192 research outputs found


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    Purpose: The purpose of this scientific article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the evaluation of university cooperation with the socio-economic environment, using the examples of the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany, and to identify the differences between the analysed systems as a determining factor for the superiority of the German higher education system over the Polish system. Methodology: Three research methods were employed to achieve the chosen research objective: the formal-dogmatic method (dogmatic-legal), the comparative law method (legal comparativism), and the empirical method (empirical research) as an auxiliary method. The formal-dogmatic method was used to analyse the logical and linguistic regulations governing the institutional framework of agencies responsible for the quality of education in Poland and Germany. The comparative law method will be implemented through classical comparative legal research aimed at analysing the similarities and differences in legal regulations regarding the evaluation of university cooperation with the socio-economic environment in the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany. The empirical method was used as an auxiliary method to analyse the thesis presented by the author, which is the superiority of German universities over Polish universities. Findings: The article points out fundamental differences in the legal status of agencies responsible for the quality of education and the systems of quality evaluation in the area of university cooperation with the socio-economic environment in the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany. Furthermore, the author identifies this state of affairs as one of the factors determining the superiority of the German higher education system over the Polish system. Originality/value: The chosen research objective represents an unexplored field so far. There is a lack of studies in the domestic and European markets that aim to systematically compare the evaluation of university cooperation with the socio-economic environment in the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany. The conducted analysis and the resulting conclusions effectively fill this gap.Purpose: The purpose of this scientific article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the evaluation of university cooperation with the socio-economic environment, using the examples of the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany, and to identify the differences between the analysed systems as a determining factor for the superiority of the German higher education system over the Polish system. Methodology: Three research methods were employed to achieve the chosen research objective: the formal-dogmatic method (dogmatic-legal), the comparative law method (legal comparativism), and the empirical method (empirical research) as an auxiliary method. The formal-dogmatic method was used to analyse the logical and linguistic regulations governing the institutional framework of agencies responsible for the quality of education in Poland and Germany. The comparative law method will be implemented through classical comparative legal research aimed at analysing the similarities and differences in legal regulations regarding the evaluation of university cooperation with the socio-economic environment in the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany. The empirical method was used as an auxiliary method to analyse the thesis presented by the author, which is the superiority of German universities over Polish universities. Findings: The article points out fundamental differences in the legal status of agencies responsible for the quality of education and the systems of quality evaluation in the area of university cooperation with the socio-economic environment in the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany. Furthermore, the author identifies this state of affairs as one of the factors determining the superiority of the German higher education system over the Polish system. Originality/value: The chosen research objective represents an unexplored field so far. There is a lack of studies in the domestic and European markets that aim to systematically compare the evaluation of university cooperation with the socio-economic environment in the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany. The conducted analysis and the resulting conclusions effectively fill this gap

    Frequency response testing of zero-sequence current transformers for mining ground fault protection relays

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    W polskim górnictwie węgla sieci dystrybucyjne średniego napięcia działają z izolowanym punktem neutralnym. Przekładniki prądowe o zerowej sekwencji są podstawowymi czujnikami, które generują sygnały wejściowe dla przekaźników zabezpieczających przed zwarciem doziemnym. W literaturze problem analizy odpowiedzi częstotliwościowej różnych typów przekładników prądowych był wielokrotnie badany, np. [1] [2], ale jak dotąd nie dotyczy przekładników prądowych o zerowej sekwencji. W ramach pracy przetestowano dwa typy przekładników prądowych o zerowej sekwencji w zakresie od 0,1 Hz do 100 kHz. Przeanalizowano zarówno zmianę stosunku prądu, jak i przesunięcie kątowe między prądem wtórnym transformatora a całkowitym prądem pierwotnym

    Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Biomolecular Systems

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    The carbon budget of the Baltic Sea

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    This paper presents the results of a comprehensive study of the Baltic Sea carbon budget. The Baltic Sea is very much influenced by terrestrial carbon input. Rivers are the largest carbon source, and their input amounts to 10.90 Tg C yr<sup>−1</sup> (Tg = 10<sup>12</sup> g) with a 37.5% contribution of organic carbon. On the other hand, carbon is effectively exported from the Baltic to the North Sea (7.67 Tg C yr<sup>−1</sup>) and is also buried in bottom sediments (2.73 Tg C yr<sup>−1</sup>). The other sources and sinks of carbon are of minor importance. The net CO<sub>2</sub> emission (1.05 Tg C yr<sup>−1</sup>) from the Baltic to the atmosphere was calculated as the closing term of the carbon budget presented here. There is a net loss of organic carbon, which indicates that the Baltic Sea is heterotrophic

    Comparison of Internal Forces Redistribution and Displacements Subjected to the Dynamic Wind Gusts depending of Point Fixed Glass Connector Model Shape

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    This paper presents an analysis of the redistribution of stresses and displacements in numerical models of various shapes of glass connectors. Two states of dynamic wind gusts were analyzed: the maximum value of suction and the maximum value of wind pressure. For the sake of simplicity, wind gusts were assumed periodically as a sinusoidal function. The model adopts a rectangular glass plate that transmits wind pressure and suction through the point fixed glass connectors. Therefore, single-arm cross connectors were not only subjected to bending stress, but also to torsion. Four different shapes of connectors were analyzed. In the first part of the numerical analysis, T-shaped and C-shaped cross-sections were adopted, and in the next part, both connectors were modified by adding fillet welds to the models. The dynamic numerical analysis was performed using the finite element method in the ADINA program

    Building the enemy image in political discourse : Polish politicians about the European Union in years 2016-2018

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    Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie, czy czołowi polscy politycy mający wpływ na politykę wewnętrzną i zewnętrzną Polski budowali wrogi wizerunek Unii Europejskiej w swoich wystąpieniach sejmowych. W badaniu przeanalizowano stenogramy wystąpień sejmowych traktujących o Unii Europejskiej, której autorami byli: premierzy Beata Szydło i Mateusz Morawiecki, ministrowie spraw zagranicznych Witold Waszczykowski i Jacek Czaputowicz, prezydent RP Andrzej Duda oraz lider partii rządzącej Jarosław Kaczyński. Badanie przeprowadzone metodą analizy treści wykazało, że w wypowiedziach polityków związani z partią Prawo i Sprawiedliwość przejawiało się budowanie wrogiego obrazu Unii.This paper questioned whether main Polish politicians, who have a real impact on both domestic and international politics in Poland, were building the enemy image of The European Union in their parliamentary speeches. The EU was the main topic of all records analyzed in this study whose authors were: prime ministers, Beata Szydło and Mateusz Morawiecki, foreign affairs secretaries, Witold Waszczykowski and Jacek Czaputowicz, President of The Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, and Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc. This study was conducted with content analysis which showed that politicians connected to PiS were the ones whose texsts showed symbols of building the enemy image for The EU

    Emigracja zamorska Polaków przebywających w Wielkiej Brytanii po zakończeniu II wojny światowej w wybranych tytułach prasy brytyjskiej, 1945–1949

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    The article sketches the picture of overseas emigration of Polish people in the press in the first years after World War II based on the main English language newspapers of that time: “The Times”, “The Scotsman”, “The Guardian” and “The Observer”. Additionally, the local newspaper, “The Evening Times” and “Dziennik Polski i Dziennik Żołnierza”, issued since 1943, were taken into consideration. Emigration was reflected in press articles, but it was also, to some extent, given its press shape. After 1945, Polish people most often emigrated to the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Brasil and Argentina, as well as South Africa. The destination countries of Polish post-war migration got a wide coverage in the press, which provided the potential emigrants with basic information. The newspapers pointed out to the the potential of a given country, its current and planned immigration policy and the problems that might be encountered by the emigrants leaving Great Britain

    Low virus to prokaryote ratios in the cold: benthic viruses and prokaryotes in a subpolar marine ecosystem (Hornsund, Svalbard)

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    The density and spatial distribution of benthic viruses and prokaryotes in relation to biotic and abioticfactors were investigated in sediment cores collected in Hornsund, a permanently cold fjord on the West coast of Svalbard,Norway. The cores were obtained from the mouth of the fjord to the central basin, along a longitudinal transect. Theresults of our analyses showed lower densities of viruses (0.2 × 108 to 5.4 × 108 virus-like particles/g) and lower virus-toprokaryoteratios (0.2-0.6, with the exception of the uppermost layer in the central basin, where the ratio was about 1.2)at the study site than generally found in the temperate areas, despite the relatively high organic matter content in subpolarsediments. Variations in benthic viral and prokaryote abundances along gradients of particle sedimentation rates, phytopigmentconcentrations, and macrobenthic species composition together suggested the influence of particle sedimentationand macrobenthic bioturbation on the abundance and spatial distribution of prokaryotes and viruses in cold habitats. [IntMicrobiol 2013; 16(1):45-52

    Influence of the specific load on stability and vibrations of the multimember column with internal cracks

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    Slender systems are mostly studied when Euler’s load or follower load is considered. The use of those types of external loads results in well-known divergence or flutter shape of the characteristic curve. In this study, one takes into account the specific load which allows one to obtain an interesting divergence – pseudo flutter shape of characteristic curves on the external load–vibration frequency plane. The curves can change inclination angle as well as one can observe the change in vibration modes along them. The shape of those curves depends not only on the parameters of the slender system but also on loading heads that induce the specific load. In this study, one considers the slender multimember system in which cracks are present and weaken the host structure. The results of theoretical as well as numerical simulations are focused on the influence of the parameters of the loading heads on vibrations, stability, and loading capacity of the investigated system as well as on the possibility of partial reduction of unwanted crack effect

    Opracowanie metod neuropsychologicznej oceny różnych aspektów czynności mowy badanych w czasie neuroobrazowania przy zastosowaniu funkcjonalnego rezonansu magnetycznego. Doniesienie wstępne

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    Background and purpose Due to the complex and extended cerebral organization of language functions, the brain regions crucial for speech and language, i.e. eloquent areas, have to be affected by neurooncological surgery. One of the techniques that may be helpful in pre-operative planning of the extent of tumour removal and estimating possible complications seems to be functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The aim of the study was to develop valid procedures for neuropsychological assessment of various language functions visualisable by fMRI in healthy individuals. Material and methods In this fMRI study, 10 healthy (with no CNS pathology), right-handed volunteers aged 25–35 were examined using four tasks designed to measure different language functions, and one for short-term memory assessment. A 1.5-T MRI scanner performing ultrafast functional (EPI) sequences with 4-mm slice thickness and 1-mm interslice gap was used to detect the BOLD response to stimuli presented in a block design (30-second alternating blocks of activity and rest). The analyses used the SPM software running in a MATLAB environment, and the obtained data were interpreted by means of colour-coded maps superimposed on structural brain scans. Results For each of the tasks developed for particular language functions, a different area of increased neuronal activity was found. Conclusions The differential localization of function-related neuronal activity seems interesting and the research worth continuing, since verbal communication failure may result from impairment of any of various language functions, and studies reported in the literature seem to focus on verbal expression only.Wstęp i cel pracy Przy złożonej i rozległej mózgowej organizacji funkcji mowy nowoczesna neuroonkologia operacyjna zmuszona jest wkraczać w obszary o największym znaczeniu dla jej przebiegu — w okolice elokwentne. Jedną z metod, która może być pomocna w przedoperacyjnym zaplanowaniu rozmiaru wycięcia guza i oszacowaniu powikłań, wydaje się technika funkcjonalnego obrazowania rezonansu magnetycznego (fMRI). Celem prowadzonych badań jest stworzenie trafnych metod neuropsychologicznej oceny u ludzi zdrowych różnych aspektów czynności mowy, możliwych do zobrazowania przy zastosowaniu fMRI. Materiał i metody W przeprowadzonych badaniach fMRI u 10 zdrowych (bez patologii w obrębie ośrodkowego układu nerwowego), praworęcznych ochotników w wieku 25—35 lat opracowano i zastosowano cztery próby do badania funkcji językowych oraz próbę do badania pamięci krótkoterminowej. Badania prowadzono na aparacie o indukcji pola 1,5 T, z wykorzystaniem ultraszybkich sekwencji czynnościowych (EPI) o grubości warstwy 4 mm i 1-milimetrowym odstępie między warstwami, z użyciem techniki BOLD i wykorzystaniem do prezentacji bodźców metody zblokowanej (w postaci 30-se-kundowych bloków aktywności i odpoczynku). Wyniki przeanalizowano za pomocą programu statystycznego SPM, działającego w środowisku MATLAB, a następnie dokonywano interpretacji uzyskanych danych za pomocą map kodowanych kolorami nałożonych na obrazy strukturalne. Wyniki Stwierdzono obszary wzmożonej aktywności neuronalnej dla każdej przygotowanej próby. Dla każdego zadania/funkcji mowy zaobserwowano aktywację w innej, specyficznej okolicy. Wnioski Ponieważ dysfunkcje w zakresie różnych aspektów mowy mogą prowadzić do zaburzenia słownego komunikowania się, a w świetle danych z piśmiennictwa można sądzić, że analizie poddawana jest na ogół jedynie czynność nadawania mowy, otrzymane wyniki wydają się interesujące, a badania warte kontynuowania