190 research outputs found
House of Restorative Justice as a Forum of Actualizing the Nation’s Culture in Solving Criminal Cases
House of Restorative Justice is a follow-up to the existence of the Prosecutor’s Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2020 concerning the Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice. The establishment of this house aims to be a forum for meeting victims, perpetrators in resolving criminal cases that also involve traditional, community and religious leaders in exploring the values of local wisdom to perfect the application of positive law in the implementation of the termination of prosecution based on the Prosecutor’s Ragulation Number 15 of 2020. This research is a legal socio research that has the nature of descriptive and analytical research. The urgency of the establishment of the House of RJ is to explore the values of local wisdom contained in the community Restorative justice is in line with the legal values that live in Indonesian society (living law). The implementation of local wisdom values in resolving cases at the House of RJ. Currently, it is still only based on the settlement method, namely by using deliberation for consensus, but in this study, the prosecution in Toba Samosir and Kajang has accommodated local customary values and laws. Hence, in this case, the law and values of local wisdom can be used as a complement in the implementation of positive law enforcement.Keywords: House of Restorative Justice; Restorative Justice; criminal law; local wisdom; law enforcement
Pengaruh Umur Larva Terhadap Kualitas Ratu Yang Dihasilkan Pada Penangkaran Lebah Ratu Apis Cerana L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Dengan Teknik Pencangkokan
An experimental study to find out the effect of larval ages to the quality of queens produced through queen-grafting technique has been done in Apis cerana colony. Each of four larval ages(1-4 day-old larvae) was grafted into 5 queen cups in every single colony. Five colonies were used in the study as experimental replications. Pupal weight was used as initial indicator of potential reproductivity of upcoming queen. The results showed that larval age affected both the acceptance rate of grafted larvae and queen pupal weight. The acceptance rate of young larvae was higher than old larvae as shown by their successful number of capped queen cells development. The mean number of capped queen cells developed from larvae at the age of 1, 2, 3, and 4 day-old were 4.4 ± 1.1 cells/colony, 3.4 ± 1.1 cells/colony, 2.0 ± 1.0 cells/colony, and 2.4 ± 0.5 cells/colony, respectively. The queens reared from 1 and 2 day-old larvae significantly had heavier pupae than those from both 3 and 4 day-old larvae. The mean pupal weight grafted from 1, 2, 3 day, and 4 day old larvae were 153.33 ± 4.48 mg/pupae, 149.14 ± 6.29 mg/pupae, 126.17 ± 7.28 mg/pupae, and 126.70 ± 7.61 mg/pupae, respectively. There were no differences between pupal weight grafted from 1 and 2 day-old larvae and between pupal weight grafted from 3 and 4 day-old larvae. The study showed that 1 and 2 day-old grafted larvae potentialy produced better quality queens than those of older larvae
The Existence of Decisions of Customary Institutions in the Settlement of Criminal Cases in Indonesia
Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 10 paragraph (1), and Article 50 paragraph (1) of Law 48 of 2009 on Judicial Power paved the way for the recognition of customary criminal law, in which the existence of the adapt community and adapt law is recognized and guaranteed by the constitution. However, since customary criminal law is based on the philosophy of harmony and cosmic balance within society, it would be difficult to find common ground regarding the principle of legality within the Criminal Code. This study aims to identify the influence of customary institution decisions in criminal case proceedings. This research uses a socio-legal methodology that has descriptive and analytical characteristics. This research uses qualitative interactional analysis. The results of this study indicate that, prior to the enactment of Prosecutors’ Regulations on Restorative Justice, the customary institution decision has cemented its existence as a source of law to decide criminal cases. The enactment of Prosecutors’ Regulations on Restorative Justice has shifted it into one of the reasons for the public prosecutor to consider dropping criminal charges based on restorative justice. The regulation will require the involvement of community leaders or representatives to terminate criminal proceedings.
Keywords: customary institutions, customary law, criminal cases, restorative justic
Motif Panji Sekartaji Pada Warangka Sandang Walekat
Merupakan karya seni rupa berupa seni kriya terapan , dengan judul Motif Panji Sekartaji Pada Warangka Sandang Walekat karya dari Kuntadi Wasi Darmojo, S.Sn., M.S
Motif Panji Sekartaji Pada Warangka Ladrang Surakarta
Merupakan karya seni rupa berupa seni kriya terapan , dengan judul Motif Panji Sekartaji Pada Warangka Ladrang Surakarta karya dari Kuntadi Wasi Darmojo, S.Sn., M.S
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Anchored Instruction untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Peserta Didik pada Materi Kalor
The purpose of study is to exam the influence of the anchored instruction model on student\u27s problem solving ability of physics. The method used in this research is quasi-experiment and used non-equivalent control group design. Two samples consist of treatment class learned by using anchored instruction model and control class learned by using conventional model who were selected using purposive sampling techniques. The study was conducted in Abdi Karya senior high school Tanjungsari class X. The magnitude of the increase problem solving ability of students can be seen from the average N-Gain experiment class learners of 0.70 categorized being high and the average N-Gain control class learners of 0.59 categorized being middle. The effect of learning was analyzed by Mann Whitney U-test. The result showed that student\u27s problem solving ability of Physics on treatment class is better than the control class
The Effect of Lowballing on Auditor Independence and Audit Opinion (Case Study at the Public Accounting Office for the Special Capital Region of Jakarta)
This study aims to examine the effect of lowballing on auditor independence and audit opinion. This study uses a sample of 200 respondents who work as auditors in the Public Accountant Offices in the DKI Jakarta areas which are listed in the 2017 Public Accountants Office Directory published by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI). This study uses primary data with a questionnaire. Auditors participating in this study include junior auditors, senior auditors, managers and partners who carry out work in the field of auditing. The analytical method used to test hypotheses is Simple Linear Regression. The final results of this study are that Lowballing has a significant effect on Auditor Independence and Lowballing has a significant effect on Audit Opinion. Keywords: lowballing, auditor independence, Audit Opinion DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-4-05 Publication date: February 29th 202
Pendhok merupakan salah satu bagian elemen perabot keris yang selalu melekat pada warangka atau sarung keris. Fungsi utama pendhok adalah sebagai pembungkus gandar untuk melindungi bilah keris. Pendhok keris gaya Surakarta sebagian besar memiliki bentuk dengan penerapan ragam hias yang cukup bervariatif, dimana konsep dasar ragam hias adalah memiliki fungsi keindahan sehingga pendhok tersebut ketika diterapkan pada warangka akan menambah daya tarik karena menjadi indah dalam melengkapi tampilan keris secara utuh. Namun, pendhok keris juga memiliki fungsi lain yaitu fungsi simbolik dan sosial.Metode tulisan ini adalah mempergunakan metode analisis interaktif, dimana analisis data yang dipergunakan untuk mengurai permasalahan terkait keberadaan pendhok keris
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