215 research outputs found


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    Goal: The study aims to assess the level of development of the information society in the regions of Russia. The use of digital technology is gaining relevance in many areas and dramatically simplifies the life of a modern person. This has become the basis for the formation of the information society, in which information and digital technology contribute to the emergence of qualitatively novel socio-economic conditions of life. The study of the information society is carried out mainly with regard to each state, while the study of its formation and development in individual regions of the country remains less researched. In this connection, the present study attempts to examine the dynamics of the development of the information society in various regions of Russia. Methods: The study is based on the mathematical method of calculating normalized indicators, the calculation of integral scores, the ranking and comparative analysis of data, and the method of classification. The information society in the selected regions of Russia is examined in terms of the dynamics of change, the status of its individual aspects, and the overall level of development achieved. Results: The results of the assessment and comparative analysis lead to the following conclusions. The development of the information society in each region of Russia has its own specifics. It is extremely difficult to identify common universal trends or patterns of its development in different constituent entities of Russia. Conclusion: In this context, of particular relevance is the development of a regional, rather than national, digitalization policy. The main directions for a regional policy should be determined in accordance with the peculiarities of the dynamics of information society development in the specific socio-cultural and economic environment of the region. Furthermore, it is crucial to consider the key issues and overall state of the region's information society achieved to date compared to other territories

    П'ята міжнародна наукова-практична конференція «Комп’ютерне моделювання в хімії і технологіях та системах сталого розвитку»

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    В роботі проведено аналіз існуючих моделей процесу отримання біодизельного палива. Обрано математичну модель кінетики переестерифікації рослинних відпрацьованих олій. Реалізовано програмний модуль для проведення розрахунків за моделлю.The analysis of existing models of the process of biofuel production was carried out. The mathematical model of kinetics of the transesterification process of the vegetable used oils was chosen. The software module for calculation by the model was implemented.В работе проведен анализ существующих моделей процесса получения биодизельного топлива. Выбрано математическую модель кинетики переэстерификации растительных отработанных масел. Реализовано программный модуль для проведения расчетов по модели

    Content of biologically active substances in the raw materials of some Siberian Saussurea species

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    This paper focuses on the chemical composition of five Siberian Saussurea species: S. frolowii, S. controversa, S. latifolia, S. parviflora and S. salicifolia. Four groups of substances were found in dry mass of these plants: phenolic compounds (flavonoids, tannins), carotenoids, pectins and saponins. Quantitative spectrophotometric analysis revealed a high content of flavonoids, catechins, tannins, carotenoids and saponins in some samples. Leaves of S. parviflora and S. latifoliacontain high contents of flavonoids (greater than 3.2 %). The greatest amount of catechins accumulates in the leaves of S. parviflora and S. frolowii. Due to the high content of tannins S. parviflora and S. latifoliaare noteworthy. Leaves of S. parvifloraand S. latifolia accumulate a particularly large number of carotenoids. Leaves of S. parviflora and S. controversaare particularly rich in saponins. Our results confirm the hypothesis about the prospects of the use of these species for the development of herbal medicines

    About integration of teaching of mathematics and computer science into high school

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    Обсуждается вопрос о необходимости интеграции преподавания математики и информатики за счет использования в подготовке по математике информационных технологий, в том числе специализированных математических пакетов, а по информатике - численных методов решения общетеоретических и прикладных задач.The question of the need to integrate the teaching of mathematics and computer science is discussed. There are following examples of such integration. In study of mathematics one can use specialized mathematical packages. In study of computer science one can use numerical methods to solve general theoretical and applied problems


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    The article analyzes the influence of the WTO regulation function on energy markets in general. The WTO system does not include any specific agreement on energy trading for historical reasons. However, with new WTO members, who export hydrocarbons, including Russia, the regulation of energy sales is becoming more important. The analysis of theoretical papers and the WTO legislation identifies WTO rules that indirectly influence the global energy market. Hence, the analysis in the article is focused on consequences of Russia’s WTO accession in different aspects of the energy dialogue with the EU. As a result, the author demonstrates problematic issues in the Russia-EU energy cooperation and the way the WTO solves or complicates them for Russia. Moreover, there is a comprehensive analysis of current and potential disputes between Russia and the EU, and prospects of their settlement by means of a special WTO Dispute Settlement Body. В статье рассматривается влияние регулирующей функции Всемирной торговой организации (ВТО) на энергетические рынки в целом. Отдельного соглашения, которое регулировало бы торговлю энергоресурсами, системой ВТО не предусмотрено. Однако со вступлением в организацию новых стран — экспортеров углеводородов, в том числе и России, необходимость регулирования торговых аспектов сферы энергетики возрастает. На основе анализа теоретических работ и правовой базы ВТО в статье представлены положения, которые косвенным образом все же оказывают влияние на энергетические рынки. Исходя из этого, проанализированы последствия присоединения Российской Федерации к ВТО. Автором выделены проблемы развития российско- европейского энергетического сотрудничества и сделаны выводы о том, каким образом на их решение влияет регулирование сферы в рамках ВТО. Представлен подробный анализ текущих и потенциальных споров, а также перспектив их решения с помощью механизма разрешения споров ВТО.

    Методы анализа, применяемые в судебной лингвистической экспертизе

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    The methods of investigation which an expert linguist has been no real indication of the mode of its actions, and the inventory of possible means of expression values and aspects of their analysis are described. The article provides an overview of methods, experts in the conclusions in the text of the opinion. These types of analysis are divided into formal and proper semantic and discussed in terms of the correctness of description, verifiability and applicability of the linguistic expertise in determining the meaning of what was said. A definition of the general method of linguistic expertise semantic type, based on the provisions of the theory of the forensic expert methods. The article also addresses the issue of the composition used in the linguistic expertise of scientific methods (observation, description, experiment, measurement and modeling).Дан обзор методов анализа, указываемых экспертами в заключении эксперта, которые разделены на формальные и собственно семантические, и рассмотрены с точки зрения корректности описания, верифицируемости и применимости в судебной лингвистической экспертизе при установлении смысла сказанного. Предложено определение общего метода при решении семантических задач, основанное на положениях теории судебной экспертизы об экспертном методе. Рассматриваются применяемые в лингвистической экспертизе общенаучные методы (наблюдение, описание, эксперимент, измерение и моделирование)