4,580 research outputs found

    Phosalone-Induced Changes in Regional Cholinesterase Activities in Rat Brain during Behavioral Tolerance

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    Organophosphate pesticides exert their toxic effects by cholinesteraseinhibition and the consequent prolongation of the undesirable effects ofaccumulation of acetylcholine. The signs of toxicity include tremors,convulsions, lachrymation, defecation etc. However, sustained cholinesterase inhibition through sustained administration of organophosphates would lead to the gradual disappearance of the initial signs of toxicity over time, termed behavioral tolerance. The present study was undertaken to examine the activity levels of cholinesterases in different regions of rat brain during the development of behavioral tolerance to the organophosphate phosalone. Male albino rats were given a daily oral dose of phosalone (41.35 mg, equivalent to ¼ of LD50) every day for 15 days and the activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) and pseudocholinesterase (PChE) were estimated at intervals at 1, 3, 9 and 15 days of treatment. All the cholinesterases were inhibited, and this inhibition was found to vary among different brain regions at different times. Greater inhibition of AChE and BuChE activities was observed at 9 days, while for PChE it was recorded at 3 days. Recovery trend to normalcy was observed earlier in PChE compared to AChE and BuChE. The signs and symptoms of pesticide toxicity were mainly cholinergic. Inhibition of cholinesterases was well correlated with the appearance and severity of signs and symptoms. Tremors and convulsions in particular were more after 9 days. After 9 days, decline followed by disappearance of majority of the signs and symptoms wasnoticed while reduction in cholinesterase activities still continued, indicatingthe development of behavioral tolerance to phosalone. Among the brainregions, striatum recorded a greater decrease in cholinesterase activity.Earlier recovery of pseudocholinesterase activity seems to be an interestingphenomenon in regulating homeostasis of cholinesterases and in thedevelopment of symptomatic tolerance of phosalone.Key words: Phosalone, Cholinesterases, Rat brain, Behavioraltolerance

    QTL analysis and marker assisted selection for improvement in grain protein content and pre-harvest sprouting tolerance in bread wheat

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    With the ever expanding possibilities to build supramotecutar structures, chemists are challenged to mimic nature including the construction of artificial cells or function thereof. Within the field of immunology, effective immunotherapy critically depends on efficient production of antigen-specific cytotoxic T-cells. Herein lies an opportunity for chemists to design and synthesize so-called artificial antigen presenting cells (aAPCs) that can promote T-cell activation and their subsequent expansion. In this review we discuss the current status of aAPC development, also focusing on developments in nanoscience which might improve future designs. As synthetic mimics of natural antigen-presenting cells, aAPCs encompass three basic signals required for T-cell activation: MHC-antigen complexes, costimulatory molecules and soluble immune modulating compounds. Both spatial and temporal organization of these signals during aAPC/T-cell contact is important for efficient T-cell activation. We discuss how signals have been incorporated in several aAPC designs, but also how physical properties such as size and shape are essential for targeting the aAPCs to T-cell rich areas in vivo

    Application of phycoremediation technology in the treatment of wastewater from a leather-processing chemical manufacturing facility

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    Phycoremediation is the use of algae for the removal or biotransformation of pollutants from wastewater. Employing this technology in the treatment of industrial effluents presents an alternative to the current practice of using conventional methods, including physical and chemical methods. In the present study, the effluent from a leather-processing chemical manufacturing facility, situated at Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, India, was treated using the microalga, Chlorella vulgaris, which was isolated from the effluent itself. The objective of this study was to treat the effluent as well as ETP (effluent treatment plant) solid waste by phycoremediation (pilot-scale field study as well as laboratory study) and to analyse the physico-chemical parameters before and after treatment. The results obtained showed that Chlorella  vulgaris exhibited appreciable nutrient scavenging properties under both laboratory and field conditions, although phycoremediation carried out in sunlight (field study) gave better results. Moreover, the growth of Chlorella vulgaris was faster under field conditions.Keywords: Phycoremediation, microalgae, Chlorella vulgaris, effluent, ETP soli

    Geometry-based localization for GPS outage in vehicular cyber physical systems

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    Vehicular localization has witnessed significant attention due to the growing number of location-based services in vehicular cyber physical systems (VCPS). In vehicular localization, GPS outage is a challenging issue considering the growing urbanization including high rise buildings, multilevel flyovers and bridges. GPS-free and GPS-assisted cooperative localization techniques have been suggested in the literature for GPS outage. Due to the cost of infrastructure in GPS-free techniques, and the absence of location aware neighbors in cooperative techniques, efficient and scalable localization is a challenging task in VCPS. In this context, this paper proposes a geometry-based localization for GPS outage in VCPS (GeoLV). It is a GPS-assisted localization which reduces location-aware neighbor constraint of cooperative localization. GeoLV utilizes mathematical geometry to estimate vehicle location focusing on vehicular dynamics and road trajectory. The static and dynamic relocations are performed to reduce the impact of GPS outage on location-based services. A case study based comparative performance evaluation has been carried out to assess the efficiency and scalability of GeoLV. It is evident from the results that GeoLV handles both shorter and longer GPS outage problem better than the state-of-the-art techniques in VCPS

    Decadal variations in NDVI and food production in India

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    In this study we use long-term satellite, climate, and crop observations to document the spatial distribution of the recent stagnation in food grain production affecting the water-limited tropics (WLT), a region where 1.5 billion people live and depend on local agriculture that is constrained by chronic water shortages. Overall, our analysis shows that the recent stagnation in food production is corroborated by satellite data. The growth rate in annually integrated vegetation greenness, a measure of crop growth, has declined significantly (p < 0.10) in 23 of the WLT cropland area during the last decade, while statistically significant increases in the growth rates account for less than 2. Inmost countries, the decade-long declines appear to be primarily due to unsustainable crop management practices rather than climate alone. One quarter of the statistically significant declines are observed in India, which with the world's largest population of food-insecure people and largest WLT croplands, is a leading example of the observed declines. Here we show geographically matching patterns of enhanced crop production and irrigation expansion with groundwater that have leveled off in the past decade. We estimate that, in the absence of irrigation, the enhancement in dry-season food grain production in India, during 1982-2002, would have required an increase in annual rainfall of at least 30 over almost half of the cropland area. This suggests that the past expansion of use of irrigation has not been sustainable. We expect that improved surface and groundwater management practices will be required to reverse the recent food grain production declines. © 2010 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland

    Acute encephalitis syndrome surveillance, Kushinagar district, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2011-2012

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    In India, quality surveillance for acute encephalitis syndrome (AES), including laboratory testing, is necessary for understanding the epidemiology and etiology of AES, planning interventions, and developing policy. We reviewed AES surveillance data for January 2011-June 2012 from Kushinagar District, Uttar Pradesh, India. Data were cleaned, incidence was determined, and demographic characteristics of cases and data quality were analyzed. A total of 812 AES case records were identified, of which 23\% had illogical entries. AES incidence was highest among boys<6 years of age, and cases peaked during monsoon season. Records for laboratory results (available for Japanese encephalitis but not AES) and vaccination history were largely incomplete, so inferences about the epidemiology and etiology of AES could not be made. The low-quality AES/Japanese encephalitis surveillance data in this area provide little evidence to support development of prevention and control measures, estimate the effect of interventions, and avoid the waste of public health resources

    Single Step Solution Processed GaAs Thin Films from GaMe 3 and BuAsH 2 under Ambient Pressure

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    This article reports on the possibility of low-cost GaAs formed under ambient pressure via a single step solution processed route from only readily available precursors, tBuAsH2 and GaMe3. The thin films of GaAs on glass substrates were found to have good crystallinity with crystallites as large as 150 nm and low contamination with experimental results matching well with theoretical density of states calculations. These results open up a route to efficient and cost-effective scale up of GaAs thin films with high material properties for widespread industrial use. Confirmation of film quality was determined using XRD, Raman, EDX mapping, SEM, HRTEM, XPS, and SIMS