353 research outputs found


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    Perubahan zaman dari masa dahulu ke masa sekarang dan masa yang akan datang merupakan suatu hal yang sudah pasti namun tidak kesemuanya itu berakibat bak contohnya seperti tosan aji yang pada zaman dahulu memiliki peranan penting bagi negara atau kerajinan dimana keberadaan tosan ajo cukup dibutuhkan oleh para penguasa pada waktu itu seperti untuk membunuh musuh dalam peperangan, symbol jabatan atau tanda penghargaan dari raja kepada bawahan dan lain-lain namun pada saat ini hanya dipakai sebagai perlengkapan dalam pernikahan saja atau sebagai hiasan rumah oleh karena itu tosan aji mengalami kemunduran jauh pada saat sekarang ini dimana era globalisasi membutuhkan teknologi yang maju agar bisa berkembang dengan maju dan pesat selain itu kurang dikenal di kalangan generasi muda padahal tosan aji merupakan cirri khas kebudayaan jawa dan bagian serta symbol dari kebudayaan jawa itu sendiri. Pada dasarnya potensi dari tosan aji belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal khususnya pada segi pariwisataan karena kurangnya komunikasi dan factor keadaan kondisi masyarakat yang memandang image dari tosan aji kurang baik. Selain itu masyarakat masih menyimpan dan memiliki tosan aji atau benda pusaka warisan leluhur. Namun, kebanyakan benda pusaka dalam keadaan kurang terawatt. Pasalnya, pemilik tidak tahu bagaimana cara yang tepat memperlakukan pusaka hasil karya para empu tersohor ratusan tahun silam itu. Di sisi lain, banyak pejabat tinggi dari Jakarta yang sering memburu pusaka hingga kepelosok=pelosok kota/desa, untuk sekedar dikoleksi atau dengan maksud tertentu karena dianggap memiliki daya linuwih. Kota Surakarta sebagai salah satu daerah yang memiliki budaya jawa yang khas turun temurun dimana dulu Kota Surakarta merupakan pusat perkembangan kebudayaan jawa dan tosan aji di pulau jawa. Sudah saatnya dilakukan langkah untuk meningkatkan potensinya terutama dalam hal pariwisataan di Kota Surakarta dan tetap eksistensi dalam keadaan sekarang ini. Pengembangan tosan aji untuk pariwisataan ini masih mengalami kendala, hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya atau terbatasnya sarana, prasarana dan fasilitas yang ada di Kota Surakarta selain itu juga adanya image buruk dikalangan masyarakat terutama dari kalangan religius karena dapat membahayakan bila ditinjau dari segi akidahnya. Untuk itu perlu adanya solusi yang mampu menengahi permasalahan tersebut seperti museum atau galeri dan lain-lain. Keberadaan Museum Tosan Aji pada hakekatnya merupakan upaya melindungi asset budaya jawa terutama tosan aji dan mengenalkan sejarah dan cara-cara pembuatannya serta menambah khasanah bagi pariwisataan dan dokumentasi sejarah di Kota Surakarta. Untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang benda pusaka, Paguyuban Tosan Aji menggelar jamasan dan sarasehan. Berikut petikan wawancara dengan pakar tosan aji yang juga kolektor benda-benda pusaka. “Benarkah di Jawa Tengah masih banyak pemilik Tosan Aji ? Benar, di Jawa Tengah masih banyak yang memiliki benda pusaka. Tetapi mereka kurang memahami cara merawat dan menyimpan pusaka. Buktinya, saat digelar jamasan ada sekitar 500 bilah keris yang didaftarkan untuk di-jamas. Banyak keris sepuh (tua) dengan tangguh masa Mataram serta memiliki dapur atau corak fisik yang indah. Ketika di-jamasi, dapur (fisik keris) sangat indah. Bahkan ada keris temuan karya pada zaman Empu Segaluh yang berusia 900 tahun dan Brojol berusia ratusan tahun. Tosan Aji rata-rata banyak yang berasal dari peninggalan zaman Mataram atau Majapahit, tetapi mungkin pula pemilik mewarisi pusaka dari kakek buyutnya, yang berasal dari Keraton Kasunanan Solo, Majapahit ataupun dari Keraton Yogyakarta. Soal ide para kolektor membuat museum tosan aji, bagaimana menurut Anda? Untuk tujuan hamemetri (melestarikan), museum tosan aji atau benda pusaka saya kira perlu. Kini sudah muncul gagasan dan mendapat respons. Sebab, keberaaan museum itu nanti akan memberi pendidikan kepada generasi muda tentang asal-usul keris dan sejarahnya. Jika museum tempat penyimpanan tosan aji sudah dibangun, para pemilik keris yang tidak mau merawat karena takut dianggap syirik, bisa menitipkan di museum. Sebab, ada pemilik yang membuang benda pusaka dengan cara melarung disungai atau mengubur begitu saja, karena khawatir dianggap syirik. ” Dengan mengetahui serta mempertimbangkan permasalahan diatas dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa tosan aji perlu diperkenalkan, dilestarikan dan didokumentasikan sejarahnya serta berkaitan erat dengan kebudayaan jawa atau salah satu unsure penting dari buday ajawa dan bisa meningkatkan wisata budaya di Kota Surakarta untuk mewujudkan aspirasi diatas dibutuhkan museum dan galeri tosan aji di Kota Surakarta sebagai salah satu alternative menjaga cagar budaya yang ada di Indonesia. Aktualita : 1. perubahan zaman dari masa lampau ke masa sekarang mempengaruhi keberadaan tosan aji. 2. kurangnya dukungan dari masyarakat terhadap tosan aji 3. kurangnya sarana dan prasarana serta fasilitas yang ada di Kota Surakarta yang dapat menunjang keberadaan tosan aji 4. keberadaan tosan aji kurang begitu dikenal di kalangan generasi muda. Urgensi : 1. perlunya merancang bangunan yang dapat menampung dan mewujudkan aspirasi tersebut terutama dari kalangan penyuka tosan aji 2. perlunya merancang fasilitas pendukung yang memadai 3. perlunya memberi image yang bagus di kalangan masyarakat Originalitas Perancangan sebuah museum tosan aji yang mampu menampung segala aspirasi yang bisa mencitrakan tosan aji dan menceritakan sejarah tosan aji dan kaitannya dengan kebudayaan jawa serta melestarikannya B. TUJUAN DAN SASARAN Tujuan pembahasan adalah melihat potensi dan permasalahan yang ada untuk kemudian dilakukan suatu kajian dan analisis mengenai tosan aji dan museum serta galeri sehingga dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah dan memanfaatkan serta mengoptimalkan potensi tosan aji. Sasaran yang hendak dicapai adalah merumuskan suatu landasan dalam penyusunan program perencanaan dan perancangan fisik bangunan museum tosan aji secara efisien dan mampu menampung aspirasi yang ada tanpa meninggalkan kaidah-kaidah arsitektural. C. MANFAAT Secara Subyektif Digunakan sebagai landasan dalam proses perencanaan dan perancangan mengenai museum dan galeri tosan aji untuk memenuhi persyaratan LP3A. Secara Obyektif Diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan untuk menciptakan image yang bagus dari keberadaan tosan aji dan melestarikan sejarah Tosan Aji. D. METODE PENULISAN Metode penulisan yang digunakan dalam menyusun proposal ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dan dokumentatif. Langkah-langkah dalam mengumpulkan data adalah sebagai berikut : a. Observasi Lapangan Dengan mengadakan survey langsung ke lapangan yang sudah ada untuk kemudian melakukan pengamatan secara langsung sebagai bahan perbndingan dan pertimbangan dalam proses perencanaan dan perancangan selanjutnya. b. Studi Literatur Dengan mencari sumber data tambahan dari buku-buku maupun sumber-sumber lain yang relevan yang nantinya dapat dijadikan sebagai landasan teori dalam proses perencanaan dan perancangan. E. SISTEMATIKA PEMBAHASAN BAB I PENDAHULUAN Berisi tentang latar belakang, tujuan dan sasaran, manfaat, metode penulisan, dan sistematika pembahasan. BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA Membahas tentang tinjauan museum, tinjauan tosan aji, pengertian museum tosan aji, tinjauan rekreasi, tinjauan edukasi, dan hubungan antara rekreasi, edukasi dan museum tosan aji serta studi banding BAB III TINJAUAN KOTA SURAKARTA Berisi tentang kondisi fisik, kondisi non fisik, sejarah perkembangan kota, kebijakan pemerintah kota, kebijakan perencanaan pembangunan oleh BAPPEDA BAB IV KESIMPULAN Berisi tentang kesimpulan, batasan dan anggapan. BAB V PENDEKATAN PROGRAM PERENCANAAN DAN PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR Berisi tentang dasar pendekatan, pendekatan aspek fungsional, pendekatan aspek estetika, aspek teknis, penentuan lokasi dan tapak. BAB VI KONSEP DASAR PERENCANAAN DAN PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR Bab ini berisi tentang tujuan perencanaan, konsep dasar perecanaan dan perancangan, factor perencanaan, program ruang dan lokasi tapak

    Unresolved versus resolved: testing the validity of young simple stellar population models with VLT/MUSE observations of NGC 3603

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    CONTEXT. Stellar populations are the building blocks of galaxies including the Milky Way. The majority, if not all extragalactic studies are entangled with the use of stellar population models given the unresolved nature of their observation. Extragalactic systems contain multiple stellar populations with complex star formation histories. However, their study is mainly based upon the principles of simple stellar populations (SSP). Hence, it is critical to examine the validity of SSP models. AIMS. This work aims to empirically test the validity of SSP models. This is done by comparing SSP models against observations of spatially resolved young stellar population in the determination of its physical properties, i.e. age and metallicity. METHODS. Integral field spectroscopy of a young stellar cluster in the Milky Way, NGC 3603, is used to study the properties of the cluster both as a resolved and unresolved stellar population. The unresolved stellar population is analysed using the Hα\alpha equivalent width as an age indicator, and the ratio of strong emission lines to infer metallicity. In addition, spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting using STARLIGHT, is used to infer these properties from the integrated spectrum. Independently, the resolved stellar population is analysed using the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) for age and metallicity determination. As the SSP model represents the unresolved stellar population, the derived age and metallicity are put to test whether they agree with those derived from resolved stars. RESULTS. The age and metallicity estimate of NGC 3603 derived from integrated spectroscopy are confirmed to be within the range of those derived from the CMD of the resolved stellar population, including other estimates found in the literature. The result from this pilot study supports the reliability of SSP models for studying unresolved young stellar populations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted to A&

    The Progenitor of the Type IIb SN 2008ax Revisited

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    Hubble Space Telescope observations of the site of the supernova (SN) 2008ax obtained in 2011 and 2013 reveal that the possible progenitor object detected in pre-explosion images was in fact multiple. Four point sources are resolved in the new, higher-resolution images. We identify one of the sources with the fading SN. The other three objects are consistent with single supergiant stars. We conclude that their light contaminated the previously identified progenitor candidate. After subtraction of these stars, the progenitor appears to be significantly fainter and bluer than previously measured. Post-explosion photometry at the SN location indicates that the progenitor object has disappeared. If single, the progenitor is compatible with a supergiant star of B to mid-A spectral type, while a Wolf-Rayet (WR) star would be too luminous in the ultraviolet to account for the observations. Moreover, our hydrodynamical modelling shows the pre-explosion mass was 454-5 MM_\odot and the radius was 305030-50 RR_\odot, which is incompatible with a WR progenitor. We present a possible interacting binary progenitor computed with our evolutionary models that reproduces all the observational evidence. A companion star as luminous as an O9-B0 main-sequence star may have remained after the explosion.Comment: ApJ accepted, 14 pages, 7 figure

    Spectropolarimetry of Type II supernovae (I) Sample, observational data and interstellar polarization

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    We investigate polarization spectra of hydrogen-rich core-collapse supernovae (Type~II SNe). The polarization signal from SNe contains two independent components: intrinsic SN polarization and interstellar polarization (ISP). From these components, we can study the SN explosion geometry and the dust properties in their host galaxies or in the Milky Way. In this first paper, using a new improved method, we investigate the properties of the ISP components of 11 well-observed Type~II SNe. As a result of our analysis, we find that 10 out of these 11 SNe showed a steady ISP component with a polarization degree 1.0\lesssim 1.0 \%, while one SN was consistent with zero ISP. As for the wavelength dependence, SN~2001dh (and possibly SN~2012aw) showed a non-Milky-Way-like ISP likely originating from the interstellar dust in their respective host galaxies: their polarization maxima were located at short wavelengths (4000\lesssim4000~\AA). Similar results have been obtained previously for highly reddened SNe. The majority of the SNe in our sample had too large uncertainties in the wavelength dependence of their ISP components to consider them further. Our work demonstrates that, by applying this method to a larger SN sample, further investigation of the ISP component of the SN polarization can provide new opportunities to study interstellar dust properties in external galaxies.Comment: 35 pages, 36 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Serendipitous discovery of a strong-lensed galaxy in integral field spectroscopy from MUSE

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    2MASX J04035024-0239275 is a bright red elliptical galaxy at redshift 0.0661 that presents two extended sources at 2\arcsec~to the north-east and 1\arcsec~to the south-west. The sizes and surface brightnesses of the two blue sources are consistent with a gravitationally-lensed background galaxy. In this paper we present MUSE observations of this galaxy from the All-weather MUse Supernova Integral-field Nearby Galaxies (AMUSING) survey, and report the discovery of a background lensed galaxy at redshift 0.1915, together with other 15 background galaxies at redshifts ranging from 0.09 to 0.9, that are not multiply imaged. We have extracted aperture spectra of the lens and all the sources and fit the stellar continuum with STARLIGHT to estimate their stellar and emission line properties. A trace of past merger and active nucleus activity is found in the lensing galaxy, while the background lensed galaxy is found to be star-forming. Modeling the lensing potential with a singular isothermal ellipsoid, we find an Einstein radius of 1\farcs45±\pm0\farcs04, which corresponds to 1.9 kpc at the redshift of the lens and it is much smaller than its effective radius (reffr_{\rm eff}\sim 9\arcsec). Comparing the Einstein mass and the STARLIGHT stellar mass within the same aperture yields a dark matter fraction of 18%±818 \% \pm 8 \% within the Einstein radius. The advent of large surveys such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will discover a number of strong-lensed systems, and here we demonstrate how wide-field integral field spectroscopy offers an excellent approach to study them and to precisely model lensing effects.Comment: 12 pages, 12 Figures, 4 Tables. Accepted in MNRA

    Integral field spectroscopy of supernova explosion sites: constraining mass and metallicity of the progenitors -- II. Type II-P and II-L supernovae

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    Thirteen explosion sites of type II-P and II-L supernovae in nearby galaxies have been observed using integral field spectroscopy, enabling both spatial and spectral study of the explosion sites. We used the properties of the parent stellar population of the coeval supernova progenitor star to derive its metallicity and initial mass (c.f. Paper I). The spectrum of the parent stellar population yields the estimates of metallicity via strong-line method, and age via comparison with simple stellar population (SSP) models. These metallicity and age parameters are adopted for the progenitor star. Age, or lifetime of the star, was used to derive initial (ZAMS) mass of the star by comparing with stellar evolution models. With this technique, we were able to determine metallicity and initial mass of the SN progenitors in our sample. Our result indicates that some type-II supernova progenitors may have been stars with mass comparable to SN Ib/c progenitors.Comment: Accepted to the Astronomical Journa

    Unraveling the Infrared Transient VVV-WIT-06: The Case for the Origin as a Classical Nova

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    Indexación: Scopus.E.Y.H. acknowledges the support provided by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. AST-1613472 and by the Florida Space Grant Consortium. L.G. acknowledges support from the FINCA visitor programme. The research work at the Physical Research Laboratory is funded by the Department of Space, Government of India. Facility: Magellan: Baade(FIRE).The enigmatic near-infrared transient VVV-WIT-06 underwent a large-amplitude eruption of unclear origin in 2013 July. Based on its light curve properties and late-time post-outburst spectra, various possibilities have been proposed in the literature for the origin of the object, namely a Type I supernova, a classical nova (CN), or a violent stellar merger event. We show that, of these possibilities, an origin in a CN outburst convincingly explains the observed properties of VVV-WIT-06. We estimate that the absolute K-band magnitude of the nova at maximum was M k = -8.2 ±0.5, its distance d = 13.35 ±2.18 kpc, and the extinction A v = 15.0 ±0.55 mag. © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/aae5d

    An aspherical distribution for the explosive burning ash of core-collapse supernovae

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    It is widely believed that asphericity in the explosion is the crucial ingredient leading to successful core-collapse (CC) supernovae. However, direct observational evidence for the explosion geometry and for the connection with the progenitor properties are still missing. Based on the thus-far largest late-phase spectroscopic sample of stripped-envelope CC supernovae, we demonstrate that about half of the explosions exhibit a substantial deviation from sphericity. For these aspherical CC supernovae, the spatial distributions of the oxygen-burning ash and the unburnt oxygen, as traced by the profiles of [Ca II] {\lambda}{\lambda}7291,7323 and [O i] {\lambda}{\lambda}6300,6363 emissions, respectively, appear to be anticorrelated, which can be explained if the explosion is bipolar and the oxygen-rich material burnt into two detached iron-rich bubbles. Our combined analysis of the explosion geometry and the progenitor mass further suggests that the degree of asphericity grows with the mass of the carbon-oxygen core, which may be used to guide state-of-the-art simulations of CC supernova explosions.Comment: Author version of paper published in Nature Astronomy on Oct 26th 2023; DOI:10.1038/s41550-023-02120-

    iPTF13bvn: The First Evidence of a Binary Progenitor for a Type Ib Supernova

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    The recent detection in archival HST images of an object at the the location of supernova (SN) iPTF13bvn may represent the first direct evidence of the progenitor of a Type Ib SN. The object's photometry was found to be compatible with a Wolf-Rayet pre-SN star mass of ~11 Msun. However, based on hydrodynamical models we show that the progenitor had a pre-SN mass of ~3.5 Msun and that it could not be larger than ~8 Msun. We propose an interacting binary system as the SN progenitor and perform evolutionary calculations that are able to self-consistently explain the light-curve shape, the absence of hydrogen, and the pre-SN photometry. We further discuss the range of allowed binary systems and predict that the remaining companion is a luminous O-type star of significantly lower flux in the optical than the pre-SN object. A future detection of such star may be possible and would provide the first robust identification of a progenitor system for a Type Ib SN.Comment: Accepted to AJ on July 26. Slight changes from original, however delayed by slow refereeing proces