5,178 research outputs found

    Polarized Light from the Transportation of a Matter-Antimatter Beam in a Plasma

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    A relativistic electron-positron beam propagating through a magnetized electron-ion plasma is shown to generate both circularly and linearly polarized synchrotron radiation. The degrees of circular and linear polarizations depend both on the density ratio of pair beam to background plasma and initial magnetization, and a maximum degree of circular polarization Pcirc18%\langle P_\textrm{circ}\rangle \approx 18\% is found to occur for a tenuous pair beam. We demonstrate that the generation of circularly polarized radiation is intrinsically linked to asymmetric energy dissipation of the pair beam during the filamentation instability dynamics in the electron-ion plasma. These results can help in understanding the recent observations of circularly polarized radiation from gamma-ray-bursts

    Liposomal amphotericin B for visceral leishmaniasis in human immunodeficiency virus-coinfected patients: 2-year treatment outcomes in Bihar, India

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    Reports on treatment outcomes of visceral leishmaniasis (VL)-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coinfection in India are lacking. To our knowledge, none have studied the efficacy of liposomal amphotericin B in VL-HIV coinfection. We report the 2-year treatment outcomes of VL-HIV-coinfected patients treated with liposomal amphotericin B followed by combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) in Bihar, India

    Biochemical Profile of Milk of Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), Cow (Bos taurus) and Goat (Capra hircus): Potential Candidates for Supporting the Growth of Leishmania donovani Promastigotes in Culture Medium as Alternative to Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)

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    The milk of cow (Bos taurus), buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), and goat (Capra hircus) were investigated for thebiochemical profile such as glucose, total protein, triglycerides, cholesterol and calcium. Although used as potentialcandidate to replace fetal bovine serum in the culture medium for the cultivation of parasitic protozoan such asLeishmania donovani promastigotes, the biochemical profile of milk will provide information about which factor supportsand essential for the growth of parasite. We found triglycerides were predominant in goat followed by cow and buffalomilk. The level of cholesterol was high in buffalo milk followed by goat and FBS. The level of calcium was high in buffalomilk followed by goat and cow milk

    Extracellular Vesicles from Human Papilloma Virus-Infected Cervical Cancer Cells Enhance HIV-1 Replication in Differentiated U1 Cell Line

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    In the current study, we hypothesized that extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted from human papilloma virus (HPV)-infected cervical cancer cells exacerbate human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 replication in differentiated U1 cell line through an oxidative stress pathway. To test the hypothesis, we treated an HIV-1-infected macrophage cell line (U1) with HPV-infected Caski cell culture supernatant (CCS). We observed a significant increase in HIV-1 replication, which was associated with an increase in the expression of cytochrome P450 (CYPs 1A1 and 2A6) in the CCS-treated U1 cells. Furthermore, we isolated EVs from CCS (CCS-EVs), which showed the presence of CYPs (1A1, 2A6), superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), and HPV oncoproteins HPV16 E6. CCS-EVs when exposed to the U1 cells also significantly increased HIV-1 replication. Treatment of antioxidant, CYP1A1 and CYP2A6 inhibitors, and chemodietary agents with antioxidant properties significantly reduced the CCS and CCS-EVs mediated HIV-1 replication in U1 cells. Altogether, we demonstrate that cervical cancer cells exacerbate HIV-1 replication in differentiated U1 cell line via transferring CYPs and HPV oncoproteins through EVs. We also show that the viral replication occurs via CYP and oxidative stress pathways, and the viral replication is also reduced by chemodietary agents. This study provides important information regarding biological interactions between HPV and HIV-1 via EVs leading to enhanced HIV-1 replication

    Preliminary Parametric Investigations into Macro-Laser Polishing of Laser-Directed Energy Deposition of SS 304L Bulk Structures

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    The higher surface roughness of laser-directed energy deposition (LDED)-built components necessitates advanced and sustainable surface quality enhancement techniques like laser polishing. In the present work, a parametric study involving experimental investigation and numerical analysis is conducted to determine the effect of macro-laser polishing on LDED-built SS 304L structures. A thermophysical model is developed to simulate the effect of laser power and scan speed on the melt pool depth of the LDED-built samples. The simulated melt pool depth is compared with experimental results and is found to be in good agreement. Further, the correlation between the melt pool depth and surface behaviour is studied based on shallow surface melting and shallow over-melting mechanisms. A maximum reduction in surface roughness from 21.3 µm to 9 µm (~57%) is achieved with laser polishing, and process parameters’ effect on the surface roughness is investigated. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) mapping, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are used to further characterize the laser-polished surface. SEM-EDS analysis shows that the segregation is more evident in laser-polished samples, while the XRD results indicate the absence of phase change during the process. This study paves the way to a greater understanding of the effect of macro-laser polishing on LDED-built SS 304L structures

    The statistical laws of popularity: Universal properties of the box office dynamics of motion pictures

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    Are there general principles governing the process by which certain products or ideas become popular relative to other (often qualitatively similar) competitors? To investigate this question in detail, we have focused on the popularity of movies as measured by their box-office income. We observe that the log-normal distribution describes well the tail (corresponding to the most successful movies) of the empirical distributions for the total income, the income on the opening week, as well as, the weekly income per theater. This observation suggests that popularity may be the outcome of a linear multiplicative stochastic process. In addition, the distributions of the total income and the opening income show a bimodal form, with the majority of movies either performing very well or very poorly in theaters. We also observe that the gross income per theater for a movie at any point during its lifetime is, on average, inversely proportional to the period that has elapsed after its release. We argue that (i) the log-normal nature of the tail, (ii) the bimodal form of the overall gross income distribution, and (iii) the decay of gross income per theater with time as a power law, constitute the fundamental set of {\em stylized facts} (i.e., empirical "laws") that can be used to explain other observations about movie popularity. We show that, in conjunction with an assumption of a fixed lower cut-off for income per theater below which a movie is withdrawn from a cinema, these laws can be used to derive a Weibull distribution for the survival probability of movies which agrees with empirical data. The connection to extreme-value distributions suggests that popularity can be viewed as a process where a product becomes popular by avoiding failure (i.e., being pulled out from circulation) for many successive time periods. We suggest that these results may apply to popularity in general.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Mapping giant magnetic fields around dense solid plasmas by high resolution magneto-optical microscopy

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    We investigate distribution of magnetic fields around dense solid plasmas generated by intense p-polarized laser (~10^{16} W.cm^{-2}, 100 fs) irradiation of magnetic tapes, using high sensitivity magneto optical microscopy. We present evidence for giant axial magnetic fields and map out for the first time the spatial distribution of these fields. By using the axial magnetic field distribution as a diagnostic tool we uncover evidence for angular momentum associated with the plasma. We believe this study holds significance for investigating the process under which a magnetic material magnetizes or demagnetizes under the influence of ultrashort intense laser pulses.Comment: 17 pages of text with 4 figure

    Phyto-chemical Standardization of Herbal Formulation (PMM3) for Blood Sugar Attenuating Actions in Streptozotocin induced Rats

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    The present study was intended to prepare herbal formulation, PMM3 using purified and modified parts of five common Indian herbs like, Trigonella foenum-graccum, Tinospora cordifolia, Scoparia dulcis, Adhatoda vasica and Cassia occidental. PMM3 was standardized using physico-chemical, phytochemical, UV-VIS spectral, HPTLC, AAS and GC methods. The phenolics and flavonoids contents were assessed. Anti-hyperglycaemic activities of PMM3 was evaluated on Streptozotocin induced (50mg/kg, i.v) diabetic rats. PMM3 (50-150 mg/kg, p.o) exhibited best potentiality in reducing blood glucose within 14 days treatment in comparison with Diabecon® (Himalaya, India) at the same dose. The preset observation identified formulation PMM3 for anti-hyperglycaemic effect