4 research outputs found

    Rozw贸j p艂atno艣ci zbli偶eniowych w Polsce i na 艣wiecie

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    The aim of the article is to assess factors that stimulate cashless payment organizations to introduction of contactless payment onto market, as well as the barrier for the development of this innovation. The paper presents the development directions of innovative payment methods. The article describes the evolution and functioning of contactless technology offered by the major payment organizations.Celem pracy jest ocena czynnik贸w sprzyjaj膮cych wprowadzaniu przez instytucje uczestnicz膮ce w obrocie bezgot贸wkowym p艂atno艣ci zbli偶eniowych na rynek oraz barier rozwoju tej innowacji. W artykule przedstawiono kierunki rozwoju innowacyjnych metod p艂atno艣ci oraz oceniono szanse zaistnienia w 艣wiadomo艣ci klient贸w metod najbardziej popularnych. Opisano r贸wnie偶 spos贸b funkcjonowania p艂atno艣ci zbli偶eniowych oferowanych przez najwi臋ksze organizacje p艂atnicze. Sukces na rynku p艂atno艣ci odnios膮 te podmioty, kt贸re b臋d膮 potrafi艂y przekona膰 swoich klient贸w do aktywnego korzystania z technologii zbli偶eniowej

    Rola i zadania integrator贸w p艂atno艣ci w polskim e-handlu

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    The paper presents the role of payment integrators in the Polish e-commerce and estimates the factors which have a major impact on cooperation between an online store and the integrator. Author use the statistical data and results of the empirical research which have been conducted by him. The aim of this article is to show the model of payment integrators working and their significance for the development of e-commerce in Poland. It also describes the main changes on the e-payment market with particular emphasis on the growing role of payment integrators.W artykule przedstawiono znaczenie integrator贸w p艂atno艣ci przy obs艂udze metod p艂atno艣ci, a tak偶e dokonano oceny czynnik贸w maj膮cych g艂贸wny wp艂yw na podj臋cie przez sklep internetowy wsp贸艂pracy z integratorem. Wykorzystano w nim dane statystyczne oraz wyniki bada艅 empirycznych przeprowadzonych przez autora. Celem artyku艂u jest przedstawienie modelu funkcjonowania integrator贸w p艂atno艣ci w handlu internetowym oraz ich znaczenia dla rozwoju handlu internetowego w Polsce. Praca prezentuje r贸wnie偶 zmiany zachodz膮ce na rynku e-p艂atno艣ci w Polsce ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem rosn膮cej roli integrator贸w p艂atno艣ci

    Time Efficiency of Point-Of-Sale Payment Methods: Empirical Results for Cash, Cards, and Mobile Payments

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    Preprint publikacji https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40654-6_19We propose a novel approach for the time efficiency study of payment process at Point-Of-Sale (POS). A wide range of payment methods from cash and standard cards to contactless cards, RFID stickers and mobile payments (NFC and remote) was analysed. Transactions were timed by means of digital chronography of video material recorded in the biggest chain of convenience stores in Poland. Our results confirm that cash is a significantly faster payment method than traditional payment card with a magnetic stripe or EMV chip. However, the innovative payment methods, such as contactless cards and NFC mobile payments, are competitive to cash in terms of time efficiency. Contactless cards used in offline mode and without printing paper slips are the first popular electronic payment method in history faster than cash. Our results could be applied to optimise the payment process at POS as well as to develop innovative and efficient payment solutions