15 research outputs found

    Denaturants or Cosolvents Improve the Specificity of PCR Amplification of a G + C-Rich DNA Using Genetically Engineered DNA Polymerases

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    We describe conditions that improve the specificity of amplification of a G + C-rich (57% G + C) DNA by PCR. Under standard conditions a 368-bp segment of the approx. 2.1-kb repeat unit of a satellite DNA that accounts for approx. 3% of the genome of the Bermuda land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, was not amplified specifically. To establish optimal conditions for amplification of the segment of the G + C-rich satellite, we used two genetically engineered enzymes, AmpliTaq DNA polymerase and AmpliTaq DNA polymerase. Stoffel fragment (SF), and a number of denaturants or co-solvents. In the absence of denaturants or co-solvents, amplified products of both enzymes contained non-specific bands upon gel electrophoresis. Addition of certain denaturants or co-solvents to PCR mixtures resulted in the production of the single specific band of the expected size. Reagents that improved specificity of the amplified product were formamide, glycerol, DMSO, Tween-20 and NP-40; on the other hand, urea, ethanol and 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) inhibited amplification. Of the two enzymes, SF was more specific and efficient. The products of AmpliTaq DNA polymerase included one or more extra bands, even in the presence of denaturants or co-solvents, except for glycerol or DMSO

    Cytoplasmic Localization of Transcripts of a Complex G+C-Rich Crab Satellite DNA

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    The primary sequence and higher order structures of a G+C-rich satellite DNA of the Bermuda land crab Gecarcinus lateralis have been described previously. The repeat unit of the satellite is approximately 2.1 kb. In exploring a possible function for this satellite, we asked whether it is transcribed. As a probe for transcripts, we used a segment of DNA amplified from a 368 bp EcoRI fragment from the very highly conserved 3′ end of the satellite DNA. During polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, the probe was simultaneously either radiolabeled or biotinylated. Tissue- and stage-specific transcripts were observed when blots of poly(A)+ mRNAs recovered from polysomes isolated from crab tissues [including midgut gland (hepatopancreas), limb bud, and claw muscle] were probed with the satellite DNA fragment. The presence of satellite transcripts in polysomal mRNAs is strong evidence that the transcripts had reached the cytoplasm. To corroborate the presence of transcripts in the cytoplasm, we investigated in situ hybridization of satellite probes with RNAs in tissue sections. Biotinylated satellite DNA probes were applied to sections of midgut gland, limb bud papilla, ovary, or testis of anecdysial crabs. Retention of RNAs in tissue sections was improved by UV-irradiation prior to hybridization. Transcripts were abundant in the cytoplasm of all tissues except testis. Sections of crab midgut gland treated with RNase A prior to hybridization and sections of mouse pancreatic tumor served as controls; neither showed any signals with the probe

    Deletion of beaded filament proteins or the C-terminal end of Aquaporin 0 causes analogous abnormal distortion aberrations in mouse lens

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    Lens-specific beaded filament (BF) proteins CP49 and filensin interact with the C-terminus of the water channel protein Aquaporin 0 (AQP0). Previously we have reported that a C-terminally end-deleted AQP0-expressing transgenic mouse model AQP0ΔC/ΔC developed abnormal optical aberrations in the lens. This investigation was undertaken to find out whether the total loss of the BF structural proteins alter the optical properties of the lens and cause optical aberrations similar to those in AQP0ΔC/ΔC lenses; also, to map the changes in the optical quality as a function of age in the single or double BF protein knockouts as well as to assess whether there is any significant change in the water channel function of AQP0 in these knockouts. A double knockout mouse (2xKO) model for CP49 and filensin was developed by crossing CP49-KO and filensin-KO mice. Wild type, CP49-KO, filensin-KO, and 2xKO lenses at different ages, and AQP0ΔC/ΔC lenses at postnatal day-17 were imaged through the optical axis and compared for optical quality and focusing property. All three knockout models showed loss of transparency, and development of abnormal optical distortion aberration similar to that in AQP0ΔC/ΔC. Copper grid focusing by the lenses at 6, 9 and 12 months of age showed an increase in aberrations as age advanced. With progression in age, the grid images produced by the lenses of all KO models showed a transition from a positive barrel distortion aberration to a pincushion distortion aberration with the formation of three distinct aberration zones similar to those produced by AQP0ΔC/ΔC lenses. Water permeability of fiber cell membrane vesicles prepared from CP49-KO, filensin-KO and 2xKO models, measured using the osmotic shrinking method, remained similar to that of the wild type without any statistically significant alteration (P > 0.05). Western blotting and quantification revealed the expression of comparable quantities of AQP0 in all three BF protein KOs. Our study reveals that loss of single or both beaded filament proteins significantly affect lens refractive index gradient, transparency and focusing ability in an age-dependent manner and the interaction of BF proteins with AQP0 is critical for the proper functioning of the lens. The presence of BF proteins is necessary to prevent abnormal optical aberrations and maintain homeostasis in the aging lens

    Assessing Corneal Endothelial Damage Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy and Support Vector Machines

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    The endothelial layer of the cornea plays a critical role in regulating its hydration by actively controlling fluid intake in the tissue via transporting the excess fluid out to the aqueous humor. A damaged corneal endothelial layer leads to perturbations in tissue hydration and edema, which can impact corneal transparency and visual acuity. We utilized a non-contact terahertz (THz) scanner designed for imaging spherical targets to discriminate between ex vivo corneal samples with intact and damaged endothelial layers. To create varying grades of corneal edema, the intraocular pressures of the whole porcine eye globe samples (n = 19) were increased to either 25, 35 or 45 mmHg for 4 h before returning to normal pressure levels at 15 mmHg for the remaining 4 h. Changes in tissue hydration were assessed by differences in spectral slopes between 0.4 and 0.8 THz. Our results indicate that the THz response of the corneal samples can vary according to the differences in the endothelial cell density, as determined by SEM imaging. We show that this spectroscopic difference is statistically significant and can be used to assess the intactness of the endothelial layer. These results demonstrate that THz can noninvasively assess the corneal endothelium and provide valuable complimentary information for the study and diagnosis of corneal diseases that perturb the tissue hydration

    Role of Aquaporin 0 in lens biomechanics

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    Maintenance of proper biomechanics of the eye lens is important for its structural integrity and for the process of accommodation to focus near and far objects. Several studies have shown that specialized cytoskeletal systems such as the beaded filament (BF) and spectrin-actin networks contribute to mammalian lens biomechanics; mutations or deletion in these proteins alters lens biomechanics. Aquaporin 0 (AQP0), which constitutes ∼45% of the total membrane proteins of lens fiber cells, has been shown to function as a water channel and a structural cell-to-cell adhesion (CTCA) protein. Our recent ex vivo study on AQP0 knockout (AQP0 KO) mouse lenses showed the CTCA function of AQP0 could be crucial for establishing the refractive index gradient. However, biomechanical studies on the role of AQP0 are lacking. The present investigation used wild type (WT), AQP5 KO (AQP5(-/-)), AQP0 KO (heterozygous KO: AQP0(+/-); homozygous KO: AQP0(-/-); all in C57BL/6J) and WT-FVB/N mouse lenses to learn more about the role of fiber cell AQPs in lens biomechanics. Electron microscopic images exhibited decreases in lens fiber cell compaction and increases in extracellular space due to deletion of even one allele of AQP0. Biomechanical assay revealed that loss of one or both alleles of AQP0 caused a significant reduction in the compressive load-bearing capacity of the lenses compared to WT lenses. Conversely, loss of AQP5 did not alter the lens load-bearing ability. Compressive load-bearing at the suture area of AQP0(+/-) lenses showed easy separation while WT lens suture remained intact. These data from KO mouse lenses in conjunction with previous studies on lens-specific BF proteins (CP49 and filensin) suggest that AQP0 and BF proteins could act co-operatively in establishing normal lens biomechanics. We hypothesize that AQP0, with its prolific expression at the fiber cell membrane, could provide anchorage for cytoskeletal structures like BFs and together they help to confer fiber cell shape, architecture and integrity. To our knowledge, this is the first report identifying the involvement of an aquaporin in lens biomechanics. Since accommodation is required in human lenses for proper focusing, alteration in the adhesion and/or water channel functions of AQP0 could contribute to presbyopia