage, suggesting a large increase in protein ubiquitylation associated with merozoite maturation. Following merozoite invasion of erythrocytes, few ubiquitylated proteins were detected in the first intracellular ring stage but as parasites matured through trophozoite to schizont stages the apparent extent of ubiquitylation increased. We identified commonly used ubiquitylation motifs and groups of ubiquitylated proteins in specific areas of cellular function, for example merozoite pellicle proteins involved in erythrocyte invasion, exported proteins, and histones. To investigate the importance of ubiquitylation we screened ubiquitin pathway inhibitors in a parasite growth assay and identified the ubiquitin activating enzyme (UBA1 or E1) inhibitor MLN7243 (TAK-243) to be particularly effective. This small molecule was shown to be a potent inhibitor of recombinant PfUBA1, and a structural homology model of MLN7243 bound to the parasite enzyme highlights avenues for the development of P. falciparum specific inhibitors. We created a genetically modified parasite with a rapamycin-inducible functional deletion of uba1; addition of either MLN7243 or rapamycin to the recombinant parasite line resulted in the same phenotype, with parasite development blocked at the schizont stage. Nuclear division and formation of intracellular structures was interrupted. These results indicate that the intracellular target of MLN7243 is UBA1, and this activity is essential for the final differentiation of schizonts to merozoites

    Interactions between permeation and gating in the TMEM16B/anoctamin2 calcium-activated chloride channel

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    At least two members of the TMEM16/anoctamin family, TMEM16A (also known as anoctamin1) and TMEM16B (also known as anoctamin2), encode Ca2+-activated Cl- channels (CaCCs), which are found in various cell types and mediate numerous physiological functions. Here, we used whole-cell and excised inside-out patch-clamp to investigate the relationship between anion permeation and gating, two processes typically viewed as independent, in TMEM16B expressed in HEK 293T cells. The permeability ratio sequence determined by substituting Cl- with other anions (PX/PCl) was SCN- > I- > NO3 - > Br- > Cl- > F- > gluconate. When external Cl- was substituted with other anions, TMEM16B activation and deactivation kinetics at 0.5 \u3bcM Ca2+ were modified according to the sequence of permeability ratios, with anions more permeant than Cl- slowing both activation and deactivation and anions less permeant than Cl- accelerating them. Moreover, replacement of external Cl- with gluconate, or sucrose, shifted the voltage dependence of steady-state activation (G-V relation) to more positive potentials, whereas substitution of extracellular or intracellular Cl- with SCN- shifted G-V to more negative potentials. Dose-response relationships for Ca2+ in the presence of different extracellular anions indicated that the apparent affinity for Ca2+ at +100 mV increased with increasing permeability ratio. The apparent affinity for Ca2+ in the presence of intracellular SCN- also increased compared with that in Cl-. Our results provide the first evidence that TMEM16B gating is modulated by permeant anions and provide the basis for future studies aimed at identifying the molecular determinants of TMEM16B ion selectivity and gating. \ua9 2014 Betto et al

    Phospho-dependent Regulation of SAMHD1 Oligomerisation Couples Catalysis and Restriction.

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    SAMHD1 restricts HIV-1 infection of myeloid-lineage and resting CD4+ T-cells. Most likely this occurs through deoxynucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolase activity that reduces cellular dNTP to a level where reverse transcriptase cannot function, although alternative mechanisms have been proposed recently. Here, we present combined structural and virological data demonstrating that in addition to allosteric activation and triphosphohydrolase activity, restriction correlates with the capacity of SAMHD1 to form "long-lived" enzymatically competent tetramers. Tetramer disruption invariably abolishes restriction but has varied effects on in vitro triphosphohydrolase activity. SAMHD1 phosphorylation also ablates restriction and tetramer formation but without affecting triphosphohydrolase steady-state kinetics. However phospho-SAMHD1 is unable to catalyse dNTP turnover under conditions of nucleotide depletion. Based on our findings we propose a model for phosphorylation-dependent regulation of SAMHD1 activity where dephosphorylation switches housekeeping SAMHD1 found in cycling cells to a high-activity stable tetrameric form that depletes and maintains low levels of dNTPs in differentiated cells

    Intracellular Trafficking of Guanylate-Binding Proteins Is Regulated by Heterodimerization in a Hierarchical Manner

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    Guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs) belong to the dynamin family of large GTPases and represent the major IFN-γ-induced proteins. Here we systematically investigated the mechanisms regulating the subcellular localization of GBPs. Three GBPs (GBP-1, GBP-2 and GBP-5) carry a C-terminal CaaX-prenylation signal, which is typical for small GTPases of the Ras family, and increases the membrane affinity of proteins. In this study, we demonstrated that GBP-1, GBP-2 and GBP-5 are prenylated in vivo and that prenylation is required for the membrane association of GBP-1, GBP-2 and GBP-5. Using co-immunoprecipitation, yeast-two-hybrid analysis and fluorescence complementation assays, we showed for the first time that GBPs are able to homodimerize in vivo and that the membrane association of GBPs is regulated by dimerization similarly to dynamin. Interestingly, GBPs could also heterodimerize. This resulted in hierarchical positioning effects on the intracellular localization of the proteins. Specifically, GBP-1 recruited GBP-5 and GBP-2 into its own cellular compartment and GBP-5 repositioned GBP-2. In addition, GBP-1, GBP-2 and GBP-5 were able to redirect non-prenylated GBPs to their compartment in a prenylation-dependent manner. Overall, these findings prove in vivo the ability of GBPs to dimerize, indicate that heterodimerization regulates sub-cellular localization of GBPs and underscore putative membrane-associated functions of this family of proteins
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