49 research outputs found

    Wiktoria Śliwowska (26 June 1931 – 27 December 2021)

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    Wiktoria Śliwowska (26 June 1931 – 27 December 2021

    Polacy w armii rosyjskiej na Lubelszczyźnie na początku I wojny światowej

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    Before the First World War a part of Polish territory, including Lubelszczyzna was in the Military District in Warsaw. There were standing five army corps, which consisted of 200,000 soldiers. In Lubelszczyzna there was standing one corps – XIV Army Corps in the power of 30,000 men. Due to the current rules, the could be very few among them. The restrictions referred to officers too, but only to the Catholics (Catholic’s vacant). Poles of others religions were out of the restrictions. Poles were mainly commanders, up to the brigade commanders. Among them there were also generals Eugeniusz de Hennig Michaelis and Edward Kolankowski. After the war broke out the number of Poles in the Russian army increased, which was connected with the mobilization, the war acts and their consequences.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Wymiar sprawiedliwości Warszawskiego Okręgu Wojskowego armii rosyjskiej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku

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    During the analysed period the Warsaw Military District encompassed most areas of the Kingdom of Poland and some poviats of the guberniyas of Grodno and Volhynia. The organisational structure of the district was complex, analogically to the structure of the Russian Ministry of War. It was headed by the general-governor, who was at the same time the commander of the district army. He was in charge of regular and irregular units and all military institutions located in this area, including the judicial department, district courts and regiment courts. These employed officers with adequate level of legal education and professional practice. The regulations of that time laid out the scope and mode of investigation of cases. The employment of the judicial department of the Warsaw Military District amounted to around 90 people, however, it was gradually increased. The staff comprised the chair of the court, eight judges, three (later five) investigating officers, ten prosecutors and auxiliary staff. The employees were mainly Russian, though there were also some representativesof other nationalities, including Poles (Leon Iwanowski).W omawianym okresie Warszawski Okręg Wojskowy obejmował tereny większości Królestwa Polskiego oraz niektórych powiatów guberni grodzieńskiej i wołyńskiej. Struktura organizacyjna okręgu była rozbudowana i analogiczna do struktury rosyjskiego Ministerstwa Wojny. Na czele okręgu stał generał-gubernator, będący jednocześnie dowódcą wojsk okręgu. Podlegały mu wojska regularne i nieregularne oraz wszelkie instytucje wojskowe znajdujące się na tym terenie, w tym wydział sądowy wraz z sądem okręgowym i sądami pułkowymi. W ich skład wchodzili oficerowie mający odpowiedni poziom wykształcenia prawniczego i praktykę zawodową. Obowiązujące przepisy regulowały zakres oraz tryb rozpatrywanych spraw sądowych. Stan etatowy zarządu sądowego Warszawskiego Okręgu Wojskowego wynosił około 90 osób, jednak stopniowo ulegał zwiększeniu. W jego składzie znajdowali się: prezes sądu, ośmiu sędziów, trzech (potem pięciu) śledczych, dziesięciu prokuratorów oraz personel pomocniczy. Skład personalny był przeważnie rosyjski, lecz spotykało się także przedstawicieli innych narodowości, w tym Polaków (Leon Iwanowski)

    The impact of intensive sheep grazing in the spring on the vegetation of xerothermic grasslands in Stawska Góra nature reserve

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    The aim of study was to assess the impact of intensive sheep grazing in the spring on the vegetation of xerothermic grasslands in Stawska Góra nature reserve, particularly the Carlina onopordifolia seedling development and preferences concerning the ingestion of specific plant species, including shrubs and tree-understory. In May 2015, 40 specimens of the Świniarka Sheep and Polish Lowland Sheep were grazed in an area of 1.85 ha. Phytosociological relevés were taken using the Braun-Blanquet method. Changes in the plant cover were assessed in July 2015 under grazing and non-grazing conditions. The flowery grassland plants were assigned to the Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati alliance and thicket communities - to the Rhamno-Prunetea class. There was confirmed that community under study is distinguished by a large share of Carlina onopordifolia. The number of Carlina onopordifolia seedlings in the grazed areas was significantly greater than in the non-grazed areas. The sheep ingested all herbaceous plants appearing in the grasslands in May, except for the poisonous Adonis vernalis and most of shrubs. Preliminary research results indicate that grazing in the spring led to a decreased cover-abundance of Brachypodium pinnatum and some shrubs, and also - to smaller share of dead organic matter in the plant cover. It can create favourable conditions for the generative reproduction of xerothermic plants such as Carlina onopordifolia.

    Morphological Characteristic to Discriminate \u3cem\u3eFestulolium\u3c/em\u3e Hybrids (\u3cem\u3eFestuca Pratensis\u3c/em\u3e × \u3cem\u3eLolium Perenne\u3c/em\u3e)

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    Environmental change and uncertainty is likely to pose new challenges in plant breeders. Recently attention has focused on the crossing of Lolium and Festuca species to obtain hybrids exhibiting many desirable traits of both parents. Key objectives of such programs are to combine the persistency, winter hardiness and drought tolerance of fescues with the high herbage yields and quality of ryegrasses (Zwierzykowski, Naganowska, 1994). One of the hybrids with great practical significance is a F. pratensis × L. perenne hybrid [Festulolium loliaceum (Huds.) P.V. Fourn]. Many morphological traits of Festulolium hybrids demonstrate intermediate character, however, in relation to inflorescence type they are similar to L. perenne; the hybrids and perennial ryegrass have spike-like inflorescences, though they may be rarely a little-branched. Occurrence of a reduced inner glume in hybrid spikelets is a trait, which enables discrimination between Festulolium and L. perenne plants. The aim of this work was to analyse the morphological trait of inflorescences to aid the identification of the hybrids Festulolium in relation to L. perenne

    Análise da comunicação médico-paciente em caso de diagnóstico de câncer de mama

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    The aim of the paper is the recognition and evaluation of demand for medical information among patients suffering from breast cancer. The research was conducted among 120 women with diagnosed breast cancer in the Oncological Surgery Clinic of the Independent Public Research Hospital Nº 1 in Lublin, the Oncological Clinic of the Independent Public Research Hospital Nº 1 in Lublin and the Rehabilitation Centre with the Rehabilitation Clinic at the Lublin Oncology Centre. The research included women from the Club of Women after Mastectomy “Amazons”, the Club “Amazons” at the Complex of Specialist Clinics in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski and the Club “Amazons” in Radom. Research showed that the demand for medical information among women with diagnosed breast cancer is very high. Respondents want to know all the information concerning the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis (93%). They also expect that the doctor will give them medical information concerning further consequences of cancer and its influence on future health and life (78%). Most of the respondents expect to receive information concerning medicaments which should be taken (77%) and the essence of the conducted treatment (93%). The research analysis showed that women with diagnosed breast cancer expect that the doctor will give them reliable and real medical information. Patients want the doctor to present them the probable course of the cancer (85%) and all the possible side effects connected with it (89%).El objetivo de este trabajo es el reconocimiento y la evaluación de la demanda de información médica en pacientes con cáncer de mama. Se realizó la investigación con 120 mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama en la Clínica de Cirugía Oncológica y la Clínica Oncológica del Hospital de Investigación Público Independiente Nº 1 en Lublin, y el Centro de Rehabilitación con la Clínica de Rehabilitación del Centro Oncológico de Lublin. La investigación incluyó mujeres del Club “Amazons” de Mujeres que han sufrido Mastectomía, el Club “Amazons” del Complejo de Clínicas Especializadas en Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski y el Club “Amazons” en Radom. La investigación mostró que la demanda de información médica de mujeres con diagnóstico de cáncer de mama es muy alta. Aquellas que respondieron quieren saber todo acerca del diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico (93%). También esperan que el médico les dé información médica respecto de posteriores consecuencias del cáncer y su influencia en su salud futura y su vida (78%). La mayoría de las que respondieron esperan recibir información sobre medicamentos que deberían tomar (77%) y lo esencial sobre el tratamiento realizado (93%). El análisis de la investigación muestra que las mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama esperan que el médico les dé información médica confiable y verdadera, les presente el curso probable del cáncer (85%) y todos los posibles efectos secundarios conectados (89%).O objetivo deste artigo é o reconhecimento e a avaliação da demanda por informação médica entre pacientes que sofrem de câncer de mama. A investigação foi conduzida entre 120 mulheres diagnosticadas com câncer de mama na Oncological Surgery Clinic of the Independent Public Research Hospital Nº 1 de Lublin, a Oncological Clinic of the Independent Public Research Hospital Nº 1 de Lublin e a Rehabilitation Centre with the Rehabilitation Clinic do Lublin Oncology Centre. A pesquisa incluiu mulheres do Club of Women after Mastectomy “Amazons”, o Club “Amazons” do Complex of Specialist Clinics em Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski e o Club “Amazons” em Radom. Pesquisa revelou que a demanda por informação médica entre mulheres com diagnóstico de câncer mamário é muito alta. As respondentes queriam saber todas as informações concernentes ao diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico (93%). Elas também esperavam que o médico pudesse dar-lhes informação sobre consequências tardias do câncer e a influência sobre a sua saúde e vida futuras (78%). A maioria dos respondentes tinham a expectativa de receber informação sobre medicamentos que deveriam tomar (77%) e a essência do tratamento realizado (93%). A análise da pesquisa demonstrou que as mulheres com diagnóstico de câncer de mama esperavam que o médico pudesse fornecer-lhes informação confiável e honesta. Pacientes queriam que o médico lhes apresentasse o provável curso do câncer (85%) e todos os possíveis efeitos relacionados a ele (89%)

    Sheep and Horse Grazing in a Large-Scale Protection Area and its Positive Impact on Chemical and Biological Soil Properties

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    This paper looks into the impact of free grazing by sheep and horses on the chemical and biological properties of soils in the partial protection zone of the Roztocze National Park. The study sampled three different types of pastureland in the area: pastures for sheep, horses and for combined grazing by sheep and horses. Compared to an ungrazed reference pasture, free grazing significantly stimulated the activity of enzymes which catalyze the transformation of organic matter (dehydrogenases, phosphatases and ureases) and it also positively influenced other chemical properties of the soils. Among the soils under free-grazing management, the pasture grazed to horses underwent the most advantageous changes in terms of the eco-chemical status of the soil