8 research outputs found

    A study on the spatial and temporal variability in airborne Betula pollen concentration in five cities in Poland using multivariate analyses

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    During the spring period, Betula pollen is the main cause of inhalant allergies in Poland and therefore it is impor- tant to monitor and forecast airborne pollen concentrations of this taxon. This study conducted a comparative analysis of the basic characteristics of Betula pollen seasons at the regional scale. The study was carried out from 2001 to 2016 in fi ve cities in Poland: Lublin, Warsaw, Cracow, Sosnowiec, and Szczecin. To fi nd the attri- butes of birch pollen seasons that mostly differentiated the individual cities, a general discriminant analysis (GDA) was performed, while a principal component analysis (PCA) allowed us to reduce the data space and pres- ent a scatterplot of PCA scores in order to compare pollen seasons in the individual cities. The contingency table was also analyzed to check whether there was a signi fi cant relationship between pollen counts in the studied years and cities. At most of the sites, biennial cycles of low and high pollen concentrations can be observed. Due to the high variation in seasons in each of these cities, two data groups were distinguished: Group 1 was composed of seasons with high pollen deposition (2001, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016), and Group 2 comprising the other seasons. Multivariate analyses were performed on both these groups as well as in the entire dataset. End98, Peak Value, and Annual Total had the highest discriminant power. In Group 1, Warsaw and Sosnowiec differed the most in the investigated parameters, while Cracow and Szczecin differed the least. In both groups, most seasons with the highest pollen birch concentration were observed in Lublin, followed by Warsaw, while in Cracow, the number of such seasons was the smallest

    Statistical measures of the central tendency for H+ activity and pH

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    Despite the numerous papers on the statistical analyses of pH, there is no explicit opinion on the use of arithmetic mean as a measure of the central tendency for pH and H+ activity. The problem arises because the transformation of the arithmetic mean for one does not give the arithmetic mean for the other. The paper presents 1) the theoretical considerations on the distribution of pH and H+ activity and relation between them, properties of these distributions, the choice of distributions which should be consistent with the distribution of pH and the distribution of H+ activity and measures of central tendency for features of such distributions and 2) examples of calculations of measures of central tendency for pH and H+ activity based on the literature data on soil and lake water pH. These data analyses included distributions of pH and H+ activities, properties of distribution, descriptive statistics for pH and for the H+ activity and comparison of arithmetic mean with the geometric mean. From the results, it could be concluded that a uniform approach to the choice of measure for the central tendency of pH and H+ activity requires the determination of the type of measure (mean) for one of them and then consistent transformation of this measure. The choice of measure of the central tendency for the variable should be preceded by determination of its distribution. Normal probability distribution of pH and thus lognormal distribution of H+ activity indicate that the arithmetic mean, and its corresponding geometric mean should be used as proper measures of the central tendency for pH and for H+ activity. Besides, the position statistic that is a median can be used for each of those variables, irrespective of their probability distributions

    Application of Non-Parametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Evaluation of the Expected Value of the Droplet Stain Diameter Following the Spraying Process

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    In the era of sustainable agriculture, the issue of proper and precise implementation of agrotechnical operations, without harmful effects on the natural environment, begins to play an important role. Statistical tools also become important, for example, when assessing the malfunction of plant cultivation equipment. The study presents a comparison of six nonparametric bootstrap methods used for construction of confidence intervals for the expected value of an average diameter of droplet stains following the spraying process. The simulation tests were carried out based on experiment with nozzle sprayer Lechler 110-03 using two spray nozzles: a new one and an old one. It was assumed that the distribution of the droplet stain size was consistent with the lognormal distribution. The paper considers the influence of the sample size, mean value and standard deviation of the droplet stain diameter on the interval range as well as on the estimated coverage probabilities of the confidence intervals. It was shown that in general these methods can be applied for this purpose. For the double bootstrap method and the studentized method, the empirical confidence levels of the constructed intervals turned out to be less distinct than the assumed level but the lengths of these intervals were greater than the lengths of intervals obtained using the other four methods

    Urogynaecological Symptoms among Oncological Survivors and Impact of Oncological Treatment on Pelvic Floor Disorders and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. A Six-Month Follow-Up Study

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    It has been widely underlined that both gynaecological malignancies and urogynaecological disorders are often associated with high stress and have a negative impact on the quality of life and psychological well-being of women affected. Knowledge of the pelvic anatomy is crucial in recommending and carrying out the least harmful although successful treatment. Subsequent chemoradiation may also induce or exaggerate troublesome symptoms. The aim of the study was to establish the frequency of urogynaecological symptoms (stress urinary incontinence, urgency, pelvic organ prolapse) and to assess the impact of surgical treatment and additional oncological therapy: pelvic radiation, chemoradiation, chemotherapy, on the prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunctions (PFD) and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in patients suffering from gynecological malignancies. The study group consisted of 160 women, diagnosed with gynaecological malignancy, who underwent surgical treatment and additional adjuvant treatment as necessary. To establish the QoL and prevalence of PFD Urinary Distress Inventory-6 (UDI-6), Incontinence Impact Questionnaire 7 (II-Q7), King’s Health Questionnaire (KHQ) and the SF-36 Questionnaire were used. Herein, 69 patients reported urinary incontinence (UI) and 67 reported symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse (POP). After the six months follow-up UI was found in 78 patients, 25 patients showed de novo symptoms, 65 patients reported POP and 10 patients demonstrated de novo POP. Our data show that urogynaecological symptoms are not correlated with the type of malignancy, but with the extensiveness of surgery

    Severity of work in opinions of rural women living in the Bieszczady region of south-eastern Poland

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    Objective The objective of the study was recognition of the opinions of rural women living in the Bieszczady region of south-eastern Poland, concerning their perception of the degree of severity of work. The study was conducted among the inhabitants of the Cisna commune. Material and Methods The basic research instrument was a questionnaire form containing 15 items. The study covered 101 women living in the Cisna commune in the Bieszczady. The self-reported degree of work load on a farm was analyzed among women who were occupationally active, and those who were not occupationally active. The effect of assistance from family members on the severity of work perceived by women was considered. Results The women in the study focused on agro-tourism, a few of them were engaged in agricultural work and the majority worked in household gardens. The study showed that occupationally active women work considerably longer, on average, and are the most loaded, compared to those not engaged in occupational activity. The mean daily time devoted to duties on a farm did not significantly differ between occupationally active and non-active women, and amounted to 380 and 320 minutes, respectively. The majority of women who were non-active occupationally evaluated their household chores as the highest work load. In turn, the women who undertook occupational activity assessed them as most burdensome, despite great help from their family. The body positions assumed while performing field work were: standing, standing-bent-over, and walking. The mean evaluations of work load while standing and standing-bent-over did not significantly differ, but affected the work load among women who, however, could not assess the severity of their work resulting from the body position assumed


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    The study aimed at assessing the awareness concerning the qualities of tomatoes and their products, as well as the frequency and determinants of their consumption by the students of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. The respondents included 108 female and 122 male students. Statistical analyses (the test and the Kruskal-Wallis test) revealed some differentiation in that awareness, depending on the sex and place of residence. Women and residents of towns of up to 50,000 inhabitants revealed a higher level of awareness, as compared with men and residents of villages and towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants. Students with a higher level of knowledge regarding the composition of tomatoes and their effect on human organism consume tomato products more frequently and verify the content of packaging labels