1,793 research outputs found

    Amplification of large-scale magnetic field in nonhelical magnetohydrodynamics

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    It is typically assumed that the kinetic and magnetic helicities play a crucial role in the growth of large-scale dynamo. In this paper we demonstrate that helicity is not essential for the amplification of large-scale magnetic field. For this purpose, we perform nonhelical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation, and show that the large-scale magnetic field can grow in nonhelical MHD when random external forcing is employed at scale 1/101/10 the box size. The energy fluxes and shell-to-shell transfer rates computed using the numerical data show that the large-scale magnetic energy grows due to the energy transfers from the velocity field at the forcing scales.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Hitherto unreported Agaricus species of Central India

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    Karwa A, Rai MK. 2010. Spesies Agaricus dari India Tengah yang belum dilaporkan sampai sekarang. Nusantara Bioscience 2: 141-145. Kawasan hutan Melghat di India Tengah disurvei untuk mengetahui keberadaan jamur yang berkhasiat obat dan kuliner selama tahun 2005-2008. Dari total 153 spesies jamur, sepuluh spesies Agaricus ditemukan di berbagai lokasi yang berbeda. Dari jumlah tersebut, tujuh spesies yaitu Agaricus bitorquis, A. subrufescens, A. augustus, A. placomyces, A. essettei, A. basioanolosus dan Agaricus sp. nov. (spesies baru) baru pertama kali dilaporkan keberadaannya di kawasan ini. Jamur komersial Agaricus bisporus tidak memiliki karakter perkembangbiakan yang baik karena secara alamiah bersifat bispora. Kerabat liar dari jamur ini dapat digunakan sebagai sumber manipulasi genetik pada strain yang ada dan juga untuk mengembangkan strain baru dengan karakter yang lebih baik. Kata kunci: Agaricus, India Tengah, komersial, dimakan, Melghat

    Energy transfers and magnetic energy growth in small-scale dynamo

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    In this letter we investigate the dynamics of magnetic energy growth in small-scale dynamo by studying energy transfers, mainly energy fluxes and shell-to-shell energy transfers. We perform dynamo simulations for magnetic Prandtl number Pm=20\mathrm{Pm}=20 on 102431024^3 grid using pseudospectral method. We demonstrate that the magnetic energy growth is caused by nonlocal energy transfers from the large-scale or forcing-scale velocity field to small-scale magnetic field. The peak of these energy transfers move towards lower wavenumbers as dynamo evolves, which is the reason why the integral scale of the magnetic field increases with time. The energy transfers U2UU2U (velocity to velocity) and B2BB2B (magnetic to magnetic) are forward and local.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Research Productivity of Library and Information Science Faculty of West Zone of India: A Bibliometric Study

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    This study conducts a Bibliometrics analysis with the aim of identifying significant contributions of LIS faculties. There has been rapid increase of academic literature by faculties so that it is an important aspect to analyse their intellectual work with Bibliometric parameters. Bibliometrics used as a research method in Library and Information Science field. This research work based on secondary data total 13 universities taken from the West Zone of India in which 37 permanent faculties presently working. Researchers collected data from University websites, Google Scholar and Research Gate. In this study examined the Prolific Authors, Authorship Pattern, degree of collaboration and top Preferred Journals. Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to examine the analytical patterns of the literature published in the International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology on the basis of citation analysis and to analyse the articles published from the year 2017-2021. Results show that total 218 articles referred 1289 citations in which journals are the most favourable form of documents with the contribution of 54.46%. Methodology: For the present study International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology has been selected as the source journal. (IJIDT) is a Quarterly Refereed/ Juried Journal for Information Scientist/ Professionals and Knowledge Managers. All the lead articles and research paper of five volumes (Vol 7-Vol 11) containing 20 issues published during 2017-2021 have been taken up for the study. Statistical tools, like tabular presentation of various data, line diagram, bar diagram and pie diagram are used to represent the study effectively. Findings: From this study the major findings are: (a) The number of papers in various volumes in IJIDT from 2017-2021,The maximum articles are published in 7 volume i.e. 56(25.68%) and the lowest number of contributions are 35 (16.05%) in the volume 11. (b) Maximum number of references is found in 96 articles cite 11-15 references with 44.03% followed by 6-10 references with 19.26% and 0-5 and 16-20 references with 12.84 % respectively both. (c) The distribution of bibliographical forms of cited documents preferred journals as the source of information.Journals contribute highest citations with 702 (54.46%) followed by web resources with 296 (22.96%) and books with 182(14.11%). Citations from theses/ dissertations are marginal. Here, others include seminar proceedings and report etc. (d) Two authors papers are the most with 73 articles (34.43%) followed by single authors with 64 articles (30.18%) and three authors with 42 articles (19.81%). There are small percentages of articles published by more than five authors with 4 articles (1.88%). Value: It is expected that citation methods are used in studies of properties and behaviour of recorded knowledge for analysis of the structures of scientific and research areas

    Bibliometric studies of Journal of Indian Library Association (JILA) during 2015-2020

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    The paper presents a bibliometric study of the journal titled “Journal of Indian Library Association (JILA) for the period between 2015-2020. The present study reveals the results of a bibliometric study of 148 articles published in the Journal of ILA. The analysis cover mainly the number of articles, authorship pattern, subject-wise distribution of articles, average number of references per articles, forms of documents cited, year wise distribution of cited journals etc. Study reveals that most of the contributions are from India with 99.61% and the rest 0.39% only from foreign sources. Maximum authors are from Karnataka and highest numbers of articles (37.83%) have the page length of 9-12 pages. Furthermore, topics like ‘users study’, ‘library automation and ICT application’ and Digital Library are the preferred subjects for publishing papers in the journal
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