863 research outputs found

    Information System Development and Use Practices in Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa (K.P.K) Pakistan

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    There is no doubt in the reality that Information Technology (IT) is revolutionizing organizations on unprecedented proportions thereby stimulating others to adopt it but despite this fact research indicates that a large number of information system development projects are failing to achieve their objectives in toto. Thus, there are partial and total failure stories of IT projects. Furthermore, information system (IS) failures are common to all types of organizations: public, private or small, medium and large irrespective of operating in a developed or developing country. The research on IS failure frequently cites non-technical issues as the most decisive factors in the success or failure of any IT project. That is, IT can do miracles but all this requires 2018;adequate management of the 2018;demographics of an IT project.2019; Non-technical critical success and failure factors are catching wider attention during the last decades among the IS research community. One can understand that technology can be imported but not the demographic of the organization thus, non-technical issues are 2018;local in nature, structure and intensity,2019; which definitely need local studies of ISD and use practices so as to dig-out 2018;customized ISD and use process. This research is an effort in the same line of thinking

    Log4Perf: Suggesting and Updating Logging Locations for Web-based Systems' Performance Monitoring

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    Performance assurance activities are an essential step in the release cycle of software systems. Logs have become one of the most important sources of information that is used to monitor, understand and improve software performance. However, developers often face the challenge of making logging decisions, i.e., neither logging too little and logging too much is desirable. Although prior research has proposed techniques to assist in logging decisions, those automated logging guidance techniques are rather general, without considering a particular goal, such as monitoring software performance. In this thesis, we present Log4Perf, an automated approach that provides suggestions of where to insert logging statements with the goal of monitoring web-based systems' software performance. In particular, our approach builds and manipulates a statistical performance model to identify the locations in the source code that statistically significantly influence software performance. To evaluate Log4Perf, we conduct case studies on open source systems, i.e., CloudStore and OpenMRS, and one large-scale commercial system. Our evaluation results show that Log4Perf can build well-fit statistical performance models, indicating that such models can be leveraged to investigate the influence of locations in the source code on performance. Also, the suggested logging locations are often small and simple methods that do not have logging statements and that are not performance hotspots, making our approach an ideal complement to traditional approaches that are based on software metrics or performance hotspots. In addition, we proposed approaches that can suggest the need for updating logging locations when software evolves. After evaluating our approach, we manually examine the logging locations that are newly suggested or deprecated and identify seven root-causes. Log4Perf is integrated into the release engineering process of the commercial software to provide logging suggestions on a regular basis

    eLearning Opportunities

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    Both opportunities and prospects are sometimes used interchangeably however, in this paper, opportunity refers to the 2018;availability of eLearning resources and service2019; while prospects denote 2018;futuristic expectations about the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in higher education institutions (HEIs). The empirical findings suggest that people score lower on opportunities but significantly high on the prospects showing that they are not quite happy with the facilities and services available (due to the development, implementation and use problems 2013; or simply management problems of eLearning). But they can clearly foresee the significant role of ICTs or education technologies (ETs) in future in the context of developing countries like Pakistan. Furthermore, these differences are attributed to the demographic diversities of the respondents, meaning that the demographic variation changes the power and direction of the user-attitudes towards eLearning. This paper uses stepwise regression to gradually glean-out the most significant predictors of opportunities and prospects from a group (eight) of demographics

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa Terstruktur Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Pol-ut Kabupaten Takalar

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian True-Eksperimenyang melibatkan dua kelas, desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Post Test Only Control Group design, yang dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Pol-ut Kab. Takalar bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar fisika peserta didik. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu peserta didik kelas XIIPA 1 dan XI IPA 2 SMA Negeri 1 Pol-ut (Polombangkeng Utara) Kabupaten. Takalar tahun ajaran 2012/2013 dengan jumlah 32 peserta didik ditentukan secara acak dengan pertimbangan kelas XI homogen. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan skor rata-rata hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Pol-ut Kab. Takalar yang diajar dengan menggunakan lembar kegiatan siswa terstruktur sebesar 11,87 dengan standar deviasi sebesar 2,25 dan skor rata-rata hasil belajar fisika kelas XI IPA 2 SMA Negeri 1 Pol-ut Kab. Takalar yang diajar tanpa menggunakan lembar kegiatan siswa terstruktur 10,00 dengan standar deviasi sebesar 3,53. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar fisika peserta didik yang diajar denganmenggunakan lembar kegiatan siswa tertruktur berada pada kategori “tinggi”.Kata kunci : Penelitian True Eksperimen, Pengaruh Penggunaan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa Terstruktur, hasil belajar.This study is a True-Eksperimenyang involves two classes, the design used in this research was Post Test Only Control Group design, which was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Pol-ut Kab. Takalar aims to determine the physics learning outcomes of students. The sample in this research is the students of class XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2 SMA Negeri 1 Pol-ut (Polombangkeng North) District. Takalar 2012/2013 academic year with the number of 32 students randomly determined by considerations of class XI homogeneous. Descriptive analysis showed an average score of physics learning outcomes of students of class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Pol-ut Kab. Takalar taught using student activity sheet structured at 11.87 with a standard deviation of 2.25 and an average score of learning outcomes physics class XI IPA 2 SMA Negeri 1 Pol-ut Kab. Takalar taught without using student activity sheet structured 10.00 with a standard deviation of 3.53. It can be concluded that there is an influence on learning outcomes of students who are taught physics USING tertruktur student activity sheets that are in the category of "high"

    Digital Revolution, Cyber-Crimes And Cyber Legislation: A Challenge To Governments In Developing Countries

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    Cyber-crimes the off-spring of cyber-space technology could be only monitored; controlled and prevented through cyber-legislation. Countries around the globe are facing the dangers of cyber-crimes due to several reasons ranging from the poor technology, incapacity and absence of legislation to financial constraints, lack of cooperation with international law and enforcing agencies. This study was undertaken to asses and analyzes the present state of cyber-crimes and legislation in the perspective of developing countries and to identify and analyze the challenges the governments of developing countries are facing in prevention of the cyber-crimes in general and focusing Pakistan being developing economy in particular and to suggest way-out. This qualitative study used ATLAS.ti software for data analyses. Hermeneutics, discourse and heuristic methods were employed to analyze the qualitative data. Experts suggested the use of different approaches for cyber-legislation for example the minimalist approach and prescriptive approach. However, this study proposes the use of two-tier approach for cyber-legislation against the cyber-crimes in developing countries and Pakistan. Key Words: Cyber-space, Cyber-crimes, Cyber-laws, Minimalist approach, Prescriptive approach, Two-Tier approach

    Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Managerial Decision-Making Styles: Multi-Mediation Analysis

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    Every individual makes decisions with a different mindset. Emotional-Intelligence is key for every leader working in the prevalent work settings in the era of technological revolution. Experts have categorized impact of emotional intelligence (EI) into Personal intelligence (PEI) and Social intelligence (SEI). The theoretical model of decision-making styles (DMS) includes the ‘People-oriented’ and ‘Task-oriented’ decision making styles (PDMS & TDMS). This study has investigated the comprehensively established models of relations between EI and DMS. The main research question was ‘How managers’ DMS is influenced by their PEI and SEI?’ The literature review was conducted by employing the thematic analysis. The cross-sectional survey approach was employed to collect data. The study investigated the emotional capacity of decision-makers at workplace which characterized by flooding of information, insecurity, and wider digital interactions – which result in the high levels of stress. This study is a spadework to further explore the same issue with different settings and data sources

    Analyses of the Problems & Prospects of Human Resource Development in Developing Countries & Pakistan

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    Human Resource Development (HRD) is one of the major issues being faced by developing countries in general and Pakistan in particular. HRD needs financial resources and technical capability which is almost nil in the development countries due to their economic backwardness. On the other hand, HRD play vital role in the economic development and prosperity of the nation because they HR is the hand, mind and eyes of the modern industrial societies. This short communication and review examined and analyzed the problems and prospects of HRD in Pakistan and come up with the conclusions that Pakistan must devise long term human resource development strategy to have far-reaching impact on Pakistan's sustained development. Likewise, developing managerial orthodoxy now posits the need of re-engineering of the organizations towards ‘flat’ hierarchical structures, an enlargement of job tasks and job autonomy, ideally centered on work teams. Keywords: HRD, Problems, Prospects, Developing countries, Pakista
