170 research outputs found

    Approaching invasive species in Madagascar

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    While a number of plants, animals, and insects in Madagascar have been called ’invasive’, the topic of invasive species has until recently received less attention here than in other island contexts. Some species, often alien to Madagascar and introduced by humans, have expanded their range rapidly and have had both negative and positive effects on landscapes, on native biodiversity, and on livelihoods. Examples include the prickly pear (raketa), the silver wattle (mimosa), and, recently, the Asian common toad (radaka boka). Building on a conceptual approach to ’invasive species’, this paper emphasizes the importance of inclusive and deliberative site- and population - specific management of invasive species. It analyses three separate concepts commonly used in definitions of invasion: the origin, behaviour, and effects of particular species. It places these concepts in their broader social and ecological context, with particular attention to local perspectives on invasive species. We illustrate these concepts with Malagasy examples and data. The examples demonstrate that while invasions can have dramatic consequences, there can be multiple, often competing, interests as well as site - specific biophysical, environmental, and cultural considerations that need to be taken into account when designing policy and management interventions. We conclude with a number of lessons learned.RÉSUMÉContrairement à la plupart des autres îles, et en dépit du qualificatif ‘invasif’ rattaché depuis longtemps à certaines espèces qui s’y sont naturalisées, les réflexions autour de l’approche des espèces invasives à Madagascar demeurent récentes. L’opuntia (Opuntia spp.) figure certes parmi les plus anciens exemples d’espèces traités dans la littérature sur les invasions biologiques. Mais ce n’est vraiment qu’avec le retentissement médiatique autour de la détection en 2011 de la présence du crapaud masqué (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) et la recherche d’une parade appropriée que s’est affirmée la nécessité de traiter cette question des espèces invasives en tant que telle. Une posture nativiste et uniforme qui ignorerait la spécificité des contextes biophysiques et socio - économiques locaux, mais aussi la pluralité des formes d’invasion biologique et des définitions qui s’y rattachent, ne saurait être privilégiée. L’article montre qu’il s’agit de situer les réflexions dans un contexte insulaire socio - économique dans lequel les espèces allogènes tiennent depuis longtemps une large place. Il défend en outre la nécessité d’envisager les espèces invasives non pas selon une forme de perception unique et autoritariste, mais selon une diversité de points de vue, conforme aux conflits d’intérêts qui se manifestent parfois, et mettant plutôt en avant le caractère exogène des espèces invasives, leurs effets (négatifs, mais aussi positifs) sur le milieu, ou leur mode de fonctionnement (dispersion, dominance) dans des contextes spécifiques et locaux. Il convient en particulier d’observer qu’aux coûts générés par les invasions biologiques peuvent s’ajouter des bénéfices économiques, et que les impacts écologiques néfastes peuvent se combiner avec des incidences heureuses, y compris auprès d’espèces indigènes en situation critique. En outre, le point de vue des populations humaines, leur connaissance d’espèces invasives quotidiennement rencontrées, leur réticence à scinder le vivant en espèces indigènes et allogène, mais aussi leur vision pragmatique, ne sauraient être mésestimés, et moins encore oubliés. Enfin, l’article invite à prendre du recul face aux effets rhétoriques liés aux discours conventionnels sur les invasions biologiques, à éviter les amalgames et les généralisations excessives, à tenir compte des contraintes environnementales mais aussi des aspirations socio - économiques des populations locales, et à prendre en compte la diversité des spécificités locales, qu’elles soient biophysiques ou sociales. En conclusion, il est sans doute heureux que Madagascar n’ait rejoint que très récemment la mouvance internationale des réflexions sur les espèces invasives : cela lui permet en effet d’être en mesure de disposer d’une position équilibrée, déjouant certains discours catastrophistes, et préférant une approche résolument contextualisée, à l’échelle nationale comme aux échelles régionale

    Non-native Species and the Aesthetics of Nature

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    Howhumansperceiveandjudgenatureandrelateittotheirlifeisshaped by emotional, cognitive, cultural, and social factors. Whether a species is consid- ered native, non-native, or invasive can affect such aesthetics of nature by interact- ing with our emotions, affronting or confirming our cognitive categories, or engaging in our social, economic, and cultural worlds. Consequently, how humans perceive and judge the presence of such species, or how they judge an ecosystem or land- scape change triggered by them, is not fixed or easy to define. Here, some of the psychological, cognitive, and social dimensions that influence how humans judge non-native and invasive species and their effects on ecosystems are reviewed. It is concluded, at least in the case of non-native species, that the reduction of aesthetics to a ‘service’ is problematic, for it occludes the complex psychological and social processes that shape divergent perceptions of changing species distributions

    A proposal for ethical research conduct in Madagascar

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    This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The attached file is the published version of the article

    Bushfire in Madagascar: natural hazard, useful tool, and change agent

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    Bushfire does not usually figure on lists of natural hazards in Madagascar, despite being damaging hazard on the island. This chapter argues that the lack of attention to fire comes from the fact that fire is multivalent, ambiguous, and flexible, being simultaneously an occasional 'hazard' for thatch-roof huts or crop fields, a 'useful tool' that farmers and pastoralists use to manage vegetation, and a major transformational force, or 'change agent', that damages land and forest. The chapter builds on the concept of pyric phases, identifying six important pyric phases in which fire serves, or is perceived to serve, different roles as hazard, tool, or change agent

    Critical Invasion Science: Weeds, Pests, and Aliens

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    The study of invasive plants and animals calls strongly for a critical approach due to the deeply social nature of invasion landscapes, the power relations affecting the science of invasions, and the differential impacts of weed or pest control on lives and landscapes. I first explore what a “critical” invasion science means. Then I investigate several aspects of invasion science ripe for critical analysis: the history of the science (to understand what the science is doing and why), the terminology and categories of analysis, and the highly contested social, political, and ethical context within which invasion management takes place. I conclude with four proposals for further work in critical invasion science and examples of the types of questions it might ask

    Prime movers : mechanochemistry of mitotic kinesins

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    Mitotic spindles are self-organizing protein machines that harness teams of multiple force generators to drive chromosome segregation. Kinesins are key members of these force-generating teams. Different kinesins walk directionally along dynamic microtubules, anchor, crosslink, align and sort microtubules into polarized bundles, and influence microtubule dynamics by interacting with microtubule tips. The mechanochemical mechanisms of these kinesins are specialized to enable each type to make a specific contribution to spindle self-organization and chromosome segregation

    Anthromes dispaying evidence of weekly cycles in active fire data cover 70% of the global land surface

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    Across the globe, human activities have been gaining importance relatively to climate and ecology as the main controls on fire regimes and consequently human activity became an important driver of the frequency, extent and intensity of vegetation burning worldwide. Our objective in the present study is to look for weekly cycles in vegetation fire activity at global scale as evidence of human agency, relying on the original MODIS active fire detections at 1 km spatial resolution (MCD14ML) and using novel statistical methodologies to detect significant periodicities in time series data. We tested the hypotheses that global fire activity displays weekly cycles and that the weekday with the fewest fires is Sunday. We also assessed the effect of land use and land cover on weekly fire cycle significance by testing those hypotheses separately for the Villages, Settlements, Croplands, Rangelands, Seminatural, and Wildlands anthromes. Based on a preliminary data analysis of the daily global active fire counts periodogram, we developed an harmonic regression model for the mean function of daily fire activity and assumed a linear model for the de-seasonalized time series. For inference purposes, we used a Bayesian methodology and constructed a simultaneous 95% credible band for the mean function. The hypothesis of a Sunday weekly minimum was directly investigated by computing the probabilities that the mean functions of every weekday (Monday to Saturday) are inside the credible band corresponding to mean Sunday fire activity. Since these probabilities are small, there is statistical evidence of significantly fewer fires on Sunday than on the other days of the week. Cropland, rangeland, and seminatural anthromes, which cover 70% of the global land area and account for 94% of the active fires analysed, display weekly cycles in fire activity. Due to lower land management intensity and less strict control over fire size and duration, weekly cycles in Rangelands and Seminatural anthromes, which jointly account for 53.46% of all fires, although statistically significant are weaker than those detected in Croplandsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Living on a flammable planet: interdisciplinary, cross-scalar and varied cultural lessons, prospects and challenges: Table 1.

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    Living with fire is a challenge for human communities because they are influenced by socio-economic, political, ecological and climatic processes at various spatial and temporal scales. Over the course of 2 days, the authors discussed how communities could live with fire challenges at local, national and transnational scales. Exploiting our diverse, international and interdisciplinary expertise, we outline generalizable properties of fire-adaptive communities in varied settings where cultural knowledge of fire is rich and diverse. At the national scale, we discussed policy and management challenges for countries that have diminishing fire knowledge, but for whom global climate change will bring new fire problems. Finally, we assessed major fire challenges that transcend national political boundaries, including the health burden of smoke plumes and the climate consequences of wildfires. It is clear that to best address the broad range of fire problems, a holistic wildfire scholarship must develop common agreement in working terms and build across disciplines. We must also communicate our understanding of fire and its importance to the media, politicians and the general public. This article is part of the themed issue ‘The interaction of fire and mankind’

    Diet and asthma: looking back, moving forward

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    Asthma is an increasing global health burden, especially in the western world. Public health interventions are sought to lessen its prevalence or severity, and diet and nutrition have been identified as potential factors. With rapid changes in diet being one of the hallmarks of westernization, nutrition may play a key role in affecting the complex genetics and developmental pathophysiology of asthma. The present review investigates hypotheses about hygiene, antioxidants, lipids and other nutrients, food types and dietary patterns, breastfeeding, probiotics and intestinal microbiota, vitamin D, maternal diet, and genetics. Early hypotheses analyzed population level trends and focused on major dietary factors such as antioxidants and lipids. More recently, larger dietary patterns beyond individual nutrients have been investigated such as obesity, fast foods, and the Mediterranean diet. Despite some promising hypotheses and findings, there has been no conclusive evidence about the role of specific nutrients, food types, or dietary patterns past early childhood on asthma prevalence. However, diet has been linked to the development of the fetus and child. Breastfeeding provides immunological protection when the infant's immune system is immature and a modest protective effect against wheeze in early childhood. Moreover, maternal diet may be a significant factor in the development of the fetal airway and immune system. As asthma is a complex disease of gene-environment interactions, maternal diet may play an epigenetic role in sensitizing fetal airways to respond abnormally to environmental insults. Recent hypotheses show promise in a biological approach in which the effects of dietary factors on individual physiology and immunology are analyzed before expansion into larger population studies. Thus, collaboration is required by various groups in studying this enigma from epidemiologists to geneticists to immunologists. It is now apparent that this multidisciplinary approach is required to move forward and understand the complexity of the interaction of dietary factors and asthma