66 research outputs found

    Developing Assamese Information Retrieval System Considering NLP Techniques: an attempt for a low resourced language

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    This paper engulfs the activities involved in developing a Monolingual Information Retrieval (IR) system for an Indo-Aryan language- Assamese. In a multilingual country like India, where 23 official languages exist, the task of digitizing local language contents is growing tremendously. To meet the need of each individual’s relevant information, monolingual Information Retrieval in own language is very essential. The work aims to develop a search engine that retrieves relevant information for the fired query in one's respective language. Various Linguists, Researchers collaborated with the work, provided valuable information and developed various important resources. Many informative resources, language resources, tools technologies were research, analyze, develop and applied in implementing the overall pipeline. The search engine is frame worked on open search platforms- Solr and Nutch with NLP applications embedded in it. Computational Linguistics or Natural Language Processing (NLP) enhances the performance of the IR system. Each phase of the system is being elaborately described in this paper and explained step-wise. This work is a remarkable contribution to Assamese language technology and an important application of NLP

    Optimal harvesting policy of a prey–predator model with Crowley–Martin-type functional response and stage structure in the predator

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    In this paper, a three-dimensional dynamical model consisting of a prey, a mature predator, and an immature predator is proposed and analysed. The interaction between prey and mature predator is assumed to be of the Crowley–Martin type, and both the prey and mature predator are harvested according to catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) hypothesis. Steady state of the system is obtained, stability analysis (local and global both) are discussed to explore the long-time behaviour of the system. The optimal harvesting policy is also discussed with the help of Pontryagin's maximum principle. The harvesting effort is taken as an effective control instrument to preserve prey and predator and to maintain them at an optimal level

    Parity-detection-based Mach-Zehnder interferometry with coherent and non-Gaussian squeezed vacuum states as inputs

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    We theoretically explore the advantages rendered by non-Gaussian operations in phase estimation using a parity-detection-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer, with one input being a coherent state and the other being a non-Gaussian squeezed vacuum state (SVS). We consider a realistic model to perform three different non-Gaussian operations, namely photon subtraction, photon addition, and photon catalysis on a single-mode SVS. We start by deriving the Wigner function of the non-Gaussian SVSs, which is then utilized to derive the expression for the phase sensitivity. The analysis of the phase sensitivity reveals that all three different non-Gaussian operations can enhance the phase sensitivity under suitable choices of parameters. We also consider the probabilistic nature of these non-Gaussian operations, the results of which reveal the single photon addition to be the optimal operation. Further, our analysis also enables us to identify the optimal squeezing of the SVS and the transmissivity of the beam splitter involved in the implementation of the non-Gaussian operations.Comment: This is the fourth article in a publication series written in celebration of the completion of 15 years of IISER Mohal

    Curse of the technology-computer related musculoskeletal disorders and vision syndrome: a study

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    Background: Computer Related Musculoskeletal disorders and Vision Syndrome (CRMSKVS) is defined as symptoms due to prolonged use of Visual Display Terminal (VDT).Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was done among office-workers working on computer terminal. A self-reported questionnaire was distributed and Musculoskeletal (MSK) and visual symptoms in the preceding 12 months (01 October 2017 to 30 September 2018) were taken as dependent variable. Multivariate analysis was done to identify the determinants of CRMSKVS.Results: Responses from 1193 subjects were included in the study. CRMSKVS was present in 489 cases (40.98%; males - 37.5%, females - 58.29%).  The main MSK symptoms were pain/stiffness in neck (40.98%), shoulder (38.99%), lower back (35.6%) and elbow/wrist/hand/fingers (23.1%). The ocular symptoms were excessive watering (39.6%), pain (24.99), irritation (18.6%), burning/itching sensation (29.8%), redness (40.7%), blurring of vision (13.2%) and headache (40.9%). Female gender (OR-1.498(1.262-1.778)), long duration of working hours (OR-2.77(2.399-3.214)), poor break duration (OR-2.59(2.172-3.089)), excessive smart phone use (OR-2.071(1.834-2.338)), poor posture (OR-3.883(3.282-4.592)), inappropriate distance of computer screen (OR-2.173(1.829-2.582)), low height of screen (OR-1.936(1.527-2.454)), distance of keyboard (OR-3.161(2.528-3.953)) and distance of mouse (OR-5.785(3.932-8.512)) were identified as significant determinants of CRMSKVS.Conclusions: CRMSKVS is an emerging pandemic which needs urgent attention by medical and administrative authorities. The device factors, personal factors, environmental and ergonomic factors are the modifiable risk factors for CRMSKVS

    El estdo de tres sifonóforos (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) raros descritos por Tamiji Kawamura: Bathyphysa japonica, Athorybia longifolia and Forskalia misakiensis

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    [EN] The holotypes of three species inquirendae siphonophores collected in Japanese waters and described by Tamiji Kawamura were re-examined. It is considered that Bathyphysa japonica is not a valid species because there are no characters that distinguish it from other Bathyphysa species; Athorybia longifolia is an incorrectly described specimen of A. rosacea; and Forskalia misakiensis is a wrongly described and badly preserved specimen, probably of F. edwardsi[ES] Han sido reexaminados los holotipos de tres sifonóforos species inquirendae recogidos en aguas japonesas y que fueron descritos por Tamiji Kawamura. Se considera que Bathyphysa japonica no es una especie válida porque no se observan caracteres que la distingan de otras especies de Bathyphysa. Athorybia longifolia es un espécimen de A. rosacea descrito incorrectamente; y Forskalia misakiensis es un espécimen descrito erroneamente y preservado inadecuadamente, probablemente de F. edwardsiThis study was sponsored by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of SciencePeer reviewe

    An Investigation into Neuromorphic ICs using Memristor-CMOS Hybrid Circuits

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    The memristance of a memristor depends on the amount of charge flowing through it and when current stops flowing through it, it remembers the state. Thus, memristors are extremely suited for implementation of memory units. Memristors find great application in neuromorphic circuits as it is possible to couple memory and processing, compared to traditional Von-Neumann digital architectures where memory and processing are separate. Neural networks have a layered structure where information passes from one layer to another and each of these layers have the possibility of a high degree of parallelism. CMOS-Memristor based neural network accelerators provide a method of speeding up neural networks by making use of this parallelism and analog computation. In this project we have conducted an initial investigation into the current state of the art implementation of memristor based programming circuits. Various memristor programming circuits and basic neuromorphic circuits have been simulated. The next phase of our project revolved around designing basic building blocks which can be used to design neural networks. A memristor bridge based synaptic weighting block, a operational transconductor based summing block were initially designed. We then designed activation function blocks which are used to introduce controlled non-linearity. Blocks for a basic rectified linear unit and a novel implementation for tan-hyperbolic function have been proposed. An artificial neural network has been designed using these blocks to validate and test their performance. We have also used these fundamental blocks to design basic layers of Convolutional Neural Networks. Convolutional Neural Networks are heavily used in image processing applications. The core convolutional block has been designed and it has been used as an image processing kernel to test its performance.Comment: Bachelor's thesi

    Kemijska svojstva i primjena premaznih materijala na bazi vode i organskih otapala na drvu

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    Wood finishes are used extensively to improve the aesthetic value and protect wood products from moisture. These organic coatings generally contain volatile organic compounds (VOC) as solvents that evaporate when the coatings cure over the surface. Due to strict legislations against these hazardous VOCs, the buyers across the globe are shifting towards products finished with water borne coats. Two of the most commonly used wood coatings in India are polyurethane and nitrocellulose (NC) lacquer. This paper aims at comparing these two wood coatings with their water borne counterparts. The study was conducted on the wood substrate of Melia dubia. Chemical characterization of the cured coats was attempted through FTIR spectroscopy. Physical appearances in terms of gloss and film thickness were also studied. Bands of urethane, urea and nitric groups were identified, which helped in understanding the changes in chemical structure of the finishes after curing. The thickness of the organic coatings was significantly higher than that of their water-borne counterparts. Gloss of water based coatings was observed to be lesser than that of their organic solvent based counterparts in either coating material. In case of lacquer, the reduction was up-to 33 %. whereas in case of PU, gloss dropped down by about 54 %.Premazni se materijali primjenjuju na drvu kako bi se očuvao njegov estetski izgled i drvni proizvodi zaštitili od vlage. Organski premazni materijali u osnovi sadržavaju hlapljive organske spojeve (HOS) kao otapala koja isparavaju dok premazni materijal otvrdnjava na površini drva. Zbog strogih propisa o tim opasnim hlapljivim organskim spojevima kupci diljem svijeta prelaze na vodene premazne materijale. Dva najčešće upotrebljavana premazna materijala za drvo u Indiji jesu poliuretanski i nitrocelulozni (NC) lak. Cilj rada bio je usporediti ta dva premazna materijala s istim premaznim materijalima na bazi vode. Istraživanje je provedeno na drvu Melia dubia. Kemijska karakterizacija otvrdnutih premaza provedena je primjenom FTIR spektroskopije. Također su proučavani sjaj i debljina filma. Identificirane su skupine uretana, ureje i nitratne skupine koje su pridonijele razumijevanju promjena u kemijskoj strukturi premaza nakon otvrdnjavanja. Debljina premaza na bazi organskih otapala bila je znatno veća od debljine premaza na bazi vode. Uočeno je da je sjaj premaza na bazi vode manji od sjaja premaza na bazi organskih otapala. Za NC lak to je smanjenje bilo do 33 %, a sjaj PU laka smanjio se za oko 54 %

    Bacterial community structure analysis of soil treated with Parthenium hysterophorus L. derived green medium

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    The present study encompasses the analysis of bacterial community structure of soil in the presence of Parthenium hysterophorus derived green medium. The 16S microbiome profiling of the soil revealed that it consists of members from 15 bacterial phyla with the most prominent being Proteobacteria. The other predominant phyla were Plantomycetes, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi and Firmicutes. The maximum proportion of the bacterial community remained unclassified at genus and species level. Among the classified population the maximum number of bacteria belonged to Flavisolibacter followed by Kaistobacter, Bacillus, Optitutus, Balneimonas, Steroidobacter, Rhodoplanes and Gemmata