17 research outputs found

    Distribusi Unsur Makro dan Mikro dalam Abu Gunung Merapi YOGYAKARTA

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    Telah dilakukan analisis kandungan unsur dalam abu Gunung Merapi pasca erupsi Oktober - Nopember 2010 dengan teknik analisis aktivasi neutron (AAN). Pengambilan sampling dilakukan oleh peneliti PTAPB-BATAN pada tanggal 9 dan 10 Nopember 2010 di 10 titik sampling. Lokasi sampling sebanyak 4 titik di Kabupaten Sleman, 1 titik di Kabupaten Magelang, 3 titik di Kabupaten Klaten dan 2 titik di Kabupaten Boyolali. Sampel abu vulkanik dikeringkan,diayak lolos saring 200 mesh dan ditimbang 30-50 mg dalam vial polietilen. Iradiasi dilakukan pada fluks neutron termal 1013 n.cm-2.det-1 di fasilitas iradiasi Reaktor Serba Guna GA. Siwabessy, Serpong. Pencacahan cuplikan pasca iradiasi dilakukan dengan detektor resolusi tinggi HPGe yang digabungkan dengan penganalisis puncak multi saluran. Analisis data dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak GENIE 2000 dan k0-IAEA. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa unsur dalam abu vulkanik terdiri atas unsur makro (dalam persen) Al 10,45-13,37; Fe 4,44-8,79; Na 2,55- 3,35; Ca 1,03-8,82; Mg 0,61-1,75; Ti 0,31-0,58; dan Mn 0,12-0,17, unsur mikro (<500 mg/kg) Ba, Zn, Sb, Eu, U, Hg, Hf, Ce, Yb, La, Sc, Co, Cs, Dy, Tb, Lu, Rb dan V. Distribusi unsur-unsur ini hampir merata di semua titik lokasi sampling kecuali untuk unsur As, Zn dan Cr hanya ditemukan di beberapa lokasi sampling. Adanya logam berat Hg, As, dan Cr, perlu mendapat perhatian khusus dalam kaitan pemanfaatan abu vulkanik dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang mempunyai dampak terhadap kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan. Abu vulkanik dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bangunan, bahan keramik dan lahan pertania

    Penggunaan Ekstrak Daun Katuk (Sauropus Androgunus L. Merr) Sebagai Bahan Pe,nga-wet Alami Dagingsapi Segar

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    Meat is high nutrient food material because it consist much protein, fat, mineral and other substances that needed by human body. The .Meat nutrient pel'centage is the appropriate media for the growth of microorganism especially bacteria. The microorganism activity can decrease meat quality. Hence, itneed exact treatment for keep the meat quality. One of used the treatment is adding extract of the Sauropus and1'og}Jnus (L.) Me1'1'. Extract of the Sauropus androgynus constitute material that consist of antibacterial compounq. Content OrSO:UT0pu5 androgyrius characteristk is oxide bacteria that having ability to remove son}e bacteria sm;has seskuite,rna add. alkaloid papaVerlllt tanin,.. saponiri,. fiavonoiq, mineral salt, other compounds,The purpose of this research is to determine influence the meat submersion within e)."tract of the Sauropus androgynus to pH, water content, total of bacterial colony, storage endurance and sensorial value include color, tex'ture, and aroma. The research use 2.5 kilogram of ham's beef and extract of the Saurapus andmgynus as much as 240 mI. Experiment method is used in this research by use a Complete Random Design that consist of four treatments with three repeat. The treatments are the extract of the So:uropfls alldrogymes concentration's level consist of ' 0 mI, 10 ml. 20 mI, aud 30 ml. The submersion has. taken as long as 30 ffiillUI:e5. Variables that measured is pH, water content romlof 'bacterial colony, storage endurance and sensorial value of meat. The differences among the treatments have tested by DcJ1nc!', textW:e and aroma). The resultof meat color is nndesired red, the texture have plaited pattern, tugged and not attractive,and m",,anwhile the aroma resulted is putrid taste

    Neutronic Analysis on Irradiation of the Leu Electroplating Target in the Rsg-gas Reactor for Production of 99mo Radionuclide

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    RSG-GAS reactor is a research reactor operated for radioisotope production, neutron activation analysis, research material testing, industry demand, R & D institutions and universities. One of the routine activities performed for RSG-GAS reactor operation is irradiation of LEU targets into the core to produce 99Mo radionuclide. The target insertion in the core will change the neutronic characteristic of the core so it can exceed the safety limits of reactor operation. This paper analyzes the neutronic parameters due to the insertion of the LEU electroplating target into the reactor core irradiation facility. The neutronic parameters for optimizing the LEU electroplating irradiated target are important for the safety of the reactor operation. Neutronic parameter calculations were performed using WIMS/D5 and Batan-3DIFF codes routinely used for RSG-GAS core calculations. Based on calculations by irradiating the LEU electroplating target in a CIP irradiation position of 36 g causes a reactivity change of 597.724 pcm and a maximum radial power peaking factor of 1.3078. Both of these quantities are within the limits permitted for the safety of the reactor operation

    Studi Kelayakan Pengembangan Usaha Tani Tebu Di Kabupaten Sampang

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    Dalam mendukung pencapaian swasembada gula, Pulau Madura menjadi salah satu sasaran lokasi pengembangan tebu. Di Kabupaten Sampang pengembangan USAha tani tebu dimulai sejak tahun 2009. Program inididukung oleh masuknya Perusahaan perkebunan serta bantuan penganggaran dari APBN. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kelayakan secara sosial dan ekonomi serta potensi pengembangan USAha tani tebu ke depan dan untuk mengetahui peluang dari USAha tani tebu ini bagi masyarakat di Pulau Madura secara umum. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai September sampai Desember 2013 di lokasi-lokasi kecamatan pengembangan tebu Kabupaten Sampang. Informasi dikumpulkan dengan memanfaatkan data sekunder dan data primer melalui wawancara dengan individu maupun grup/kelompok masyarakat, dinas/institusi terkait. Data dianalisa menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk memperoleh gambaran kondisi yang dihadapi dan pemecahan dari masalah yang dihadapi di wilayah yang diamati. Analisis aspek USAha tani meliputi data input-output komoditas existing dengan analisis finansial. Untuk melihat kelayakan USAha tani digunakan R/C Ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kelayakan USAha tani tebu adalah kepemilikan lahan, insentif rangsangan dana bantuan sosial (Bansos) APBN dan subsidi pengembangan Tebu Madura (Dinas Perkebunan Provinsi), serta kerja sama kemitraaan dengan pabrik gula (PTPN X) yang menawarkan bantuan modal, subsidi saprotan, alat/mesin pertanian, serta jaminan pasar. Kemitraan yang telah ada antara PTPN X dengan petani tebu di Sampang dapat dikategorikan dalam tipe kemitraan subkontrak dan layak diteruskan. Skema yang sudah diterapkan dalam kontrak ini adalah pola kemitraan antara pemerintah daerah, swasta (PTPN X), dan petani tebu. Usaha tani tebu dengan R/C ratio sebesar 1,05 dan 1,68 dan pendapatan bersih Rp1.358.920,00/ha dan Rp14.024.360,00/ha pada USAha tani tebu awal dan tebu kepras I, membuktikan USAha tani tebu di lokasi penelitian sangat layak untuk diusahakan dan menguntungkan. Selain peluang bagi masyarakat memanfaatkan potensi lahan tidur dan sub-optimal untuk pengembangan USAha tani tebu yang memberikan manfaat ekonomi bagi masyarakat di Kabupaten Sampang. In order to achieve self-sufficient in sugar consumption, the Madura Island became one of the targets of sugar cane development area. In Sampang Regency, the development of sugar cane agribusiness have been started since 2009. This program was supported by the companies as well as financial supported from national budget (APBN). The study aims to determine the feasibility of social and economic as well as the potentialfor future development of sugar cane farming and to understand the opportunities of the farming for community in Madura Island on the whole. The study was conducted from September to December 2013 at 14 districts of sugar cane developing area in Sampang. Information was collected by using secondary data and primary data through interviews with individual and group/community groups, agencies/institutions concerned. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis to obtain a description of the conditions encountered and the solving of problems encountered in the observed region. The analysis covers aspects of farm commodity input-output data with the existing financial analysis. To look at the feasibility of farming used the R/C ratio. The results of the study showed that some factors which influenced the farmer to plant the cane were: land ownership; the stimuli of incentives from social grants (Bansos) from APBN and subsidy from projectdevelopment (from Provincial Agricultural office); the cooperation of partners through sugar company (PTPN X) which offered grants, input subsidy, equipments/agriculture machinery as well as market assurance. The partnership among PTPN X and the sugar cane farmers in Sampang was feasible and categorized a subcontract partnership type. Meanwhile, the scheme that had been implemented in this type of contract was thepartnership pattern between local government, private (PTPN X) and the sugar cane farmers. The sugar cane farming with R/C ratio of 1.05 and 1.68, or net income recieved of Rp1,358,920/ha and Rp14,024,360/ha atthe first harvested and second period harvested, proving that the farming in the study area is feasible to carry on and profitable. In addition, it is the opportunities to develop the potential of the unused and suboptialland for sugar cane agribusiness development that provides economic benefits to the community in Sampang Regency

    Development and validation of Social Anxiety Scale (SAS)

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    Although several scales have been developed to measure social anxiety, none of these scales have focused on measuring social anxiety in the college setting. This study aimed to develop a scale to measure social anxiety that can be used specifically for college students. The scale was developed based on previously published scales of social anxiety (social phobia disorder). A total of 127 psychology undergraduate students (92 females and 35 males), aged between 18 and 51 years (M= 22.05; SD = 3.91), participated in this work. To validate our scale, we conducted concurrent validity analysis by correlating the proposed social anxiety scale (SAS) with established scales. The participants answered questions related to five measures, including a demographic and pro-social questionnaire, SAS, Extraversion Scale, Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale, and Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire. We hypothesized that social anxiety would be (1) negatively correlated with extraversion, (2) positively correlated with intolerance of uncertainty, (3) negatively correlated with student adaptation to college, and (4) positively correlated with pro-social behavior (PB). This study found that all of the hypotheses could be confirmed, except that for PB. Our SAS was further found to possess excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = .86), and discriminant analysis of the related items yielded satisfactory results. Our findings suggest that the new scale is a reliable and valid tool for measuring social anxiety among college students

    Acoustic censusing using automatic vocalization classification and identity recognition

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    This paper presents an advanced method to acoustically assess animal abundance. The framework combines supervised classification (song-type and individual identity recognition), unsupervised classification (individual identity clustering), and the mark-recapture model of abundance estimation. The underlying algorithm is based on clustering using hidden Markov models (HMMs) and Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) similar to methods used in the speech recognition community for tasks such as speaker identification and clustering. Initial experiments using a Norwegian ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana) data set show the feasibility and effectiveness of the approach. Individually distinct acoustic features have been observed in a wide range of animal species, and this combined with the widespread success of speaker identification and verification methods for human speech suggests that robust automatic identification of individuals from their vocalizations is attainable. Only a few studies, however, have yet attempted to use individual acoustic distinctiveness to directly assess population density and structure. The approach introduced here offers a direct mechanism for using individual vocal variability to create simpler and more accurate population assessment tools in vocally active species

    Distribusi Unsur Makro dan Mikro dalam Abu Gunung Merapi YOGYAKARTA

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    Telah dilakukan analisis kandungan unsur dalam abu Gunung Merapi pasca erupsi Oktober - Nopember 2010 dengan teknik analisis aktivasi neutron (AAN). Pengambilan sampling dilakukan oleh peneliti PTAPB-BATAN pada tanggal 9 dan 10 Nopember 2010 di 10 titik sampling. Lokasi sampling sebanyak 4 titik di Kabupaten Sleman, 1 titik di Kabupaten Magelang, 3 titik di Kabupaten Klaten dan 2 titik di Kabupaten Boyolali. Sampel abu vulkanik dikeringkan,diayak lolos saring 200 mesh dan ditimbang 30-50 mg dalam vial polietilen. Iradiasi dilakukan pada fluks neutron termal 1013 n.cm-2.det-1 di Fasilitas iradiasi Reaktor Serba Guna GA. Siwabessy, Serpong. Pencacahan cuplikan pasca iradiasi dilakukan dengan detektor resolusi tinggi HPGe yang digabungkan dengan penganalisis puncak multi saluran. Analisis data dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak GENIE 2000 dan k0-IAEA. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa unsur dalam abu vulkanik terdiri atas unsur makro (dalam persen) Al 10,45-13,37; Fe 4,44-8,79; Na 2,55- 3,35; Ca 1,03-8,82; Mg 0,61-1,75; Ti 0,31-0,58; dan Mn 0,12-0,17, unsur mikro (<500 mg/kg) Ba, Zn, Sb, Eu, U, Hg, Hf, Ce, Yb, La, Sc, Co, Cs, Dy, Tb, Lu, Rb dan V. Distribusi unsur-unsur ini hampir merata di semua titik lokasi sampling kecuali untuk unsur As, Zn dan Cr hanya ditemukan di beberapa lokasi sampling. Adanya logam berat Hg, As, dan Cr, perlu mendapat perhatian khusus dalam kaitan pemanfaatan abu vulkanik dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang mempunyai dampak terhadap kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan. Abu vulkanik dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bangunan, bahan keramik dan lahan pertania

    Unsupervised Validity Measures for Vocalization Clustering

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    This paper describes unsupervised speech/speaker cluster validity measures based on a dissimilarity metric, for the purpose of estimating the number of clusters in a speech data set as well as assessing the consistency of the clustering procedure. The number of clusters is estimated by minimizing the cross-data dissimilarity values, while algorithm consistency is evaluated by calculating the dissimilarity values across multiple experimental runs. The method is demonstrated on the task of Beluga whale vocalization clustering