183 research outputs found

    Creating a Prototype of the Information-Analytical System of Rating Countries in the Field of AML/CFT for Compliance with 40 FATF Recommendations

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    The article provides an example of implementing the cluster analysis algorithm for an information and analytical system in order to identify various patterns in the participating countries, basing on the process of assessing the effectiveness and technical compliance of the FATF member countries and FATF-style regional groups.Keywords: FATF, information and analytical system, FATF recommendations, efficiency evaluation, technical conformity assessment, cluster analysis, data mining

    Соціально-побутові умови населення Рівненської області та їх вплив на стан здоров'я респондентів (Social and living conditions of the Rivne region and their impact on the health of respondents)

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    Збереження здоров’я та життя людини є і повинно залишатись головною мстою національної безпеки будь-якої країни, через це система спостереження, аналізу, оцінки і прогнозу стану здоров'я населення та середовища життєдіяльності людини, а також виявлення причинно- наиіідкових зв'язків між станом здоров'я населення та впливом на нього фикторін середовища життєдіяльності людини відноситься до пріоритетних базових складових національної безпеки України та потребує якнайшвидшого впровадження на державному(націонапьному), регіональному та місцевому рівні. В зв’язку з чим, Державною санітарно- епідеміологічною службою України розпочато напрацювання та впровадження заходів передбачених постановою Кабінету Міністрів України № 182 від 22.02.2006р. “ Про затвердження Порядку проведення державного соціально-гігієнічного моніторингу”. І !а даний час у вітчизняній та зарубіжній літературі накопичилася чисельна інформація щодо впливу несприятливих факторів оточуючого середовища на здоров'я людини. З них найбільш глибоко вивчено вплив забруднення атмосферного повітря, виявлено несприятливий вплив на здоров'я населення хімічного забруднення питної води, харчових продуктів. В спеціальній літературі широко висвітлюються питання щодо впливу на здоров'я людини різних чинників фізичної природи, таких як радіація, шум, вібрація, електромагнітні поля тощо. Але всі ці наслідки встановлені переважно на мешканцях крупних промислових центрів. І екологічний стан та здоров’я населення сільської місцевості вивчаються мало і це вивчення в основному зв’язано з наслідками Чорнобильської катастрофи. І якщо рівень забруднення довкілля радіоактивними чинниками потерпілих територій вивчений добре, то хімічне та мікробіологічне забруднення довкілля, а також соціально-гігієнічні аспекти в сільській місцевості країни вивчені недостатньо, незважаючи нате, що мешканці села складають 38% в складі населення України. Вказане свідчить про недостатню увагу проблемі гігієни села. На сьогоднішній день недостатньо приділяється уваги і вивченню здоров'я та соціально-побутових умов сільського населення та заходам щодо його поліпшення. Все це, а також відсутність науково-обгрунтованої системи проведення моніторингу здоров'я сільського населення України і обумовили актуальність і значимість запланованих досліджень, які проводились спеціалістами районних та обласної СЕС у вигляді опитування за спеціальною програмою вивчення життя, здоров’я та медичної допомоги населенню України, яке пос траждало від наслідків аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС. (The social-hygienic collection is prepared for the implementation of measures for the implementation of the system of state social and hygienic monitoring and is one of a series of publications on the study of patterns of formation of health status of rural population under the influence of environmental factors (for example, Rivne region). The collection was prepared by experts of Rivne region sanitary station on the materials of social-hygienic research (questioning) carried out by specialists of territorial sanitary-epidemiological stations.

    Hox gene expression during postlarval development of the polychaete Alitta virens

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    BACKGROUND: Hox genes are the family of transcription factors that play a key role in the patterning of the anterior-posterior axis of all bilaterian animals. These genes display clustered organization and colinear expression. Expression boundaries of individual Hox genes usually correspond with morphological boundaries of the body. Previously, we studied Hox gene expression during larval development of the polychaete Alitta virens (formerly Nereis virens) and discovered that Hox genes are expressed in nereid larva according to the spatial colinearity principle. Adult Alitta virens consist of multiple morphologically similar segments, which are formed sequentially in the growth zone. Since the worm grows for most of its life, postlarval segments constantly change their position along the anterior-posterior axis. RESULTS: We studied the expression dynamics of the Hox cluster during postlarval development of the nereid Alitta virens and found that 8 out of 11 Hox genes are transcribed as wide gene-specific gradients in the ventral nerve cord, ectoderm, and mesoderm. The expression domains constantly shift in accordance with the changing proportions of the growing worm, so expression domains of most Hox genes do not have stable anterior or/and posterior boundaries. In the course of our study, we revealed long antisense RNA (asRNA) for some Hox genes. Expression patterns of two of these genes were analyzed using whole-mount in-situ hybridization. This is the first discovery of antisense RNA for Hox genes in Lophotrochozoa. CONCLUSION: Hox gene expression in juvenile A. virens differs significantly from Hox gene expression patterns both in A. virens larva and in other Bilateria. We suppose that the postlarval function of the Hox genes in this polychaete is to establish and maintain positional coordinates in a constantly growing body, as opposed to creating morphological difference between segments

    Issue activity of subjects of the russian federation and municipalities: Tendencies of the beginning of the XXI century

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article is devoted to research of practice of issue of the state securities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and securities of municipalities during the period from 2000 to 2014. The work purpose – research of dynamics of issue activity of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities, definition of the tendencies which have developed for the analyzed period in issue activity. The group of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation - issuers of the state bonds on the degree of investment activity was carried out, the directions of use of means from issue of bonds are allocated. Besides, suggestions for improvement of practice of the issue activity of regional and municipal authorities are made


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    Purpose: The aim of the research is to identify social interaction of large businesses as a security condition of its operation and development in the northern region. Methodology: This is descriptive-analytic research whose data are obtained through library studies and analytical resources. Data analysis is based on content analysis and analytical comparison. Result: Results showed that to improve the safety of large businesses in the Northern region continuous socially-oriented activities aimed at improving the quality of life of the population of the region of presence with the support of various social initiatives in the region of presence are required. Applications: This research can be used for businessmen and developers. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of social interaction of large businesses is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Amaranth oil application for coronary heart disease and hypertension

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the Nation's leading killer for both men and women among all racial and ethnic groups. Development and progression of CVD is linked to the presence of risk factors such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes mellitus. It is known that cholesterol is an indicator of increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Low-density cholesterol (LDL) above 130 mg/dl high-density cholesterol (HDL) cholesterol below 35 mg/dl and total blood cholesterol above 200 mg/dl are indicators of problematic cholesterol. Proper ranges of cholesterol are important in the prevention of CVD. It has been suggested that a reduction in the consumption of saturated and an increase in unsaturated fatty acids is beneficial and prevents CVD. Amaranth grain contains tocotrienols and squalene compounds, which are known to affect cholesterol biosynthesis. The cholesterol precursors squalene, lanosterol and other methyl sterols, reflect cholesterol synthesis [1-3], whereas plant sterols and cholestanol, a metabolite of cholesterol, reflect the efficiency of cholesterol absorption in normal and hyperlipidemic populations [4-6]. Qureshi with co-authors [7] showed that feeding of chickens with amaranth oil decreases blood cholesterol levels, which are supported by the work of others [8]. Previously, we have shown that Amaranth oil modulates the cell membrane fluidity [9] and stabilized membranes that could be one reason as to why it is beneficial to those who consume it. It is known that in hypertension, the cell membrane is defective and hence, the movement of the Na and K ions across the cell membranes could defective that could contribute to the development of increase in blood pressure. Based on these properties of amaranth oil we hypothesize that it could be of significant benefit for patients with CVD

    Digitalization of public governance in the EAEU countries

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    Various aspects of digitalization of public administration in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union are considered. It is noted that digitalization is spontaneous and comprehensive, and also affects almost all spheres of public relations, including the system of public administration. In this regard, there is a need to develop a joint interstate policy in the field of institutionalization of the processes of digitalization of society. Digitalization is defined as a set of digital transformation of the processes of economic entities and the creation of digital products and services, and not just as digitization - the transfer of data from analog form to digital. In turn, the definition of the term “public administration” can be formulated as a set of mechanisms, processes, relationships and institutions through which citizens of the state, their associations express their interests, exercise their rights and obligations and settle differences. The analysis of the practice of institutionalization of the processes of digitalization of public administration demonstrates the fact that the main regulatory norms and practices in this sphere are fixed within the framework of national target programs.This article analyses the program and target documents of all the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, affecting the digitalization regulation processes, the need to institutionalize the processes of digitalization of government and society, as well as the introduction of modern technologies in the practice of public administration. At the same time, the common element of all strategies, concepts and programs is only the digitalization of the process of providing public services, and the other parameters of the target documents are largely different. In this regard, it is required to form a unified model of digitalization of public administration of the Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of a unified strategy


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    The complexity of the adipogenesis mechanism results from the impact of multiple cues, among which an important place is held by the components of the Wnt signaling pathway. The search for potential markers of the development of diseases related to obesity aroused an interest in the study of GSK-3 (glycogen synthase kinase), β-catenin. GSK-3β is an intracellular serine / threonine kinase found in the cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, synthesized in all body tissues and involved in regulating metabolic processes, cell proliferation, apoptosis etc. The first of the discovered functions of GSK-3β was the regulation of glycogen synthesis. Active GSK-3β phosphorylates and thereby inhibits glycogen synthase. As a result of the insulin binding to the cell receptor via inositol-3-phosphate, protein kinase B (Akt1) is activated, which, in turn, phosphorylates and inhibits GSK-3β. In addition, GSK-3β is involved in the regulating glucose metabolism. The most important function of GSK-3β is the inhibition of the β-catenin protein. In a resting cell, GSK-3β in complex with the APC and Axin proteins binds and phosphorylates the β-catenin transcription factor, which leads to its ubiquitination and degradation. When Wnt proteins act on the cell, the Dvl protein is activated, which, by binding to GSK-3β, releases β-catenin, preventing its degradation, however, the role of GSK3α/β in the adipocyte inflammatory response has not yet been fully investigated, therefore it seems promising to study the role of GSK-3 in the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in obesityThe aim of the study was to assess the activity of the components of the Wnt signaling pathway in obese patients by measuring the serum level of GSK-3 and β-catenin. There were enrolled 32 patients with progressive forms of I-III degree obesity in the absence of diabetes mellitus. The concentration of serum GSK-3α, GSK-3β, and β-catenin was measured by enzyme-linked immunoassay. Data are presented as absolute and relative (%) number of patients; arithmetic mean; medians, 1 and 3 quartiles – Ме (Q0.25-Q0.75). Obese patients contained a 7.5-fold increased serum level of GSK-3α (785 (371-1317.5) pg/ml) compared to healthy individuals 105 (102.5-110) pg/ml, (p < 0.001), paralleled with increased amount of GSK-3β, which level in obese patients was 295 (190-695) pg/ml, which is by 18.3% higher than those in healthy individuals 241 (218.75-287.5) pg/ml, p = 0.111. Amount of GSK-3 depending on the degree of obesity tended to increase, most often coupled to decreased β-catenin level which is consistent with the literature data and can be considered as a prognostic criterion for the course of pathological processes in obesity

    Bacterial formate dehydrogenase. Increasing the enzyme thermal stability by hydrophobization of alpha-helices

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    AbstractNAD+-dependent formate dehydrogenase (EC, FDH) from methylotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas sp.101 exhibits the highest stability among the similar type enzymes studied. To obtain further increase in the thermal stability of FDH we used one of general approaches based on hydrophobization of protein α-helices. Five serine residues in positions 131, 160, 168, 184 and 228 were selected for mutagenesis on the basis of (i) comparative studies of nine FDH amino acid sequences from different sources and (ii) with the analysis of the ternary structure of the enzyme from Pseudomonas sp.101. Residues Ser-131 and Ser-160 were replaced by Ala, Val and Leu. Residues Ser-168, Ser-184 and Ser-228 were changed into Ala. Only Ser/Ala mutations in positions 131, 160, 184 and 228 resulted in an increase of the FDH stability. Mutant S168A was 1.7 times less stable than the wild-type FDH. Double mutants S(131,160)A and S(184,228)A and the four-point mutant S(131,160,184,228)A were also prepared and studied. All FDH mutants with a positive stabilization effect had the same kinetic parameters as wild-type enzyme. Depending on the position of the replaced residue, the single point mutation Ser/Ala increased the FDH stability by 5–24%. Combination of mutations shows near additive effect of each mutation to the total FDH stabilization. Four-point mutant S(131,160,184,228)A FDH had 1.5 times higher thermal stability compared to the wild-type enzyme


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    Українське Полісся — специфічний регіон з особливими умовами прояву негативних наслідків Чорнобильської катастрофи. Саме тут поширені ґрунти, в яких ,37Сз набуває більшої біодоступності, тому критичними для життєдіяльності можуть стати території з порівняно помірними (близько 40 кБк м'2) рівнями забруднення цього радіонукліда, особливу увагу привертають шість забрудне'них поліських районів Рівненської області. (To elucidate the factors influencing perception of radiation risk in people in Ukraine we conducted a survey using self-administered questionnaire consisting of 37 questions including 5 questions about radiation contamination of their living places and foodstuffs, and 9 questions about radiation and risk. The subjects were high school or university students and their parents living in Rivne city and region. The survey was carried out in randomly selected high schools and universities. The study represents high school pupils and students aged 15 and older who permanently reside in Rivne region. In this survey area we distributed 550 questionnaires to students and their parents, respectively. A total of 91% students responded to the questionnaire, while in parents only 83% responded. Results of the questionnaire poll among schoolchildren, students and their parents in Rivne region are described in relation to their attitude to the consequences of Chornobyl accident and their attitude to nuclear energy and its development in Ukraine. Although more than 25 years have elapsed since the Chernobyl accident occurred most Ukrainian people showed a fear of the Chernobyl accident. For most people radiation and nuclear energy is the reason of various illnesses, genetic diseases, and cancer. Perception by young people and their parents of consequences of Chernobyl accident is practically identical. However young people estimate development of nuclear industry more optimistically. The overstatement of radiological consequences of Chernobyl accident strengthens radioanxiety in population for their health. This stress factor is more harmful than insignificant accidental doses. In addition, forming of public opinion is carried out by public ecological organizations which resist building of new NPP units. So attitude toward nuclear energy and to the nuclear industry remains sufficiently negative.