760 research outputs found

    A megfelelő szájegészség megvédhet a kalciumcsatorna-blokkoló készítmények okozta gingivahyperplasia kialakulásától = Proper oral health can protect from developing gingival hyperplasia induced by calcium channel blockers

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    Absztrakt: A cardiovascularis betegségek, ezen belül a magas vérnyomás a magyarországi felnőtt lakosság mintegy 40%-át érinti. A hypertonia kezelésében gyakran alkalmazott gyógyszertípus a kalciumcsatorna-blokkolók csoportja monoterápiában vagy fix kombinációban egyaránt. Fő hatásuk a vasodilatatio, mellékhatásként gingivahyperplasiát okoznak. Tanulmányunk célja, hogy felhívjuk a kollégák figyelmét annak fontosságára a mindennapi gyakorlatban, hogy a kalciumcsatorna-blokkolók szedése mellett kialakuló gingivahyperplasia szoros korrelációt mutat a páciens fogazati állapotával, a fogak és a fogpótlások felületén található plakk mennyiségével. A már kialakult gingivahyperplasia megnehezíti a páciens számára az individuális fogtisztítást, tovább növeli a plakkfelhalmozódást, elősegítve ezzel olyan Gram-negatív baktériumok plakkban történő felszaporodását, amelyek növelik az ínymegnagyobbodást, és rizikótényezőként szerepelhetnek további cardiovascularis betegségekben. Az esetek jelentős százalékában a kalciumcsatorna-blokkoló terápia mellett is megőrizhető és hosszú távon fenntartható a gingiva egészséges, hyperplasiamentes állapota megfelelő individuális szájhigiénia és professzionális fogászati beavatkozások elvégzése esetén. A betegek szájegészségének megőrzése érdekében fontosnak tartanánk a belgyógyász kollégák és a fogorvosok közötti szorosabb együttműködést. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(29): 1183–1187. | Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases including hypertension affect 40% of the adult population in Hungary. Calcium channel blockers are frequently prescribed for the treatment of hypertension either in monotherapy or in fixed-combination therapy. Their main effect is vasodilatation with gingival hyperplasia as a side effect. Our aim is to draw our colleagues’ attention to the practical importance of the fact that calcium channel blocker-induced gingival hyperplasia correlates closely with the dental status and the quantity of plaque on the surface of teeth and dental implants. Once established, gingival hyperplasia makes it more difficult for the patient to maintain individual tooth cleaning and increases plaque formation. Thus proliferation of Gram-negative bacteria is enabled in the plaque which promotes gingival overgrowth and can pose a risk factor for further cardiovascular diseases. If proper individual oral hygiene and professional interventions are carried out, healthy and hyperplasia-free gingival state can be sustained in the long term in most cases, even with calcium channel blocker therapy. In order to protect patients’ oral health, a closer cooperation of internists and dentists would be desirable. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(29): 1183–1187

    State-controlled epidemic in a game against a novel pathogen

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    The pandemic reminded us that the pathogen evolution still has a serious effect on human societies. States, however, can prepare themselves for the emergence of a novel pathogen with unknown characteristics by analysing potential scenarios. Game theory offers such an appropriate tool. In our game-theoretical framework, the state is playing against a pathogen by introducing non-pharmaceutical interventions to fulfil its socio-political goals, such as guaranteeing hospital care to all needed patients, keeping the country functioning, while the applied social restrictions should be as soft as possible. With the inclusion of activity and economic sector dependent transmission rate, optimal control of lockdowns and health care capacity management is calculated. We identify the presence and length of a pre-symptomatic infectious stage of the disease to have the greatest effect on the probability to cause a pandemic. Here we show that contrary to intuition, the state should not strive for the great expansion of its health care capacities even if its goal is to provide care for all requiring it and minimize the cost of lockdowns

    Transcriptional Alterations in the Trigeminal Ganglia, Nucleus and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in a Rat Orofacial Pain Model

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    Orofacial pain and headache disorders are among the most debilitating pain conditions. While the pathophysiological basis of these disorders may be diverse, it is generally accepted that a common mechanism behind the arising pain is the sensitization of extra- and intracranial trigeminal primary afferents. In the present study we investigated gene expression changes in the trigeminal ganglia (TRG), trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) evoked by Complete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA)-induced orofacial inflammation in rats, as a model of trigeminal sensitization. Microarray analysis revealed 512 differentially expressed genes between the ipsi- and contralateral TRG samples 7 days after CFA injection. Time-dependent expression changes of G-protein coupled receptor 39 (Gpr39), kisspeptin-1 receptor (Kiss1r), kisspeptin (Kiss1), as well as synaptic plasticity-associated Lkaaear1 (Lkr) and Neurod2 mRNA were described on the basis of qPCR results. The greatest alterations were observed on day 3 ipsilaterally, when orofacial mechanical allodynia reached its maximum. This corresponded well with patterns of neuronal (Fosb), microglia (Iba1), and astrocyte (Gfap) activation markers in both TRG and TNC, and interestingly also in PBMCs. This is the first description of up- and downregulated genes both in primary and secondary sensory neurones of the trigeminovascular system that might play important roles in neuroinflammatory activation mechanisms. We are the first to show transcriptomic alterations in the PBMCs that are similar to the neuronal changes. These results open new perspectives and initiate further investigations in the research of trigeminal pain disorders

    Magyar Siketnéma Oktatás 15 (1913) 03

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    A Siketnéma-Intézeti Tanárok Országos Egyesületének hivatalos lapja 15. évfolyam, 3. szám Budapest, 1913. március hó. Előzménye a "Szemle a siketnémák, vakok, hülyék, gyengeelméjűek, dadogók és hebegők oktatásával foglalkozók szakközlönye". A lap a 26. évfolyam 6. számától (1924) "Siketnémák és vakok oktatásügye a Siketnémák és Vakok Tanárai Országos Egyesületének hivatalos lapja" cím alatt jelent meg

    Hallgatói önértékelés-vizsgálat a Debreceni Egyetem Természettudományi és Technológia Karán

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    Previous researches in the literature support the hypothesis that there is a connection between student self-assessment and their objectively measured performance: high-achievers tend to assess their own performance more accurately and they are less likely to over-estimate themselves. The examination of these aspects of student self-evaluation is important both for theoretical and practical considerations of the management of teaching and learning, because it helps to reveal the scale of these problems, the possible points of intervention, and it also contributes to a better modelling of the phenomenon. Our current paper briefly reviews the existing empirical literature, then it analyses primary data gathered in connection to end-term examinations from an introduction to ecology course at the University of Debrecen Faculty of Technology and Science. Our major findings support the existence of a negative relationship between test results and self-overestimation. They also show a significantly larger over-estimation before the tests than after the tests. Finally, we have found no significant gender effect in self-overestimation

    Hallgatói önértékelés-vizsgálat a Debreceni Egyetem Természettudományi és Technológia Karán

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    Previous researches in the literature support the hypothesis that there is a connection between student self-assessment and their objectively measured performance: high-achievers tend to assess their own performance more accurately and they are less likely to over-estimate themselves. The examination of these aspects of student self-evaluation is important both for theoretical and practical considerations of the management of teaching and learning, because it helps to reveal the scale of these problems, the possible points of intervention, and it also contributes to a better modelling of the phenomenon. Our current paper briefly reviews the existing empirical literature, then it analyses primary data gathered in connection to end-term examinations from an introduction to ecology course at the University of Debrecen Faculty of Technology and Science. Our major findings support the existence of a negative relationship between test results and self-overestimation. They also show a significantly larger over-estimation before the tests than after the tests. Finally, we have found no significant gender effect in self-overestimation