18 research outputs found

    2nd ANKE Workshop on Strangeness Production in pp and pA Interactions at ANKE

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    The workshop an "Strangeness Production in pp and pA Interactions at ANKE" was held at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) in Gatchina, Russia an June 21/22, 2001. During the workshop the latest experimental data an K+^{+}-meson production in proton-nucleus and elementary proton-proton interactions obtained at the ANKE spectrometer at the proton synchrotron COSY of the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) were intensively discussed. About 25 scientists mostly from Russia and Germany joined the workshop and 20 talks were presented. This booklet contains copies of the transparencies shown during the workshop as well as short summaries of each talk. These presentations focussed an yet unpublished data from ANKE which are still under analysis. For completeness and in order to give the reader an overview about the accomplished results from ANKE, also copies of already published articles are supplied as the first section of these proceedings. The outstanding result up to now is the measurement of deep-subthreshold K+^{+} production in proton carbon collisions. These data reveal a high degree of collectivity in the target nuclei. The workshop benefitted greatly from financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)1^{1} , the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)2^{2}, the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (RFFI)3^{3} and the board of management of the FZJ which is gratefully acknowledged. Last but not least we would like to thank the local organizers, Dr. V. Koptev and colleagues, for the technical organization of the meeting. We enjoyed very much the hospitality at PNPI which led to a stimulating atmosphere with extremely lively and fruitful discussions

    „Verfahren zur Bestimmung einer Ankunftszeit eines eine physikalische Meßgröße repräsentierenden, digitalisierten Signalpulses, Auswerteeinheit, Vorrichtung, Auswertsystem und Strahlendetektionssystem"

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    Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung einer Ankunftszeit (t) eines eine physikalische Messgröße repräsentierenden, digitalisierten Signalpulses (P), wobei- bestimmt wird, welche Form die steigende Flanke (F) des Signalpulses (P) aufweist, wobei die Form ausgewählt wird aus der Gruppe umfassend- einen zumindest im Wesentlichen linearen Anstieg,- einen nichtlinearen Anstieg ohne Wendepunkt (pi) und- einen S-ähnlichen nichtlinearen Anstieg mit wenigstens einem Wendepunkt (pi),- in allen drei Fällen eine Differenz zwischen dem Zeitpunkt (t) des ersten Abtastpunktes (s) des Signalpulses (P) und der Ankunftszeit (t) des Signalpulses (P) berechnet wird über die Gleichung- unter Berücksichtigung des erhaltenen Wertes für Δt die Ankunftszeit (t) des Signalpulses (P) berechnet wird.Darüber hinaus betrifft die Erfindung eine Auswerteeinheit und eine Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung einer Ankunftszeit von eine physikalische Messgröße repräsentierenden Signalpulsen, ein Auswertesystem und ein Strahlendetektionssystem

    Sophisticated Online Analysis in ADC Boards

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    For the readout of the calorimeter of the WASA at COSY experiment a QDC board using sampling ADCs and FPGAs to perform the pulse integration was developed. In the initial version only a simple pulse finding algorithm was implemented in order to avoid delay cables by storing the digitized signals in a pipeline of a few microseconds. Recently a new version with 16 ADCs at a sample rate of 240 MHz and 12 Bit resolution was developed for tests of cylindrical drift chambers (straw tubes) in the Straw Tube Tracker of the PANDA experiment. The goal was to measure the energy loss by charge readout in addition to drift time measurement. Due to the irregular cluster structure of the straw signals complex algorithms for pulse finding, pulse feature extraction and triggering were implemented. The algorithm can detect pile up and find pulse groups. Integration is possible over single pulses and over complete groups. Different methods for the calculation of starting time, including constant fraction, are implemented. Internal trigger generation depends on various criteria, e.g. slew rate, amplitude or sum of consecutive samples

    A large area efficient trigger scintillator with SiPM read out

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    A large area plastic scintillator detector system with SiPM read out has been prepared in order to improve the trigger selectivity for reaction studies induced by an intense proton beam with a beam momentum of several GeV/c. The system consists of six trapezoidal modules, each with three plastic scintillator elements that are each equipped with 12 SiPMs. The detection of a charged particle is based on registering coincident signals in several SiPMs. By requiring a signal on at least two of the SiPMs, the noise rate is negligible and a detection efficiency close to 100% is achieved

    Investigation of an ADC Based Signal Processing and Design of an ATCA Data Acquisition System Unit for the Straw Tube Tracker at PANDA

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    The PANDA (AntiProton Annihilations at Darmstadt) experiment at FAIR facility investigates antiproton-proton annihilations and the nature of the strong interaction. The central Straw Tube Tracker (STT) at PANDA consists of over 4600 single straw tubes, each with a length of 140 cm and a diameter of 1 cm. The expected particle rate is up to about 1 MHz per straw tube which could lead to a data rate up to 20 GByte/s. Our group at Forschungszentrum Juelich exploits the large experience with straw tubes, the DAQ system and signal processing at WASA at COSY, COSY-TOF detector. Using the actual ADC based hardware for pulse analysis and test of new signal processing algorithms, we develop a new DAQ architecture for PANDA STT that fulfills requirements for time and energy resolution, providing at the same time additional processing features: event building, filtering and track reconstruction. This system involves more data for processing than that one currently used at COSY, and gives new possibilities to reject irrelevant events. To build such a system an appropriate platform with a high hardware integration level and full mesh interconnection is needed

    ADC based signal processing for the Straw Tube Tracker at PANDA

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    Test-beam studies in terms of parameters and system architecture definition were carried out. We present the technique allowing step by step integration of on-FPGA real time processing dependent on neighboring straw data from low level up to fully track reconstruction with self-triggering feature

    FADC Readout Option

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    Using the actual ADC based hardware for pulse analysis and test of new signal processing algorithms, we develop a new DAQ architecture for PANDA STT that fulfills requirements for time and energy resolution, providing at the same time additional processing features: event building, filtering and track reconstruction. This system involves more data for processing than that one currently used at COSY, and gives new possibilities to reject irrelevant events