237 research outputs found


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    Vacha is identified botanically as Acorus calmus Linn belongs to the family Araceae. In Pharmacological study was carried out on Wistar strain albino rats. The activity of the drug was analyzed under the following groups: Group I - Water control, Group II - Cholesterol control, Group III - Vacha Churna and Group IV - Musta Churna. Parameters like ponderal changes, histopathological study of organs, and biochemical parameters mainly the lipid profile were studied. In present study animals administered with hyperlipidaemic diet have shown increase in body weight in comparison to normal rats, however the observed increase is found to be statistically non-significant. Both the test drugs non-significantly attenuated the body weight, among them the magnitude of decreased bodyweight is more in Vacha treated group. In present study administration of hyperlipidaemic diet did not affect the weight if heart, liver and kidney to significant extent in comparison to normal rats. In test drug treated groups also the weight of these organs not affected to significant extent. Administration of Vacha churna and Musta churna did not affect serum lipid parameters in comparison to cholesterol control rats except on serum HDL cholesterol in which moderate attenuation was observed. The test drugs contrary to the expectation did not significantly lower neither the cholesterol nor the triglyceride level in the serum

    On a Conjecture of Kelly on (1,3)(1,3)-representation of Sylvester Gallai Designs

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    We give an exact criterion of a conjecture of L.M.Kelly to hold true which is stated as follows. If there is a finite family Σ\Sigma of mutually skew lines in Rl,l4\mathbb{R}^l,l\geq 4 such that the three dimensional affine span (hull) of every two lines in Σ\Sigma, contains at least one more line of Σ\Sigma, then we have that Σ\Sigma is entirely contained in a three dimensional space if and only if the arrangement of affine hulls is central. Finally, this article leads to an analogous question for higher dimensional skew affine spaces, that is, for (2,5)(2,5)-representations of sylvester-gallai designs in R6\mathbb{R}^6, which is answered in the last section.Comment: 13 page

    Performance characteristics of Jatropha ethyl ester as diesel engine fuel at different compression ratios

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    The results of the performance and emission of a variable compression ratio ignition engine (vertical single cylinder) by using Jatropha ethyl ester blends with diesel fuel at two levels of compression ratio (16.5:1 and 18.5:1) have been presented in this paper.  The fuel samples were prepared by blending Jatropha ethyl ester with diesel in the composition of 0:100, 10:90, 20:80, 30:70 and 40:60 (%).  Results indicated that Brake thermal efficiency for all biodiesel blends was more as compared to diesel.  Brake thermal efficiency increased with the increase in load and also increased with the increase in compression ratio.  Brake specific fuel consumption in case of blends was more as compared to diesel.  Brake specific fuel consumption decreased with the increase in load as well as with the increase in compression ratio. Exhaust gas temperature increased with the increase in load and also increased with the increase in compression ratio for all fuel blends.   Keywords: Jatropha ethyl ester, diesel engine, compression ratio, brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumptio

    Prevalence of Iron Deficiency in Patients of Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction and Response to Injectable Iron Therapy- A Hospital Based Observational Study

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    Aim of the Study: To estimate the prevalence of iron deficiency in patients of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction & response to injectable iron therapy in patients with iron deficiency anemia in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Materials and Methods: 1000 patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF; left ventricular ejection fraction <40%) who met the prespecified inclusion and exclusion criteria were chosen. A detailed history was taken and clinical examination was performed. Peripheral venous blood was drawn, and a complete hemogram along with iron studies (iron, ferritin, transferrin saturation and total iron binding capacity) were performedResults: Prevalence of iron deficiency among patients of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction was 63%. Most of the patients (71.42%) had absolute iron deficiency whereas 28.57% cases had functional iron deficiency status. 520(82.53%) patients were found to be anemic and 110(17.46%) patients were non anemic   which was statistically significant, suggesting that the prevalence of iron deficiency was higher among all anaemic patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, as compared to non-anaemic individuals. The use of injectable iron therapy   significantly improved the NYHA functional status among all the patients of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.  Conclusion: Our study showed that there is a large burden of iron deficiency in patients of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction irrespective of anemia status. The correction of iron deficiency, irrespective of the presence or absence of concomitant anemia, improves the NYHA functional status and quality of life. It may therefore be prudent to assess and use iron status as a therapeutic target in all patients with heart failure even with normal hemoglobin levels

    Broken needle in gluteal region following an intramuscular injection: a case report

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    Incidence of broken hypodermic needle in patients has been decreased because of superior manufacturing techniques. Breaking of hypodermic needle after intramuscular injection has been rarely reported. We report a case of broken needle in the gluteal region in a 36 years old woman following an intramuscular injection. Patient arrived in the emergency after 2 days of the episode. Patient was taken for surgery for removal of the needle. Initially attempts for removal of needle were made without use of image intensifier under local anaesthesia, but it failed as it was very difficult to locate the needle. Patient was taken up for surgery under spinal anaesthesia with the use of image intensifier. Broken needle was located and removed. The following case describes the management of broken hypodermic needle and suggests valuable guidelines for minimising the chances of undue complications arising due to needle migration

    Tea seed oil: Physicochemical profiling

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    A study was undertaken to evaluate the quality characteristic of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) seed oil. The oil content ranged between 20.84 and 21.90 per cent. Smoke point, iodine value, saponification value, calorific value, refractive index, oil density, oil colour and oil pH were in the range of 247.29 - 251.53 (oC), 82.74 - 85.65 (g I 100-1 g), 185.33 - 185.72 (mg KOH g-1), 6822.53-6891.05 (J per 100 g), 1.46 (at 40 0C), 0.92 - 0.94 (g per cm3), 4.45 - 4.47 (Y+5R) and 4.62 - 4.64, respectively. The oxidation parameters, i.e., peroxide value, ranged from 1.17 - 2.63 meq kg-1. The tea seed oil has PUFA/SFA ratio 0.82 - 1.31 closer to WHO recommended value. Besides, antioxidant activity in term of DPPH free radical scavenging activity ranged between 6.30 - 7.14 per cent, β-carotene 4.62 - 12.93 mg kg-1 and α-tocopherol 90.49 - 366.52 mg kg-1. Highest oleic acid content was found in TSS 1, whereas highest α-tocopherol was found in TS 557. The results open up the possibilities of extracting oil from these bi-clonal seed stocks, which will diversify the use of tea


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    Ayurveda is an ancient and most trusted Indian system of medicine commonly used by Indians since time immemorial. Lifestyle diseases/ Metabolic diseases are described as diseases related to the way an individual or group of individuals live, also are referred under Non-Communicable Diseases. Over-crowding and rapid unplanned urbanization; globalization of unhealthy lifestyles is responsible for some of the major reasons for a sedentary life leading to these diseases. It includes arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, obesity and type-2 diabetes, diseases related to smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. The contribution of metabolic risk factors such as high blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and that of improper diet and alcohol use resulting in health loss. Therefore, the occurrence of these disorders has doubled in India over the past quarter of a century therefore it is the need of the hour to manage them diligently. Diet plays a key role to nourish life and balanced diet is very important for maintaining good health. In Ayurveda, wholesome diet is described which plays a very important role specifically rather than in modern medicine which emphasizes only on the components in the diet like proteins, carbohydrates, fats etc. Ayurveda additionally deals with various other aspects like combination of food article, their quantity, method of preparation, their emotional effect, nature of consumer including environmental considerations. Pathya and Apathya Ahara (dietary consideration) is a significant component of almost each and every prescription in Ayurveda therapy. Sometimes, Pathya-Apathya (dietary management) is itself an entire treatment

    Thermodynamic analysis of solar powered trigeneration arrangement for cooling, power and drinking water generation

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    Solar-driven trigeneration system is a most sustainable energy production technique. It produces valuable energy in the forms of heating, cooling, and power generation. Therefore, it meets the energy demands of a residential complex or of smallscale industries. This paper presents a solar-driven trigeneration system for power, cooling, and freshwater generation through a unit of humidification dehumidification desalination under various thermodynamic criteria. The trigeneration system consists of a parabolic trough collector, a storage tank, an organic Rankine cycle for power generation, a vapor absorption refrigeration system for producing a cooling effect, and a humidification and dehumidification desalination unit for producing fresh water. The average work output for the R-123 fluid was 2866.6 kJ, whereas for R-134a it was 2883.275 kJ. The present study had an average production of freshwater of about 157 kg per day from the proposed trigeneration system

    Recent technologies for transforming textile waste into value-added products:A review

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    The disposal of textile waste has become a growing issue worldwide. The rising consumption of clothing and textile materials has resulted in high waste generation. This could adversely impact environmental health, including humans, animals and plants. The three textile recycling methods can be divided into mechanical, chemical, and biological processes. There has been a focus on mechanical and chemical processes, pyrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis, biological recycling, and microbial engineering in the area of textile waste managment. This review highlight the important parameters that affect the textile recycling performance and are significant for the success of the transformation process. To reach the zero-waste goal, textile recycling and converting this waste into value-added bioproducts are the necessary steps. The present review addresses the current status of textile recycling strategies, and the valorisation processes for converting textile waste materials into value-added products like biofuels, bioplastics, and others sustainable materials.</p