147 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of MANET Reactive Protocols

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    an Ad - hoc network is a group of mobile nodes. In an ad - hoc network a mobile node can directly communicate with the other node that lies in its transmission range or it can forward its information to the other node that will act as an intermediate node and forwards the information to the desired node using multi - hop links. In such a network there is no need of any infrastructure. Ad - hoc networks routing protocols are classified into two categories: Proactive/table - driven and reactive/on - demand. Reactive rou ting protocol is used whenever a communication is requested. There are two types of reactive protocols: AODV (Ad hoc on - demand distance vector protocol) and DSR (Dynamic source routing protocol). In one type of scenario one protocol may perform best while another may perform worst, so there is a need to determine an optimal one out of these in a more dynamic environment. The differences in the working of these protocols lead to significant performance differentials for both of these protocol

    Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) Contribution to Agriculture Finance: A Critical Analysis of the Performance of RRBs in India using DEA and Structure Equation Modeling

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    Among the financial inclusion agenda, financial provisions for the agriculture and rural development sector are more important. In this context, Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) were promoted to support agriculture and rural finance in 1975. This paper is an attempt to evaluate the performance of RRBs concerning their financial performance as well as their performance in meeting the objective of supporting agriculture, microenterprise, and weaker sections finance. This paper has adopted two-stage processes of analysis. In the first stage, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) analysis was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of RRBs on four different models i.e. Financial performance, priority sector performance, loans to weaker sections, and agriculture finance. In the second stage, Partial Least Square Structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was performed to identify the significance of the linkage between the agriculture, microenterprise, weaker sections, and non-performing assets in defining the financial performance of RRBs. The study\u27s findings suggested that financially RRBs have been more efficient compared to the agriculture finance and loans to weaker sections. The results depict a strong positive significant relationship between agriculture and microenterprise finance on the financial performance of the RRBs. However, the results also depict a non-significant relationship between the weaker sections and non-performing assets on financial performance. This study suggests that RRBs were the victims of poor benchmarking as they were compared with the traditional banking system. They need to be given additional support to promote agriculture and rural lending


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    Bal chaturbhadra churna is a poly-herbal formulation used in pediatric practice in Ayurveda especially in the treatment of vomiting, diarrhea, fever and respiratory disorders. The human clinical dose of Bal chaturbhadra churna is 1000 mg per day. It is prepared by mixing equal proportions of rhizome of Cyperus rotundus Linn. (Cyperaceae), fruit of Piper longum Linn. (Piperaceae), root of Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex. Royale. (Ranunculaceae) and gall of Pistacia integerrima Stew. Ex. Brandis. (Anacardiaceae). Aims and objectives: Critical analysis of Bal chaturbhadra churna in management of childhood disorder. Material and Methods: Various Ayurveda classics and studies published in journals related to use of Bal chaturbhadra churna in management of childhood disorder are reviewed and analyzed. Discussion: Contents of Bal chaturbhdra churna are mostly katu rasa, laghu guna, usna veerya and also deepana, pachana, krimighna, visaghna, hridya, ruchya, vrisya, rasayana, rochana, sthoulyahara, trisnanigrahana, tvakadosahara, jwaraghna etc. properties. Therefore due to presence of these qualities, it is used in vomiting, diarrhea, fever and respiratory disorders. According to studies published in journals, it is beneficial as immuno-modulator, anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, anti asthmatic activity, anti bacterial activity, antidiabetic activity, antioxidant activity, anti-fungal activity, hepatoprotective action, analgesic activity.  Conclusion: Present review reveals Bal chaturbhadra churna is quite safe for administration among Children and therefore can be used in various ailments in children which can limit the irrational use of antibiotics in them

    Intraoperative findings in primary caesarean section for non-reassuring fetal status and its correlation with cardiotocography

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    Background: Cardiotocography plays an important role in diagnosing nonreassuring fetal status during labour, which is a leading cause for caesarean section among primigravida. These abnormal cardiotocographic traces may or may not translate into intraoperative findings of meconium stained liquor or low APGAR at birth. Hence a study is warranted to understand their correlation, thereby demonstrating the utility of cardiotocography in diagnosing nonreassuring fetal status. The objective of the study was to assess the correlation of intraoperative findings and neonatal outcome in primigravida undergoing emergency caesarean section for nonreassuring fetal status with cardiotocography.Methods: A retrospective analysis of 104 case records of primigravida undergoing emergency caesarean section for fetal distress at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Hyderabad, was done. Their CTG traces were correlated with their intraoperative findings such as meconium stained liquor; nuchal cord and APGAR score at birth.Results: Out of these 104 primigravida who underwent emergency caesarean section for nonreassuring fetal status, 63.4% had CTG with decelerations-Non reactive, 28% had a CTG trace with persistent decreased variability while 7.6% had a reactive CTG with meconium stained liquor. Among patients with CTG trace showing decelerations 54.5% had meconium stained liquor, 28.7% had cord around the neck and 43.9% had low APGAR scores at birth. Among the group of patients with decreased variability 63.4% had meconium stained liquor, 30% had cord around the neck and 30% had low APGAR scores at birth. There were 8 patients who had reactive CTG with meconium stained liquor, among them only 3 had low APGAR scores.Conclusions: Cardiotocography positively correlates with meconium stained liquor and APGAR scores at birth, but not with the presence of nuchal cord. Hence, judicious interpretation of CTG and introduction of another noninvasive, cost effective and acceptable test to detect non reassuring fetal status is warranted to prevent unnecessary caesarean sections

    Management of Recurrent respiratory disorders: A Case Study

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    Recurrent respiratory tract infections are especially common in young children; in developed countries, they affect up to 25% of children under one year of age and 18% of children one to four years of age. Immune deficiencies are considered as underlying conditions predisposing to this pathology. This work is about to determine when and how to explore the immune system when facing recurrent respiratory infections. A 01 year and 05 months old female child came with complaints of recurrent common cold and cough since birth. Swarnaprashan maintained general health of the body and works as an immunomodulatory which decreased recurrent common cold and cough in children. Duration of swarnaprashan can be determined depending upon the administered and its duration can be determined depending upon the desired effects like decrease morbidity rate and increase immunity level in children
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