19 research outputs found

    Editorial: Zusammenarbeit in der Hochschule - LernrÀume, Bauten und Campusplanung

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    2012 |  Gerhard Schmitt & Antje Kunze (ZĂŒrich)  

    PathogenitÀtsfaktoren bei Pilzinfektionen

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    FĂŒr die starke Zunahme von Infektionen durch opportunistische Pilze sind vor allem prĂ€disponierende Faktoren verantwortlich,welche die natĂŒrliche Abwehr des Wirtes abschwĂ€chen.Trotzdem mĂŒssen pathogene Pilze, wie die medizinisch bedeutende Hefe Candida albicans, ĂŒber Virulenzfaktoren verfĂŒgen, die dem Mikroorganismus das Überleben auf und in einem Wirt sichern oder das Vordringen zu tieferen Geweben und Organen ermöglichen.Das Ziel der Forschungsprojekte der Nachwuchsgruppe „PathogenitĂ€tsfaktoren bei Pilzinfektionen“ am Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) ist, solche Faktoren von Pilzen zu identifizieren und zu analysieren, von denen vermutet wird, dass sie bei einer Infektion eine wichtige Rolle spielen.Damit sollen nicht nur die PathogenitĂ€tsmechanismen besser verstanden werden, sondern auch Ansatzpunkte fĂŒr neue Medikamente gefunden werden.Schließlich gilt es,aufgrund der zunehmenden Resistenzen gegenĂŒber den wenigen zur VerfĂŒgung stehenden Antimykotika, die Wirkungsweise existierender Medikamente zu verstehen

    Immunoadsorption for Treatment of Patients with Suspected Alzheimer Dementia and Agonistic Autoantibodies against Alpha1a-Adrenoceptor—Rationale and Design of the IMAD Pilot Study

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    Background: agonistic autoantibodies (agAABs) against G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) have been linked to cardiovascular disease. In dementia patients, GPCR-agAABs against the α1- and ß2-adrenoceptors (α1AR- and ß2AR) were found at a prevalence of 50%. Elimination of agAABs by immunoadsorption (IA) was successfully applied in cardiovascular disease. The IMAD trial (Efficacy of immunoadsorption for treatment of persons with Alzheimer dementia and agonistic autoantibodies against alpha1A-adrenoceptor) investigates whether the removal of α1AR-AABs by a 5-day IA procedure has a positive effect (improvement or non-deterioration) on changes of hemodynamic, cognitive, vascular and metabolic parameters in patients with suspected Alzheimer’s clinical syndrome within a one-year follow-up period. Methods: the IMAD trial is designed as an exploratory monocentric interventional trial corresponding to a proof-of-concept phase-IIa study. If cognition capacity of eligible patients scores 19–26 in the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), patients are tested for the presence of agAABs by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-based method, followed by a bioassay-based confirmation test, further screening and treatment with IA and intravenous immunoglobulin G (IgG) replacement. We aim to include 15 patients with IA/IgG and to complete follow-up data from at least 12 patients. The primary outcome parameter of the study is uncorrected mean cerebral perfusion measured in mL/min/100 gr of brain tissue determined by magnetic resonance imaging with arterial spin labeling after 12 months. Conclusion: IMAD is an important pilot study that will analyze whether the removal of α1AR-agAABs by immunoadsorption in α1AR-agAAB-positive patients with suspected Alzheimer’s clinical syndrome may slow the progression of dementia and/or may improve vascular functional parameters

    CandidaDB: a genome database for Candida albicans pathogenomics

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    CandidaDB is a database dedicated to the genome of the most prevalent systemic fungal pathogen of humans, Candida albicans. CandidaDB is based on an annotation of the Stanford Genome Technology Center C.albicans genome sequence data by the European Galar Fungail Consortium. CandidaDB Release 2.0 (June 2004) contains information pertaining to Assembly 19 of the genome of C.albicans strain SC5314. The current release contains 6244 annotated entries corresponding to 130 tRNA genes and 5917 protein-coding genes. For these, it provides tentative functional assignments along with numerous pre-run analyses that can assist the researcher in the evaluation of gene function for the purpose of specific or large-scale analysis. CandidaDB is based on GenoList, a generic relational data schema and a World Wide Web interface that has been adapted to the handling of eukaryotic genomes. The interface allows users to browse easily through genome data and retrieve information. CandidaDB also provides more elaborate tools, such as pattern searching, that are tightly connected to the overall browsing system. As the C.albicans genome is diploid and still incompletely assembled, CandidaDB provides tools to browse the genome by individual supercontigs and to examine information about allelic sequences obtained from complementary contigs. CandidaDB is accessible at http://genolist.pasteur.fr/CandidaDB

    The climate during the Maunder Minimum: a simulation with the Freie UniversitÀt Berlin Climate Middle Atmosphere Model (FUB-CMAM)

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    A model simulation of the climate during Maunder Minimum (MM) (1645–1715) was performed using the Freie UniversitĂ€t Berlin Climate Middle Atmosphere Model (FUB-CMAM). A multi-year equilibrium integration with prescribed solar insolation, atmospheric composition and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) for MM conditions was compared with a present-day (PD) simulation. We find that during MM the stratosphere was significantly warmer (up to 3 K) than during PD, and dynamically more disturbed in winter. The warming is due to the dominant effect of the lower atmospheric CO2 concentration during MM, which leads to a reduced emission of long-wave radiation, and compensates the cooling due to the reduced solar irradiance. The troposphere was about 1–1.5 K cooler in the annual mean during MM. The global mean surface air temperature decreased by 0.86 K. Northern hemisphere winters were on average characterized by cooler and drier weather over the northern parts of the continents, with an increase in precipitation in the southern parts. These climate anomalies are shown to be related to a shift in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) towards a predominantly low phase during MM. The simulated climate anomalies are in very good agreement with reconstructions from proxy-data. Changes in the dynamical coupling between the troposphere and stratosphere were found in the MM simulation, indicating the importance of the stratosphere for climate change