54 research outputs found


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    Cezary Kulesza - Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuAndrzej Sakowicz -Uniwersytet w Białymstok

    O manual de Comenius para a educação maternal da infância

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    As pastor of the Moravian Brothers community in exile, Comenius necessarily applied himself to the care of children, when he noted the importance of adequate preparation of the people involved in this task. Then, he decided to write a manual, later called The School of Infancy (1633), dedicated to parents and caregivers of children from zero to six years old. In this article, after situating the context in which this work was produced, a description of the manual is made, commenting on the passages we consider most significant, either due to their timeliness or due to their importance for understanding the Comenian pedagogical proposal in general. We argue that reading the manual vis-à-vis with other works by Comenius greatly enriches our understanding of the development of his thinking about the educational phenomenon, especially considering that the definitive edition of his manual is contemporary with his most important pedagogical production. Themes only suggested in the manual are extensively dealt with in later works, superficially pointed questions are deepened and essential principles of Comenius' theoretical formulation about education are exposed with meridian clarity in the manual. Finally, in the light of the influence of Comenius' thought on the history of modern education, a discussion is made based on the iconography around representations, referenced in Comenian historiography, of the educator / educated relationship.Como pastor de la comunidad de Hermanos Moravos en el exilio, Comenio se dedicó necesariamente al cuidado de los niños, cuando señaló la importancia de una preparación adecuada para las personas involucradas en esta tarea. Luego decidió escribir un manual, más tarde llamado La Escuela de la Infancia (1633), dedicado a los padres y a los cuidadores de niños de cero a seis años. En este artículo, después de situar el contexto en el que se produjo este trabajo, se realiza una descripción del manual, comentando los pasajes que consideramos más significativos, ya sea por su actualidad o por su importancia para comprender la propuesta pedagógica comeniana en general. Sostenemos que leer el manual frente a otras obras de Comenio enriquece enormemente nuestra comprensión del desarrollo de su pensamiento sobre el fenómeno educativo, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que la edición definitiva de su manual es contemporánea con su producción pedagógica más importante. Los temas que solo se sugieren en el manual se abordan ampliamente en trabajos posteriores, los problemas planteados superficialmente se profundizan y los principios esenciales de la formulación teórica de Comenio sobre la educación se exponen con claridad en el manual. Finalmente, a la luz de la influencia del pensamiento de Comenio en la historia de la educación moderna, se realiza una discusión basada en la iconografía en torno a las representaciones, referenciadas en la historiografía comeniana, de la relación educador / educando.Como pastor da comunidade dos Irmãos Morávios no exílio, Comenius aplicou-se necessariamente ao cuidado de crianças, ocasião em que observou a importância de uma preparação adequada das pessoas envolvidas nessa tarefa. Resolveu então escrever um manual, posteriormente denominado por ele A Escola da Infância (1633), dedicado aos pais e cuidadores de crianças de zero a seis anos de idade. Neste artigo, após situar o contexto no qual essa obra foi produzida, é feita uma descrição do manual comentando os trechos que consideramos mais significativos, seja devido à sua atualidade, seja devido à sua importância para a compreensão da proposta pedagógica comeniana em geral. Argumentamos que a leitura do manual vis-à-vis com outras obras de Comenius enriquece sobremaneira nossa compreensão do desenvolvimento de seu pensamento acerca do fenômeno educativo, ainda mais tendo em conta que a edição definitiva do seu manual é contemporânea de sua produção pedagógica mais importante. Temas apenas sugeridos no manual são extensamente tratados em obras posteriores, questões superficialmente apontadas são aprofundadas e princípios essenciais da formulação teórica de Comenius acerca da educação são expostos com clareza meridiana no manual. Finalmente, à luz da influência do pensamento de Comenius na história da educação moderna, é feita uma discussão com base na iconografia em torno das representações, referenciadas na historiografia comeniana, da relação pedagógica educador / educando

    Eastern, Western, cosmopolitan – the influence of the multiethnic and mulitidenominational cultural heritage on the cultural landscape of Central Poland

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    The landscape of Central Poland is marked by multinational, multidenominational and multicultural relations. It is in this area, as in Lower Silesia and the former Eastern Borderlands, that the existence of Poles, Germans, Jews, Czechs, and many other nations coincided. They lived side by side in Łódź, but also in other cities of the current province, without any greater conflicts, creating their own ‘small homelands’, at the same time leaving a unique mark of their presence, which speaks to the people of today with the power of its expression and architectural beauty of its buildings, the reverie of its cemeteries, the solemnity of the places of worship, the calm of its parks and the tumult of its streets. The German element, both Protestant and Catholic was the most expansive one, especially in the newly-formed industrial cities. The Germans were a well- -organised community with well-functioning institutions and organisations (crafts, social, athletic) and vibrant social institutions (Budziarek 2003, p. 84). Many of them underwent Polonisation and became loyal to their new Polish homeland, for which they suffered painful losses during the occupation, as was the case with the Geyer family. It is also needless to explain how much of a loss, not only for the Central Polish cities, the extermination of the Jewish population was. We have to bear in mind, that it made a huge contribution into the development of industrial cities, first by creating the financial capital, then also the industrial one and, finally, significantly strengthening the largely Polonised intelligentsia. It also left a significant, lasting mark on the cultural landscape of the cities, leaving behind numerous beautiful buildings that they owned or designed. Unfortunately, not many of the diverse objects created by the Jewish minority are left in the contemporary cultural landscape of Central Poland. Factory and residential buildings (tenements, palaces) are the best preserved, while places of worship are the most neglected. After World War II, many of them changed their purpose, some were converted and adapted for new functions, while others fell in disrepair. Representatives of the two other nations, i.e. Poles and Russians, as well as of several smaller nations, whose material contribution was not as significant (but creatively very important!), jointly created the face of the cities of Central Poland. The cities, one might say, that belonged to at least four cultures. Although World War II destroyed this common heritage, the multiethnic and multidenominational traditions of Central Poland, with their lasting monuments of material and spiritual culture, have remained to a bigger or lesser extent, depending on their location. We should keep in mind that those cities were built by people that differed a lot, but were able to communicate and work together regardless of these differences, thus creating a cultural landscape of local centres that was unique among other cities. The degree of architectural and spatial transformation in the region, almost without exception bears the hallmarks of a degradation of a traditional cultural environment. This phenomenon, in addition to the spreading of worthless architectural trends known all over the country, also includes spatial chaos, which is also aggravated by the unsupervised expansion of holiday construction. That is why certain legal forms of protection aimed at counteracting these processes should be strictly observed. The need of observing them is evidenced by the sad data that we partially quoted here. Otherwise, a number of objects attesting to multicultural character of this region will soon be found exclusively in illustrations

    Projektowanie i optymalizacja systemów telekomunikacyjnych dla rozproszonej grupy farm fotowoltaicznych o mocy 1MW w Polsce

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    TFG (en Polonia conocido como "Bachelor of Engineering Thesis") del alumno Witold Bąk en su universidad de origen, la Lodz University of Technology. El alumno fue previamente alumno Erasmus en la Universidad de Alicante. El TFG ha sido cotutorizado por profesores de ambas universidades y ha sido redactado en inglés.After several months of work at I+D Energias, I learned about the construction process of photovoltaic farms in Poland from the perspective of an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) company. I had the opportunity to work with excellent people on various issues related to construction of the photovoltaic farm, mainly for communication needs. We have introduced optimization of farm monitoring & CCTV systems, which reduces costs and improves the quality of systems. The purpose of the project was to detect and define existing problems in communication needs in a scattered group of 109 photovoltaic farms in Poland of 1 MW each (43 for Energija dossier and 66 for Lords dossier). We optimised monitoring and CCTV systems, we improved the solution for the gateway to the Internet, comparing Energija and Lords dossier, and we introduced a new solution for inverter’s architecture for Lords dossier based on PLC technology, more convenient and compatible with Huawei inverters. All the new solutions and specific technologies presented in this thesis made the construction process a photovoltaic farm in Poland cheaper and faster.I+D Energías y Engineering Services Polsk

    Treatment of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease — current status

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    Autosomalnie dominująca wielotorbielowatość nerek (ADKPD) jest najczęstszą genetycznie uwarunkowaną chorobą nerek, występującą z częstością 1:1000 urodzeń. Przyjmuje się, że 10% osób poddanych leczeniu nerkozastępczemu z powodu schyłkowej niewydolności nerek choruje na ADPKD. Celem niniejszej pracy jest omówienie aktualnego stanu wiedzy na temat leczenia i postępowania z chorymi na ADPKD.Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common genetically determined kidney disease, with an incidence of 1:1000 births. 10% of end stage renal disease that require renal replacement therapy is caused by ADPKD. The aim of this paper is to review current status of treatment and management of ADPKD patients

    Natural history of intracranial aneurysms in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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    Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a relatively frequent genetic disorder that is associated with increased prevalence of intracranial aneurysms (IAs). However, evidence on the natural history of IAs in ADPKD is suboptimal. That leads to difficulties in development of recommendations on surveillance on patients with IAs in their medical history, or the need for repeat imaging for IAs in those with a negative result of the initial screening. The aim of the article is to present our experience on the natural history of IAs in ADPKD patients. Material and methods Thirty-four ADPKD patients, managed at our outpatient department, with imaging for intracranial aneurysms performed at least twice, were included into present retrospective analysis. Results Among 8 patients with an IA in their medical history, no new IA was observed during 93 patient-years of follow-up. In 6 patients with untreated, unruptured IAs, IA growth was observed in 2 cases during 32 patient-years of follow-up. Finally, among 20 patients with a negative result of initial screening, 2 new IAs were noticed during 115 patient-years of follow-up, including 1 patient with a positive family history for an IA, and 1 patient without a family history. Conclusions Our observations support repeat imaging for IAs in patients with ADPKD, positive family history of IA, and negative result of initial screening. Additionally, efforts should be made to develop clinical and/or laboratory risk factors for IAs development in ADPKD patients without family history of IA, which enable to identify patients who should undergo repeat imaging for IAs

    miRNA-16 as a predictive factor for intracranial aneurysms in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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    Introduction. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common genetic renal disorder. It leads to multiple extra-renal complications, with intracranial aneurysms (IA) among the most serious. Biological markers could become tools in identifying patients at risk of an IA. MicroRNAs 16 (miR-16) and 25 (miR-25) have been proposed as being markers of IAs in the general population. In the current study, we attempted to discover if they may also be considered markers of IAs in ADPKD. Material and methods. 64 renal transplant recipients with ADPKD were included. After magnetic resonance angiography of the brain, they were divided into a case group (IA+, n = 13) and a control group (IA-, n = 51). Expression of miRNAs in plasma was analysed by qRT-PCR. Results. The expression of miR-16 was higher in the control (IA-) group. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of miR-25 expression. Conclusions and clinical implications. MicroRNA-16 is a potential marker of IAs in renal transplant recipients with ADPKD. It may become a tool to identify patients who should undergo screening for an IA

    Effect of different diurnal blood pressure profiles on severity of the open-angle glaucoma in treated hypertensive patients

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    Wstęp Fizjologiczny spadek ciśnienia systemowego w trakcie snu i efekt hipotensyjny leków może prowadzić do obniżenia perfuzji w naczyniach gałki ocznej i rozwoju neuropatii nerwu wzrokowego. Celem pracy była ocena przepływu krwi w naczyniach gałki ocznej oraz zmian w nerwie wzrokowym u chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym i jaskrą pierwotną otwartego kąta. Materiał i metody Badanie przeprowadzono na grupie 69 chorych z jaskrą i leczonym, kontrolowanym nadciśnieniem tętniczym. U wszystkich chorych przeprowadzano badanie podmiotowe, przedmiotowe i dobowy pomiar ciśnienia tętniczego. W badaniu okulistycznym oceniono grubość włókien nerwowych oraz ubytki w polu widzenia. Wielokrotnie w ciągu doby badano ciśnienie śródgałkowe. W usg-doppler oceniono prędkość skurczową, końcowo- rozkurczową oraz indeks oporu naczyniowego w tętnicach: ocznej, środkowej siatkówki oraz rzęskowych tylnych krótkich. Ze względu na wartość nocnego spadku ciśnienia (NBPF) wydzielono dwie grupy: non-dippers (NBPF ≤ 10%) i dippers (NBPF > 10 %). Wyniki W grupie dippers wykazano istotnie niższe wartości ciśnienia perfuzji, mniejszą grubość włókien nerwowych oraz większy ubytek w polu widzenia. Wykazano istotne statystycznie zależności między przepływem skurczowym, rozkurczowym w tętnicy ocznej i środkowej siatkówki a ciśnieniem perfuzji nocnej, grubością włókien nerwowych i ubytkiem w polu widzenia. Wnioski Spadek nocny ciśnienia powyżej 10% wiąże się z większym ubytkiem pola widzenia i większą degeneracją włókien nerwu wzrokowego, co może wynikać ze zmniejszonej perfuzji w tętnicy ocznej i środkowej siatkówki. Do czynników ryzyka progresji jaskry można zaliczyć zbyt niskie ciśnienie perfuzji w nocy, minimalne ciśnienie rozkurczowe poniżej 45 mm Hg oraz zmniejszenie przepływu krwi w naczyniach gałki ocznej i oczodołu. Wykazane zależności nakazują unikanie nadmiernego obniżania ciśnienia tętniczego u chorych z jaskrą i nadciśnieniem tętniczym i wskazują na konieczność dalszych badań dotyczących określenia docelowych wartości ciśnienia systemowego w tej grupie chorych. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na konieczność wykonywania w tej grupie chorych całodobowego pomiaru ciśnienia tętniczego i określenie wielkości spadku nocnego ciśnienia. Nadciśnienie Tętnicze 2010, tom 14, nr 2, strony 128-141.Background Physiological decrease in systemic blood pressure during sleep and the effect of antihypertensive drugs may lead to reduction in ocular perfusion and development of optic neuropathy. The aim of this study was to assess blood flow in the vessels of the eyeball and changes in the optic nerve among patients with hypertension and primary open-angle glaucoma. Material and methods The study was conducted on a group of 69 patients with glaucoma and treated, controlled hypertension. All patients in the survey have been examined both, subjectively and objectively. Additionally 24-h blood pressure records were taken. During ophthalmologic examination the thickness of the nerve fibers and the visual field defects were assessed. Many times during the day intraocular pressure was studied. The ultrasound-Doppler estimated peak systolic velocity, end-diastolic velocity and vascular resistance index in ophthalmic, central retinal and short posterior ciliary arteries. Because of the value of nocturnal blood pressure fall (NBPF) the patients were divided in two groups: non-dippers (NBPF ≥ 10%) and dippers (NBPF > 10%). Results In the group of dippers perfusion pressure was significantly lower and reduced thickness of the nerve fibers and a greater decrease in the visual field was observed. Statistically significant relationship between peak systolic, end-diastolic flow in ophthalmic and central retinal artery and night perfusion pressure, thickness of nerve fibers, loss in visual field was observed. Conclusion The night blood pressure fall > 10% is connected with more advanced loss in the visual field and greater degeneration of optic nerve fibers which may result from decrease perfusion in ophthalmic and central retinal artery. The risk factors for progression of glaucoma include low night-pressure perfusion, minimal diastolic blood pressure below 45 mm Hg and reduce ocular blood flow. The above presented correlations are shown to avoid excessive drops of blood pressure in patients with glaucoma and arterial hypertension and indicate the necessity of further research on determining the target value of blood pressure in these patients. The results indicate the necessity for this group of patients to perform the ambulatory blood pressure monitoring study and quantify the pressure drop in the night. Arterial Hypertension 2010, vol. 14, no 2, pages 128-141

    The equivalence of high schools to national gymnasium in the first republic: the case of the Diocesan College of Paraiba

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    Since the foundation of the College of Pedro II in 1838 successive legislators tried to take it as a model, not only for the schools of Rio de Janeiro but for the whole Brazilian high school. Gradually the equalization to this institution was the mechanism encountered by the government to make uniform secondary education throughout the country. With the republican laicization, the Catholic Church also begins to consider useful this mechanism to sanction officially the studies in their schools. This work, based in the documentation founded in Brazilian National Archive, focused the institution of definitive equivalence of the Diocesan College of Paraiba to the Gymnasium National in 1908